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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Aug 1946, p. 5

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Mi', C. Miller, ofî Osl - aw, has ac- epe.a positiin l te C.- G, Arii- ston sor, nthie. grocer y and meatdermet Dr. W. W. Seileft on eçi nesdy lst fori asi-tnin pe paainfoi- his tip -to) Euro-pe by boat. 'drs. Phiilllpsý, of TeaUSA lins pueae h housof the - late Mr.J. R. Cooeraj fWlltakije posý- ssion ear thiend Iof the -month. Mrs. Pilli v ill occupy this houseý ;in the' summ-ler monthls. THIE LEST 0F David O. Selznick's i 10 REST PICTURES MARK TWAIN'S BELO El) CLASSIC "The Adventures Tom Sawyer" AMDED 'ATTRACTIOIN ON THE FOURTII DAY Lire aitIlle Bottomn of the Sea ORONO TOWN HALL SatrdyAug. 10 8.30 p. (D.S.T.) "lq4l rShopl" Cut Glass, Clear and Ruby Crystal; China, Earrings, Bracelets; a new as- sortmnent of Plastic Aprons '; Hand- made Children's and Inf ant's Wear; Bags, and other items of lland Work. WE INVITE YOURINSPECTION & WJITE STORES 'ay LESS for the BEST!I "CHI-0CE BLUJE BRAND BEEF" ROUND STEAK lb. 44c. lb. ;54C. Plate or POINT BRISKET l.1 5c. PRIME RIB ROAST lb. 35c. TENDER RUMP ROAST lb, 44c . SHORT RIB ROAST ib. 29c. CANNED SALMON FOR FRIDAY BLADE ROAST lb. 27c. WING STEAK lb. ,49c. SIIANK (Centre Cut) lb. 20C. 'ACHIES, 6 quart basket, tOWN QUARTS, dozen CHUCý-JK ROAST lb. 25c. Bouieless STEWING MEAT lb. 24c. ROLLED BRISKET lb. 25C. IBotes ehal Congrýatulations to Ross Boyd, wbo has been award'ed a beautiful gold wchbyHe Go, dMedal People, Limiited, Tor-onto, Ontario, for bi-s saeles ability. o-s s wavs thie highiest seling agen2it in Onitario. There have been onàly a few ocason wen a god wtchbasbeen presenited tO ny agentŽ Visiting at Mis. C. F. Duncan's forý the past vek~ere,Ms.Wmi. Braby (Mis. unan sister, T-ü0 onto, also bhei gadsnBiiýlïe Brahy. Visitors t'his comng eek - end will be Misses Hild and iâary Braby and MAlr. W. rbyilso Mr. Non- man Mime, aIl oCToronto, andpMv. Local News Mr. nd fi. eorge Keith, of Toronto reviutngwîhMrs, Jais. Mdofatt.ý Mr.%and Mis. Tos. Cowan tùook in the hrs atot Perry on1 Civie oidy Miss VoaNode,_o(f Toronto,wa h omic i e w i e r m th e , M s. N o d en , for C-ivie Holiday. We aresrr to hear thaIt 'Mi. C. C. Cain, Cobb l, ,suffere'dLa severe- stroke on Tuesday le. Mr. Edrwaîr Mannving, Oshawa, -peit last week at he hiome of _MF. and _Mrs. RyodChapmnan. Mr. and Mis. R. E. Logani are spending thesr oliays at Greeni Point on the Bay of Quinte, near Pion. Quite a nuîIhr--ý fîom Orono and istricýt erin Newcastle on M.\onr- daiy, takinig pinthe sports day cle- 'Mr,. nd Misý. Leî-oy - ilamYiltonl, of Toronto, ae ped nte moaith of Augus't 31th rMv 'and Mis. J. E. Hawke. Mr"sý,H.M.Mererhas retur et her home afte un-dergoýing an] oper- ation for apnictsat Bowmanl- vilieHsptl OnWdnsa evening last the roofotbLall t-eam junyd to Tyrone for a friendfly game and won the gamne Lbya 2_I s ýcore. Seven Oronro Girl G ui des are spending ten days at a3 camip on) Pid- geon Lake, near Bobcaygeon, havin.g left on Tuesday mning ,iii- ast. by her mother and brother, of Toi- ont, attended the funeralofmthirl gradmoherat Chesterville on Fni- day last. Mr. Cifl'ord Jones is enIJOYing twio we ck s'> vac a t ion v isiting -with friends in -Orono, aso with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gdçus Jones at Mr. and Mrs. WV. Il. Ilooper, of PeebîogandI Mr. a nd Mis. Raymiond Gap from Tyrone, visit-! ed with M_'r. anrd MrS. D. G. Hoo0per! over the week-end. M-.and Mis. ector Camneron,' of Toronto, have îjeeni spending the past two -weeks at one of AI'Wchns in the north ward, which they have ejoyed ve'îy much. MIessîs. im and Keii. Gamisbyl lieft for Kingston on Tùesdlay moîn-1 ing last where theiy are ,invited to meet the inayor of that city and at- tend the Centenninal Celebration. Mi., and Mis. _Milton Cornisb visit- ed withl Mr. Walter Vanallan, at St Josepbs llospialb. jPete5rongh; als o Mi.Wlia c}nad n foun. d them pr "nogressing veýry favor-j Mi. Loi-neWann Chhef Inispec- toi of the Packarde Electrie Co, of St. Catharinies, acnpne yMs WVanoan andà famiily, are spenIding a, two weeks' vacatiojn in Darlington and Orono dsrcs The Oronro Band lhad _a buSY time on ,1Monday een , when the y ed froui 7.00 to ï-.40Pari. in PortI Pery, then fîom &X30 until 10.00 at Claremont, -wbeie a ne-w band sheli Was offiially openied. Weeký-end visitors vwith -Mr.' ami Mi.R. Aý Forrester' were, is An- diew Foirester and son, DreW, also Jeanne Foirester, ail fvrn Haxmili- ton, r DaVe Foirester anadso Miessîs. Harry and Bill Grady spent CvcHoliday week-end wt their pares, Mi. and Mis. Grady, of Hamiilton), retuinîng -witb Mi-. andq Mis W. E.,Amsîog nd famcily wvho spent,ý also in Haimilton. A larige ninh rer attended the ROBERT MQNITGO3 JOHN 'ýWAYNE with DON-. Fox Late NE REEËD PARK ST. UNITED CHURCU Reverwnd AUG. 11lth, 1946 Aug. 11-,Service withdrawn. Aug, 18, 11-OCI-i.-WorshiP. Rev. W. P. Rolgers, of Bow- manville. ,Au,-. 25, 11.00 a.m.--WorshiP. Mr. J. J. Mý-ellor. Orono 1Ti This Shop will be closed from August 3 to 12 NEESTANDFINES, T',' REA VY SER VICET TIuE LNDIUSTRY 0F THE FUTURE FUR FARMIN G Mirik and Fox MUTATIONS* Buy a Trio - We Ranch TIhem WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO, PHONE 42~ THEATRE Bowmanville - Phono 589 Cool - Air Conditioned- Cool Thurs. and Fr1. AUGUST I8-9 "THE HOUSE ON 92nd STREET withi WILLIAM EYTHE LLOYD NOLAN SIGNE IHASS30 Colour Croon-Short Saturday OnIy- -Al-GUST îoth "AD VENTURES 0F RUSTY"ý with TED DONALDSON MARPýGARIET LINDSAY and CONRAD NAGEL and Whirlwind action and No. 1 "RJDERS 0F THE DAWN" -with JIMMY WAKELY and LEE "ASE"WHITE Colour cartoon Mon., Tues., Wed. AUUT12-11-14 Epic saga of courage and heroism "THEY WERE" EXPENDABLE" ARMSTRONG'S DRESSES Jersey Dresses, regw, value $16.50, a few sizes ou1y, for ---------------------- l00 CHILD'S DRESSES Sizes 2 to 6, a few sizes ont- ly, reg. $1.5, for------- $11 SUN SUTS 0f Blue and White Cover Clo)th, sizes 2 to 6 ...-. 75c. DRESSES Girls' Gintghiam Dresses, sizes 7 to 12 years, reg. $4.75, for------------ ...$3.75 SEERSUCKER SUN SIJITS la Navy and Red trim, sizes 12, 14, 16, good qual- lty, reg. $2.9-5. Special -- $2.00 SUMM'ý,ER SHOES In aIl shades, reg. $2,95, for ...- .... ........... ----ý$1.25 FLOOR MOPS each $ 1,f35 FIGS 32c. AEROXON FLY COILS dozen 25c, RAISINS lb. ISc. satÉ. Only JELLY KITS eaeh &r.E DRESSES A fwWnsh Dresses, reg. 87.95, n few sizes on11Y, for ----------4 SUN SUITS Made of White Chinella, size 2 to 6, reg-. $. for $1,06 LADIES' GLOVES 'Sui,-l] sizes, in alt colors, reg. $1.00 and $1.25, foêr.ý 25e. COTTON SLIPS In large sizes, White only, priced at ------------ ---- --$10 KHAKI PANTS Boys' Khakçi Lon.g Pants, sizes 6 to 8 years, reg. $1L35, for.----.-------- -----$1fi1 LADýIIES' 'IIOSE Ladlies' White, also Bladk Rayon Rose, a few oly, priced .... ........-- ...... 25e. LIME FRUIT JULCE 16 oz. bottie 65c. SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 23c. Creamette- SPAGHETTI pkg. Ioc. BOLOGNA 12 oz. tini 25c. CORN FLAKES 3 for ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag 75c KAÏM 32ce CAIMAY SOAP 4 bars 25C. DICED B3EETS or -CARROTS 23c~ WVILSON'S FLY PAD S each C , ORONO GARAGE General Rep airs H. M.MERCER Phone 20-2 Complete Tire Service 2ReGson - nw boule production slowed be shortage of mateniais. .e-dy -Return ac- ulated emnpties, them ,back int&ý ujarioni, Cheç'k h asemnent today. -ing fý theonearest ,lwers Retai store or oefor pick-up. No,1.....$114

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