y Times lished Januar y, 1937. rsdlay morning at the Times Of4fice oni request Subscription, $1,25 R. A. Forrester, Pubflisherý Orono,, Ontario di over for, a haîf ho-ar, and( in tha ït hrief stay rmric aeaance. of the store fronts in towaý, mrig ho, ehieery the~y looked, and on tLi-e fine appearance o)f the assed 'hl o iiito the to'wn ifrom 1the South,-H1e opinion that the merchiants must lie a trvn lot cf busi- This la quite a comfflimnent froir a total stranger who h is vway to make these reimarlis. If iwe do not notice sourselives, 'we are glad that the otside peoFle dok. Big Ben Needs a Friend Blen" is teling half trujthýs again as a resu'it of th elc- is which -,hut off pewer anid stay thie handuome d-ock's paratus. Storage batteries 'permit the ti-ime piece to c-i the result that -we frequentiy finci ours3elves wivth a2o, ,s the correct time and a bell wihst-rikes trwo or three- of the correct time. PossihiIy no onie is clrcles-po- adutigof the matter, for the diock m-tay rua for weeks7 ýorrectly. When Big Ben \vas giet the Lo\va and comi- were a prouci andi grateful peoplIe because od the prestiget thi e cdock. There 'asthe poerllfly la the ointmrent ne. The dlock îwas a honia-fidre ift, but n provision w'a-s pkeetp. Corsequently, Big Ben myay cost thie coonclila- itwen-ty-4lve to one hund'red dollars a year forrnig Jo rot kno'w ho' uch o 0f this îinennc îmney goes -ing the clock to tel! the truth once he 'wand'ers fP(rm the- ctitude. Perhaps it 'la ail too litie o cr even noue iat al be thie case, we would reaýpe'tfuIy suggest thaït a sati- sagement lie made \with somne capable person Io ecar-e for Uoaesty la lioth counitenance ami voîce ,vould edsial ittributes of a fine dlock. There are too aythne surateatady teamïwork at thnis time of year , * * a Garden Victories or lu rural 1if e lbas its charmaad poruita la spite of skuinks aaqd partial absence ofmoe , this 'time Of year -\ee mgïin Vovisuailise moUre of the gmardan. ýA lot of îwork bias gO1ne int'o tiio-sa Now vthere are prospects of a, lot of returnis. Po,- than \vte dared bopad' they would, be2 driag the Corn, is -ofing to bie good w%,e are told, andcart IradFy contributed their sliare toward týha maet as. 'o p1ik a baqska-tful of toimatoas wil e a welcome1ý ng et so, much per i)oijnd. Th-eni there iýs the taw uff. It is nover better than whaen freshiy pce Jarket ga.ei-eng may be al right fo-r thosýewh nake a business -f it. \_ ,t of wýýork is entailed lii % a nlice sized garden that ou-e caikaap in hand las o overstep tha mnark, invites too mnuch Tork. T ntîrely, robs us -oif the ,-ood thing-s tinat Agata racoy" as appliid to the wa-grenl beating t-he in a bei applied to the vitory over wveads anci e.We have worked thýat we m'ay eat. Pnip r id ma hunger too. * iw t iHomesickness Is A Tial 1 of war brides fromn overseas is a reminCi-er th-at overshadIoaing the experiance. Al too oftan theic victin u f hmsc-as andhoeikssloa uit conidtionis with whicb to contendý'. it and custonma-y be se different from that in bas beau raisad that a long timae of adusmatl one 'beginis to fcel2't homne. Tiiere, are sceral1 1id bc favoraýble in gettinig settled la this country. îe people aretrdtoalfrady A-thrm- odand ci(thinug. Wea aeso muetbetter ituiated ýn the Old Land w-'hen it comaesüto theatwo itemils, i-ea tou~b, omaîckasswill exert it.s Lnwantied ian ýonditions woul appear to be mot kind to thie ler of a lot of ailments andI troubles, t'Iime la g'iven1 ailiuîg effiiency. eantim-e that ia the bard part, Ina the case ofhoe ýe a "mean" tie in tbé triest serisp, of the.wrd livici-uaýl wh-ocoa to :ouir shores and finds con- ie wtbout the parig- ofboeiks. Givea p the hiomasick one can liva t ec-, ae asituation e- pted home becomnes the reai hiomne rom ic ehpà-rt- e aý, sorrow aiso. hen Will1 Televisioni Corne? ri twety yeoars ago when radio as assertinit bic, i2 at a fair-sized group of peopile gatbcred ia oaae of sof a larg-e local store and listene-d to a roajas ronto. inca wa-s unique and niovail,-while the radio, recýeiv-bag gl of-odr Thaera weraae or four diais ion s sma-illcabinet, and the souund was aittecifra peci saparataloud -speake-r. Each dialierquire i eorrespondïing mnnbar, for strict toriv(an!?ice of hl i lte prcocesof evolution. Reýcapti-oniaiclpro- b1 bowevar. One tbiing, thatimps-e the litaner îere of newnas es formug Te pain "annax to wera dishas laid ont uponlongtable, audL mer- os sorts waitln-gfila readinea-s for the-o, nyt astairs. The Sa0fanliliar scanaes wr orotafor c-,, cha-rm of t!is latest sientiflepovtoncrdo an a-e dc feel the 'jalon wl e- il incaption la BOOTUIS - L. T. L. PICNIC The L. T. L,. met in Park S.Unlit- ed Church ont W(edndy, July l1t wlha good numih1er in aittenjdanIce. folo-wed y sngig We hava f,,ineI a sory "Te IÀttie Blinid Boy, anid a iaoge asread by Maru-cen Mc- Ne Sar l LfeMrs. Dlve then" takd to-the chlden whcbxs greatly enjoyed. Dienny Lynch then read a story. The foloin wre -th-ewner la the races 12 years and over, Shirley Fintoif; j12 an i, Elleen Jones; 1'2years, Margaet York; 8 years, Lue Lynch; 7 yerAaBs; 6 years MarlynLocowod;4 year, S hiley Loohwoo-,,vod; 8 y-ears, Donald W'ýest;- 7 yerDougla1s Gamy-Isby; 14 yeara, SieyFilintoi SALE REGISTER The undersigned las receivd'i- stuto ftrom nthe executor of the Esate of the Late lrs J. R, Cooper to silI by public auction to ber Mae resienc, (ainStreet Sout'h, 0Orono, onSatiurday, August, 24th, ail ber- hoicusehol ffcs cnisigos ua cutglas, ilvrwaefiatware, china dlishes, etc. Tarmis Cash. Sale to comneat 12.30p o'clýock shr V . MiîS S AudraLy Billinga, Troto, apant over the week-end at ibe r Mr S. Fruci passed -,-,ay suddeu- F n lyomensa norning last. The OooMîdget softball teanm defaed heNew;ýcastle Mid,,ets et thac latter place on Tuesday even ing 11ast Iylte score of 9 'o08. HONEY f iWVll he on sale ahtite oney Blouse on Thursday and Saturday Euvenings ren7.00 to 900 Pm. ot(herwise by apohintmeiit 1 Coupon pey-4 Lbs. C. R. KNOX PHONE61-2 - 01RONO1 BIRTHS -Yol),K [l BowniaiavilleHopt, on, WdldYJuIy31st , ,to IN MEMORIAM our dear granldfather', Wiliam J. Walter rwhopassed awa-,Y Ags 7th, 1944. A liel:liing fhand to ail hie kaew; Ho-1a, so did, .sogerosadte On earthi he nobly did his best, Grant hl, Jesus, heavenly rest. 1--ovingly rmabrdby bis WVALTER.-Ini loving niem-ory of a 1par huandad fathier, Wý.1lli J. Walte , wo passýe& a-way Au11gus ýt 7th, 1944. Time sýpeeci;s on, two years have Since death its gl1oomi, its shiadows cast; Witin our hmwhecre al! seesned And took from ius Pa siniingl- ight. WýVe miss thiat ligh-lt, and ever will lis vaanpa, - theres 1non1,eto f111 Down he'lire'we imourn, but not ia vain For- up in heaven 'w\e will nieet again. )ý-Sa(]dy nmissed by wfeand duh ters1 Vera am!d Hiazel. -The. Deutif vi CAPITOL PORT HOPE Fridlay and Saturday "THE RETURN 0F FRANK 'JAMES" -With Henry Fonda and Genie Tierney Molldayand Tuiesday "1CLIJNY BRON"I With Charles foyer and Jei-nnifer Jolies "DEADLINE AT DAWN- Wed. and Thurs. "NIGIIT AND DAY" Stiarring- Cary Grant as Cole Porter IN ÏTECHNICOLOR - FUN FOR SALE Onle Banner Cook Stove; f7ne Atsto-KXitter. Mrs.Arthiur w1eli- --WANTED Live Poultry and Feathiers. Top prices paid. M. Flett, -R.R. No. 1, Bethany; Phione 7 r M8 f-31-p. FOR SALE 'Nine and a haîf acre-s of goo(I' lai1. A larg-e frame house wlitý (ýeeetricity; good liara, and stable dA' hien bouse, in Tyrone village.J pDiyI te Mrs. Jas. Stocrie, Cari / . G. 11oper, rno narie, hn 42-16, Orono. c-28-p. RADIO REPAIRING Ail makes of Radios repairLd nd Serviced. Work Guaranteeds'- ies Moderate. ýModern test e îijmentl. E. E. Duvaîl, Phoane f-30-p,/Oon. WANTED TO RUY Go b-izc ouse 17 or 8 on, ia g-ood condition, la Orono. . vos- session as so)on as possible. feply to Box 17, Orono, OntarIo. -9p LOST New BlakLeathber jallet, con- tainlinFg one Ten DolarBill, la Oronio on Saturday last. Rwd. Apply at The Times Office. LESKARD Mr, Will Cole andf children are staying with Mrs. Mary Cole for a F few'days. 1Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson t tendeci the Tliomipson faily picnlic iat Oronjo on Sunidiay. Somameme'bers of the Locksvood familUy, old "ekrias aecali- ing1- on frianids in tlua village Sundalýy eivaing. Mr. Tomi Harrison, grancison of Mrs. -Mary Cola, ieft for Guelph yes- terday to taka a vataiuary cours-e under the Rehabilitat-ion plani. IMr. and imrs, Lynass Glass, of Woo4lbidg-e, were visitiug the for- mam 1-graiudm o the,i s Jessia B-ail, for e fGew days this -waek. They wvere joinaed by ýMm. and Mra. Aif. Lomias, returningl to the city aftar e vacaition la Quabec. Mr. WiIi. Bradley las spending a fan' days -withi bis neica, Mis. John Thiorpson. Thae Thomnpson famnil-y accaranici Mr. Bradflay to t:he Bradley pIenie at -Wbitiby on -ondaiy. Friands and neigb'bhors, numib-riug- ovar forty, chivereeci MWr. and AMrs. B-ob Keaneý on Friday night. Vara wevs varytdsppoinitad aftar the ia caasad to discover the aidiag iparty7 bad nio feathers la thoir hair a nd carried no tom-iahawks. A merry avaniug aras speat in songa an id laugbta-r, anjoyed by all but Bob), vvbo semad VCto tatcb the stair-, a lot. Mrs. Keene served- a nica luncb and tih- uniaivitadi guasta reluctatly went homne, (1T00 latta for lest waek) mr. aud iMr's. Rosa Robbns ware h-orne ont Sundlay. Mr. Sny,ýder and femyiý,iy eft lest Mondcay for Brantford, Tbey ara, re- turn'iag to their formier homne to hoelp in the abrn of the tobacco -ro)P. - Mrs. Jaýssie Bell bas lust ietum,,nad fromn a 'week et Leke Seugog-, visit- ig bher diugltar Flore, Mrs. AIL. LomaLs. -r. J. Cannaing andhem fethar, =Fred Truli, würe clliag on friands mi his district on Moniday after- noon. The village walcomas Mr. -and Mrs. Ciare Grant and i fmily who moveci from -tit-a Foraatry on Saturdey lest. Wa hope tbey find their iatast niove a lîappy oa1a. Nows bas beaui recaivaci of Mr. and Mss. Carmean Tannant They air- rived et the coast -aithout eny trou- hi-as and miada tha trip la t-waleve" rs tan (lthaera is to(ha eî- e er.ected .fust east 4-ofh his shouici mepan a vat ut in the rond, aIthougli 1thoea1la1neWord of the ip-lig for tha southroad. me is extended teVo Mrs. art and MIrs. Bob. Keaea oden Tu-asday fro-m Eug-1 hope tbay flnd liappiness soont becom-e aspoua îmuit a their two bus- -wisb to brinig thesa ade or the foot-ball rewýs-or Iarli"f-iaJci' ýil Ternunt is eajoyiulg a vacation. represant puipxvood, thea ,rofessio'nal Dfrectôry MEDICÂL A. F. McKENZIE, MUD PRîYSïCýIN and SURGEON Office Houri:, 2.0to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 P.m%' Sunday"s and Wvededays by appoiniment conly 1PIONE 47r1 ORONO LE GA L Lawrence C. Mason, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor BOWMýiANVILLE, ONT. phone Office 688 Homo 553 W. F, WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOK NOTARY BOWMIANVYILLE, OINT. VETERI5NARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office ainst. Orn Phono, 63 r 7, Oronto. INSURAN CE Fire., Casualty, Automobile and Liability OBIONO ONTARIO LIFE R EPRE SENT A TIV E will gladly assist luR plannirtc financial security for yourself and your family. DANE FOUND Phonoe 8 r 1 ORONO Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE' COMPANY phone 501 - P.O. Dax Ca Port Hqpe, Ontario Monuments, Gravemnarker, Enigraving, Goldleafing TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Couducts Auction Sales cf ali alun' and at reasonable rates. Colmmicate with h1m at p*" Perry, Ontario, or see bis CIerk, Aý E.Morton, at Oreno, fer date- JACK REID Lieensed Auictionieer and Valuator Specialize in Farm aned Furnuiture Sales Consuit me for terras and dates Phone 120 - Clarke Do Yýrou iKnow That, for a man age tmwenty-fozlr, The Imperial Life Assurance Cwm.ý pany) will guarautee - is family $5,000.00 in event of bis death prior ta age Sixty, for between 2% sud 3% of that amount yearly. And ýf, ho lives te age sixty, the Company wiIl pay hlma the $5.OOê.0O. Why not consuit your Jla representat.ive FRED LYCET to seo what a plan such as thils eni dIO for you? YORKIS 'TAXI 24-hour Service -SPECIAL RATES FORP OUTOF-OWNSHOPPERS Phone 73 r 16, Oron c JAMES E.O'Ba OYLE O0rorio, Ontario Businss Lienso 470; Wartime Prices and Trade> Board CARPENTERI.NG ALTERATIONS REPAIRING PAINTING Good work at f air prices, by the heur or the job ESTIMATES FREE BOWMANVILLE LIONS CARýNIY.AL PUBiLIC SCITOOL GÙUNDýS Saturday, Aug. 10 in cs of ram Ca-riival wvill ha held 'Mondlay, August l2thi FREEF - Attendance Prizes - FREE RADIOl - BICYCLE - TRICYCLE - NYLOIN 105E Mammoth Caithumnpian Parade S.-tarts at 7.30 p.ni.