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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Aug 1946, p. 1

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Vol. 10 NO. 1 ORO-NO, ONT.. TH-UL4SDAY, AUG. 22nd, 19416 Band Concert by Orono B-and At Park On Sundlay, 3 p.m. ,Mr. and Mrs. G. Mitchell Offers Nine Months Course Grade XIII Resuits For Gilude tû Fo For Nursing Assistants Orona Continuation School G r ud sR tr ri Honoured At Presentation , cl.f~fh licrn 'rnn Camp At Bonecho Point O)rono and comnmunity oniWed- nesday evening, August 14th.d4d îancnur to one of their Young mar- -ried couples when they gath-,erecdat theArois at Orono te, make a pr--ýetation to Mr, and MNrs. George ichlwho was rccently joined J-y his Eïiglizsh war bride. While Overseas, George like mnany ~ohrCanianlit soldiers, decided to takLe upon hme. a pretty Enigi-z 1%shgir and they were marrcied hin the OJId ounitry. AMter the war -George ietur-ned to hisý home, aind mionthsý Titer his Ibride and baby )à7joined hlmii.1 A large numJber of his friens misr pissent for the occasion and a Yery plesant evening wns spet in Jncsing. Mr. J. J. Mellor acted( as fha'rinan fsor the eveing. efi-st part was given over tLo g.Those not danl,-cing flayed in one of the roomls of the eeoeè s mg. At eleven oMcock the big occasion the Young couple h larrived. Th;-ey were seated in two chairs at tefroynt of the hall whien Sirley Myies rend an nddress to the Young lc pe. ~Afer the addIýress they were pro nt, with a lazy boy chair nndý t leP in reemiace fromi their ri ndsinthe district. Both Mr. and ,lr Mtcell made suitablýe replies.1 Lnhfollowed the presentation ftrwhich the remiainder of the evening was continued wth dancing. nhe following address was rend: Or-ono, Ont., Aug. 14, 19416. Dear George and Enid : Ný\o dosbt you'rýe feeling niervouis, sit- ting side by side, ~ut eore w chose this iieth'-od, to lwecome yen and your bride. .fore you Aient to war, Îin years -eu vere not oid, u'lfeel ike a Grandp)a, hoý- this story is told. aw you quite often, at school, -ork,ý at play, r--ýPeId your cheery voice, aimosti ~every day.1 en you left yeur- native inndl, wel rneiw the timie Im-ust pasýs, But never thought that you'd ho cn!îugbt by a littie English maýss. Ye, G(.eorgý-e, 'is truc, you ge up fnst, -wýhen nayfrom miàotheýrls eye, Sbc nover thougtht that you'd ble WodU whnshe kssdyeu good(lbyo. -,ou're stili ail rîvght. W hoewe havenlt scared you,ý with ou goings on tonight. -emmbr e are ilI your friendls,l Ans friends yml find us everyorie thou)Lgh tim-jes ho up or downi. Rentai RegulationR Accordýing to a recent announce- ment1made by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board rentai control and ragulations- protecting tenants in thieir shelter and business premisos wiill -be among the iast controls re- moved. "Thore les absoluitely no justifica- tion for the rumeulr that rent control wviIlln, Donald Gordon, Prices ýBoard harmn said. "It is not evenbeing consýidec. Two changes 3n the re-gulations becakme effective on Auguist lSth. LanIor'ds of sharcd -accoiimýodation jýmay norw give a straight sýix months' notice te vacaeto trinating at any timie. PIreviousýly, the six months' notice to iacate this type of aecom- inodation coud ot end between Septembor 30 and April 30. The Prices Board bas also an- n'ounced tha-t a leas-e for commercial accmmoatin, s poviedby Or- der 583", may oti acasshould landîIordI and tenirant gec to the cf- flect that it can be terminatcd Jby the tenant only at a setidtim-e on an agedupon notice. Prev iously the baecoLdfL ot b e terminatLed by ither p)arties pirior to the end of the fivo year term. Nýo douibt you'll find tins ijfferont, thian they were across the sea, But everything will come to y-ýou, ju'st likec your A, B, C. 'We're just a group of friendly folk, ývbfh nmix ouirvQrk with fun, For if youilowhil'e working, theý job ilson be do, Now Georg_,e, ]et uls turn again and say om mretoyou,. For -we munýt mention Tony, before thiis story is through. We- know yo.u are a family man, al- rcadiýy have a iboy, And once he has a sister, they'll bringl- you endlcss joy. We 'hop)e we've set you fboth at ease, evetried to do our best, Thait'swy we sat you down on chair s, se you could it and rest. We nil know iois ae futile; wh'en welcominig oldl friends home, So lo',t us close by h'\olping, you.neyer Imore will ream.L Ma'y ail life's plens.tures éome your way, long life mnay yen live, FVor we ake lots of p-,easbure. from th-ese gîfs e're geing to give. We hope you wýil!liaccept Jihemû, though thieir vaýlue may .be small, For with them goes- , a ' Iwelcome home, from il heII1reila thie hall. -igned on bhi of the Forest-ry If MiIk Subsidy Cut Price Wil RPaîse In Octoberll A (,ie en1t s prc quart 1risc in decdosteoontinuelcthroughout the he prdictie thatconsmr r trV oard, at the coniclusion eCf an Late onthe amedayMr. Gaird - ~-.'~ aida fnaldecision !,adinet be seached as te what Ys te ho donc about conltinuýinig in tlhe puodhucerý' susidy. "1 dleinet 1know what dciil egig te ho eachuled. Al 1 can Say is tht thequ1estion isbenfuy th ioauthIorities whihve semle- tngte do wththe cstaibisinig of rtunqs" ho Séid. "Somie people have sgetdta a longer time should ho given and iii l order te lmake thait longer time possile some preducer subsidy shoud stli h padet as uchas we wre pyiat befrebut that somthng holdbepaîd!( and that somne of thi exra ostshuld be taken jover1by thii-cen-umer. These qusin ire heing discussed this week ad v "wlll be deemined in suffi- dýent timie te mkethec anc ounce- ment lIong enIough befm ror e Otober 1 te aicqýuaint people wt the situa- Anl increase iïn the cost ofmil to) Ithe cý)).;nnsnmer laOutelhor will ho th1e soconýd tis zycar. emvado theî te ent pe iqurt onsmer sbdyearly in the suýIImmerreslt lai a correspondIinginr hsetethe Thle Piices ýand lTrade Board no- longer nmaintains puci(ecein o 111,c d tIte eglaio 1olilk piccs Wou(!dho etuned te the provncia boads wthfIIoathIty b \Viilth thegovernment rsecigits1 intentIiions on the ,C)onIt i -'li InIof the rdces' subsidy.

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