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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Aug 1946, p. 4

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asORON Wl The Orono Weekly Times iEstablished January, 1937. Pubiislied every Thursday mTorning at the Times Office AdlVerýtisîng Rates on request VETERAN S AND WAR BRIDES CAýRD 0F THAýNKS I ENTERTAINED AT LESKARD (Miss Mabel Davy and niephew mi I eth Fmalick wshta express = 1 Subseription,. $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher. Orono, Ontarjïo What Think You, Brother!1 So mnany people rerark nowadays that coffee bas lost thie ïrom-fa and flavor of former years. To be honiest about the matter, we axe inclied to agree WC'thathe. Net so niany decades ago, one "Aud go toatce goey Store, as'k for a pound od coffee, and really enjoy the rich, hearty fra- grance as the beans raere ground wile one waited. There was lit- tle advertising of brands, no radio fanfare because radio broadcast- ing did not exist. What was broadcast wasý that good wholesomne scent of coffee in the store and in the home. Modern gadgets for coffee brewing 'were littile known. The old-4ashionied plain coffee pot reigned suprelne. Sonmetimeas the lady off the hanse -wuuld break an, egg into the freshly brewed coffee, allowing shell 'aad ail to serve as a clearing agent. Those were the days when inemibers of the family were actuaily auvare that coffee was ia the course of preparation. -A modemr excuse for the absence of this earlier coffee fiavor is the fact that chicory is not -înow nsed toctch an extent as A'il we can say to that argumnent is "give us morre chicory", if hioywas responsible for that som-feth3in3g tba/c appears to be lost. A lot cdf coffee is stii being coasumned, moi(re possIbly than in years gone by. Ffortunes have grown around the sale of coffee makers of -varions kind's, equalledi only by thre fortunes -derived fmom advemtising oýf one type and another. To our way o1f thinking and siïln theme is only one misfor- tuefor the ýcoffee dirinking public. That is with us ail the time to--day in place of the eal coffee flavor cf grandma's tie. Saving The Surface The mnanufacturers of a famous brand of house paint em- phasize the saving cd the surface ofý Coupled with the in- untioat save the surface is the assu-ranice thiat in doing s0 you a'ave everything eise. There appears to be a lot od truth in the staemet.Num-erous lhusiniess people and householders are enlarg- ing buildings, eeting new homnes, m-iaking over old structures, and the savîng influences of paint are feit in practically ail of these ven- tures sooner or Inter. Evea the "Tim-es" found it imperative to make iterations and improvemneats, and ye editor found tkme for the -wieldharg of the inieviabe paint brtush when faced with the shortage of outside la'bor. We got a tiïp froni a man ho cahu to know paint a.nd its ?haaling. This man telle us tbat the average paint does not get -rixed tboroughly enough. Even a igorous stiiring does fot suffce, be says, Iut sleady prolonged beating wil prepare the paint for more effective application a'nd guard agaiýnst peelinigand cýracking. Alof this talk about paint is a emiinder -that small jobs and big, ical for a lot of the varied colored mnateriai wbich will "save the surface". The old time-honored "anurmg" method- of painting stili seprms popular, either from chaice or necessity. Dippdng and spraying have their adherents 1boalso feel that Dhe adhemes better w,ýheni used this way. Ia any case, the "Times" offce and the adjoining gift sh'op are both respiendent la inew cvoats of paint. The initerior af the 'Tiimes" office is due for a going over too. Getting away with regula.r, work does interfere it tese special jobs. Even so, the extra effort will douhtlests be 1-ade somnetimeeare long. That advice about saving the surface- ýis really v'aluable. The Pup Can takýe The Sidewalk Youth cannot lay ail the dlaim to the spirit of avnue fr e itizen oýf ours in the persan of Mmr. W. N. B3uckley,seud a positin as an attendant in charge of one of the boatlods of hor- ses beiag sent iby the 'Canadin goverament to Europe, hied him- self a'way on a trip which occupied the bs part o"f si'x weeký,s and wchtook ýhlm through Gemmiaay and Poiand. M1. Buckley is a carpenter by trade. WVbea h anouce ta b1-is employer that he was Europe bound for a month aýnd a haîf, the alter expressed mixed amrazemeat and dîsappointmnent, the-.- added confildentally, "I1 wishi 1was. going i,-ýýth y-u". The rman was z. Hollander hha relatives in the old l[an(d. "If 1 went I would stay six mnonths" he a&de&. Hw"eerfollowing the secuing of Pasports and the taking of pictures in 'compiance ,with goverm- muent reguilationis, Mr. Buckley left the iloillander in ch,1ar-ge oc fite banner and nails and was soon upon the highi seas, Not urntil he wvas on bis xay did bis iue and thner rrelatives know of biRstweme-, abouts, Accounts of the tr, of theý came of 76,3 horses wt the help- cf other men, of the undindg of the horss in Euro, a"d 'of con- Velaing s'ith people there through the aid f ntrpreers-ali Of this niakes interesting listeing.- 'Tbe part that imipressed us the m-ost though was thre fact th-at Mr. Buckley bans reaed the timeof life when a lot of mnen be- gin ta feel that they are getting more or less advanced in yeams and begin to seek more and more thecmor of th-eir ownj fime- aides. The adage "An old dog for a bard road while the pup can take the 3idtewalký" niay have its sequel ina "a sea-dog for o. bard v>oyag-e rwhile the lanld-lulober takes the liner". Here's one case of z landsmnan and seamn-an ail 1rolled inaoone, Does Ail1 Wor-k And No Play Make"Jc ? 1ttakes these m-id August days to, reind uýl-Ls that Summner ipassing raýpidily,. L seems tMat we get nicey accustomd to goodl bot wveather wben a week-enid like the last comïes oum waî,y as -1 (,Contiaued f rom page cao) Remenaber itfs the avoman pays And hangs on toauail he "gits". Plesecpt these gifts as reprne- sený,ting the loeand respect eof the Sigried on behaîf of this gather- ing, jack ChapaleI, Ken Ba and Anite comittee carried in the giftr. The chl"romne and mamtioon lea-. ther tables anid chairs with niew plas- tic tops w,,eme nuch admired by Everyone. Bob was first on bis feet to epy, foiloved by Jack and the girls, bath cf whom made very gra- ciaus speeches of thanks for the gifts and for their reception ta the district. Short speeches followed froni Mr. Hart. Lowery, Mm. Adamo Ke-ane, Mm. Stan. Chapiuan and Mr. J'ack Chapmnan. Emnie Dont's oniy comment %vas that he hLoped the girS -would like the CanaIdians as wvelfl as the Canadians liked the English while they were stationed there. We would like ta seconid Errie*s remiark and say that any kindaness shiown these girls is a very s'althiag ia- dleed comipared ta the debI-t we ow-e the hiomes of the aid land for thieir houspitality ta aur men. Liuch follosved the speeches and then mYore dancing. t had been hoped we coýuld( have had the presentation out la front of the schooi; the flowem boxes and light made a very suitable spot and certainly a cooler one, but the wea- ther intervened again and the ain made this impassible. However, it was a grand party, enjoyed by everyone, although tavo members of the cammunity crashed the, party. Jean Fee's pet sheep came in dur- ing the ev.ening and Floyd NichaI- soa's dag Sandy also put in an ap- pearance, just proving how popular these girls are already la thîe dis- trict, We avould like ta coavey our sua- ceme aishes for your future happi- ness, and also to congratulate these two servicemen who have upheld the old tradition; "To the Victor belongs the spoils", they baothb trought home [a prize. o0 Furniture Sale -At the latidenceTof-R . Cooper, Manst. soutbi, Orono, oni Saturd-ay, Auguist 241th, at 12.,30. Ail hem uniue beddingl, linens,s- verware, 'flatiware, ,dishes;, etc.Ternis Cash.- Acopet list will be print- ed in next w\eek's edition cf the HONEY' 1 Wull le on sale at the Holley Thursday and Satutrdaýy frmm 7.00 ýte 9.00 p.m. otherwise by appoiitmrent 1 Couipont per 4 ILbs. I C. R. K-NOX, PHIONE 64-2 - ORONOG appreýcýitian afu'and gratitude thieir 1for Tv of friends and nieigAbors urn their ecent bereavemi-ent., DEATHS Bouck, El. May-1Suddenly, on Monday, Aug. 12, .194(;, at bher home, 43 Stanidih Ave., Toronlto, FE.l MY Bouck, beloved wife of Clarlence D. Bouck, mother of Eva (-Mrs. Ma-, luske), Ione (MArs. R. A., Forrester), and Ethel. -Resting- at thep funeral chapel of A. W. -Miles, 30 St. Clair Ave. W. Service ini the chapel on Thursday afternooni at 2.00 ocok Intemmi-enit tery. Mount Pleasant Ceme- MPs. Milton Mýorris - waS giveila a miscellaneous soe at the hom-ne of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Aliai on Mon- day eveaing last. Township of CIlarke. VOTERS' LIST, 1946 MNUNICIPALITY 0F CLARKE COUNTY OF DURHRAM ýNotice is herebýy given that 1 have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Act, anýd 'that I have posted up in my office at Orono on the l3,th day of August, 19)46,' the liýst of ail persons eaititled t.o vote in the said muriaipality for mnembers of parliameat, or as the case ma 11-y be, ,at Municipal Elections, aad that sncb list remainis there for inspDec- tian. And I hereb)y cail upon) ail voters to take immediate poedas ta htave- any ermors or omissins cor- rected accordiag ta law, the last day for appyealsbeg the 3rd day of September, 19416. J. J. MELLOR, Clerk Orono, Aug-ust lSth, 1948. I VThe. Dautlfu CAPITOL PORT HOPE Friday and Saturday "I KNOW WHERE i'M COING"l W-ith Wendly Hiller and Roger Livesýey FILMNED IN SCOTLAND Monday and Tuesday 6.40 and 9.00; Mat. Mon. "SMOKEY" Wiîll James' Story of a Horse, with FREDMaMRAad A-NNE BAXTER laTechalicolor JAMES E. O'BOYLE Orono, Ontarjo Business Liceneso NO. l1304970;' Wartime Prices and Trade Boýard BUILDING CARPENTERING ALTERATIONS REPAIRING PAINTING Grood work at fair prices, by the hour or the job ESTIATES FREE Some cf us wonder why the Smmr oes -not last longer. Others get aoa the prio'blem by -akiga cavnen xit ta places li'ke Flo)rid]a and St. Pt br sseoan as cold 'weather st ifa here at homle.,iMaay of the'se fo ,lkdit they cdo not ike the ar- Faîl and iater:ingc variety theicy say, that is missd aat- tenapti-ng ta do4ge the issue. Agra and wise creator aprnl kaow thee tr'uths ac long tirae before the rest of usanpd planaied tin--gs as they are. Should ave ever becomye seoflnancialy stae as to permit it, -e would like ta spenld a Wrinter in the soýuth and leama the ttbCf the %whole m-'atter. We mga evenl Venture back tO p)ublic ahol and re-leara s.ome cf 'thethiagýs ae have forgotten. One )f these thiags oudbe v'whether a tavo m-onths holidlay could spoil Cour reat foging , ack 'the third of Speb Classified ANNOUNCEMENýT f The regular monthly mýeeting ofý the Orono Woý1,mn'sinstitute wiil be 1hel on F riday, AuLgutst P6th, in the1ý Counicil Caie at 2.30 p).m1. FOR SALE One Banner Cook Stove; one Auto-Knitter. M rs.ý Arthur Ten- nant, Leskard. C30-p. WANTED Live Poultry and Feathers. Top prices paid, M. Flett, R.R. No. 1,; Be.thany; Phone 7 r 13. f-31p. WANTED TO BUY Surall acreage froiione to ten acres or more on Nqo. 2 H-ighwýay,1 between Neweastle and Newýton,,ville,i Lwith or without buildings. Cashi at one. Apply to Box 17, Orono,l »Ontario. RADIO REPAIRING Ail akesof Rdios repaired and serviced. Work Guaranteed. Prices iModerate. ýModerr test equipm-ient.1 1.E. Duval, Phonne 54r11, Orono. f-30-p. HELP WANTED, FEMALE Girl for general liouseworýk in n-ewý country homne. Private rooin anid bath. Liberal timne off. Phone cl lect, Brooklin 98. c-32-c. KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Blue, of Toronto, visited xith MWr. and Mrs. Blake Alexander for a few days, Mn. and -Mrs. Wm.l Mercer, Violeti and Ms. Wnm. Patterson miotored to Toronto on _Mondlay for the day. Mir. and Mrs. Chas. Kenny are! spending a week~ or tw.o with thei 7relatives *and fmiends in Gananoque. AMm. L. a-nd *Miss Betty Johusoni spent a week vith Mâ% and Mrs V. Johnson. My. and Mins, Grant and Violetý MeIrcer, of U.-ebrýidge, visited _Mr, and MIrs. Wmi. lMercer over the wýeek-end, fViolet is staying for a few days. 'he pulpit of Kendl Ui Ohurch wl be occupied boy Mr.1 Ro,(bertý Sherwin, of Orono, on Sun-ý day. Mr. Normuan Tiherteli a.nd daugb-1 ter Shiirley joined Mrs. Therteil andà Hazel atý' their summier home for the week-end. Visitors at Mviss MaryMLens over the week-end weme, Mrs, H. Thonapiiiison and Mm. ,and Ms.C. Thom-pson, of Tor-ontoc. There is quite a humn in the vil- l1age these mornings when the busy tobacco piliers set off for the var- ionstoacco farms in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. T. Findlay and Mr. Milton F'inlay, of Unionville, neph- ews oif Mr. . Patterson. called on Mr, and lMrs. Wm. Patterson onr Sunday. Mirse Luxon and Marion, Mirs Gray, fatmily and friends of Garden Hill, and Mrs. N.'Littie and Alecý sCent the week-end at the former's summer cottage Mr. Trevor Duif, Mr. AcheBlod- get Uf~ sene-fh, aind Gerald El-1 l1iott, of Garden tHi, visited on, with Mr. and Mrs. Garonü Martinell 'andKnie Recent visitons with-Mr. and Ms D.e MIartinel was lais brothebr , Mr. and Ms. llan Marzitinielo Roch- ester, N.Y., and l, is sister, Mlrs. J.! B1ell and daughter, Mrs.R. Kerlye. od Hamnilton. Min Fred Thonipson and fmlof WSinnipeg, are visiting w-ýith bisz brother Arthur Thonrpson. It is trwenity-thlre e years since Fred left Springdale Farmi for the priairie and this is his ftmst visît to the east, ,Mrs. Wilb4y,wh lived in Kendal soie twenity years ago, is s-pendiiag a few weeks, with M1vr. and Mrs. Mult.i Roiison, and is giving hem oldý finsand neighbors mnuch enjoy-j mnent, tellinigtheir fortunes b e 1cup reading. f e Kel, Park Com- 1 - it--ee--take- 1this Professionzal Dfrectory, A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 2.00 t 4.00pm; 6.30 to 8.0 Sunidays and Wedaesdays byi-F:, appoiniment eoly PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B&A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAINVILLE, ONT. Phone: Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones: - Office 825 Residence 409 VETERýINARiY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERIN-ARY UREO phone_ 6,37, Orono;. lTCYAMEY tINSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Aut.omo)bile and Liabillty ORONO ONTAIUO TOUR LIFE REPRESENTATIVE will gladly assist in planrnig financial security for yrAc'sel and youZ'rffly DANE FOUND Ihone S r 1'lON Phono 591 - P.O. Box 6,21 Port Hope, Ontari, MLoniumrents, Gravemnarkers, AUCTIONEER;>S TED JACKSO N Auctioneer and Valuiator Conducts -Auction sales of ail uizo land at reasonablo- rates., Com-micate with hlm at Ppart Perry. Onitarlo, or se. hia Clerck. k, .E. Morton, at Oronïo, fOrdte JACK REID rLicensed Aulctioneer and L Spec-ialize in Farmn and 1 Furniture Sales 1 Consuit me for terme an-d dates iPhone 1620 Clarke -That, for a man age twventy-feour, [The Imperial Life AssuranceCon Lpany will guarantee his family $5,000I.00 ini event of bis deatý prier to ago sixtly, for between 2% anid 3% of that amoGunt -yearly. And if lie lires te ugo sixty, the ComTpany >wiIl pay hlm the $5.000.00. Why ne't consuit your lca representative FR ED LYCEIT to seo- what a plan such as thia WI do. for you? YORK'S TJAXI 24-h-our Service SIPE CIAL RATES FOR OUIT-OF-TO1WN SHOïPPE RS1l Phone 73 r 16., ORONO

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