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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Aug 1946, p. 2

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7,ERinSIJPYBRHA New role for Lieut-Col. Joan IB Kennedy, efficient officer admin- istcring the C.W.A.C. during its organization, is that of associate private secretary te Hon. Ian Mac- kenzie, ministe rfor veterans' af- fairs. She finds civilian if e "grand" now that she has turned her enfergy lita peacetixne channels and looks even more attractive in "civvies" than shIe did in the trim uniiforni she wore during war years. SZUCCEEDS FATHER Thse appointmcent of L .M. Hart, Jr., above as president and manag- îng director of the White Motor Company of Canada, Limnited, bas been announiced following a meet- iag of thd board of directors. Hie &uccccds his father, L. M. Hart, Sr., dean of the Canadian niotor tckindustry, who has retired due to ili health. Mr. Hlar,Jr., was previousiy vice-president, and has been promîinent in Whit's post- war expansion plan which ïncludes construction of a $2,000,000 truc% an(] bus manufacturing plant in Miontreai. HOUSING PROBLEM ýked out of your Ilouse is usan H-ayward, lovely actress, seen here witb oys, said with a yawn. r husband, Jess Barkrr evicted so oftenii ately. cven bother to unpaclb she expiained, b7ecause don't like childreni. Her ory and Timiothy, aren'i destrucive AhtIan .any no hodboys, Susýan *cryFord, p--iocramoile manufacturer, clbae a happy 83rd birthd ay with hi1s nf t a mammoth party in his honocr at Dearborn, Midi. FIRE- SWEEPS WEST COAST HIOTEL Four fireýmen were killed and 30 more injured fighting a five-alarmn fire in the Hotel Herbert, Sans Francisco, Tangle of hose along the2 pavement is evidence of strug-glc to bring the blaze under controi. ONE YEAR AGO Japan surrendcred unconditionally to the Allies, thus ending World War IL. That was the news a-t î (EWT) on Aug. 14, 1545. The o.rder ý%ent out te cease fire and there was rejoicing throug-1out the country, on the battlefields ah-roa-d and whiercver paelvn peo- pies werc te bc found throughout the world. In Japan, nwppr and governiment officiïis spokeagbt suicide, but a wave of :araý- kiri already had hgLiic h Jpwa 1ins.1 I igIighs oftheNewus Sugar Ration Increascd The ýprices boa-rd anniïouniiced an inCrease of three pounlds perpr- soni in] the inIdividtual sulgar ratio l for the remlainider ,J the year WI correýsponiding icrassin thieai- lotment for idstil)and qu[ota users suich as, soft dr1inik and Coni- fectiolnery mnfcuesand ho- tels and restýaurants. A board saemn qaid sok .have imiprovýed sufficieivto al- Iow the icesahlouighwod supplies stiJl areclow require- monts. Two extra oupns illbecomle Valid in Septewmer and 1)H ie remam ing couipon eonior abnut Decemiber 6. Cost of Ling Riscs The Doiniion Bu>lreau lof tatis- tics reported a L.5 point junîip up inl its cot-fliig nex ring tune poinits over thle laist four llonIthIs- and Chiairmaii Donaird Gordon of the Prices Bosmrd wrndai ihe saine tim.,tha;t fueïtheincease couid hoe XPected(. Resumlptinl of the cs of liý . bonus for per-suns in-,the puýbliC service haýs created keenintoli' t in]- asmIuch thle Unlited Steel W\rors 1ba', e 1proosItd a siar s steni for Ithe steridusçtry. Iceland Requests U.N, 'Mer.bership Icl , wicb xvýas usod aý a base for Amorca..troops ý'wi, g the wvar, hias formaiiy ar plied for adImiss:ýintte e nitcd Ntos Se1ven applications for amt tanice, con-seqiuentlyv are niow Iho- -fore the miemberC!sllip cômimitteo the Security -rouncil. The ,e hors are AIJbai,the IMongolian Peo- pie's Ro-pnblic, Afghanistanl, Trns- Jordant, Ireland and Portugal.[ palestine Issue infor med 'erverl.ýSs: *d that the Britisb cabinet migbt decide tc in- form tle United Nations that Brit- ain is roady 50surrende her man date over Palostine. The Briti,%h goerint liaspro- pared to lindnplans for trans, ferring 100,000 European ) ewisb> refugees to Palestinoc in the faceý of moutîng eiene4lrasthe Uitdci States would rojoot proposaIs for ai) Arab-Tevwish federaýtiolI in Ilhe Hoi 'y Lanld. 'lhle cabinlet wudprohal1Y dis- cus the formation, of a"arte" regime in Palestine to function -, ü tii the United Natiois is sufficient- ly organli7ed to take ovetr thie Pal- estine mIlandate. Forest Pires in. Siberia Huge fo'rest fires are ra-gin1g over 6, )00,000 acres of land in Central and Northernl Siberýi- Airb)ornec fire-fiightiiug patrols have dropped parahouss wo are mnohiiizing ý"tIe villageýs t0 check thie con]flagrat"i is. Eire Quits Neutrality The net resuit of thie decision of the( Eire PaIrlianient to join tdie UnitedNa i s i tat Eire hbas de- cided to ab fio er policy of noni- tralty. Thus Prhime Mùiiter de Vlr' govermnmnt As tbe first of the war- time neuitral's to declaro its willing- neçSste accept the rosonsibilities secifcally ruile out -anly reserva- fions on nleuitrality il] a w'ar against an aggressor power Eiesdecision is regLarded by eration \with thle BiihColmmlon wealthl. Thesýpo!observers have nlot- ed a troncid in tbis dircCtion a'-lso in Ar recenit trade dlisculssionls hbetwe'n~ Britain anid Eiro and the Brjý,tish, purchitse of [ihfoùodstf5fs- du Fruit Prices Levels T Mlaximumi prices for douiestic d and imported Ipeachies, pears andl pLums of the 946crop have been set at the csamlevel as those in e2ffect;'n 1945, the prices board an- nounced Last week. REligious Leaders Protestat l !ieders from (eigh1t curies, meeting in England said twen te WrldCouncil cf Chuc!iesand te atLicani"wa urgeýd as the, basis for sc op YOU'L BE DELIGHTED vith theIlleb flavor of Maxwell fHouse Coffee. Its bLended by xetsfo extra-llavoi coffùees - the finest baial -give you Compleecoffee ats facetionl. DROPS in each eye! t? Then eteanse and refreili in with Mujrine. And use Murine en eyes are irritaied by sunl-glare, t, driving, reading, hay fever or ýoy fumles. Thlere are seven )ortants ingredlients in Murine. 0 drops in each eye soothes and forts %ery quickly. Ask youir ýggist for Murine. 0*r. DAWESBREWERY y~

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