SYNOPASS CHPEtxx1v efore he died, Stenhart reveated that hle, notD Sherwin, bad kibled bis uncte, e- naus e teunce was goingA change a wiII teaving ntoney v, ~bri.The stieriff tookï thtc P.îandcTfÏfl Sberwin and Jn CHAPTER XXII -i aisec-1bis head and tereyes nic. For aninstnt e semcnd daze, then be rose to hlis f('et, "Youi've corne bo îe-a prison- YI sw you," she sais; "I'm se proud ot you!" lie drcw a long breatb. "Jane, you did it! 'd vowed tekîI il bi .-P'd tïaCkeýd it rlike amureme-' 1. haci noitb-ing ii in y hear-t but ba1e. I was witiog tokilI birnwhen you camIe up there, ]but whco I found you caredj, youm toucb drUove onLt the poiso-I cou(l't do it!", She looked u-p prmoudly. "You didn'b know yourself John, even I idin't know you1-, for whlen 1 saW you there, waiting for biiit, i thiougbit youi'd kilI bimn. But it was ; ever realiy in your beart, John Shemwvin, for yo'ca baema- uio bîrave rman is amrdrelYou've -mnade good." Ile smiled *b-ittcrliy. "You forget' whlat-I arn!", always!" Emjotion cb-oked ithn, in a broken voice: "St means only mis- er or yuta- came; I'm as good as a dead man. Forget m-;e, jane, be happy!" "Neyer," she answered softly. 4Aways l' reeIerunilw-, sucet again!" He bl ber hanlds in a gri'p that almo(-st hurt then, looking dowo loito bert brave eyes. "Yout gave up your anefor hi-ad e's -dying, John. oda' ahiot will kili h ." Sberwin was dumib, his head bowed ia utter despair. t "Oif Iý could Only get YOuý ut"shie rurue brokenîly, Iben vvitb suddlen h1-ope. I've though9,It ofa way-tbiere used to Le a shit- temed vindow back hr - he ran JO the wall, feeling i-ishee- you're stroig--comlle" she wbis- His lbeat leaped. Liberty! It iwould ot give ber ta him, but kkree, henight carve ont a destinty, *etrieve sontthing yet. Uis handi lictually shook as he followed ber & nDanc. In the dakeoing roont e could just sCec bbcfaein Mld and covered witb ust haîf papemed over. It cistcd and lie Mmcw is table fok-tcy hadnt irmecs.At dae hbereleased bhe shutter, turned!ià softly and Iooked outFle faced an open slope and jhe liglit front nte window ýtrcaned across Ït. Sewode back wýith a grim s;iiile, "Te'ebeaben lus, Jn! A tan vas sitting theme, wibb is rifleý acoss is koices. Tbch shrff aving caughba ai-beaer was taing no chances. Janc a crying biterly 00w, but Sherwýin tried 10 conmfnt fber, "At best, l'd have been ona huntd fugitve, dar girl! we nust Part-" He could ont go on. Hel ,sobs sbook it wi ýitb an even deepem empoi. There came a soft knock at bbc door and old Mac'es vnicc, a it hlusýky, "imle's -uP, Jane, an' bbce doc's here; be says Stcnha' dy- In 1he xant yol" "ýGod kccp 7youi!" Shwinil said hoarsely; ail other womds falcd. The g irl, blind with tears, stumrblcd ouvt, nid Mac holding hiem "No, liuiremeber! Somie day il %vi conte right; the triftb can't, be always hic,cin. l'Il believe in you "Te 'reclli' for you, Jane,"- bbc old iman cxplabocd. "I bad ta corneaI fir(cd quick. Jimi's got th' shecrifi a' wo others, bwo that conte with' poýsse. Tcresa's say- in' praiyers ibb biwo candles in th'kicn anl' Ah Ling's oubside, chteî'sotfrcbing awful in A,5 he spokc he guidcd bhe taI- terinig girl on t10 bbc verandab and opened bbc door. -A flood of light steamed out, Jim %vas siting su- pincly at is desk, sag1ged in bis chair. lBesidbit nwered 'bbc.big shcmiff, anijd a dcpty as wriioig sùontetbing Oo a paper mathbbctale.ý JPane, cminig iii,baîf' dazzled and blind wîh eeping, felt Fanny's arrns go a-mud ber. "Ie1'sdedJae it's over-Jiint, bell lhem! j fim, secblts ade a sigo to C uler. "You ,do it!" BuIt bb big shieriff bad lost bis nervel lie onily made motions with. bis lips like ce ing t vw Faniny budew 'Jariecdown besîde bier onabcnch by bbc door. "Ece bld us befome lie died, Jane," shie said, "an-d bbc deposition was bae-econfessed bo bbc murder cf bis uncle. t -wias donc in the gard-en1; bbc man wba swore that Max wais ihit at the tiïnte was a per-jurer, Paid by -Max. lfis tbey quarrcled violeobtly, and thec nidl tan struick bit wib b is canle, as oc woulld aittlfe bo.. nfuriated, Max sniatched bbcprin-ic and sruck back witboubtbînkýling. lie kilîed iml li e rail nut and hid,ý sawvý Shcrwivn corne, and'bbc schcnte bu save bimiself ami get bbc moncy lcapcd inbis erazcd brain.. He terly îriocenit!" Fo à moment Jane neither mroved 1nom1-spokce. She bid bier face in lberhbaudsý. "Ohi, Faony, tbïiok of ail those yearsl" shec gasped at last, Fainoy noddicd. 1knwlMax used to bell us ïin bis dlirium; Teresa heard it, tboa. TI bougbt it noicle quar11reled wibh hînti and told bi lhaie was goiog ta change his ilt and leavcecvcry cent bie had ta Sberwin, Max bmoke ont, was bb, wormy of the trial-de- liinfcver'dreans-but oId Ter- esa al-ways believed îl!" Jitwbo bad flot spoken at ail, rose sdel and went ont. With- it w-,vntb bbc sberiff and bis bwo depuities. The two, girls were alone. Fanniy, trying ta stil! Jane's broken sobs, put bier arts aboCut ber again. "He', suffercd soý mucb!" jane said, "and bie gave up b- is'chance bu escape boday aire Max! Tbînk of if, ta save bb man wbo bad sw,%omc ta aý lie ta save blimself; lie framncd il al upj)-Sbemwinîï was ut- ruioe'dhi" Fannï-y oullced bîer sftyon bbc soler Loku1,an! T1e irl ifted erhead. The door sbood-' open and on bbc thrcsh- nidcrccaodradianit, stood Sher- ,vin. (T-iiiiEND4) Hile'sSlken FIag ExhbiedinLondon iitler,'s personal stan idard, tht silkcn, blac-k swastîka surmounded by golder cagles, whicb the Fuebre rbosd would one day f!y over Buckingbian Palace, is now in London. t adorris-a wall at bbchGetnyUnd-'er CD.trol" Ex- hibition in OxNford streett IrTEA& UAI 9 1 I Sun ---------- TURNING POINT 13q Mary Imalay Taylor' of these strps by hieart n no thie. OnIy tOnce tnake a chair-back; flcr will do for a davenpom, Simple cmncbted stoips in N1. 30 cotton tA enance and probect your furniituire. Pattemn 562 lbas directions for strips;sttces Send T ET CENTS in coins (starnps) canoot be accepted) for this pattern totabbcNeedîlecr-aft Dept., rot 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Tomoobo. Point plainly PAT- T'RRN NUMlBER, yoýr NM lad ADDRESS. The Sacredness of HunÈan Life Exodus 20:*13; Matthewv, 5:21-24; 29-31; 18: 10-14 Gol]den Text-But 1 sy uto you, That whosoever is angry1 w,,ith bis brother 'witbo'it a aue bll bc indanger of th- juidgrI1(nn. Matthew522 The Sixth CommandmEnt lIn bhc Sixth Comiý-nndmient lies the principle of thle sacredne(ýssof humani lit e and every mrans right to live-until lhe forfeits tnat right. Accordinig to Chiris'witerpreta- tino of this cmadetwo evrhas ht in hlis beart bas the rot ,of murder tiiiiim. Tfhe one who wibs anther dead is esseýntiallyv thesanie as Ili- one who puits hlis wish into action] and kilîs lîîni. Human Life Sacred By the old la,-w murder was fo- bidden; by the igber lja?. nifthe kingdom anger is forbidden. Terms' of e2ontempjt whiercby a brothier's feelingý,s are injured anIis reýpu- tationl endangered are foýrbidden., Noîing more clearly eveals thie beart, -wbIethem it is fulI of lù ote o full of selIfishness, cenvy anid ate, than thec way in which we speak abotttheýrs and toa others. Ilb we bave wronged anothein bhe smiallest matter sa that "hec bath 'ought against us," we shulid first be reconciled to hirntbfm- We seck to brinig an offerbin ta God. Fear Not One of the Most frequently c- currinig messages in the Bible is "Fear Not". Our Lord wishes SHis disciples to be without fear. Our enemies miay be very stronig anid very unscrupulous buý,t we n.-eed neyer fear thent; God is on ourî side. God's care cxtends to tehe mioutest tbings, even to ",']e spar- row,," aod to tbe minutest things about ourselves. 1 The Duty of Love The duty of love was eojoined by Jesus in His ars on the child and tbe kingdom.ii For the little orles in the kcingdom lWe miust do more than sirrply see thiat they are flot abuIsed. We mutïtCherishl and helIp them. Does not a good shephierd leave his nineIty -nine sheep in safety and searchi the mountain wilds for the one that isý lost? And w-,ben sccs ends the search, the shepberd's Joy is great- er over the one fouod tban over thb imany flot lost. Littie.ones are very near to GodJ. It is against the Fathier's wl that a single child should go astmay. TREASURE 0F THE SEA By GEORGE E. WALSH Ib was inan ta tnan for captive and captor when a silipwreck at seca forced Dick Jordan, a fugi- tive frori justice, antd hlm captor, Hen Pettigrcw, to fighb for thçlr ives. Ho!w Jordan saved bis own lite by casting bis lut wltb pirates and later saved Pettl*grew's life trom those saine pirates makes very lnterestiog reading. There's ;4 thread of romance ln titis story, too. Be sure to re3d "Treasurc of the Sea," running, serally l intis paper. ing sbetd; the wliea- is in the haroI: bbc spring grain is eutt -and stoLuced and the, putt-puitt of thresh11îging a- chines is beard once agi n b land, inAuut By bcedo th mîe:tig-harvest vwil be a tbinig of the pasb. And thati factiswr t1hy of note because barvest sm to corinecarl ieihecsc-ceed- ing yerT )!-o ftee years ago frms em qite saisfied even i hres an well nto ýSep)- tetuber lSowtbey vfeel somlethîing 15wrnguls -,he womk is ail donle, in a couple of wees. O maniy farniers inc,,luding oOwfl tractors are used to draw tbe bini- der. Horses are hitched only' for cntbing the firsb bwo rounds in eaclh field. Then they are turnled ont bo graze againi. So far we h1av- en't beard thbbchorssvoice an1Y complaint about it. How glad I shaîl ]we to sec( last load of grain in the barn,- glad because of Parbner. Ile will work bard as long as there is work to do even thougb ýc lbeg hii nfot bo. Not that 1I ýtry 1 persuiade it to sit down anid donoiitlhmîg. But there jis adifferene iu, work. ing an d stopp)ing wc you f eel like it and wr Igplaist tinte on a job that y oij know mutsb be donc. It takes a sttsbboran En- glishman to work the waýy Part- ner is working right joow. And speaking of Englishmen.. Bol) was driving a certain gentleman to Malton to catch a T.T.C. plane. The, plane lef t at iline o'clock but Mr. Blanîk wisheýd to eatth aîrport by seven at the lateb o saîd to rnc-"Ts Mr-. BlanIk an Englishman?" "I believe so," 1 answcred. 11 tbougbt so,' was Bobi's cryp- tic remark, "no one but an En- glishman would want bu get there two hours ahead oftie! Bob,.I1nght add, has a great respect an-d adminrationý for the English penople as a whole yctÉ at tbc samne time sole ofth'ir tra- ditions and characteristics fraokl 'Y "get his goat". -Natumally we have a good mn frierodly famnily ar- guments as a rsutwhich genler- ally wind up vwitb each oýf us siÉckcing ta our own or.iginial opin- ions. Wben Dauightcm cornes alooig we have moreaue nt-btgener- ally on the labour situation.i, have neyer heard hcer say thýat she îs dcfinitely in favour of strike action but she docs contend thatI labour doesn't get a square da- and of course shec has rnany sPec- ifie cases to prove bier point. Now we have neices Joy and Betty staying witb us. ý,and fronti thet we get iîntercrsbing inorma12- tion tather than arguments. joy is doing Field ,vork %vIbhe Vic- torian Order of Nur-ses ;1in Hamil- ton and through bher we are get- ting much eberacqintýied with the splendid wo-rk for wich tha.t organionis responsçibleo. BEGINNIN"G NEXT WEEK ISSUE 33-1945 I How Can I? By Anne Ashley By G3wendoline P. Clarke Bethas come e sratight front a four, ek'vii oa lmin- îng amp ear al D 'in Qe- betc, of which he(r dad bas chaïrge. Frîher we barplenty of live- ly stories abouat ca(nne trips,; trou- blc in gettng camp cooks,; dfficuil- tics nf conversing with incrsa. milies wlîo speak no Eniglisb; thle funi of sleePing in a sleepinig bag; ard the lack of thie most ordinary comforts and cneine.Ar)- parentlyý th.- only teýalpone in thle district a in ber Dad'sofie and it didn't work!: As for by- dmo-well, thaýt \was somethiiin ha bbc folk up there didnl't enthîin-K about. Whe1bLctime cCame for ber to paywu a visit it was cvui- denbly qite a prob)llent- to arrange ite jouirney back t", civilizat»ol1.- TI'ere wasfis a truck ride Ïb -Val, Do'r; then an, automobile ride to Kirklad Lake2; a bus ride to Swasbika and ffinally aitrain trip from Swatikal0 orooto. Dau(ghter met e in jToronto a nd phoned [me thar Beftty, wolild be comling by bus. Bthebcbus tc- etsç were ail csold ottsoC Betty f in- ally arrived 1y train -- a mluch, travelled younýg ld indeedc(-and not',yet sîxteen, Well. itfs -biitIdîd a iîtle tra- vellingtobu alas, only around the cblicken ,petiq t. ilinki, shahl have to find mysclf a ntagic car- pet so thaïT Imygo places and see things - and Le back itinte Io feed cikesan-d get supper for two hungiry merI. Diet of Fresh Lard Good For Eczema Two ounces of fresh lard in the daily die' is a g9ood tre-atment for- eczema, Dr. Arild E. Hansco of Galveston, Tex., told bb. Ameica Medical Asso¶iation rccenbly. If the,, patient won't Éake 1t straigbt it can 're nmixed wibh pea- mzit butter, cï!ýiaoni, sugar or jani and serýved wlth cereal. Or ca-n be used aa--. Sandwviqu SprCLd, YDr. Hanison said. ItMakesYou Fee"ý' ,SoMuchBetter The Vitammn Bi Tonk Extensive",se orhadaché srr:tabUiyanacmia,, hoi fatigue, and exhauic o o the ~ S3 c, es*. Econiomy siîe, $1.50 Dr. hase's Nerve Food, Whole lthleat con- tains nmuscle- 1 building proteins, energy-grv mg carbohydrates, and other vital elements you? need. Keilogg's All-Wheatïs Canea- dian «whole zwhcat. NOW MRE THAN EVERP *portnt Busy housewives everywvhere' î are on the alert for suggestionz that will help therm save timoe and effort, Tliousands depen4 ôn Rellogg's ready-to-eat oereals not only for breakfast. but for quick snacks aînytime! AJ-Wheat, Pep, Corn Flakes, AIl-Bran, Rioe Krispies, Bran Flakes and Krumbles are ail made by Kellogg's, the greatest name in cereals. SAVE TIME ...SAVE FUEL ... SAE FOOD! Ton WIII IMnjySa1 £ The st. Regis Botol, 1I11'OO 'l«O *EeyRoom .Ylta ati Shows:mund TelepbonA1 * Sigle, 250 P - Dioubl, 85..50 u,. *Good rFood. Di"ng insd ornms. NlghNati', Slieboure aiCarltùi aTel. RA. 4135ý HlOTEL METROPOLEI Ail Beautifully Fu".nished Witlx Running Water Rates: $1150 gUp NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R.STATION Q. Hnw can 1 keep Ihouse plants wateed wile way fron m e fus serldays? A. PlaIce as mn rcsa hr aIrc plants in a zin1C tub. Puit eo water mb te ctub t(->cover th brics; henstanld a pot On. e bric. Th plats illabsorjIb t watýer throuigh the bricks. Q. How-an J relieve th rit - tioýn caused by iscs A. The aplcain 1 en on juice is oftenl effctfiveC. Q. How can 1 soft(en shiocs th1at are stiff after a riyday? A. By washîng thecnt with waýrm water, then rbigCastor oil or glycerinie well intdte leather. Q. HIow ca1 improve the flair of tea-, A. AddC a smlall piece of dried or- angepeeltha is kept in a glass r jaýr, ,o tbe teaýpot before pouring iii the bo'iling water. l.ion; can I get rid of mice?ý ALumps of camnphor 'placed about thýe haunts of m-ice is an cf. fectîve method of 1keeping thern away. WORIRIES FADE as yOu enijoy the comifortigg sti ulaionof maxwell b(-use Coffee. Its superit, blend Contains Choic Latin-Amierican Coffees, You cean't beat it foi low, full.'bodied od k/I k> 1 , 1