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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Aug 1946, p. 1

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(k 1% Vol. 10. No. 29 s OR7ONO. ONT..TRUS A UG, 8th, 19416 subseription $ 1.25 pet, ý Kendal Sports Day WiI Be Held on Wednesday, August 21sý Orono Girls Champions At Juniour Farmers' Field Day 0Oei girls softball, team, ,stregtened by three payers from NecslA. Rickard, S. Brunllt and B.Aleand G. Jonos,« of Nowtonl- viljourneyed for-th to the Junior Yamr'Fiel'd Day a't Pres;quile Point The team iwas accoipanied by 'a merc hamîdu -)f supporters, cosaigof _Mrs. J. Dic'ksonl, Mrs. LnxMrs. Phiil$ps, Bruce M\etcer, Dane Founid, ChaurlieTrelEdL eisIMrs. Stan, lPa-yne, ( 7Reta 24M.EKtennira and Dooreeýn Cornishb. Wiie they wýere fesw in numibers they -wee lod in support. Sx couaties wý,ere represeat ed wtgrl'teamis from H:[astings, Vic- toia, Pter4boro, Northumberiland, Prýinc'e Edwýard and Durm'h Coun- tisEach tem ras an ilta Agg egation, the emst players of eac *ontybeig (Ied, he Dur-.j <hawtoai s ndler the mlanalge- ientof Coach Stan. Pnyne, of the __ Oonsflbaitearc, nwasasit L yGereIr[tecof Nw The fére garce wus'betweeni PrneEdvvward and Dra Couni ties! e. îth D'urbain wIiig y t he'cr cf 7 te 0. The Durhami pitcsu oceTeinuant tand EiAidit beinî mc toc good for ýtlie1Pîrc>e Edadgirls. Nteleono P..pye got lpent second base.,Ths eAim D urha-"ïs seLcond gaiews with Norhumheladand this garce was a h irfrorc sturt te fIiish. Du- bmfiinall'qîy mon 0eut:by a score cf 0' teC Joyce Tonnant pitchod for, Drinand waýs ver-y tay She stuket the ast theý lut nnin]gs with thle tyng'ua on thIrd-use. Joyce's support inth1ýIIïs game ' was' a treat te see. E uni1ce Ii'iitn t short stoqp,wa a t ow-, er tegh retiingte side beur- sel in th'e tbircj nnngs on three "Tho tirdaid flinal garcle was ha on Victoraund Durham Coun he sore in th-is gamle resld a 7 te 3 victery forDqra.Ed Mi'ltnpitchled for Durh Ilc al va inve l vry serieus trouble,1 keepng the bits well scattered und oinigverysteudyl, a nthre pinchas. Al luail it was a very ç;uccessfuil dayforDurhain, as the boys aise, wo Iorgarces. The' unin tam wveprsne wih retsand had their pictures taken. TMre evninginised itb a dcnme xvic7everlplayvers stayed for. This is ',h e fist ya r Oreno havebe in organtiized tal and their 'howing bus been very credit- The anaemet wuld lika te tub tis eportunility of thanlking the itizns e the connunityfe thoir support duriZn the sesn se if1iulythýeir time u nd use cfl thircas ithont whleh out-of-townvl garcswuid hbave beenimosbe Tw hrdralgainas were payVed. Nacte dfeated Bwavle8 te7;~hieOrono (lofeatIldKendult 7te 4, The pi0rogrammnwasIrl-,; te a Jcse in tira eveuing hjyj a 0ac lu te 'CminuityHall. Orono Fish Clul Ifealth Unit WilI Test Drining Water Dr)linlg the summiler !months, a lare nuniber of sup(s>f dinikingý> watar have beon taken 'by muembers of the Health Unit Staff, thcoughout the C'ounity. Dr, M iiie formy1S us' thiat almjost 20% f the samples h-ave shown w'\%ater of inferýior qutaiit;y and unifit for umncons;umption, witb- out previcus býoiing or treatment Dr. Miierbeievos 'nthat any cass)f stomach fi' and summer diarrhoea eau be traced to p)Cor drinkiýng wat Le r. V ery often, the we cls onlyrqirecleanling ,out or crekbng r epaine, but sometîme s more Prastic remedies are required iu the weI lo engcmotminatd by a nenby rivyorbayrd Houehoideswmo woid ike te sb1ou1l get in touich ith one of the Hecaith Unitofie wenarg- metsxi1i ene t t ae a sam)ple take. For the convenience cf the public ilu Orono ditsr'ict, a surply cf the hoites hae een iýeft ili Mr. Ri'dl's rber Shcp. New Car Priorities ComonengAugust lst ne new apliaiosfur new, car prioritios wil h acepadexcepIt incae of the nmst extrae need, One exam- pie of this kind c(f exception woid hoý- the case cf a iaredicai docto)r wbo throug"h accihdn o0 ircopetl wrc+danowma. Ailaplictins foc- prioritie's plaeed i ivitbte Wactîim.e Pricesaund Trade Board bofore J'uly lst xiii be haudled. Those who applied moni ce- ceive their cectificates in the regu lac way if they are eligibe. Ac'cording te- the recent unnourpfce- m non dealaer aysoul a new car otruck te anycue w mho hsn't a pnoiycertificate. This is 1au lim- portantchngeant h e lcegLationrs the WýPTFB offficiai pointed 'eout. For- mieciy a denier couid sel a ne ca te a pers on w'ho did netthiaves priority certiïficute if the denier hud carls 1nd-n,(rloite on, baud. It -was 'pointed eut thiat xiiiene additiona appIicatio)ns foi, new car pieritios xiii bharccepted ufter July 3, peeple whe already hofid prier- ity slips '.1,-y continue te gaet their orders filied is new cars come on themrbt Thooewhoi do not hoid a piOrity crifica" ta ut te present time stand ivarýy ittieechanciie cf eh- taining a ixew car for siea months DEATHS FRALCLenu May-1t tho rosi dence cf hec sister, MssMahel, vuvy rn, OnIl Wed(nosdIay, August( 7th, 1946i, Lenu May Fr-ýý licb, wiocf SoieniE. Faik ferceny cf Scugog und Port Perry. R'si t tho esdne ManStretet, Oreno Piivute sr vice on Friday, Auigust 9th, t 2.0 ,m Itermient Oreo Ceme toery. bPcnic Wednesday, August 28th Tirje fin-al t c f thre Oron Fsi eiihoreouirod te registor. if tIre ud Hut Club ploule balus welnfnli r et enougir cuasavailubie tuk se e ensaAuguast 28thi, te 1 ill bave te ha hiced te tube aup the hCre hed t GOre's Luiug. sur-plus number. Everyoce laasked Fortie cidr tIre Club) la, spcn- te te ceady te louve ut 12.30 ncoc aeig hat ridas, -wuter a n d fiekl se thuat a goed afterIno cf sport sort, fre c rouIan und soft wiloe be'i'd. drinks-, Everyuoie ila askod to bring aiýther Ali parenits ilearaintanding te adicacalke oc pies, vwbfichwi' tub -nthspicule are nasked îterce- bha pecad and al ait down te tables gîste ,ut Lunn's Hriaestore net t the lunc iher. Tire !,ilunc coi- Later than Friday, Auguaýt 2:, mittea xiii intervie-w theprat t thant tlire cemm-littea -will have semafind e utir'iat tirey viibig Idaast jutisthow muuy xiii aut Thins la an eting ,f r ahi tiracl- tbira piue T-hoso 'with cars are drenj, 11d1il parentsue usked te asked e aasnmany chi(idcen as h 1eip in evecy way ,Iypossible temak teypossýibly car. Cirlîdran who tins penea suiccasahtfentr avliIe geiug vwithouj-,t thir p-arants i chilrins riowpoint, aise the aidults. KENDAL Mr M s. . Bod ad fr-iené of Toronto, at their 1home inl,,d MIrs. AvnLowswth he pa entsý , . andMrs. Norman Patilton. Mrji. ITi,hompqseono Trntha been Isitngfliendlis in th-e vilgE Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knyhav, returned lfri the(-ir vaation., Mr. Percy Burley has bought th farm previously iorwned kpy Mr. Jrî Mr- GeorgeTomsn f Toronito is IpeniIg a wuek s vacation wvitl 'M.and Mrs,tvanQuantrnil. Mr. Robert Alexander is makiný fiyof'Ptroouh ihMr an Mrs. J. Mar-tinýei fr a eek ils spendling her vcto ith el Is.A. G. Deintnhasrtu- dhoeafter pediga fwd of Avax. p)reach oen Sunday îmorniing nxtat il o'lock. Mr. 1nd Ms. Marcus Soper and Mis, S. Patto0n visited MIr. an-d Mrs. A. imuMlhok on Sunda-ýY ed] home fromn the Tencher's Train- ing GCAmp in connection mvith the chu rch. A few fromn here took in the, base- bal amsin- Newe-iastle on Mondu-y la-st and report very initer-estingý, gaMes. Mr.j. G. Jackson, of1 Orono1ý. has been spendin few cLays cith ber nieesMrs GergeSitih andlAMrs. borm, rne Paden, and i, now qting, wî%,th Mrs. Ceeil Class. Mr. im Rob)insonI died in 1Port Hope on IMondaLy, the !Iast sýon of 'Master RSiso"te acoolmlast[er of eal ays ind nl of Mr. Win. Viiigat present with Mýrs. Wm. Jacýkson is her mI-ilother, Mrs. Roaýs. Mr-, 'Vernon Pea:cock, of Eli*zabet- ville, called on tlie former the]e -We are pleased to report that ',\r. îIerhert Mercer- is soyrecovering iis health gan but sorry to heur A1Irs, Mercer is trofulbledl aga-ini with lier old cmfit Anout size in tranisport trunk passed through 11the vlaethe other (Iy on1its way toe .Ada*ms to- aco farm (p'ev'sly owned by Mr. George Pope) conveying boliers for the Uins ahtoh are bebig bulît. Vistos ith M.and Mrs. Blaýke Jeadrarec, rs.David Peachy, nf Bjattiýe Creek, Micïh., 'who )is stay- ngfor a fe-w weeks; Mrs. Ëeni. Arche , NowToronto, Mr. and Vr.Sobert Thomnas,BeloMr ramles Ils and son RbrCentreý- ille, Mr. Aleq. Reid an.d d(augliter Mrs. N. Littie andI Alec nooe o Milton to visit 74r. Nixon and fam1ily anid brýo1gh1t ar. anid Mrs. )on. Litite ck with them from Toronito on Snda.Mr. ,and, Mis. Ay1,ward Little ,were aise guiesýts With the former over the holiday week-end1. Suniday rwa-s the f6rst anl iversary of Mr. and Mrs. Don. Lit-ý e's -wedding day and a (ele'bration ook place Abouýt aigirteen mienirsoncf the W. A. guthered ut tire homeocf Mcaý. -Roy Mercer on 'Wednesday, Jl 3lst, 'amid inproved tire shinhg heturs by f11iisiing a quilt anduleuit- ting places for u nothner quiilt, afteri wbich ouar bostess served a-fternonn tea Wich was tbereugbly eujoyed, tire sandiches and cake disappear- Ang Mîe nrugic, t te inantin te fuidge denatad frnie occasion by Mcag. Milton Robinson. T'ha c)iliden entertainied theniseires and. tirne lPadies freintho erana itb mui- sýic on th)e pbionograph'. t wasý de- cided te boid a suipper and bazar soeatie àu Novemibar, the date te ho sot late. Tire uext W. L nwmeting %iii h hi ouWeduesduy, August l4th. Tiepogramma iliHa eas f4ows sueet, "Hîst -iýoricai Rserc 1 tepie"str fte tbiree scirhoc]s, Keudi, cLen'sand Sixth Lina"., Tiera l ccl au i vii ha "Ail the fucteý eacb eu oteau l, .encu about tIirir owni Wuiers ln The Field Crop Competition Comptitin, 1ats" educted by- the Duram CnrlArclua o ciety have been reieased, As usual thle coseiionin this areawa kee-xit-h ninieteen entrts.,witIh gwodcrps anywhee. The wînners are to be cnrtltd Here they,,-are: stJamces T. Brun, ewcetl; 2dGarnet B. E. AlnG omnill e;6Hý,Jon Geisaberger, Hampton. llealth Uni Lays Charge ForVUnsanitary CouditoS J. D. FbWlyson vs. Geore Bowu tarie, on JuY 24t%1946, Air. Gerge Bron, arring PlaFe, xAs bage uIe B ,îi failing to pro',ide fo thei occpans o bs boCuse tCryn Plac adquaeclosots adtoLiet c comodaionasth-e Act requires. Spctor, Campljbellford, ad h charge end MA. c. H. FuieldCe- b)ourg, aeted for the pronsecution.j' it was pointed oct by R. B. B- ter, Provinicial 3Magistrate, ht i thuhsimilar poorla' tr fcl ities exist in mn placestnuhu the Uie onis htti a no excuse for not complying Vith thle requiremenîts of1 the p ubl 1i c H'eatlh-Act xvben requestedi. It 7was also poilnted out thlat this was part af the rwork of thpe lenlth Unjit, andý thait if hj fildtoprviepro-)per raCiIities as cequired ha wouldbe lialbtl( to furth-er courtacin Mc. Brown -was fouad gui nd fined tan dollars ($160)0jand costs. FrtExport Shipmfent 0f 1 Caniadian Cattie By Air! Tue first e->epcoct çshipmnen-t of Cania- diani cattie evar made bhy -air, lt Malton airport, iieur Toronte , on Auigust lst 'for Cubitaundlp uertl Rico. It consisted cf eigbtpue bred loîstein bilsavon cf toms purcirased by the Cubun Ministarc Agricultue anmithe eigbth by a, pri- vate breader in P-uecto Rire. The WuIls wer auai hgh-clss individual arou01ndibrnina ontlis old. The success cf this fighty , wbiei rusuied inithe bulle being ln the bauds cf tiroir ow ewnocs twalve boursaftCer the tbe-off, points the way te tire eliinutaion cf oeue cf thel bugabeos that Iras 'baset thoexpr trade lu Ca]nadlin i'ivostocb wý,ith Latin Amnerica. Instead cf a ln slow jeurnrey by ship thrmog stdif iing tropical bout tut is-oxtcemeiyj bard on tho stock, the a1ir mth 1"c tranlsit reduus travelling time tea mu11titrof 'he urs nd en sur iesarva in good shape. Co-1s aaaottne! saine. On tha ratuiru flght thlie car-i go pianos are axpected te carryi tropical fruits, ote. illuys ISLied cf Calgary und Bramp»ton arc the firin experiment- iug with the air methcdcf sipient. The cargzo ino is operated hya grotii of e-obtpilots beadL(ed by- Terry oodina vtr o f '350 operuionai fIiîghts, w1he served lu the Silpanlish" Civil' War-, the PR,A.F., and tire RnC.AýF Semi-Final playoff cames for, thené m ioshp fthlege On0! nsy, gut"t, Bow- nm nvile v s o ina a t Ennism. le n the gaecmmuigat 7.00 p.m On SanraAugust ltCu, - tice vs,. Hmpo tSha t70 homr-e". CTh is prgaam lei char-oge cdf Miss ahrn 'ewr aInd Mr-s.. V. Coo)per, adsoi the d ate, P.COV.S. Echoes Pays 1 Tribute To Miss McEli $2»0000O Set As Salvation Army Appeal Objective the alvtio Ary's 1946-47 Nai- BisopV.C, ). S.O(., M.C., D.P.C., LLD himrmn c f The alvtio tiArmysoil evieand(1relief 1useth4 bjctveoerth11C,50 090 asked last year," said Air Mur- shah Bisbp. parsienf aiar on Arcy social The SiainArmy oncntrtedon focsDnd ass4ýist wrvitis The epanson c itswor k in Cn pesne cas enguged waholy or1 pcncpalvon duties having tIo Cdo "Saivation Armyeffrats for the ralaatoncfthe; fullen andforý the cure and guidunce of thmeosel te Cnad," aid Air MchlBisýhop. 'Ots nmiio f sccr to erringb-1 nranty j worhyof fargrtefi Tl'Cl pagioes uduSeýp- tember 15, with IPspca services lin Saivation r Ct udesaross the Dominion. Ti-euCamnvasýzc' ud begîns Wvii behepd in a 1,i centres except those 0 wbose Corcmu1ni lityV Chest Or quate funds or lu the four or fIve cities where campaigus already have been hehd. The artmo Peusard Trude aord bas announceil that the sou- ing priýCes cff ertilizers lu idu Esterll C anada ae eing ;restored mr cioseiy -ute the leve! uex-isting l-,191 The uew pricos are sue mfve te savon par cent. highec tha.n those which have been maintaied Ince 1942 'bte puyment cf subsidy. Wibteanntion ef; subsidy parnxauts the adjustment is noces- sary te enable manufuctues t produe ut prieos in lina witb- the curet oste cfmualis ofcas mutrlls shpLeil into t he Mari- timesmanufuturersthorawil, con- betxveen tuSA area aud Ontarie and Thý,e Echoeýs, a puliaio ,f tr stude-nts c>f the Peter-boroughCo egiate and Vocational School in it"ý; "ssu, .us recently off the presS, pays ftigtriueto Mrae MCLroy ,omiy a YOf Oona fift1l year student vvho in Marc'h lo'-St bei life u a hghwayaccident juist i front Ocfaberv hom1,1e 0onCalo St. when retuig frm Sahoo, Acoanigthe tribute was a picture Of SEM iss cEroy 'both si whicb the Timues 6sglad te repre- duce, The Echoos said, cbarming personality disposition Margaret ani cir the MuieC'b, Itlte Ti] deat shewas ead cf ti1 LiesIIommitte fortie ou: duction., ber wiilngness to accept ri it viii 'lon-g ho emenchi lvi ive forever witbin eti Touchers, studeufs and e, aubie abso puid truiute te and ayon ldyw e by ail. ilorticuittiral Mee A metingcf the Oconc tucal Soeiey xvas held uL, c)f the Sceayon Fridaý 2n iýd. It was dýecided 1no"t to proposed flower show tins ing te the Dstict Show1) ut ewusie xxAuo s ruchter tEo ecurg orni' ) exirbtt. e Disrict slM sucie. neptena wiil lire Potato Growers 0f Urhamh VisIlFour Other Coun Organized b y E.A.summanirs.1,ail cf Jrm rtosa mecs AgrcuitraiRepresuntative, toc, where they saw, 100 uer und under the guidaue cof R. E. od te laie petaoos rf very fi GdnPotuto 'Fleidman fer the On- iy tarie Depactinent cf Agrieultuce, a Aftc a pincle nh ut À large gcoup cf Durirui Cointy pc- tbay went Cou t evBantford, t' tuto growers euriy lun July made a b amsI. or,> A'r tour Yf potat) orarin uWentWorth, Represeutativofor Brant.;V Brant and %Wuteioo Counties. Meet-the purty toe 00 10nacrs ing Mne. Goodin ut Sunnyside, Tocn tees (oUtiefn nc f IW, R. 4 ent, the Party first made a visit te wscere they 'aise inspcted tire Focilizer, ungicideand Insec- plots aud stcuage ware'ious ticide Division cf the United Furin- route te G(W, tNey visited ti ors' Ceopeative. Proceeding ont cf E. G. SyeIHespeler ,,r tirhue lzaehHgwy tirey siahizes iiptuochn rpoc metW.G.MuritAgricuitural Pe- Tire parity reaehed thre preeputvofor xWentwocth, ut Bar- Guelpin unie for suppor liigton, and visited the planat cf tirec=foteri, after wlicpto Ninaa Bcau Spray 'Cmpany. Iu on tiroir roturn trip Y tire Hamilton ores. they visited tira Couty. famouýs Rocýk Gardons, thn went on Th irp waehgiiy u1 te ir pulcyfaorin cf Stuart Hlydo, frein the tadotcf "giv tire furi Cf P. C. Biggs, te inspme MImre ns cf ire uct nep Ayiro caten as ei a s peta t no'iute oserv tiepatcsnd1 plots; tire a2 rc A Msn cf siiid peao gcwerws, grewoccf euly poatees and IagreQd it was a dur WeHehl r 1 -/-u ý i L CY

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