AGENTSWATE bows n cob, arý t' naiL ci pers,~~~~~ plasti laù!ae, ao Tcr, trimne t.Lwec IIAIIV&FAL CHICKS .ULLtce.S EIGHTLly WEES e s Fn. ree caloge and prielit Sud sfore Pulets.i- fix (al Cbick LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., Exeler, Olntawe. [0 1laying forimeaedevey .Aiso two aind thr-ee wekold_ starit- e d chickýs. Free caaou.Twedd'le h,1ický Haicheries. jjmitec1, Fergus. SOME STARTED PUL1,LETS AT peilpii(cs,, immediate delivery. Als briles.Late summer and early faillcik-re now. Bray lthr,131) Johni N. Hamilton, Ont. MILLER'S CHICK ,HATCHERY, FERGUS, ONT., IARDROCKS IIRED TO LAY' S ", lu weekýs am.x RLeor x tORi. 4 & 6 ees Flckç of Leg,- ilorri pulils of 160 at 12 veeks. Immnediate sipm)nent can be made. jE~l np or cennWieto us, for 1torm.ation. We are glad to answer ý0r qujestions. Departme-nt R. ýar1zçler's ya Works "1.ted 71 "on)ge Strýeet To r,)Yto, 0ontrloý. hait, Quartýer bri!ig, booiet( on eartlwývrm1 propogation, Cmlt detalis, assuring a greater suJpplyý year a1fter eaSoilmansLte sýter, ox223, Wnnýipeýg,Matb. ;ide Postpaid lIýc.AtmcEer prises. Long Branich, Ontario, ELEýCTRIO M7OTORS WUE bou"ght,ý sold, rebuilt: beits, pulleys, brulshes-. Allen' l 1ect1rie_- ompany lýtd., Lý226 Dufferin St., Toronto, Ont. ïK1-tg Charlles & Rulbies) Pdge 0tzock."Ol litter inCad.Prc $600nud 575.Ki J. A. Maddin, R.-t FISHIG TACLE BXES - WbolDesýale Pýrice. HIeavy Alumit- ilum, streamlllned, green outzside, r fuie -compïeteiy rust-proof, wosize's $4,25 snd $3,25 postpald. Deir, Ue p Cafe adBoat Ce., [ANT WHITE PEKIN -5,NG 2000 WEEKLY voDuckiings -$22,7ý5. 100 Duck- in grs - $4275 50 Duecllngs - 4250.00. ,0 Dujcltlngsý - $405, No o rd er lucs thani 10. pCet. your order il iud get themn tdyfor m Cke or the Jew1ch Hoia uSeptembher. Send for full partlr.ulars, and înfor- ýcua-tIon oni how,, you canr gro-w lb No. 21)4 EXeter, ùniTeie, block celrnants coiibined, hsniid op- erated ty'pe, aize 8 x -1,two. hoies. 7elig prie$350.H IVIAPRT1NEAll ST.,EMSQE roRll TCE STOVE OR PUR- zlace. Copteinstructins for in- st:allationl sud 0operation, lso 011 catbinet. Whlslretail. -Agenti BRull, 27 monîhe. JohnOlve Wl _We are- ovrsoce at te present of good u1,'d lrdeiies (urn teed to, be in xclln sha-pe) -£l 600 X 16 $5L0 andi Fatrm Trac tor Tiras., BEccO IR , nm Queen &r VTrk Ste. HAÀMILTON,1; Ontario. 1;I PED TIR 12HOP ed, ediree-, nnetyJg f 1oe hall 249 St Zoiqu, MontÉreal: FA1RMs FOR SALE f70 CS,104)-AC RE- FARm, near l](Jhrc ndsbol Ex- elient grai 1n pst ur lanid,-- abnatwater- supyît0e bamn.i hrc ouse, hydro. Blox 106,' 73 Il A IIID IES SI XN G "H ttoerion ettod nformi,,Lon on Aenue todToroto. .11 ÉIJUAL IDONIT DElVIEVERI' SIFFER-2 er oReulat, Pains or Neuritis shudtry Dtx,ýon's ltemedy, Mun- roc. Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa.: pROVEN REMEDY--EVERY Slip- tarer of Rheumnatir Paine or Neuri- tis should try Dixou's Reinedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1,00. FRED àA liODiING'i'OA [Ri YS sells, excirangesD musical Inetru- ments, 111 Churcla. Toronto 2. OPP1ORTUNITIES FOR WOMIEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAD)AS LEUADING S'HUO(L Great Opportuniîty 1,earn waetbousands successful Mlarvel graduiates. Amercra's greatesi sys- tem. lIlluslrated catalogue free. Wrcite or call MARVEL HAIRDRESS']NG SCHOOLS 398 Bloor St. W., Toronto. Branches. 44 King St. Hamiltoni & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. PATENTS FETHRSTNHAGII& COMPANY' Patent Solicitors., Establlsbed 1890; !4 _King W %est, Toronto. Bookliet of 'noain on relu!eot. PREE HO EBIBLE COURSE. 28 itesingissonis answering many puizzling questions as Armageddon, Milielnuim, Heavent, Death, and Savto , Write Bible Serinar, MdsnCollege, Tennessee. ILSDEVELOPELD 2; CENTS. Guaantedone day seýýrvice, No waitng. sy ho)to Service, North TIME TESTED QUALITY SER VICE andi SATISFACTION Your films p;roper!y developed and printed 1 il OR1 8 rXPOSU}tlOROLLS 26e. REPRIINTS 8 for 25c, FINEST ENLAPGING 8EEVICI6. Y0,13 may not get ail the. films you want ,his year but you cari get ail the quýalýity Csd service you desîre hy sendiug your filmns to [IMERIAL PHOTO SERVICD Station 1. Toronto. GET BEÎTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE 1PR01MPT MAIL SER1VICE .Any Sze Ho - 6 r 8 Exposures. DEVEOPEDAND PRINTMD 25o il MOUNTED ENLARGEMEN1ýTS 25c Sîzeq 4x6" in, Beautîful Easel Mounta Enlagemuts4x6"* on lvory tinted mount; 7x -inluGold, Silver, Cîr- cassîan Walnut or Black Ehoriy finish fria-mes, 59c sacli. If enlarge- mentcolored,79c each., RernsMade Prom Tour Neg.atives 3c. Eacli DEPT. M STAR SNAPSIîOT SERVICE Boîx l', est 0218ee A, Toront o Print Name ýand Address Plinly. TEACHERS 'WANTEI> TACHRWANTED - SALARY $1500. Teachera enluded. Grades 1 to 8, Apply3 Se.-Treas. Mrs, E. NicoliS !S,'N. L, Port Coldwell. ont. FIRST C'LA-SS PROTESTANT Teýacheýr for Mainsville Schriol Edw. N.9. Slay 1100. Morton Adams, Se.KR. 1, Cýardinal, Ont. 11 11N111D - PUBLIC S CH OO L tea1che-r forSS No. 2. Hodgins and DejrochIe. Duties to commence Sept. 1, 146; SOIe salary wanted, Ap- ply triF,, E. .Rocs, Searchrnont, Ont. TECIRFOR S.S. 7 Radcliffe Public Sehool Comber-miere, Ontario. $130ler year, Srnallsol Griod equîrnet. Satequalificaztions and appliy "tri S. F. SrwoTresLsur-er, CoIlermee, Ont, SAVAN.T LAKE SS. NO. 1 RE- quires exprerienced teacher, grades 1ti8, sir $1200-$1400 if quali- fiain varrant. Butles to comn- mn1,tce l'ail term. Appiy tri J. B. Melanlson, Secret-eary TVreasurer, Sa- tr ommneSp. l ay$1300 per ya.ApyWatrSraSec,- WANTED wNrDTU PIOHAE ULLETS Osrrd RoksNew Hfampehîres, Whie Lgbonsany age from S8 weeks up ti lying. Griod prices pai. Aplytri Box No. 95,.7.1 TANDARI)hAERWANTED Classiffed Advertising NEW BREED 0F- CATTLE Aillies To Unif y Obj'e4 of Plan le To Remedy Ge'anEconoxnic Problema, Au imnportant aninonucamannt r-e- ccuitlyiy w a e tihe Ui-ad King- dom iii join the United States in, uiin g thair zones of occupa- tion ini Germauity The proposai was mada e cecsary by Ruýsia'1s rapudistioni of tic-Pritsdam agree- meut, tri which Premier Stalin wec a party in july aset _yaar, for. the, ecouriiunity oif ail tha four zones, says tic St. Thomas Timecs Journal. German unity was deamed desireble as au effective remady for- tic Garman eaoniomic pr-rilems, and also tori rc e Gr- mnany tri tic comity of trading na- tions, hnying in suid scllig ri tich commercial wor-id et large, Suai a procedura wriid siso ha eimpor- tant as; a fr dse in friur-- prier c perai lufr solvýing tic ma1in pmnlemis'of jpeace, The Western powere w eut tri break down, niot to i me-ase, tic bernier-s betw cen Eastern sud Western Germrany. General McNar-ney, tie United States commander in Garmany hec puhlicly stat-ad from hic ex- perieuca tiat thare is earniriic arecping paralysis in tic Reich. Conditions are worst in-tic Bri- ici zone whara tiare is tic greet- ast indust riel agglomar-ation sud tic smailest paerc naeaof far-m- lande tins creating a shortage of food whici tic Rusisuais. with tie bulk ri thti agricuiturai laud and tic most foord. daclinie tri alleviate, aven at a priceý. Tic rasuht is that tic hard-pra.ssad 'Britisihbave made sacrifices tri send food i,) Gar-many et a crisî equivalanit tri $300.000,000 s year. cri tiat tic axrrordiary situation arises that Britain, tiec ariquerig autr-y, is actually payiug rapar-ations tri Gar- meany instead of beiug peid. France is also likely tr i rin tic Anglo-Amierican acriuomîc zone. B>oys And Girls Should Have Hobby E ary boy sud girl ouglit tri have a h1obby iutstead of s habit, scbii-teccers imighit weli studyj tihpe lir-tesof tic ch:,ild, and create sudJîcultivte hobbies, for tic boy% or girl1cri engaýged bias a chance tri cucaeed by his or lier own me-its, in case every otier naturel, aid is deniad. A,,$cIndy of nature, or -mechanias, rif lauguages, or liter-aiture, are sa-fi îugýs that siouid 1becencouraged. je you have Experimnental Farm8s A Fine Investment Maintaiingtc Doinion Ex- perimeitai Feýri-m set-upiý codt a cd Canadien c itzen, abouit 2C cents aunualiy, aacording tri a statemaut made by a fer-m official rcceutly. Recuits indicate ti-ýa t tus modest annuel l investmaniiîîbrigs baud- coma dividends 'ntrieticnation, sud tri thc farmr. In reviewiug tie devalopment rif ar-rip variaties sud fer-m practice from the opeAnug ri the territriris tri the presaut da, a ramar-kabia story of skill sud par-- cae-caca oi, tic par-t of tic fer-m scientizsei eeid Quicks Saritcing ni tceibites, heat r-ssii. erauma, ivspimpleýs, craIes, scabi ies t1iltes font anid rteeteral-,ly ,cLaused"' kIn rbles. us 'k-, insootbîag, atsetrD. D. O ON. Greaselees, stainles, Itrh stops or-yoir imoaeyi badc. Vaur dIrucist stocks O OO RECRPTDN Theote evening, via radio, we heard what struck us, as s_ ver-y fine piece of miusic, beariug a miost ridiculous titie, Iiu fact the titîr was more than ridiculous; it was pediculous. (Looik i up in the dictionary; we had tri.) The name of thig piece was "Har-old in Itaiy" by Hlecct Ber- lioz. And juct why M. Berilioz, afler dring such an'impelv chore of music-writin1g, should goý Ian-d tag it with a% titie which re- ni mmc i o some0 qýýitiug from thaý ISuuday Sahool Libr-ary, is conid(- erable o)f a myscery tri us, and liIkely tri remain cri. JFor- Just the sighr-i or seound( of sucli a namne is euough ti) turu milostnomli- ded folks agaiuct t; and if we hiad 4eard it anuiouu!ced before thie piece wac paydiuscad of after,' we ai-e quite sure .vc would have% dialed sometiulg ease, Sso mis- sed ont on a r-cal pleasuire. Whîch brinigs up the nýJid quas- tiou of rvhy scri mauy sports wrl- ters, wI o shouild kuow better, stili insist ou1 putting tlle basat of tha name "OLA nthie uohi- sport of Lacrosse. Ohi, yes, we kuiow that "Boxia" caves three lat- ter-s, and makes the labor of, the hard-worked healin'e-wrviter- just that muai casier, And we also- c kuow that there was a time w,ýhený two fornîs of fhei amewere bc- ing played, the inýdoor or abbrevia- ted type and the f il-size 0or out- door, cri that tiacre might hý av c baeq, coma e î_xcuisefor îryiuIg tri keep the tvwo sjaarata. Butnow Weio trieua prSonI at eastsd we knwme are nul) Unique in tu ltesiit of suich s sports paige hIeadlin'g a "SOAND- SO0 VWINS COE BOXý-LA GAME-" brings the cam,ýe sort rif feeling of fintt repl)lsïin as, say, gettiug dowu twenîy miIIIiutes ljate for the last calilfor beak ataian America-in-plau intel, aud seaiing your frit(! eggc staring at yu cold sud climmy, ou the later Just imina c yo g wai of tod-ay caiig p Ihic n-ndo ly sud saying. ""Big doings itoight, sugar-; li's draIg it river 2tr ýi ts Boxia ganse. Dnasn'tit sounid1 just too igr cayfor ors For Heven' ckeboys, lisa e s hea-rt. \Ve knwtîset wIîitepapý-1 er is ceera thse days Btt 'ry su -ear aou , filtr)i cl)a re-al game by ,-iv ts r-cl ne-a cos, Ifyo dnt, e'lpe MACHIUNER Y NECW AND USED 0f Evrry Descriîption Phoue El 121 H. W. PETRIE CO LTD 1147r-un St W'. - Toroýnfo Ii" U #LL that you Irse your clippiug-sci-- sorýis; and wliaî a direcý -iaamiy tIaut wotiId b, n obody siould kaow beittar than we. Fnllwe(rs of the sport of bar- ucss-hlorse raciag must have rubbe:d their ayes siti amazemnent ,wheu s recetît issue of Colliar's Magàzine davoted a wholc feature article,-w ith pictures iu Teclini- color, uo es-to the trotters anîd pacers. For sar longer is their- fa- voriite pastime one r-cicgated tri country fairs suid haîf-mile tracks, but reaI big-time stuff, With one track calone aVer-aging L'better thial- sýIcayeuthouisand daily -att-ndancçe, sud a mututtal play r-inîg into mlore thn twuty-ivemillion for tichesonl. igetreasou fofr this star-tliug r-xia fa sport once tboughitrio be dying is tic u travelling star- ting gtwihcuts tria' mini- mum thai long delay s sud mauy faIse b)reaks which were cri wearî- corne ti.G tic average custrimer. Now, with this cour-raptiosi, they asu gel the horses away jusi as pr-omptly as on the running tr--ks, sud a visitrir cala go tri a harnes meet confidenit that ha- woi't av tri spand lhaîf ic afteruoon listeninig tri tic recal l zIl and seeing ia sulkies coin-g baak for anothr attempt a ai art Relceetof itha bookS ïy upr;for il was bard fo)r-casuel V)iîr tiget lused îtr ilticsigir- of dIata, on which nyiîgmore h1- ar-a thn sccu-o-fv ws cou- sfeida ougsnor cri ilceeu ed. Bu pahpe theire w a sreasosa fo-tias it bhoedtcrdds- ducthîmelf ecea inycauily. As n(e11,1ou bookmakei:r said tri us, ou'ilauls:r-nom wheu we hlad reakdthat hic rids idu'tscaem tri rr on tira sida o f rvrgnr sit, "' tusgamayout've gril tri watc y cslf avery cin1gle miue. 'byt-aik abt )ntspead- balî sudbattriesforraeh- s! 1 Yonn scettIore hra thaýt !'ve got oun i at tonec- off tlie timý2e ha mada il] hic a hast jusi by changg tat price ilu- tItnt-u, u etn sOMo of haesa-cîoasgtabrir at thlt fgr Itl ws it1la[sema bookmake wilo, w-eu a akcd h iiia' wiat sîze of s ank-ie hacarïried tri tar-a dy'sbookinig, enswar-ed that lia carrîad luiee t Al."A guy ,that uced a abankroulitri make, boiok," lic said, quiiite eriously, "isni'î a bo)okýma'kert l-i Whciney be a dutio thauîy- star-y of why. ii al type(s of Sports gablng ctelayer,-s wycse tr i et ongeýr thai-1asepaes ISSUE 33-1945 "Bîting gond, aren't they ?" U. K. Reconversion Is Delayed By Labor Shortage viliaproduiction subIis ;fer-fr-m com)pIct, deayad by labor chri- tageýs>, swness crt' plant alra tOirIs, LIck )fif macinie tools aild govarj-ument control oteucs Raw rmtr-iasstr-e in battar-sp tries altliouIgh ccarcity of csatillt- ber- sud stuurel sarei A cusg ar-s to ratura tri their old ty;)e 0o wrik i pr-Oidigas long 1er- prohiam fri rime f tIic coun- try's basicinutes plant needa lore cildwre- anIld a hur-r elcd w-orking for-ca. Diechlar-gas fr-mmthe ar-miA tare by etirmentfr-oilins- try of maiir-ied womaa sud elderly par-cns. iue industýriaI lahocr force insabouit 1,100,000 culé tieni in 1939. CroiIuiinlg, hbesis of Britairî's iInustriel e2caomy, bas 0,0 fawer -workars tiabaforra the wvar; cotton sýpinlia]g ud weaviug lAS 1015000 lacs; ir-on foundries 30,000 lacs. Raducad out hY iase Ehusindir-ectly affeCtS as wide ranga of other industries. iare in a ganeral shor-aga of ,woman iiwor-karc in tb i lg1it i- ,dustriessund finrishinig tradles'. Aui- tomoibile production i js bme by s shortage pf -eIactr-ical eqnîp- mienst, blmad by ma"saers on e Iack of w'ori 1aù ij s h Recuit of an experiment in cross-breedîug a cow and a buffalo, this "ýcat talo" head is shown by Dr. E. Archibald, director of Dominion Centfral Experimeuital Farm at Ottawa. S/"PýOTS0F01,SPORtT S" By FRANK MANN HARRIS (. "A Six Bit Critie") Canada Reimoves Pegged Wheat Prices pric rif '$1.55 e ucaifor Ce-> Býritaîs, sud said a "serions" *'ef- fort %iii ha miadje tiocSl1 ai pricas, "1roughiy Corirsp da ' tiths of tiha United Statas. Tiha United States pirica for- x port wheat sales now is ive r thie $2-a-hushel -uîark. Mr r. Meainn1o11sidtha ,peg- ged iprircaof $1.55 wr-idramin tric, suc asBriainwhii lsi wek igneda or-yar-cmntràci for- 600,00)0.0f0 uhasOf Canlad- in whs' sdwatlu- a caid i uoneat ",With regalrd tri xpoi pices, the supplies foýr- the Unlitad lKin-ý. dom will oviosiyba oud \with- in tihatarins of Ilhe contrlact. "Iu salas tiu-Ote,.c oin- tries, asecrions effort w iii a1ad to salI et priras roughli cr-as sponding tri thoca nf tha it ier principal supplier-uow, t]ic ULni- ted S tatas "To thise eud, odri nni P. C. -6122 rif Seýpt. 119, 1945, lias beau ravoked "It xviii ha r-memhL'il thras through tue ordar- tha grov,'Te r n - ment dii7ectad tha C ilJanie Wheat Board for tha t:im( e aiag net tri excaadý a sales p-ia)f $1.- 55-par hcii lfor- No. 1Nor-theril, iu store Fort ilimPotA r - thur of Vancouvar in its exprirt cales". 'Vision, âSkill, Work Make Rich Farm Juet ha a combînaitionnof vi- sion, plus luird %or-k aid ski ea do is seau ou a farm near Lon)i- don, Ont., whicefithE Ba1gian14- boran wuaer bas Juciýtifsed$3, 000 for laud, wlhichi only siar ago "just oldtgrô-o a tiug", cays the Niaigars Fes Raiaw By judicious application of far-m- iug skill sud fartilizar ithe fer-mer bas mada of it oaa of tcriahîest tobseco ferma in thetares ePr - haps tire is a besson i il-,i for sane of uls \hiar-etioprouie ti thiuk. soureîiiiing canurit ha)oue THE SPORTING THING e, s 1- c 2 '1' a f a' 'i a N 1' Il; a, 'i '2' N .5 a N '1 4-' a-, i i- N 1'- p St 1-., 44 c t-, 1$ 1? 'a c c N '4 a' a N N 'f a ~7 -5 f N 'a .5-