Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Aug 1946, p. 7

The following text may have been generated by Optical Character Recognition, with varying degrees of accuracy. Reader beware! hle had is good points, Tfommiiy %aS no selioLar. intlie sChool exa ancae along, Pis fa- fu you score fify mars out o ýndred, mly boy, l'il buy you a Tii"nday, Tommn-y brouglit home the resuits and bandd themi over in silee Father rubis eyc down tde lAt. Tlien e asked "Well, Tommiy, vhat wiili you have-two spokes or a brake Clip?" Two Ini One The weary father was marching up and dlown at i a.m. witl- a wail- 'ing infant in bhis armas, w'1iothe-,re c"me a knock at tje duorh t w tise tenant from beiow, cirryinig a Pair of new slioes. "I Say, cd man" lie aiMllue youi're about it. yo'a miiight brealk these in for nie." Jeep Cool The sergeanit raged as bis squaid. Mf recruits tu-rnd ieft whien theýy should have tu1rned riglit ani vice versa, Prvae Higgîns was tbe greatest offender, and the sergeant, goin'g tp to li1m, al in lis "Hvntyou ever dmrilledý before s, ergant" relîeid lHigginis. '1e4 dr(Iiiled for tliree er and where" "n a qu -iggins. It Would Too A dear old lady bad becen pre- vailed upon)I by a young relative to attend bis sdhool's sports. She -was osucliinersted in tle tug-of-ar, ansd afte a long tussi between two teamns she turnled ta hfer escort Sand Said "ilut old' it save a '~lot of trouble, dear, if tiey were to eut tme rope in thse middie?" FftyFifty Young Bih: Look at your oid Worn boots and your father a giboemraker. 'bu ought to lie ashiamed of them,. i(ounig Phl: Th at's nothing, 1'omr baby brotlier's got oniyycone tooth and your father-'s a deiît. On Water "VrYou corne into m3Y ,)u order a glass of nkit, and youi callmly b i l at were ye expeCtin' sp,4yiemons Stagger oot?" Too Bad Tbrcee1nInamivdat tbe rail- way station- wit tlle itninof catciing the last train. Xs tj ey h -, tliepatformii the train lie- gan tu move Out The ïme(n rau for it, and the guard and a porter bun dled two of, tbem isto thec guardi's vanl. By this tinie ftie train was going toon(fut for tje tbird man te get in, and be stood disconsoiately On tIc platform wtcinig it dîsa,-p pear. "FBard luck, ir," said thie porter. "ýl'as sorry 3you were unable to get on." "Vep," repiied the nian. "M y <riends wiil le sorry, ton. They %mee only seeig me off." An 1Insult Mlrs. Dinsmiore: "I wonder why M.vrs. Scadds got 50 anigry when j said t neyer would let mny 1busband dictae ta me?" Mrs. Cradwcick: "Site tkil tom a personal allusion. SI-e used 1 be IMr.,cd' tpsx And They d l-opîng toinspirehis workers witli promiptneiss and eneCrgy, a buîsiniess mian hung a number of signa reading "DO IT N W arounid Iis factory anrd office. WAlien lie was asked some'à weeks later bow bis staff lad me(acted, lie shcook bis head ;sadly. 1~ don't eýven ike- to talik about if"le said. "Tbe casher skipped ith $l,000; dthead bookkeeper eüloped witb tlle best secretary 1 ever liad; thmee typsts asked for an incrase; 12e factory liands decid- fd0t go ont strike, and the office boy joined thec Navy." The Answer Is Yes Two metn who bad bcein bachelor cryonies miet for tise firat imnei ten. yenrs. "'Tell mie, Tom-i," satid one, "did yeu Marry tliat girl, or do you tili darm yotsr own socks a)nd de Yomr own Cooking?", was Tomn's laccuic repfly. LIFE'S LIKE THAT "Iink CLhe's a gole i, c Orchestra Le-.ader1 orchestra leader, 12 Ripped 13 Pedal dig«it 14 Fastener 15 Behoîd! 16 Maie 18 Sirsging vaice1 20 Can vas shelter1 *21 Period of 1 offic 22 Upward 1 24 Italian river2 25 Rodents 2 27 Fable 30 Mensure of 2 areak 31 On account (ab.) 32 Supplicate '35 Small particle 3 7 Musical nlote 38 Hlmi 39 First m-ani 42 Not faDst 45 Too 49 Vase 50 Iridium-- (symbol) 51 Electrified. particle 52 Dinied 54 Units of measuire .56 F or 57 lis orchIestraý- la ma-ide Up of - S VERTICAL 1 Bueket 2 Suggestion 3Hypoth c tie al structuriai unit 4 Street (l. 5 Post 6 Metal 7 Tel!urium (symbol)' (abi.) 9 Alaskan c (ity 10 12 mnh 14 Father 17 New lexCO (abi.) 19 Abisent 21Plthg 23 Postscs'ipt (ab.) 24Atroo (ab.) B.y Fred 11.f irat Word she Laid tcwcs ' 1dy " A n'u or t ', 1, r.. ý i c u , VIL 1ý TRý U NE ý ER 0 IL OT AÎMT F- Pl,--ýLT O.G s Ei NLG A T SI -L 0 L DP E p -F ý-i EIP[ l'E- 1 iTC AiD E i - A', 1 25 Knock 26 Arrivai (ab.) 28 Also 29 Cured lhog thigh 33 Provide wt wveaIpons 34 Ybui (Bib.) ,5 Exclamation 36 Beverage 39 Symbol for g old 40 Pull 411 AgZinilst 43 Plalce '6 Italia'nmoe 4ý7 Shnrt-ly 48 UpTjon 53 Erb'jium (symlbol> 54 Frequency (ab.) 55 Palm lily 56 Jumbled itype OE F THIE PRESS 'z,- Too Risky ,istruistinig a il ilanlkind, a 1 d b)ankls ili pari1tular, Elieýn kept lier aavinigs in lier rGOom. BtCupid wste(o m1ucli for lier at Last, an1d she aýgred !to marr'y the Imcal butchr She asked lier flhat's he best ay to puit my m]oney 'in] the bank"? 'But 1, thought youl didni't trust 'Nýo ïmore 1 do, muitm. But it'li 1)ce!safer in te anik than in Ithe house w'itb a stane an about!" HgEli Coat of Destruction 'taaqueer oldJ world, witbi s-trange mnodem ide(bas. A world in w1iich illiiions and millions of dol- lars are being s-pent in learninig whteâtom-iic bombffs 1ba1ve eab the point wbere thewy can dcestroy -St.'FhmasTimeis-journal. Most Often \Wrong A ctimoarwisa bAoI< o xhi yurfralter anargunent \er bO\Vto peHia odàny filnd onIt yoIU.wlle Cl They Dig It Up A A ULkCwsy tbey bave 11a2adcan IlIlit.c You cannlot euC anada-'a literate nation when br nm(ooistscannoût rca1'o arin1g" or "coi OULT OUR WAY LacestModela And ïin lie back of tise dreami bouse, it seemal, is a mirage wlieme tlie veteran canl keep ha ýýcar, A business executive aays tlie greatest asset cf tbe worueng gi is persnaliy. ompeency wiling- nie,,sa and being on itîme i,-in the momnliing'are juLst odfsindVir- tues. Hot and Cold Furs It is said that, as thne resuit of theffts, thecre ar1e a lagenumlber of liot ftrs. They can't be the ones women Wearduri n heheat -ave- Those ïmust be ýold fors, --Toronito Star. In Fact, Straîner A naive of Indialias a 64-incli mostce. must 1be quiite a strain. esecalydrin1g thie soulp course, Likey %Wel-Founded Tnln ee are girs Who suspect fa(ther musjt hv ksedrotbcr a da;y ortwo bfr bywere m-ar- ried. -Brandon Sun, Hlurtful Ex.tremism Extemsminjuires 1rather ithan hlels eethe bes 1)t of cauises. Jew- wakdbeblind a Unlinjack lie- smlircbedý( by a spripsdNazi Swanska. --St. Cathaines Standard. By J. R. Williams 7 ES H HAT Pi DGR t$luy! LL-T D"', 'Ou Dýl-C'T E.E COPLTEI NEVII EJA T 'OUFT"EDDKVN'T ELUEia MýT MANG-i UT OF MM<DE AM E W E-MY -- MO0- OF At2L -1TH' A 500S UICKI B' ' ESAW ýT! RC 't O CA GiT ',,Il V'ER-l'- -TA MA 1\1>1 11011 MECH!'JSM- TH~L ACHiiE"- 'ou SAW Hic-TPirr- KOiW RýG'HT HE MI&HTA mEE 1-ET -iýiM I i BACK iIMT0 HER~iSýý1--y hkP- EMAY HMIS COA A'LOK K LCSEE- BEMAIMEI E NTiM HPEE UtA"- UFE - - ~AM'bi'l.OE - <z Nature Stili Working Farmersý in Ontario are reported to be in better houpes ofi bu-mper icrop than l ihave lbeen for imanly yea2rs, Atf lea st imioltei atr liasn' gone on strike. -Halmilton Spectator. Spread It Arouind An economiiist says tliat oiy hal-if a-dozen mi-en in thie wrdundcer.- stanid imoney. Perhapiils if thie stuff wuee mre generai, undesig wýould b le mre vwidespreaýd. IetrorougExmnr Salutinig of officers xviili e Con- tiuuied in Cnd'sam.It is a part of tlie discipline which ic! turn mieans efficienicy. Th'fatits aboli- tkiosbud have been snustd is carrying demiocracy at little bit lie- yonld tie limiit. --Port Artliur Nxs~lrnce A seially developed .anhigll b s co p i tir re itet ýs tactio n on a es 7 ingredient. *Trademiiark Reg'a. A"GREEN CRO0SS" FIELD LEADER PRO DUCI 'N N. "N 'N N N N 'N 'N 'N N 'N N POP-A Vacancy By J. MILLAR WATT 1 DOW'jT KNOW - REG'LAR FELLERS-Doubly Protected By GENE BYRNES N N N 'N. N N 'N "z, 'r' 'N 'N 'N -z,. -'z, "N POP-A V&cý-,--, By J. MILLAR WATT .REG'LAR FELLERS-Doubly Protected By GENE BYRNES ý

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