E Vol. 10, No. 30 L 0 P 0N0, 0NT.- TH-LiP S DAY, AU G. l5th, 1946 Subscription $ 1.25 per Year ý.endal Sports Day WilIl Be HeId on Wednesday, August 2lst -ister Now For Fish And Hunt Club Picnic,ý The imeers et the Oronoias ~ i i Bie nd Hunit Club held a meeting on. veterans ,And var Bie uesdtay evan-ing,,, Auguat 13tb, tWneîa t ca ivatis rports foustise iffer- Etrneu Ateskard arragemetsfor thle pucnic to ne Iheld on Wednsdlay, AuLgust 28th , at Gore's Lndng and of the Fish 11fr, Gordon Watson reported thatý the gr'ounds had been secured fori tht ay, ulso there would ha hoats Sne tha1t alil co0UIl d enjoy a' cruise. Dana Pound reported on the sports progammathut is being arranged, -wit'h many prizesben offered t(o1 thae ehîdren for their prowess ie sport. Charles Tyrraîl and N.ei Por- ter wbo, are on the lunch commîiittee rt y at woýrk on it, the main %9 dthe programime. Everyona 2 ~the picnic aire ask-edl to (gtheir liasket lunch, whi'ch ooewith averyone eating tablas. The Club -will sup-! lithe tan, chocolate mnilk and uny pXop that can ha secured, or lemon- ndce, Anyway the drinks for tha af- enonwili ha >ooked after by theý Ol1fb. The aduits are asked to brieg, besida thair lnch, cups ad sacrspoons, etc, for heusel.vas.ý To gva he lubsomae idea just lio'w nmny intend to take avana1 sy cars as pos te take ahi. TIis or the memibers ir families, but te tahke iletis ay ha'Va, te ha ~eof ltha Club j uLghl c!ý > ars vil- m a iin po ints t t kýî;,'1ra s soon aIs poss;ible anei egofrm or ivetbthris a car cl k r v bIemhelp in tha transprta- 2)Bing yourý! lunich for yoursel a7nd aitly. whlch will ha poolds thut aueau n et togethar, long 'with a few cups and saucr or paper pae.Cep wi hafor ttela. , Evryfmiyis given a heart-y ivt tio te atend this picnîc, andl If t i a uccasitis intanded te ùod e aunnually. Giva Your chun-' dren a real outieg befora startig bnch te sehool, Register ow. (By our. Leslkard Correspondent) On, Friday avening ýLeskard school housa was ftillad to) capacity to do honour, to two of the distrlct's new ,ly- weds, 11fr. unid Mrs. Bob. Keane and; Mr. and MIrs, Jacýk Stofiart. Tha avaning lan dancing to music was sup- phed by Hloward Luntoni and Bll Found, Hlastwell Loiery, witb Mrs Lowery at thie pianlo, pluyad for oea square dance, Vwhich was enough in the haut.' Thae two- brides wera car-1 tainly good sports. Aithoughi tha-ýy1 mnust have suffered acutaly frumn the torid weathar, nei'thfer onea compLIlaîn- e"d nor Missad a duancýe, xich -wa"s quit a feaut, nmuny ef tha natives havîng gî-vea uap early ln tha aven,- inag1 Mris. Ernie D)ent and Len Bourre e-corted the couples to the sauits of- honour le front of the larg9egahr ing. Betty Chapmnan raad the ad- dressas u olw Dear Vera and Bob Alice and Jackh Frianlds and leaighbors we are hiera 'Gathered la this achool, Ie bonour of Our newly-weds W"hicbh is of Course, the ru]a. This tinue it is dliffament, Double hoour due, Botb tha g2roomsvweme fighting mnen And both brnoughit brides homlua tee. 'We nighbors are dAlightad To, think that Jack, and Bb Two )very wly hachel(Mrs 0f freedom hnave bc obd We cavr keýW JUSt whI-y ithase tWo Escaped, in days gone by, Were, they afiraid of xcouen »? Wera they too simart ? too shy? Couild 'ha thay wer'e just tired ftrthe yaars of ddig And whabn thes grlsfirst nmat themi The boysý just wýeren't watching. Whatire'er thie caiuse, it's too laýta nowý For boit thas;e Iboys Lare generýs; We dof our bants te thasa two girls, To them go aIl tise honours. Nýow Alicaad you, Veru, We give you soundud ývice; Let Jack nd Bo ut slo 1And neyer octut, anights. We wish you joy and huppinaess (C'ontleuckd on page four) Pota to Growers Held Field Day In Cavan And Manversý -A. , most s uccels sf ii l Potato Gro w- ý' FilId Day nasheId ie Cavanii id, Manvans Townshiips on Fridu-y beroon Auust9th, wýti aOt venty-flva 'le attenance, about Tetý-ýfilva cf whom ware Boys' and isotato Cluib menibers. ;t casu. Ant J et chiefly a credit te * tee dust- under thi Beirkeley, St. Catis- it n'as tee -S etSanme. ,Mr. Clifford R. No. 1, han eLght licated five mpson, et eto tise ex- ltcaetftise eironstratedl is rýefpotad te, be resistnt te Bac- temial Ring _Rot, Thse nextto stops vecre ut Mn. AÂlfmed "Johnvston!'s and M.Erinest Cuvaao's' where two excellent fields eto Chippewu p)otatees were seani. Tihese are two of t'he t-wenty-four antries ile the Fiva udrdBushel Cluib. flnay viIII rcaîlthat Mm. I Joetnwon tha «d Watcis in1 this Comnpetition in 1944 and 11r, Cavano tisa folloNing year. The last cal wus -made ut Mm. Mil-i ton Weatherilt's, Bethany, whama Dr. Berkeley axpladned the spruying e.xp ari-ments. 'Onea of tisa fineat stands et Sehug-o potatoas was eh- samved on this furm., Mir. R. E. Geodin, Potato Specia, lat, Crops Brùneis, Toronto, -Nvas cal, ad upori on tw,ýo coccasions te addres- tha, group. On.tise last occasIion isý dcusdmurkets and altisougislht adïmitted it was dung-erous te pro- phesy, ha fait, assumed tisera snoIuld ha a favouruhie rmarket for the 1946 crp, E. A. Sumars, Agricult-ural Represeetative, who compîated tise pvanas and directed tise tour was Lu -,vas cs and their es. fil Sugar Ration Increased ed sufficien-tly to allowan increaise in) the sugar ration tonm'Stic conl- sumners, industriaii users, aad( quota miuers according to a recent an- nouncement nmade by tha WNartine Prices and Trade Board. Th ! incr ea sa o hoshedca sumars will arniounit to thrLea pou[nda of ýsugar par parson during the re2- mainder. of 19416. Tw-vo ex tra cou - pons w;,ill becomie valid laiptme and the remainingl coupon on or> about Decamiber 63tb. Thismas that five sugar coulponIs in thl-na Ration Book1 No, 6 will ha daclared vulid oný Septamfluar 19, two opn w111l becoma,' valid ln Octo*ber, thre le. Novembar, and thrae la Daccebr. Tt isfaît that the increasad sugar! ration will anable houlseviiveS te in- crea ehir home canniiiag,kn ig that thiey can replace tHal extra sugal- usad with the couponis lbecomiinIg valid ile Septeti-CberP. Q' Coupons To Be Used To Purchase Meat 1The spare "Q" coupons le the rs- ent consumtier ration book v;il ha de- clarced vulid for thape chsaof meat after- August 22, whan thb.e prasanrt supply of "M"L' couponis runs Mrs. Lena M.ý Fralick 1 Mrs--. Lena Ma,. Fralick, wdw of thal ilate S .Faik f~u n port Parry, pa1ssed away on Wed- adaAuýgust th t te home of %Ohom ishe had lived for- several y-earýs. Mrs. Fralick was bora inBom - ville, the da1ughter of the lete An- toyDaviy and Mary Jane ed later com"ing to Oqrono w "hera she, spent harý girlhood days. Wýhan teaching sehl .1and later ie her own homie, shýe was actively interastced in the work of the huc and the Ci.. f wih shie wsa ifae mieiiber. ,Uuny will tr1,ea su3re the meïory o 0F lher lbrave spirrit, cheery snmiie and christian f aith. In the abseînce of ber pastor, the funeril service -was cýonduicted by Rav. J. E. -G1riffith, of Bowmlanville, Who h7rotighlt a hielpful and comforting Shie is survi ved by onea son, Ken-j nieth, of Torouito. and onea sister. Thosa jreseat from out-of-town, includad Mr,.annd Mrs. Kenneath Fra- lický and Ruby, Dr. and Mýrs. Roy Fralick. 11fr. Grant Fralick. Mr. and -Mrs. Allan Mark., Mr. and Mms. Jus. London, Mrs.£IL1Davey, Air. W n. Divan, of Torento: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fralick. Mr. and Mrs. Emn- mierson Fralick, Mmr. Fred Crýoziar. of Scugog; 3Mr. anid Mrs. Roy St. Ration Adm-iinistr-atýin officà!ç iais , Ms. F. ie ritai; W. SCL point out that Coupon, M-5O which ofke rE ileMs .Se lbecomties valid on Thursday,. Augist yno ovavle 15th, is the final brd.;wn coupon in Ra- Interment wais made in Orono tion Book No-. 5. To provide con eeey sumiiers with mneat coupo)ns until t'heo tima' the coupons iin hook No. 6i hc- Don't forget the furnituý,,re sale of cone vaflid on Sept. 19, tHe graýytHe Estate of the late ,Mr!-s, J. R spariies inarked "Q" viil ha sed. The Coope, iWain tetouhon a- first of thepse, "Q-1", becomes Vailid ura, A.ugust 2qtcimnigu on ~ ~ ~ ~ d T-rsuyAgut 2n. 2 0 TownshipFW Council Sets Rate At 8 Milis For 1946 The Clarke Toewnshlip Couniic;l mate on1 Augu"st6t,14,litreua meeting; ail the Ce,-uncillors vwerar prasant. Tie miute ,etthe' pra- vieus eetinig \wara approvad a fead, 1Thie Clark raportadI on thse buîild- ing b-la for, the Toýwnsbip, and w"as instructad te pra-pare -a by--iaw te hapazs ut the Spere met- ing etteCouncil. Oaa hospitelnotioce wus ,pranentd nnd ità a found that theacun balengled to IHope Towniship. The Clark wus asked te ýsecuira all informioàn re tra ilas.suee resorts and caýmps and flnd eut wvhat~ regulutions thera are re the licen sin-- of the Saute. M.Bentl[ey, (c'ounty WeadIspc ter-, aIddlrssed Counicil re tise new ragulatiîons respccting wveads aund uras preisad co-opamatien by the Council. Owing -te o iiainregarding the A s s e ssmIent Ac'acedig e hich itl municipulities must asses-s fromi Januatry te Septemiber in aah ear, plans were formed for a ravision etý tise 1946) ol this Pull, and tise samne1 to ha the sasmn Roll for 1947. Tisafoloin msoluitions weme pasýsed 11 Ras. 1302-4Hu.wke-Jnes Tis't this, 'Couanciilinstruet ltise Assassor, _Ms'. R. G. Mofft, te proceed witis1 tise evising etf the 1946 RoIlin.leor- der' te estLiliis a rol for t1he yeur 1947, te conform 'wuith the regutla-i tiensets recent Assesnment Acti us amaendad fle 1946, and that thie1 .1sulary shah hae the same us in the1 spring-, $27~5.00, 'plus $15MO* xpen- tinuing MnI. C. F. Ad as Tax Col- lecter tup te and includiag- Septem- ber ?11(, 1946. Ras. 134 - Advartising tise closý- ing- et a p ece et road On the HTope Twn si,p boundairy lice of Clarke because eft' tho dangereus entmance1 on te No.ý 2 ullghway. The following ýby-Iuýws were pass- ed : By.-La~w 1125 : Fixing tise rate ot 8 milîs for' the PolicLe Village t Oroýno for tnse year 1946. y-aw12'26 : Fiinig tisa Town- Ceuinty1 loWs: ol l as - 938 1,.6 war paid : A. Hall, for weocd ----- R. Wie, flxingad clauing Relief charge back Dabanturea aceunt C. B. Tyrrl, office supplies.. Dr. W. -W.Shwn Orono Hydreten hall Oronoý Weekly Times,voea lista, etc - ------- W. E. Du-vey, taxi te Osba'Lwa, pneumio refuIs J.3. MeIllor salary, postage, M rs. -H.- --M---rris--- Mrs. E. J. Rnal R vs .. i Relief - - -- -- --- Reliaf charge back.-, E. L. McNaugbton, hospitali- zation ýR. Hl. Wood, cure of hall. 1kfterm cre., Ce. J. Alun, 6 tips si valer Wmrî. R'lnPlewmiens' As- Sociation graýnt......... Roaýd Voucher No. S..... Ras, 1,305 Iak-MKy this Counc-Il(do nowv adjeure to auanin the Councîl Chianubei Tulesday, Septembar Smd, 194(1 the heur oetoea tinirt he s noon for tise transaction et g bus'iness. Izoad voucher NO. 8 Caci Stupletoni..,.-.........-- - Gordone Martie........... L. D. Bell................-------- H. Carscudden .------.-. ----- Jas. 'Swamrick ............ -- -- B. H1ryniuka ....-.--.--.-----..- W. A. Raid ...ý- ---............. Tone Lungstaff........... ----- Reýher-t EIey..............- Ernest Hoad.............. --- Ellsworti Cus'weil.....----...... Hooey Transport..... Newtonville Garage..... ... A.G. D'arhiington-..----....... W.C. Lu ne & Son....... Lnancaister's Garage.........-- -- Watsoýn's Garage..........------ J. A. Carscaddan ..---... R. A. Blyth Ce............- John Lechie Ltd...........-- Link Baît Ltd........... O0rono iHydre Electrie. C. G. Amtogs.... -J. H. Hancoc'k............----- Robsýon Farmq Equipmaent.--- $2 5.00i 7 15.56 8.00 12.75ý> 32.00 15. 00( 15.00 ICounti'es' Health Unit Busy In The Sanitary Field At, the n'ontly nmeeting of theý Bojard of laalth in Gobouirg on August t 8, 19 , r.G. W. Miller reported 'that the'mot of July had been. a, busy; one for the Heýilth Unit especialy- in the Sanitury field. Particular attention has been, given to ens-,uring thbat bothl public 1and private supplies of milk and iwatar were safe for drieking pur- 1poses. From rural areas, w,,here there appears to be an incrasedi- cidence of stomach. "f.lu" and sueimerý dirhethere have been màny1 requasts for the testing of driniking water as a step in safe-guarding the health of the fa-mily and of the many suimmer visitors to thesa coueties. Regular inspeetion of milk pser izing plants lias been carried out with 6l8 paýýsteur-izedl milk samples and 46 -unpasteurized milk sam-plesý being sent to, the Provinciailalbora- tores for bacteriooca testing. AI- though the majoity of establish- ments catering to tourits ware Sn spected earlier in the season, there wera 5 visits m-fade to tourist camnps, restaurants, etc., during July. Ie the case of a new business of tisý type, it is especially desirable that plans be sinitted to the 1eAjth Unît befooee work is .started as the Sanitary Inspectors areF often uable toý suggest means of making-, sanita- tioni both easier and less expensive. During the monith, 6(9 requests camne from reýsidents forý assistance in the eliîation csf insanitry conditions ie their viciity, chiiefly le resýpect to sewage, garbage and flïes. A number of dwalligs iaspcte were econsîdered unfit for hiabitation, but due to the hou1sia1g shortaige on1ly 2 wera deftinitely coed whi'le hr ara beîng kept undar observaton pjendinýg the fiînding- of other icm modiation by thie present occupants, Cour acionwas tnýken ag-ainst ole bouse ener. ho leaddition to he-1 iag fed wris ortared beag trate to provicle tLhe rqie ai tariý faç1ilitias. One sagtrbouse, ullich thle owiler h1ad neaa ih Mu the permission of the Roard of 1Health, asorerd losed pünding2 the carryirg n efA imprvpement anid the secing ii,-of 'the 1nacessary sanmction to eperate'. There xas a imarkadi decrausa e i thie number et cases ef coýmmuni- cable diseuase mpo-rted liJn ywiha1 t o tal-"f jIst 45 cases 'f wih1 ware. chicken4pox anIld 24 mals Coincident with the closing of scisoos, the numbar ef oumuniza- tien clinies drupped te 6 for thai moiith et July. There were 2-) dmi- les held la Port Hlope and 41 in the, BowmIaIvilla office, ut which 41 vaIc- cinations and 46 îi noc ula t ion s w e ra giveni. It is fait thalut thiese regulari clinics are of valua te parseals whe wish te have their childran pretect- ed befoie the FuAl Scioo Terni oe ns, Saveral changes bava occurred n thie nlursieg staff. Mýiss Feasby and Mýiss Muson left the Unit ut thae nd of June~ and Miss Waller ut the anÀ et July. TUis- Dorethea Elgie start- cdI work iii Port Ilope July 3rd on a temipernmy basin, being angugad te go te Strattord in Saptember. Miss RosLuCunnigam h"basbenst%- oned in Cobourg and commencad bar duties oni-tHaie lt et August. Changes la staff and vacattions bave fctdthie vo)lume et puiblic, bealth nnursing. 'On tisaothr hnd, w -thne scboel and itia eimuz- tien work, a, large proporti. o tnur- aîng tiune cou'ld ha spent on home1 viýsita. 76 thrulsspatiens n 17 contacts and suspacted cases ad- mltted for public -health nur'sing su- fCost 0f Living In3creases The iceaeof 1.5 points inr..the cost cf livinig index betwaen June I1 and 1July L, recenltly announeed by the D)oinion BEureu of Statis*,ticn,ýý whie otaxected, pflaces the j s s sqaeybefor e us and sho.)ws t;j that our choica lies betwen n mod- erate and carefully controllad re- adjustment on the one hand and(, sharp and cmuluting iniflation onr the ethar, Donald Gordon, Prices Board chair-man saîd. "It iprovidles a muild forataste of thle sort eft conditions for which weý are haaded unless ail grou.ps in theru commuaity make a serious efort tl hold the lina". About one-third of this latest in-. creasa, which brought the indexc from l122.6 to 12-4.1 points rapre-, sents the seasonal advnnc in va-ge3- itaffla pricas which almoat ivral reach their year 'igh point, le the earlv summaer efore the n'w cep3 ara coming to- the mar-ket ir, ol ume, Mr. Gordon ddalred. The advance la clothing and bouse oUne-third of the rise arae o this char- acter ind it shoul'd ha pointed ou', that the full lacreases authorized ý»l_ cýlotLhing anid furniture prices at cer- taini s-ýtages of production hav,ýe no,; yet ben antirey mrelced ut thaesta- tait prce evel. Th'le Gov-,ernmntt's rec noucedchagesin the s ditionial flaxibilJity ini thc ne iî iIîe' post-vvur whe kaigprices und anld rsrin odly ivcou ubledevaopmets e th StatIes, ha setd le sibiity n th par et usiness, la- ploit terbraiugpwrte is fuil late rsetCo ndi tion e shortag -e toetanbigh-r wjag-s apd hiliarLi-1 raurn'1s, 1then e ha ia Gorde poîtedOut. AN IM POSSIBILITY right hour. One day just rei ha set the strîker right in the ing, ivhin Jte afternoon a der storm passed over puttAý hydro eut fL business for a jand nonT tha d ýýoc-k is nagaýin st, two hous slow pervisioni. TattlOf'09n vits i trtan an11Y prec monti, ad "t"s f speis cance in thbat 2G8 ,of these wer, haaýltb upevison(f infants. A port Hpepreachool immuIniý clinius sumu eb hldren wý'ho are2t ter sho next faîIl were given cmli physical inspecton wWt. 1parents prasent. To Raise o0 rue1- a seies ileen Pavilior CI to thlem ,is1 M r th'e laUrueOs c To Improve 1 de- donie a lot -ef antertainiir s in boys ut Chnistie Street, Bi ously Bridle,and a assesher et Wud'-leran Organizations. They ising piayed for practîcuily all t'he , ii Toron'-nto. Ait ilîs ý 1Petty CaIS àdered Total Tu M. cSUt111tees ,apjpointe« U.lto ant a tour 'with t 01an bhala client tan i taisdLin pelai( sgrewer.T experimeni, acýtion et Dr nuler Plant P, ins lethis rly te notie [hae aext stop