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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Aug 1946, p. 7

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Must Ycnu'BeDifferent, A mailfur - ,i inceuýýssarà o 'a, Ired a d bcý1ise if wa'is difficuit e0 gel it ti nprt to thcrepZlir ï1hop, he udrokto carri hi Thle dOCk obstrukted[his vso and aaewhat,)and unfortutly he colli(bddwith a lady pdsnawlbo eefused f0 be apasdby bis pro- filse apoloOgies. "Wydon'f y,:u we;ran awrist wchlit anybody ele?"scede- EnglishInlee Tnere's a good story told about tire deep imfpression that yea--rs of heinig stationecdi Scotland bas had onPolish soldier-s. G One of thie Foies, on leave ini LOndon, glan, was asked: 1Have you learne1d lo speak ,En- The Polish ldirrelied ýwith a ýamile: "Ay, a Vcee kit, mn Warning Th'ne boy vs were a dvanln lg ïin Burjma and the_,heatwateifc '-omm111Y W1,ote ihomie f0ismu anid said in bhis ltter: "The heatl is 2sizz1ing, imumii, il",s108 ;în the shlade.", StDmie imonths later hie got a, let- frpack frmb is mmwho wrote: ~'eyworried about Yeu, sonl. For cdnecss sake keeup ouf of the One Remnedy Thie Teacher %wrotc )on the black-' b3oard. * J aini't bad rno fun ial sum- Then shice ased a younlgster on the front rowý: "ar, hshould ido to Correct ta? Too Bad A mryparty vwaýs (gong on in netile ruoom1s of a hlotel lieh fesîvtie wreinlterru-lpted bY anl i've beensent f0 ask you f0 ,make 'Filoie.Te guest iin the nextý; Coom ays h ',an a(;r-a1 lC'11reld?" rlied t oslie ead when f 1was fv, Pavîng The Way Pleas, si," si te ilalilboy 1\7lyun comîlng inito las t I tobe puîsbedfor me if cuc ot"sail the mste "," said tue sallboy vith sig of elie, "Ihavet Onily Dusty Mîste: "o ee, M ary. Mary: "em'm.Ircoro- Mistaken Identiy A parrot, escaipinig fruitý's cage, mat sunn.IIing itse'If upon tfie noof of a neligiburinig bouLse.îA wor-kilanl, sea tobing if downl, crawled on1 ai ours nacrosste soats and mas abou)It f0 Stretch ouf bIis 1banid to >,rab the uitvwh(-ienhefoud Iiiimseif exposed f0 a mlercjless bar- rge of iicb anld lusty swear words. Tl'le an sat bac ]on is baunlches and liraised bis bant respect- fumpy "I beg youraardmon, -irIe SOId, Stumped neof thelie ICSts turued toa uuian by isý sidle'f0 citic-ize the inigof aoan l;11wbo was try- iing lt enteFt-i.inl et ',%Wý,hat 'a terrible viclDO you kïnow w vho sble is.' 4 waes us the answer -Se's aMy Wife "01h, 1 beg youn pardon.'0f Co)ure il isn'f bler voice, really. If's hestulff sbie !bas f0 sinig. I1on der ivbo wrt tat avwful on? "I lid"," was the answer. Keep It Going A young woman stailed ]ber cal af a traffie iilibf.Sbe stamiped on Ote starter, fied again. cbioked becr ~ engie, wbie bind iber, an iml- paiet ot onîs.t ionked Ii-bornu sýteadily'.V Finlally hle plouot ajnd "I'mawfliysorr-Y, tI1don"( eeuable to stan-t ]w\ca." sh fold tie dr iver 0of the1 other ma pieas'an11tl1Y ,"If îyo'li go1)np e anod stanf t i orme, lVil sux (l'ce and lean onilyour orn' LIE' LKE TH-AT By Fred Neher 'où tlânk YOUR wife, is thrifty, she made you a tie rtut of ber old 1,athing suit ... niy wife made herseilf a bathing suit out of one of myties! ?s U. S. Group I~T E O HORIZONTAL 48 Indian 1 Depicted is 49 Falter insigne of the VERTICAL UJ.'S. Armny 1 Bounded 84th - 2 Within 7 Lightbrn 3 Fish 8 Accomiplis,,h 4 Drunkard 5 Upon 9 Seinle 6 Cuddle Il Pinnacle '7 Huri 12 Caf erpillar 10 Blow a horn hair il Trial 14 Frýench coin 12 South Dakota 16 Paused (ab.) 18 Bristly 13 Like 21 German City 15 Employed 22 Change 16 llegrefs 23 Pint (ab.) 241 De.ILrium tre--- miens (ab.)7 25 Symbol for - selenium 7 26 Decimeter ~ n (ib.) 27Tegative---- 30 Cloth mneasure 2 Debit note -,7 33 Test 35 Hindu queen ,37 Make sad - 33 1 313 39 Pepeals ----- 40 aaan 3 wvreath 44 Late Amen r- can humorist I_ 45 Tree 47 Either ~~ ~~5I~T y'l IS S. 'flt 17 Naine 18 Pertainfng f0 the East 20 Animais 28 Verbal 29 Vegetable 31 Woofly 32 Strike ouf 34 Notion 36 Bare 38 Synibol for 1sodiulm 39 Paidl notice 42 Hawaiian food 43 Mý"orsel 46 lm 48 Note in Gui. do's scale I Highlights of the News j No Garden of Eden Vet In case anyonie tboughit every- thing in the proverbial garden iiwas lovely, let if be noted thjat the Ulnited Kingdom is still going on bread rationing, that there is stilî famine in China and India, and niear-starvation over half of Europe. -Brantford Expositon. Reason For, Tragedies So long as people dri've automno- biles carelessly, so longp as smlall boats are overloaded, so lonig as non-swimmers and swimmners of limited capacity go into wateýr *un- safe for them, so long sha1îl11we have tragedies. * -Ottawa, Journal. Comparison Sorneone bas8 said that love is like a basebaîl gaine. Y<ou can't get to first base without a diamond.. -Dunnville Chronicle. - Dual-Purpose Cow Mixed farming appears t0 be making some Iheadfway in)the West. Ad. in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix: "'For saejreycwtat gives milk anld new potato)es." -taaCitizen. Hitier Was Too Late Thnee-quiarfers of ;a ton of urn- ium ore was discovered aiiid thei wreckage of the Krupp works in, Germanily. Flifler was a bit ton, late with biis atoie research, and the Western Allies beat 11im1to the drawý. .ZlamitonSpectator. Tough Foot Folk Pedestrianszare 1becýmiig ïfougb- er aIl the time and they nmay yet succeed in avoiding etnto.The otheýr day a St, Loir ayaler Who was boDwled over 'LY a strceef car and thLlen run oDver-by a ituck, got up an-d kno1(:ced down' a traffic cop whio bawle2d im ont. -Kitchenier Record. 1A Fallinig liotton' A, finanicial coluimnst blee that'it wili ibe aionhr year hefore the bottojrn falîs nul, of the utsed car maket. FBut WC oufif we can keep the bhotLom i ou' i own car fromi falling ouf for this int of tîme. -Tloronto "Saturday ýNïib". Isn'f If So' If you falk about youir troubles And tell tbem oder and oý'er, The world will tbink you like 'em And proceed fo gveyon mïore, Not Much! An association ofi'pipeis !bas heen formed in Mntoato foster the art of pîbroch playing. And yet if was 5h Jmes arrie who laid it dw that the "grande!-st moral attnibuteý of a ,ctsan ,as that "he will dü o noting whiich mit damage biis career." -0 aaCitizern. By dlefauilt (police) granit pickef- ers the igbittc famal people and shore tbem aroupdi, f0 prevent fhm froi entering lgtmt business premises and f0 issue or refuse idenfiitt cards ftbeml(ï. This îs very saisfactory for, the stiklers and veryussafry foýr tle nonm-strike'rs. Bloth sde pay taxeýs for police protection. But only oine ide gets if. Mayme hinik if is tieir wvork which is rnsome, wben il is ffhechip on their shoulderwic i.s holding tbem dovrî. We Hope uslitle dollar, doni't you cryv; you'Jll buy a dollar's worf b. by and bye! -idsrStar Only Two Exceptions Perhlaps you don-'t likeonns And prasthie vr bog ofa trans.-Atlaiic aipiae tp gives, you the jitteýrs. xCetelsw w;ýould advise youl to inet i othi, jutst a ma-ter of princile TheY are the onily t wo cmoiisi pos t war 1merno1ry on wh flicth price has gn on Russqia does fl ot really% differ fromi other nations. Shieuonly% wanits peace, nnity anidunrtadgad ber own way. YOU CAN RBUY pr Maxwell ueCfeii either a SprVcu Tin in Drip or ýReul-ar Grind, or iin a Glassine- Lined Ba"gii an Ail Pur-, -pose Grind. Eff ectivenïeas p roven by 66 yeors public acceptance. WHY EXPERIMENT--WILSQN'S wiII kil! more files at less cosf thon aniy other fly killer. USE WILSON'S FLY PAOS ONLY 10c AI ANY RErAiýLER! ACOAMACDONA LD,,, * ~ Ainaes efrc~ae REG'LAR FELLERS-Topsy-turvy By GENE BYiRNES i - - -. -' y% -POP-Pop iBelieves in Signa By J. MiLLAR WATT I N N 'N. N.. N N N N ~N v 'N N 1$ N 'N 'N. N 'N N N. 'N N. N N N N N 'K 'N N N 'N f -N. 'K -'t. N 's N S. N. k N. N. VN * N N N N N N lmiAINR 1 1

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