AGEîýNTS VWANýTED AGENTS A ND STOREKEEPERS5 to write formur lut of fast sln bows ou ombegarters, nail clip- pers, plastic lampshdsrao scaýrf s ,tnimminIge,et.Lrec Lace Fatbrice 0-0., 1901 Qusen St.E. iLg. PFrescataloguîe sd rifA st Top Notch Cileis ulh n tarie. SUIMMER & FALL CHICKS Ilaqtches eely Also2- 6 week and xCokerel. -Free Range Pullets- PreRange, under ideat conditions. Seuld for, Prijesist adCtlge LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Brbs,, PULLETS El G UNT WE E N tcsyu frri mmeiate delivery. Also two sud rhree wsek oudi WMt Boy' - ive ave breede like Lihi Su IxNHlz . ,x, sudcorne ,,tarted ples meit eie Cirder cieenow for ltrdlvr aoso. Bry Hachery, 130 john N HapýIitton, 0Outalo.n Sion sý niYrINtS GAND I CLEIANINO 39AVE V4IU ANYTHINGNOfEFF)s .dyeing or cleaitng? WVrite Io us for lafOrmation. Weû are gladt t answer 3ýcodr questions. Deparîment 1-. Parker-s Dyo Works Llmited, 791 Ynonge Street, -Tlortno, Onlarbýo. A CONSTANT SUrPPLY 0F-, FISHe bazlt. Q-urter bririge bookîset -on arh rmpropogatiion, Comrplets, details, assoring a greater supply ~ a fter year.Simte Sysem ox 23,Wlnipeg, Mniob. ill AMERIN COONDOUND .PIPs, -1ile 4months olti. Parente straightn cooners, beat breeding, $2000.Q Oscr all, Burlingioni, Ortario. BRAISS VALVES, SAFETY VALVES, GauIge's, oul steayn, grasse cupas,ý"I Ca rbilre tor. R ocoridi tion) vet. 1 i %Eroclz, DundaIs, O)nt. GIANT WHITE PEKIN DUCKLINGS - 2000 WEEKLY 'Avaýi lable foi r mediate shlpmsunt. 50 Duclelngs $22,75.1 00 Dock- lige- 4275. 500'Dckng - '2s.0o l T00DukUngs - $405. No order lees than 50 Get your rir lu sud get them l'eady for mnktfor tha Jewvishý v{ oliday lunSeptemiber. riifor full nrticulars and infor- i1ainlon ho-w you au grow 5 lb.ý Docks in il wek]s. ONTARIO DUTCK FARIT trc nlemrnational, Two Fro 1)lsc Plow like uew, ailso0 In ter- rt i ',ona 1 1Eiev enilDlsc Fertl 1zer DCrll. \Write G.(1P, Arbogaist, R. 2, MIIACHifiÇEs DOING CONCREýTEî b~lock cemecnts comibiieti, baud op- erated type, size 8 "r' 16.two hMoes. Selllng price $%FOI00H. MARTINE-AU, ST. H17ERMAIS, QUEî. 'Phone 916-12. »OR KlTCHE-ýN STOVE' OR FUR- IscsmCmplesMinsutos for in- sýtallation snd opra-tiori, aso cil cabinet-. Woea retail. Agent Watt.Atomyice Wetiuer 01il Efat- In, 706 CaebnatMontreal, IsnING TACKLE BO1 0XES - Whiolesnlle Price. Heàvy Alni- ýnm traîritgreen outside, grey Insite, completsly roat-proof, tato sizes $4,2 anti $315 posîpaiti. WValer Deau Canos and Boat Co., 2050 Dulidas Street WVes(t, onoto, Ontano. pailpuppieforisle.Ch. NMy Own BLrocis sund Ch. Belden Towu,- taAlk hodlineus; also ïimpor'teti b'lack (radilC. -My Own Prunie -pr)1oven stuti sud soliti blsrk prv numtr-on - ail reasouably tox 293, Guelph, Ont TIRES We areovertoced Itlle pres'ent testi tobe in excellent shape) 600 X 16 $500 Ail ordere shippet CO..Special eqiretfor ;uicai!zliig Truck anti Farm Trac-tor Tires. ~ECNTIR, corn, Queen, & VGrký Jaest.; black day ilvoamn, ile dmanst, gootibuildigseltrlcity, 11lk cooler;eaoabetermis. Ws ey Stori , 118 John St. Wýeston, 0 e i Z Q A C E S , G 01O ý i G C O)N - cer, good oct ion, ( "1l-0 trmbrick bos, bn k bihari. excellent crops. Purterpriticulýtrrs, uwrite ýj. W . Grant, R. R', 5, Trenton, Ont«ario. p0a A cREt3 :S LOcATE, l) I N ItrlAM- to!n County one blal ile f- rom OakýII- dae n a Ilain counity rcoad closie to tor, éilolanid churcbi. On th8 fiarmi s it uated,( algood 9-roolu fraie hnsçwith Hydro aInd run- n1inýgwateri , sredbprch, i1 baru 30 :iýx 50,1 Brn 28s x VIstabrlingl foIr e ightcws iand corne younngrat- le sd for orses, i good Ihog bel- grnr.Tho ýsoIlSis 0f Claýy Loam and luiahigh s l2tte of cultivaltion wih 9 cre's of y gblush. Prlre, $700. Pon orwite forapit menI!,t toGeoge. Cos 86 Myrti1e 11J4 ACRE07S ALC RECL lenpt rand wi th godlan arri, couuy red.LotVICon4. West chi. 1~ mlef[om School. Apply On IVits. Ethe Louttit, . R.o G del1oodfntarun on Fslde'il cdm112 Aveue nqdTurnl lIl 1: Si 71, AdeIbcîde AV.."'lq uo W11, Eci-ED l E 11 Y 5-l1 F 1*.Ie of) thuPi tr Plj r eunI,& l 1 - 1) c % lis u Gto re v Fiitc,.1 Oti we. y 1', lrI i FIILIT JI rd ro sHi, i iNh'I Dra Sor. 1El, (' iltews. fsel. 1rsLtlenges Inil 1cîgI l e fru- MB ,'E tA1HA 1RDR 1sS JOIN 1ANA i*A' t. ti 1;, N i Si1Il Greal1 1 (ji- ri1 1 îey(- 1 t n leLent s lcitid stiaid 1oro f i ( ci 1, golu 14ges, thoîîseuru sii'o 1 iii Me i o gredisves i Amerra 's i pelei i - tem. IMllutre td cere pleiie free( t it e o r ori p iv i ý1i lI SA X E AII)nd i-, ili". - i , , 1\t1i ilLI CO IiLe ls. '< 1cl.. ;' SERICE74 adîîSAISFACT<ION FE'HEPRl'NISiA -foi <N5i'A. Pate11nnt oiior.etlablthe d 1801.3 ,i Ivnorma ion ynr, buesonin (tii i'EEM ItS>% I Aud1rÉe S.. Mîeï, il 14 n v. )îie e FILInS Dior E1aI'ED 25 (E1%tis. f ara t e r!lced a unelda11 eslrgie.iNo wîitin. Bay hoto7ervice Fort printeqFron t u 0 R i v e SUIIE IaJLIcS Ih STAR S NARGINU SEiVICEa waintIbis ear& butJyou res gl ail by supniyour films 10 p Station 1t. Tomoulo. e l(or-g exGosues1 e 1 Fi1Sci v e " I1, eat Ifuii BaeI tounts25 ' filnsl i1alge 1en e. 4x6 't ory St[intdi mons7,"inW., SilvrCrcs sian Wslnu orfBrack eboNo.fini» framtes, 5e Leach.1 eïs ifen aeameoy -9lou r fa] i7c i acL ed ,pl, Otpnt ai rmYu TEACER WNTEDFORPR- ciplpi n the thres roOm pbi -1hoo01 the vllageof 0cen11MIL ApDlyst'slry expecteti, glv- lri sg, rligonreferences, etc., t Wa1Lastom Selool AreaBoati Coe HIB, ntarlo. TEACHER ,FOR ITREIT room ofree oomed Puiblic Sehool. Ons capabl1e of tsaclnig vocal mu- scbitheeý roopis preferreti. Duies to com)IIMence Sepember 3, 1946. 2%pply stating eprecqaiia tionls sud y) laryexpscted'. ivG lnama o 01 etinspector for reMe- enc. . ILKerrSec-Treas, Wawa. Baýirred Rocks, NewHapsirs White Leghorns an-y age front weeks Up in laying. Gooti pries paid. Apply ta Box No. 9Y.71 Adelaide, W.. Toronto. nDCfaued Che1rn 11c ni Ki ' 'ls ln et cadi(1 car' stuc a aRieiantin vlapor"1-1r for ue frltîuîe su"d 011 ove:c ross udc iiheUsedonuîa y oth- er fovjcs,,ic ludig garenia, hy v'raiigcsanlgaîus 'Fcsr 'ig. we Cr, 1Dt had îoi fl ra setttlD. lue~<Ie- ' row1 crs ri h ilo g ilî as nîcîtIliid dRnscs as an s lscrse r1q-p:11t 1- no S cuLf (1 it iic'Lc' fo roclncpt;oup mîc i oi ii pie o t s. or'nc T"eEI anmot'n anytlîug let tha th d ghesic cagead oil somta te forcciD. caD eo.liio îii Mien your sBACK adie.2 Mlen kidneys get out -)OLorer exces acideanmd poisons renuiiin the eystem. Then Ieaclî.che, hiendacbe, rheumatic pain, dis- turbed reat or tuaI 'tired out' feeling may b"o n fAhow. Tu hel1p keep your kidneys w,àrilng popry-ie dd'sa Kidney Pis,3 Tz-ttdpopular, safe>pon-hiabit-ýforni- ing. Demeand Do)dd's KirIvcy Pilis, in the blue box with tlIts Zd23suiSoiCH etwhr.135 Northrop's XB-35 plane. the famnous "Flying Wirig," le pictured above in "clean" fligvht over Hawthorne, Calif., the giarit iardirig wheels tucked inside. Accorcling te the Armyn's Materiel Comimand at Wright Field, Ohio, the strarige air monder hlas had an "uriprece- deuited*" record of trouble-fret per-formance sirice its first test flight. By iFRANXIV ANN FIARRiS ("A Six Bit Critic") Abou llt a filimy ,a thiuig a s bas sport iîîtnt cuctnt a b Vios, gufcr iaîîd tuie r exl a- gottc aou l y u tli tihis gesillo ) liit, Mse ines i h ri7e n v'ioc ahrta ri i aroincilin a;olftouiýrunt cr tng ihe miglmeA fa nnmrd uni cedue ci ahiee îfuiîig lnioneyu evercli kes s asuot ilethaî qlitlîîwr',lecîsiirdi l[uîoîiici ii Iaitht ilr c- l tn alurtvelîîiîacîeltopi one 11(at r-frin i toîl r l ow ilMi.ur-\incs iîadbcit a )ptîg a ri 2 -it t mmtalc îr mli il C cf olda1 icLîeud tof ae un facî1 h(,aroi know-\11(il noui',hax'c bv.îtIuuîte aclher, natfer. lîî we koi dîstingnished rontlt 1cig a "Mr."ilîead Mýof tt!ir naume iv as'doutelby l, icisepamatiu fth ourcrmd cloial i :dil aL v) s PUBHSIIED BACK-DOOR iNEIGHBOREý' (Poeis) By Edria jaques.........$ Other bocks by came auithor: MY KITCHEN 'WINDOW .$1 BESIDE STILL WATERS. $1 AUNT HATTIE'S PLACE.. $ ROSES IN DECEMBER -, $1 Oves' 50,000 of these book's have been sold i Canada At Ait Bookstores or Thomnas Allen Ltd. 266 KgSt. W. Toronto., [mn s liglit suc2vl,bu sti i one wlo stoit)pfor- irincpe lue Immaîter x , litt[tht cost. diit Ht uas sud is sprfssa ai, ommieîig wilî ler pref e S- si(nIl 1S .dî o Il i in Ibis, bitl iM1 plc1 mty o tliter touriluys . Anid whecn l;Ite tiîiîtg axas er. s1imd ployoff ime <irriv, ie ýby mpoe meail u mmd iup blis patriciaîf u ncein scoro but sîepý- ped 1riglîl over to t1le ,ickel and ace teiluh ohcr$125 ci hie vwini nius lke . ittlejiiiarlyr. ýAmd, las thladl d e al Iice ork IIif .%uul Se a:Il tîmat riiis 15 iý1,) lsugi, --amdI i1recomnuîend Miter Viines to ri'copeof toecold Cern, prcet c-dfor -ti c oicut c lommmd jailIs, Midimi 1arisocrti doute. Aid Itsrlclir apuy uc aIt golýf. \A1id aît ialitwimo cati -îvhicbt-1)1' a(s1pi 1 1 vcd i l, CIornp' Sî Vtoxd, prebah Iy takeIl îrm ekili swyiugpv . er ani lpîsIiîuguIs 1Ihan cFor , Hex i l . ]iciîx s, i peop!eý eau1,belfcînî\d1 av1m11are xililing t1 golIf (cos, (onla hot sîicky day, to watch ýia lot ncf ethe gysswtîm 11011e pili, the laset theýy de'serve is xahmch ra iý1 ll irIIilte reUstedlis on tht s-cor-card (cftlIte St.AL desGolf Cu1 fTocouito I c"Iel RuIc ed ithat F"BPR1 DAL paîe arenet haizards"; sud we hiebecie wn dering", evr in ice ac saw il, whetbc a Jog lis cf mch-mar- ried geîitsý, fri-,n lK i Ilg Solemenoi d1,ewn t1)1')Temnîy Mauvilleý, wouild cutîrel-ly are Hungary Shripped By Russian Airmy A sharp eI onjiiJ slready is shaip- ing up for ftht Pa:ris peace collfer- ence betw1,vemi S ta te Scray Byïmu1es (If tht Unlited States asud RusgsFereigiMuse ooo over ~ve eaaindeýman)dion Iluilga r',. ThtlieUnited States Le insistirig that: a new ecoenomie deal inHu- gary is esseitiai b e stablishmeriî of a firin peace in Euirope. It has proý- ttsted strovgly Red Aririy seizures cf Hunigarian oodstuffs, andi So-, viet reýmovaLe o'f Hop!garian f fato- ries as w7ýýeIi as cîirrent iridtstriR; productiu, cued.gthc restlt je economliechas nth -Baiiîka ù COU IlrY. CLASSFRD ADVERTISING TQïrme o f Contract Tfermis cf the contrant were: 160 illion busheis for 1940 47 aI $1,55 per bushel; 160 illion buohsus for1974 at $1.55 pur bushel; 1-40 illion bushes for 194495O et a miiiimmc f $1,00 per bihl Protection for Frmer TtcorîractsugsîdTradeý Miniter ccKiîîur, wculdpro- tceet the liard vwh!eat fariner -front lots homu tht wcrild price fail Over suaboýtLve Ilhe (600 liiiiiolu busýheljs coioîacteu1d BitintCn adLa xvculd have urioesforit atL prices yet tOc be sutled, on Ilhe The agreemnent ivas antmouncecd simutanous inluLondutn by Food Muster SîradheyWho saud if har- veste are good,lagrqnîte lvill be provided in the tfirst twcv years sud lImaI part cf ttli whIeat "i0lbeot Spird in jhe fort o floair. [t uva tîderstoodl that siguiug, cf tht greernel ilI ý1resu1t il] a boost i ieilii paynens 1 w1luat groivers ;frconi te pre-seut $1.25 a bucshel toolnuewlert e - taveen $130 sud $1A40,pmobjahy takýing effect ou Au. , tu Ile fbgin- ning cffIhe crop year. his expected an annUnceument uVIi b)C 11ruad 1e Shrly ou1 V ( t111el In(e% initiai pc HIOLD EVERYTHING à W* , I'ynsaaote eel Britain's Offer '1whsiMoClen Lague s P, y cy forriîg coueil(f action winh d ruîv oi accptance c l nis dCammet nmifor 's proposaJs fo aing luIoiîdeeuene udl he i iLagtî's l siugtheounitel eolsve a rogarn drc cin le achieve au i iduidet asdi Tue ceutîcil f acton dclared lu a resolutirunthatf"Mosecbmuin bas cxîîaus-tld ihou-t suecees il avenue lss x eceulcleof t cf a cssonsitrti.Il acced Bit ain (Isd theCoigresPartif clabr aTeug iit'reacî cffaîu" 10 thts Malmomùced AIl Jiuma, prsid.eni oflite Mo eLeauetilouidth chtenngSart by ha ets duew l o aceptd thtCabnti misaysrispro bcause forin hec Mositits at Too lit Ben-efit By Pact Revenue iCof $1 bilýlion w\aS as- sured Canad"ian whe(a t farmeirs for the inext four yers ith the a ign- inig of the newl ý7Canada-Uiild Thec contract wull stabîlizeth whea)t eçnomly of WVesternICari.. ada and w-,ouîd be muItualy bene ficial to the iDominion and CîGreat