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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Aug 1946, p. 6

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~ IBABY MAKLIS TURNING POINT B~Ma ry l miay ayo SYNOP1SI S fun d its mark and11(jStunhlart was yingwhenlie was brought back litg e nh . OnIldTéiees tvel lIat SteIIuhart had ugtxrsdr Iijg lits iIllnss, talktng- ýwildly or CHAPTER XXI Shocked and dsmayed, Jimi hulstled blis ister mbtbe old hall, UnconiousiqIjylyie dropped mbit the ýIhair aI is desk. "I wish 1i haÀto theý doctor would getl bere!" lhe exclaimed roughly. Ucstarted at nce"-asý soon as I 'hond,"Jane reLplied abSenlv, toucb:IinlgIthe old dek afecionle 1y; she Cremernbemel-(d Sberiýn liee jîmi, huddled in thie chiair, rumn- 1Iutd. "Jordal n must have got us" Conifused inl the strm-bie was a Crack shiol. Poor Ma-il wasfo Ile anld lhîegot iti" Jane ýsaid lnotbing; lber bands' -;ere clasped on thc desk. T!hie wind swept bbc door open and drove the tain acro(ss thie lall. 1-1r brother rose and for-ced il shît. boAling it. Thien hie turnied on ber, at the blit of is patience. "Good Lord, Jane, haven't you a herMax is dyig-be loves you!. J.ot're - youi're a perfect stick, anding there and staixig in frot of you!" Shie looke-d up sud lber white ;ace %i îchjCd wi-th painÏ. "'m srr forl ax but 'n thininlg of bbcr mlan ble sent 10 -a ivýinIg dab Jim ibit is hp. "Lnook bere, janec, he' brave man), Ia1 oweg il, but beo's conivictcd of a crukel crime; youi'vc got ',0 ]et ini dropl!" "H-e's nlot gity"she said fir-11 ly; 4'l'il ineyer believe hiln gulity. No guilty man would bave donc that splendid thig-be saved bis accuser " "Fine, i grant il, NeveLriiieless, hec goes back 1a jail for hfe-you- udraxdthat, )aile.'For lifel" 'ýNot if tbecre's any way1on erthl that 1 cao tare imP "sbe crAId passionatelY. Yu"Jiini spolie wîhbmtlerly Scoru. "You eauhelp 10,Ji, b wet on, iiot hieeding hlis derision.i 'DeLay lheni, keep hnbim ee-anid give im a Chance 10 escape!" "ýTo )what pur-posci"' Jim sk hxer dryly. -To be a% fugitive ai- way-s, b bide awýay sîebriîn ,ý,outb America, perbaps, uxider a falsc namre, bunted, vrtsdfor, rîever t10 know a rmoment's pecýîe- a cond(emned mu iiirderer! Bah, 1'd 'atberi go fo jail! Tbiere's noa capital punishlnient in bis st'ate." "Yo'veneer been in lau!" Jane rýecrted. "And you-youl 'pbion-ed for Cutiler, you kniow you dýidi" Sena-"Jiim begani, and c "OIknowv!" nesgesýture vas cloquent Jimi, remnenî-ring tie nmaxiss pended belween the ledge and ebrniity, 10 save h b is nem, began t.,-)walk up and down,-r the bail. Janie dropped mbt his výacant chaiir gind laid hier bicad on the desk. She could hear the fury of ICe pixd outside. it grew dusky, ton, L, bbc old hiall, for Ille day was pa,ýssin-g swftly: oorw 'minsorry, but 1 cani't do ýa ting!l" said jim b oar-sely. Shýe made no reply. A shiver rani t'býrougbI lier; tomorrow belo-- bu on bis way casO Tbereàisas ~ttle in a day-sud so mucb. Then, a"udden, Dshenad Fannys yoIce Caling tca Jim. lier brother an- ,ýNered biurriedly, wcnîl into thie Icromand Cthe door losed be- Lid im. Fu'o r thiefî r s ttime -Jan e was the old womn chair aud looked about homu ln tbe daygloom oi tbc odl hall shei saw onily sbaidows here ud îthee. A clou t icked loudly over tue desk, amd il see:d '(- remiind ber-of the rviyof ithe span f f .The ain nîolnger bea.,t %ith sncb fury Lon bbc wý.indowv- panes, but ilbc wiind srike nd howlcd iIx:!lie distant canyonis. Shemwinwas luthe theýr building stil. 1lîenîcuwem thme. she couldtee Jteasd l'ete Roe Opel dor o Ith1stble Su roe the haýl l as tehrtsclosed dor;n-il ene 0le tlit shC licad vicesbutsuedid not top 10lsen h oce a litîleide- doom thiat led nast the kitchen sum-d raul iblicbctmait %ias fallinig 1i libl ;t he gray louds baâd br-oken ilon. ihedisItaît mages nd wC1eale. lIseedamotlike a promlise(, haifting(of lieclo-muds. anîd she ýcailld Mc softl. Theodmeîme d i roui 11i qjuarler:swili a lng f ace. Yo inusînt1't gel xet, jane, blici tm back," le warxied. Buit secugIm u îcieîiil suaking bus'"a, l'rc gof 1 Sec Ihnou" Ma-cfDowe,,Hlleiae. ll'go guards aoisd fhu i;i -ii'lino place foryo" Slîe lifted Ihem bhIneee srdl t0 Ilis. Ma, 1Ilmixa sc iî is"suie coc-ibstheList lime!" The old man looe aa. n loriug bAd He bad xoxîan ...auld ît's eaisy.Tbaî'sPter 463 1 'xitb Fut 1fourc niain patterVu' f 1)i2ce-S, sta !htsea'mls , 'no()sîceveùs 10 set ai noC);waist selamls 10 sew. Ptru463ï corneqs, u izes32, 34, 36,e 38,-40, 42, 14, 416, 4S, 50, 52. Size 36 3/4yards 3,5icli. Send WET CENTS (20c) in Coins (sap cno'e accept- edj) for Ibi.s pattern to Room ii421, 73 2Ade'aide St. West, Toronto. Print pla;nly S'IZE, NAME, A.D- DRES, STL-ENMB . ISSUE 32-19411 The Quality Tea m A&,vAmi aI:i br cdebuit before thec camiera lis Jessica Louise Jackson, go- ing on six,: months ,olid. Yiou may flot linov- jessica, but you know heýr nothr-sýcreenstrDan Durbin, wilh whom, she's pictured in the' i lolywood home. GwevndoIine P. Clarke JB when she Ilu as five x'carSod:h hatedcc to t,(eefier face c A smdlal, 1nounc:I n t aareà-ýd in a wcky esppe js rcet ]y Ihc ad "hs . Clttsbias chcicdd -u sncnd hiý v2eiion 'i ( bir(m ii s ur. 1l vwI ll ,,,inu telcghthre \%i ts- ' 1eaigt 11foredin r and cukal dttour ,I thutt t i () as, prcvý ý tty good-, ila follc ima 1ine. Aftcr il whiti,1,at ilsc drlin, ixed gra I, '(in t and n ats wckafler the ilin ludotc chrs vre fiisheId anid wcwcr iuposelythîougl for the day it S asaiot ighIt o - 1ck 'artL- ner r cusi1couldut tii quiet ly. 1He waSu'l sisfied util i IlasLbac in tlue field again toig et A 1d jthel re ilie. 't aved (Iuntil ineamtly tenl oco l.ongh i is Boýb v11( ,ut oui -l foud a man iIvihlwa [0 iligbcome in fel upeln now 1 the twolof Ithe] n, areLot rut- tigoaî -Bo on thie 1 tcto, the anyl grunîibling at the l1ongboi uitheýr, poal bcuefarmr as a catalcU a r natua eroa ineetin thleir vwork. If ajob is trebdo, wivûli 1they wan to ýgelý da, r ve afe fhu, au meAn osgor saig a iel d ofgr or ve l ad lbayii, ing do't worry thIle aivc(.rage farl'ller11, 'cry mu1111îil - - t Iou oe çra hardly say yas, limucil folr Ili cd lheip Whiatrealiy gels "Qik aIe onljy got a litte whie-tey my craIl Ie barkýC -the thik Stnat'S very had!" Her hands, on hiis atml,soo anld luie fet tle Rcucant11l, led the way into thlon lg low >,build- ing Jnecgltaiglempse ofthe' vacqueros a t Supper1) and, witliI them (il, tome , mn wbo belonged tlo cier's Tpo-)s se. JIutl Ml a c goýt 1ber1 past tlhem t o a door in thened of the room. There was a momenti of deiay and thenià was opened. Mac hiad spokenï to Ctir ad the guiard camei conIIt -ald satL down ou tsid(e the door as Jane etinaoe ThE itierooM, witLItS one ti3y wiindow-siiýt, toc smiali for a mi-an s bodyto pass througbi, was dim wvith the coming of dusk, but she saw thie tal mnilwh ,saIt aItheliclittie table, a tray of unitaste-d food be,- fore hîm, bis head uipon bis hands. Expecting no one whomi he cared ta: se, he dîd f -lot even iooký up and the despair iisý attitudje went ta her heart She thougbt of him, as she bfad seen imi, brave sud free, going downI on that Ib-mm rope Over the abyss 10 Save bis enemi-y! A proud lighit shione suddenly in her-blue eyes, and she camne %ce tu him. "John!i ShA said soflly. (TO Bec oncluided> 1l in-, do\n iiS tbbcIb: efand C ry ail srouud b in: for more pay andu ( shorter boums. Tb'at, and the lbiigs tue famCmaunlol gel thalat r al>- solutly ecssry Ncs, fm1iig i5s grehfe wheni you ý1Can' gl trahelp whcn lyou xîed il; vlil you canl'lgel re- paror h lubr, or roofing, or utî iu Spite of ail these hiindi- Caps (ami people stili carry on as el, a1lieh cn-ndof course Our City cousins tbink wve are minýlýg 1-noney baud over fist Last week fon instance, a Young couplevîsit- dng hue r Autd0 take eugs bac ta the city With thom. The eggs cailetb iust over seven dollars. My youug .redsaýid as she ga-,e )me he uoxey nv zinlg wi -every word she, spoke, "obadyoti m1ake Seveîi dollars jusb; as eaisy as Waiîa minte-lh shw you 1 hanJeýd hier over a bill. Il w a for $6ý2. Thtmy dear," I ex- plane, "s ntaccolunt for maýt onle moîhsChicken feedl. ou .vill1 age ,v il k a lot of eggs to psy tuat$62." 1ut as every fairmwuxau known p.igthe ,bill i,î'î al. There is a tmîîxd u lo of ork ui, lid lu raising chiekns and looing afler alsyixi es. Axid in this conniectic>îî lhuc are maxly vwomlen wbo work, fart 100 liard. I1want 'CI!1l ou riglît beire and inowý, that a lot of- faînioe mk e riglit dowuýT xi.There crc iomien Ailover the couy crrug watr aud havy paýils of (ed who have xîo0 bu nets 10 bu doinig itlor tbbc ms'10nIo ct blvininater boîr buisy tbe, are. Une of our neig'llios îrbo docs 41atiall althe xolin coixiec- lion wibh L1bc2poultr-y tc "10 tee mcxli" wasfeding lber tur-keys the o1ther day wbena rari-ose rveinin l berle suddeýuly bur-st. That, as yin know, rau bc a rery serios maler. ut af 1cr a while thehemrlîg stoppcd. The dor- bot riaturally advised treatiniet but "the (Idi't want 10 biave il donc juat noirbec-ause itïlws -siucb-a buusy tliime", Jlu bceud she was obîiged to-buntIhe nust day she vas out looig afler Ice popuy as usual. There -careclto ,womeu wb,,o iput off dentlal work becauýse tbey are afraid of bciug laid up for a. day or wo. lt's wonrdem 10 me that these ome ever took timie ouIt b bave babies. Howîerbb-y did, sund now good imany of tbem are grand- mnoîbers and in mnauy cases shloul- driug respionsibility for their graudcbildru, 1 liîîg afler then hieyouug muother aud dad lake in a, dance, ashw or a tri-[)10 the si-y, Here's 1breIstop) - becauxte I'm geiug imadder and mnadder pust at bbc Ihouiglit of it! " Lord, wbaî foolsi hese aortals Lora;s on MaigOur Home8 Chrisïan Exds20: 12; Mvark 7: 9-13; Lubke 2: 5L, 52; Ehs 6: 1-4. Golden Tx-ilonour thlyfatherF adthly rmoîber: that thly days sliah be klg upon tlîelard whlicb the Lrd thy Gdgiveth 1thee- The Fifti' Com)rmandmnit The rncpeof the Fiflh 1Co-1-- mnanduient is due rgr for those A0 nwnyom, ndr God, weowe our very being. Tbis commllaudmexlit is puit firsl of -those tahi duties bý n becusecur firsýtobia tion aller ouri obligation t10 God,ý is our obligation 10 our parentls. Foýur thinigs are included in jfu11 obediuce 1 this conandrnent: (U Repwe for our parnts;' (2) listeiug b lhe: 3 oeie 10 them; (4il support of hm Tiiehreý is notbiiing srrIhan tuiat wewill overta(ke aiîy sýon or dlau;gliter wlîobreakýs tîsc manctîeîit'Flech-1ild musi bono bis pairenuts egardless of wbait 1their persou1al caatrmybe. It is not a clîild's busineuss b a it in judg- met pon thle character o f his paren11t S. But tbe paren1ts owil 10 I Ouer chldren t S0 live and set 1- war thir bilrenas i1 make obeiene 0 tiscomma11îndmeit. Christin Stadrs Tu LrdJeuswas pretMani as weHl as perfcct God. ic SUb- miitted thIle lal andconditions of ur nature which He had talen uipon Ilijuiseif. As jesus' bod(y gre-w i, stature:, so Hua mmd inicreased ii wisdomn. The divine nature o-f our Lord reveled 0%ei with the grow-tbAof is hun natue. M are no)t bthÉink that Joesusgr-adui- ally gewin tIle fav\or of Godas th!ougb the(re as a iime whe li e was witliout ii. AI1le grwSC)Ie recived mpore evidence ofGos favor -and (of man's good twiil. Parents and Children From tue exampfle ofou Lord WC now tun th e ij»xctin of 11is ser1vant Paul. As jesuis was subjeeiut t10 is parenits duïring Ihl-e lonig years li Nazarethi, 3c>erery cilild slîould folow 1lis example su' r'crobeýdieuce lia his par- exila. This is not alway3 easy; particulariy is it hlard for Chrisiaao chidrnto hnu hi aet becaue of ther dîsslut and sel- fýisL mlode of livig. Bot the fact tha-t ithey are OUr' parenits, thait theyj b)rought us iinto thie risholuld m1ake u's irespeCtfuTl to them. This comadmnt caris with it a promnise; Ïin fact it is the onlly one]C iinthe Dealguwicbh las a definlite pois.Does îlot this sahow imortant the fifbhco madetis in God's sgt %%nWIII nio rm5fninp sue S$MOegîsp ote * ilhr tom wi at $Lbt, 50 Lop OOPOLIERPL Ai BausflSTAFIrNise KILL FLi Eff ectiveness proven Iby 66 yeurs publïc accep tance. wIiY ExPER:MENT-WILSON'S' wiiilt n1 ore flies o t tess cost thort any ofher fiy ldller. USE WuIUON'S FIT PAIS mJOC 0eAi Apil REIAELP -Have a caire Jack Dalton! Unhand thagt package of crisp, crunchy, deliciou.s Grape-Nuts Flctkesl" "Curseals Foiled again! Every time "Eut these are no ordlnary ies 1 try tr, malte off wý,ibh tome m-alty- They're macde of two grains-,-whieat rich, n-oniey-goden'ýPost's Grape-Nuts an d ma ted barley,. And skilfully Plakes im stopped by Ibis guy Curly bled baked and toasîted for crlsp- GrispI"ness. tcnptinSe baste and easy digez- "And whvly fot? Thiat's a neat1 package you've got there. Those1 Grape-Nuts Plalies supply carbohy- drates for energy; proteins for mu"sce; phosphorus for teebli andi bones; iron for the blood; other footi essenia-S." "Hand airer that giant econiorny package, vilain. I'm a bit w;olflsh miy- self, when It cornes ta rpeNt Flakcst"

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