ORONO W-EEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, AUGIST 16, 1946 HEAILTH NOTEýS -ee ar-e some hat notes from Dr. G. W. ýMi1her, )f theNotubr landsDuhamHealth Uit: Thesurrne moths i'n Canadla poieus rw,,ith certini health lha- zars hiliif not at-iicipatedl, can ý(ften, mar one 's real enijoynient of warm weather. Thte Ch-ief h-a- is prtiahl suniurn tself, choccurs Chïiefly aogtth e y -ngr genrat9n.cefeel that tanningl is specially ben-eficial ifl SOVEREIG NFILMUS presents thieir Newýest. . . and J Ski-Rewiest Riot! A 'Rockin' the Rockies with Mirth, 'Maids and Music.' When these ski-chumps take the jàumps-it's an avalanche of rorimslg laughterI BUD ABBoTT and LOU COSTELLO "lt theIe with Ginny Simms, Patrie Kniowles,, Elyse Knox and J!ohdnny Long and is Orchestra yvith 50 Skating Beauties, 5(0 ADDED ATTRACTION ORONO TOWN HALL 8.0p.m. (D.S.T.) done gradunilly, but exý,cessive ec- p-osuire is rot wot-he golden tan so eaýgerIy sought by soimn,)y. Pre- vention is ithe Ibetter: part of curc. The mienace of poison ivy is everyîvwh'ipre with us in this county, and this weed should be treated wit h respect, or with one of the b)rainds of ;\eedIlcille2r row on the market. There is no krknown medical cure for the isease cau.scd by careless cn itact witb thiýS plant, although injec- fîins of poison oak,' or poison ivy cxtraict q;p)jear to h-ave ýa certain pre- ventive value, Smmerý diarr ihoea, espccially amongst younger chiildren, could b,- due to poorinkngwatcr. Therc are also imany cases of stomiac' "flui" -ih kh e Ibelieve emanate fron the same sourice,.Tt is always wis to hiave the sour-ce Of diking watel checked at least once a year. Fo-, those who w-ould like thIis service phone one of the HealIth Unit offices or water containers may b- obtaincd fr-om Mr Riddell's barber sh<Iop ir- Orono, or from Mr. Thompson'- store in Kendal. o Mrs. R. A. :Fonrester Ieft for Tc onito onm ond\(ýiay night, aftcn veee mg woqrd of the sudden passing bher miother, Mrs. C. D. Bouck, Te onto. Thie Time:s office will be clos tody(Thur-sday), whiie Mr. R. oretrandfaiy are in Toror attending the funeral. Mr. Orme Gamnsly vWa.s numiberi amiong the guests entertained Tueszday l ast at a luncheon given the Aýlger, Press Company of Os eawa, and anil pantoyinspectiý of the plant, at which the Rota Clubs of Oshawva and WVhithy, a] the chiief officiais of the Town Whiitibjy were present. The gathe mng took iplace on the magnifice grounds adjoining the buildinga qni'red by the Alger Comnpanly f their printing and advertising ou put. It sureiy was agthv worth -wxhile attending. Cut Glass, Crystal, China, Novelies, various styles of Hand Paintinîg, Hand Wrought Aluminum Trays, Hand- mnade Children's and Baby Wear, also Cotton and Plastie Aprons, Hlomespuùn Ba gS. WE INVITE YOUR- INSPECTION MRS. L. REID ORONO - - ONTARIO RED & WHJTE STORES GROCERY FEATURES BOLOGNA......, ,... ...... ....tini Monanch PASTRY FLOU7R......... 7 lbs. VANILLA CUSTARD ..- - .......tini Quallty PEAS............. ....... tint RICE, limited supply.........lb Snowflake A-MMONIA......2 boxes GILLETS' LYE..........2 ins Lipton's TEA BAGS.......60 bags PEANUT ÛUTTER ........9 oz. bottle 69C. 32e. BLADE ROAST .............. Ilb. 27c. Tender PORTERHOIJSE, rolled.....lb. 49c, Lean HAMBURG ...........lb. 25c. ORANGES -For juice we suggest ti ie 392's ......... per dozen 27c. TOM',ATOES -~Ripe and firm, grown b l- CANTELOIJPE - Ideal for fruit salads - or breakfast , ........... each 25c. 25c. of Local News Mrs. JT. E. Armstronig spent afw day-s iii Toroin recentlIy, M-vs. A, . E McIKenýzie watakenl to thie hsitlone day just recenitIy. MissA1) ma C Liuelhas ,returned hoeaftev spendlfinlahst wekWith reltieslaPreston. A numb-er from Orono ttendCed the iýac2s at New amurg on )iýWed- nesday last. Mrs. Delve T.dMs . Eagleson made a business trip to Toronito on Wediiesday last. MrI. and _Mrs. F. H. Godrwvin ;and daughiter, ,of Portland, Mainle, are vi:sjiing thýeir -parents in Lesk-ard. Mdr. anidMs Neil Wood, of Tor- onto, sp)ent thie week-end wtih"Mr. and Mr.Charles Wýood. Mr.John EiýOtt, omnvle visited Mvrs. T. A. Reid anid ,Mrs. ElizabIeth Tam.bly.n. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Bnmacoibe, of Kýirby, viskeItè Sun!dI"ay 'with Mr. and Mr s. 'T. A. Reîd Mrs. Bertha Reid, Toronton, is isiting t Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reid. o- Mr. and Mns. W. C, Crossiey T. ed spent Sunday with Mr. nd Mvs. À.HryBland, of Mdount Pl-easant. Ato Rs. H. J. McDoiald, MVrs. O. W. "N at çlhand Baibara Ann are speniding this week in Prince 'Edwardý CounityV id vii ng friends. on1 Rev. and Mrs. George A.MLen avi by of Grnsby, Mn. and ýMrs, RaaOf b- Toronto, were vecenit guests oùf Mr. ion and Ms J. E. Richiards. Lry Mrs. N. Mcfver, of Hmloand "G so Mr; and Mrs. Ross Flintoif. of Osh- of a1 spent Mlonday of this weeki er- witb Mrs. Hlazel FlIîirtoif. nt; Mr. L. Gamnsby, andl Mr. anid Mrs, ea ac Bob Gamasby anid famkily, of Hml oer ton, visted at the hiome of Mr. ands it- M1rs. Ken. GanDisby.S. "' ýMrs. tlrady and daugtev Patsy, of Ilamilton, spent over the -week- ] t end -with eMv and Ms. -W. E. Armi- strong. --Mv. John Arm'strong bhas retur1nedý homne from .Northern Ontar iofoi Ge a fisig trip with a party froMTor- onto, 4TI Miss Augusta Th)rnton, of Mi1i- "H brook, visited this week wIith M i ss Edith Sherwin and bier uncle Rob- ert Sherwin, anid other frierds bore. A Westi Mrs. F. Tayni1,, and grandson LArny visited ler daugliterMrs. R jVanillorme, at Whitby, and wvifle -Moi there attende a concert given in Oshawa by the - Weston, Silver Band.A Dan Chmnara, of the Toronito U niî- "Whal versity at Ajax, spent Tuiesda,>y ast visiting Ivth friends la Orono, prior. toajihing is parents, Mr. and Mr1s. y es, it's T.Chaa of Kirland Lake. j: Mr and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mrs. i Robert L. erv, Ms. R. Best and Mr. and11 crs. J. Eagiesorn, were dhrnev guests with Mnr, and Mrs. S. R. Cad('weill of Plus Port oe on Civie Holiday. M.Jalke MiddletLon retuvned to bis homne in Orono on FÏiday a,' last Aweek after spencg around si-x week in hospitai undergoing treat -0=2-= mient for injuries rcivdin4jogng operations. Mn Archfe Cryderman, of Fort Wyne, -Indiano, and son Dick, visited1 at the homes of thed ouisMs Bui-net and Mrs. Tamuibly r.- heyu also atne the Cryde rman familýy picinic on Saturday. Littie Jennie Wliamis was the! winncv of a tricycle wvhen lier nrme w,,as placcd in the atterdance recep- tacde at the street firu at Rowvman-SU Uville last Satuvday evenirg. The IJN name mas one of the iucky on'esý drawr. Week-end visitors wý-ith Mv. and'Ag M'rs. J. D. Brownwere, rs, H. J. Rev. Werry, Enniskill.en; Master Earle i nianvi Brown, Nerrastie; Mv, Le'Roy Brown, CEaton; Mâ& and Mrs. R. J. ormiston, Ifamptor; Iss Marior Aug 2z Bvown, R.-N., Oshawa, and lMr. Ed-M. w,7ard1 ýMillson, Toronîto University,. On Sunday aftcrnoon, Auguis 1 at Orono Communi-,iity Parký the Port! Hope Boys' Sea Cadet Bard,aou - twerty-five strorg, wililvisit 0our d park, for a concert wbhich il l Has-t )r for about tbo ours, commniga 3.00 p.m. ýThie y ,vwi1 i aso give a demionstration of muarýchýing and drills i-n formation,. P After two m-weeks oidy services wili be r-csumed at Park StrLeet Unit-P l cd Churichi on Sunday, August l8th, ad 11>00pm. with the Rev.Roes of Bmaviloccupying 'the ,pul- H pitardin Surnday, Au:gwust 25th, M ThIreshoud 1be good 'congregatiors atbt hseservices, CaainStandard Bred Society Futuitie-Thegreat 2 and 3 yean 5 oild 1Harress Hrs'Ftui ilmii e staed -1at Duf1ferin ParToronto, Wednesday, August 2l1st, andLao Da, onday, September 2rd. The purs e in thle 2 year aidl' wili veach1 $3,i'0,'hile the 32yar i mii'ob. Canda's icbest at $7el M ~amn- pionshp progranis for the older divi- ion horse wM11 he addd eacb day. Better arran~ge toatend these, tbeyl are wmrth goirg mlst c. M t THIS INDUSTRY 0F THE FUTURE FUR FAR-MING Mink ai-d Fox MUTATIONS Buy a Trio - We Ranich Them WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO, PLHONE 4 ROY&ÉAL THEATRE8 Bowmanville -Phono 589 Cool Air Coniditioined - Cool 'hurs. and Fni. AUGUST 15, 16 D THEN TIIERE VERE NONE" with !ry Fitzgerald, WValter Huston plus ,ORGE WIIITE'S SCANDALS" starring m Davis, Jack ITaley ýaturday Only AIJGUST 1-1 'DING DONG WILLIAMS" witfh Ternonm, Marcy McGuire plus RWA SADDLE )N A STAR" ter11ace with action songs - thrills on., Tues., Wed. LUGIJST 19, 2(0, 21 at Next, Corporal Harg nove"9? s a howling. comedy bit! starring Wal-ker, Keenan Wynn Jean Porter is. News of the dlay Cartoon PARK ST. NITD CHUR( Reverenld DAY, -ALJGUST 18'th S8, 11.00 aim.-Worsipn. Wý. P. Rogers, of Bo-w- ville. 25, 11.00 .n-Wrhp T. J. Mellor. no Ti~ imbing, [eatýîng and ieetMea Work E. LOGAN PRioPRilITOil Orouo Phone 08Il GRADUALLY FILLING UP' Thie dumip at Tainnery Bidge is fas! I ýCjjjtbeo co n o .the amounit of fil t'hat bas bîeenl put in. Thie powei's thiat be nyeux- peetcd stuch progress thisý year. The iniprovemenit is so rtica ltat twvo of our citizens have offened to cotiuetowards it in th1 hp thagt thiere miglit 1be, o'th ers uholl l would lik to do lieis.WIs thle following cont uinss a received JD.Brown.........$0 W.J. Ricddcll.........50 $100.00 equals -100 yard-Is of l.f every citizen wouldnmake acnti bution it wudnot tkevery lng before thiis unsightlv view 'wascor pletely filled in. NO0TICE! A Proposed By-Law will be presented to the Clarke Township Council at its next regular meeting Septemberc3, 19Î46 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, ORONO proposing to close that piece of road from thé North Side of Highway No. 2 to the 2nd Concession LUne on the boundary between Hlope and Clarke Town- ships, a distance of approximately 220 feet. Any person having objections te this By-Lawr must appear at the next regular meeting of 'the Clarke Couincil te state reasons for suchi objections. AR MSTRONG'S LADIES' LEATHER PURSES Ia Black-, also Browni, reg.ý $4,50to $.00,clearing~ at ............ $3.25 to $5.01 NEW DRESSES 0ýf Wash MNaterial, size 18 to 22!2---½ --------------- $4-5o LADIES' HIAND BAGS 1La Suimmer Shades, reg. $2.95, for--...--------- --- 50c. BATHING TRUNKS Boys' Cotton Rathinig Trunks- reg. $1.50, for ----------90eO. HEINZ B E EF STEAK SAUCE FIGS 33e BOLOGNA 12 oz. tin RAISINS 8e LEMWONS 1-2 doz. 25e CANVAS SILOES Ladies' Colored Canivas Shoes, reg., $2.95, for--. 95c. COTTON SHEETS 72 x 99, of ýGood uait priced............-- --...$5.50 GIRLS' MIDDIRS 0f Good Quality Tw,,illed Cottoni, for .~---- 2c YA1IN New Yarn stock: FLY COILS dozen 25c. GRAPES :29)c. FLY SWATS eaeh CERTO bottle 25c* WHITE BEANS 5 lb. 25c in colors, now in Monanch PASTRY FLOUJR 24 lb biag 85C CUTRRANTS- lb. I CASilMI TOILE 3 noîls 25C. PEAS 2 tins