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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Aug 1946, p. 2

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CHAPTER 1 Suciýsi amal îbig as a shrimp rnysave a mian's if e by iutting ae îasino him at a timce wheîî bis digestive organs have ccascd ta futioin for lack of fuel, If the w%ýill ta live or 'die s dependent upan a bonch oI nrrve celîs and ganglions, the proper a ctivity oI the latter is contingent upon the regolar carbonîzation oI conmon- place foods. Dîck Jordan 1usd reached the poinit oI semi-starvation and puy- sical cxlîauslion whrn lethal for- getfuluesa aenuned the greateat boon ta man-to drift off painlcss- ly iiito s warld oI drearns and Ian- dnis that ends in dcath. Hie did't wanit ta ive; he had lost the wiii ta go onül and suIfer; lie cravcd sur- cess from the torture of wind and suais, wavs-and from thirst alud lhuiger! Clnigta is ,frail -support that bad bnrsu the tay aI the wavcs for days and nigbIts-be scarcely kncw h- mnyheraised is hcad for cic ast look arounid is uarrow undul1atinig horizon before eleasing bis ho0ld ta slip down ino the green waters clamaorîng ta eceive him. It was 'lie Iast drspairing look af a dying mrari when the facultirs lare up l)au instanit, Îi inli ulitel1li- gence, be-fare the final calilapse, Tncaiug on the cýrnst of a avslidiug dowri its slape ta, meet hia smiall isiand af seaweed tbutits t otac 's I ir-bladders sud 4grrcnisb, fronds about bis ueck and shouilders, rustling anid mur- mutrinIg sgaist tesides of bis raft. Aroused ani instant by this unex- peCctd break in the maonotany af blis 1horizoni the castaway stared at it iri stuýprfîed wpîîder. It wss alive witbi crustaceanis and malluscs, thase tirIY lormcs aI le that cding ta algae aud imake ther omes i, branches -- squîida, sills, slutgs, bmaisarid aîlrpo i A thiy crab flaated oný the sur- face. Dîck made a grsb for ïit ,,bt mi1sscd it. His splasbI startled Frou tleýir hiiug place ;a sciîcoai aI sbrimp. Catcbliing oanc afthecsý, be dcpttdit and atc it raw. Tite tast awacneddormiant impulses uhi.He begarij fisbing warýily fo1tc tiri1Y Creatures, driving tbcm-r uta te opeýn witb anc baud and ýuppîn!g tcmwib the ather, or coirraliug then ir itO 2a dense mass cf ý;saweed, he wouid fling tbemt Ori is flash witb the algse and scsbcfor tbcm before 'they couDilelap back mbit the ses. It becamle an exciting gamne, with reai food as the prize. Evcry time lue ca1t nanud swallowcd il lusappeptpite cravcd mare, sud bis faPgged brain power railied ta bis% sssacgiving im tbe'neces- -5sa r metal alertucs sud skill far t'le wark.ý It saýved bis life-tfie shrimp sud the ga eB the lime ihe had scavengd the ass af ses.weed, robb),,ing il aI evcry fo)rm Oa i he that cudbe- called food, bis mmlid wavFs cîrarer tb'rougb thel funictian- '1 g of 1bis digestive aorgaris, sud bbc ,ý'ih iavc ýanid figb1t il out llared 11p again., Bu'irt'the Ihand[î!of araw sbrimps ladater ail, [beeri a miere morsel taastarv'iuag man, sud bbc saIt af the-, Lwich bad tas rd good at first, was beginnirigta inteusily bis tirst. He had berri fartuniale Wu seccrinig tain watcr for the irst thrce days, but the Jast cf il was gone, aud 'bbesgariy of tbirst was be Ioig aadd ta bbce tortures of anept tomacb. "If there was a ssii uow-" be began, sud then stopped. Iusanity g,- ~ lay ir, tbat direction. M lhad laoked for a sail so long that his cycs wcre sore and uusteady, hce had praycd for it until in a freuzy of disappointmeut lie nad anathemat- îzed al pray cr as sîlly and mislcad- ing;ý lic ha, hopcd and longcd for the sight of a ship util hie had seen tbem in bis drams-a dozen of them-sailing around aud around bim, mocking him, tantalizing him even ini his w akiug moments. There had berri strange illusions, mirages of ships and argasies, pictures of islands and headlands, of îowus and cities, of people walking thceir streets. They had couic and gone until the hefuddlcd brain was at odds with itself. "There isn't any sail !" he mut- tercd alaud, ciosing his tectb. "There arc dream sails, mirages af them, but notbing real. They dis- appcarcd from the accan ages aga. I know, for I saw the last af theni. H1e bad glimnpscd ala real sal-when he thrast lus hcad ap- ward after is meal af shrimp; but be wouldn't believe t-wanted ta believe it-hut wauld't. "It' s only in my eye,' hie addcd. "1'd get cross-eycd if 1 tricd ta look at ail the sbips 'vc secra since -since that night." That nigbt was forever indclihly impressing itself upon bis mind-a nightmare of harror! The steamer bad struck in the middle af the nigbt, and out of the stateraams bad strcamed an endlcss array of strange farms - wbite-faccd wo- men, friglitened cbildren and nurses, grim-lipped men,.anck wcak-. kueed passengers of bath sexes who ueeded bnip ta get tbemri the amali boats Dick himiself had belped wamien and ciidren inoa the small boats, wiuuingz smîles of trust fram the latter anid glances of frigbtened approval fromn the former. There bad b Leen afe others af the pas- senrgers yvbo actively arrayed themn- selvesaanse the lofficers ta xmsuaiin or-der and systnm. Owne of tbem was Pettigrew- Hien Pettigrew-whose wbale life and traininig made bim immune to fear anid excitement. Heu bad dis- tinguisbcd bmiself in that melce, as lie always did, and wan the ap- praval af the captain. Early iii the confusion tbcy had separateed - Heu Pettigrcw and Dick Jordar-far the exigency of the moment severcd al conven- tianal bonds. Dick bad been ai- iowcd ta go is owri way, Ifree as ariy ather passenger; but he kncw, or felt, that the otber's eycs wcre on him, watcbiog that bie didn't slip inta one of the hasts filled maatly witb women and childreu. He had an uripleasant sensation that bewas still being watched as a crimirial. The vigilance of the law neyer reiaxd-nat even in the panic of a sbipwrcck. When ail but two af the boats had beencast off, and the sca was fuli af thcm, babbirig araund like cockle-,5bells, bie sud Hen had corne face ta face-the anly twa passengers lef t aboard. lien bad lookcd at bim, au4 nadded pleas- antiy. S "You'vc donc wcll, Jordan," were bis words. "Wbich hoast da yau want ta go i? (To be continued) In direct summer sunlight, a brick wall pain ted white is about 14 degrees cooler than anc of un- paiuted brick. ISSUE 34-1946 TRU ASUR 0p THE SEA By George E. Walsh Purity In'Heart and Uife Exodus 20. 14; Proverbs 4: 4-23; Matthew 5: 8; Phîlippians 4: 8 Golden Text - ýKeep thy heart ,àith ail diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.-Proverbs 4: 23. The Seventh Commandment The Sixth Commaudment teaches us the sacredness- of human life, the Seventh the sacrcdness of home and marriage., From the beginning Cod ordaincd' that husband and' wife should be anc and for bus- baud or wife ta be unfaithful ta anc another was accounted a great wickedness. God showcd hjs ab- horrence of it by ordering that the guîlty ones should bc put to deatb, By this law the purity of home and marriage svas ta bc esccnred. Even those who havec accepted the holy way of life in Christ need solcmn warniug. There is the dan- ger of turniiîg aside ta the "way of evil im r". There is only ane attitude ta miaintain toward such temptation: wc are ta avoid it. Ta tarry in the presence of temptation is ta, mn the danger of falling jta sn. The Light of the World Until mcn are enli ghteucd by Christ, the ligbt of the world, they are in a state of spiritual darkncss, the un-erstanding is darkcned. The man wba is' intoxicated will stumble because for the time be- ingk his pawers of perception are drugged and dull. God does flot give us His Word simply that He might cammand aur obedience; He gives it for aur highcst good. ' Hs Word is a life-, giving word. Those wba scek and find its truth, and finding obey it, experience an enricbment and en- largement of this present life. Purity of Heart Ta be pure in heart is ta be in- wardly pore. The moral and spiritual condition of the bceart de- termines the quality of Our thaugbts, speech and canduct. Purity of Thought It is the tbings we think upan, naurisb and cherish in the deep places of the beart which deter- mine the k kind of persan w i be We must guardl well the secret chamber of the hceart and sternly refuse an enitranice ,ta any mean,' dishonest, un 'utst or ,unflovely thougbt. If we let mmid and heart continually dwell ontb ings, hancst, just, pure and 'Ove ly; on things of goad report (sound doctrines and principles) and on wbatsaever in rigbtl y called "virtue", we shalbe- came virtuous in deed and cbarac- ter. We cari buîld up a strong, noble, Christian character, anly as we set our affection on tbings pure, good, Heavenly, eternal. Modern Etîqutt By Roberta Lee, 1. Is it praper ta annaunce anc s engagement ta ane's relatives and very close friends before giving out the annauncement openly? 2. Wbere should the date be written on a sacial letter or nate? 3. Is it gaad farm, when intra- ducîng twa persans, ta say, "This is my friend, Mr. Wilson? -4. When addressing an envelape, sbould eac.î line be indcnted, or sbould ail the fines bear the same lefthand margin? 5. How far in advance of the ap- painted hour sbauld a bq.stess be rcady ta receive ber dinner guests? 6. How much shauld a taxi driver hebc tipped for a 5-erit drive? Answers t. Ycs; the bride-ta-be and her fiance should write notes ita theî HoW, C an ? By Aune Ashley It has came at last! W hbas came?" did you ask? Welil, if for wreks, in fact muhyau had been boiug hy .)vday, and dreani- iug by ighjt, for ' ust anc thing, then yau w auldin'1t need ta ask "what". Cf course it is miy elece- trie stove I am talking about. Yes, it. actuaily ar- rivrd - last Tuesday ta he exact-and this timie it was nos dainagrd iin tranit. Weduesday moraing a couple of electricians came iu ta lix it up and by elevra o'clock it was rea- dy far action. And sa was 1. We lhad au extra mari for dinner thas day as they were trying ta finish clearing the barley field. Whai witb the stave, the electricians, ani extra field help I rcally feit somnewbat rushed tînt urorning. However anc thing was clear in mny mind-l - mus't he late witsb dinuer. You don't mmid 1teliing your 0w-n men dianer xwll be ten minutes late but yau fée] yau have ta he on time for ectra bnep. 1 was on tinie aIl rig-ht! Ev'%ervane bad been warning *me that1:, at first. 1 would tbiuk an eulcctric stax-e was aw fully slow. WVitb, this iii mind, and ta be on 'the safe side, 1 set the grill and put the par-k cbops in rigbt away-at élever& o'clockç! In swenty minutes thcy were donc ta a tara. Then I didn't knaw wbat ta do with tbcm, I tricd shutting offthe grill and ieaving tbcm in the aven. But the blessed tbiings wcnt rigbt on cooking.. lo dee2e(ratian I tried the warming aven. That, at least, didr't cook them but by noori my nice fresh measy chops wcrc just as dry as chips. Fortunatel-y the vegetables wcre ail rigbt sad I managed a pie f iiiing wîtbaut dis- aster-but those chops-tbey were really sametbing ta remnemb1erl Aftcr dînner I expcr7imented witb some haking but cI course. TABLE TALK MS Supper Dishes Vcgetabie Marrow Casserole 132 cups miik 1 cup stale bread crumbs 1 ciip grated cheese I/ teaspoan sait ~teaspoan pepper 2 eggs - weii bc.aten 12 slice.s vegetable marrow (1 medium marrow> 2 tablespooris chopped onians Scald milk, pour over brcad crumbs, add cheese, sait -and pep- per. Let 'stand h our. Then' add weii beaten eggs. Arrange the vegetable msrrow sulices in a grrased casserole. Sprinkle wiîtb choppcd orlon, pour miilk and egg wauld he throwni out of order. She kncw because 8he had donc itl And I am not surprised. Op- nrating the aven-at ieast on the mixture aver. Set in a pan of warm water and over posch i0 a moderate aiven 350' F., for onc bour or until custard is lirmi. Eggs Au Gratin 4 cooked potataes Y2, cup milk 4 green onions (Acup cbapped) Sait and prpper 6 bard cooked eggs , cup grsted cheese Slicn patatacs iotat a gmcased casserole Heat mi and pour ov- cm patators. Caver top with sliced green onians. Spriikle witb salit and pepper. Caver and bake ia moderatelýv bot aven a375F.F for 215 minutes. Cut cggs in haL-lf-igtli wise. Arrange on pgtatocs, caver w ith grated cheese. Retumo ta, tht aven and bake 10 mîinutes in a mo-, derateiy slow over 325* F., ta beau eggs and meit die chese. Liver Stuffed Eggs 8 hard caoked eggs 1 cup minced, caoked liver 3 tabiespoons chili sauce "Twc grains3 - wheat and maitesi barley-are the doube-barreled rea- son foi that Grape-Nuts PFlakesý goodi- ness. They're speciafly blended. oakect sud toasted foi gaide-n-braw,, de.- liciaus crispuesa and eas3' digestion." 'I'n) going tt' 1111 Up the sied 'with sonme giant ecanomny packages ai Grape-Nuts Plakes ncxt time we'rî down at the tradit - flash!" before daing it I sprat no cnd af time ssudy-irig the directions. I did s0 with feýar and trcmibling bc.- cause a frid ad to-ld ime baw vcry careful you bhave ta bc in setting the aven or hewhaic sys- tcm of automatic beat contrai type af stove I1ba e-is just an-, of thase tbings-sýimpic eno_-ugb when yau underrstaýnd it, but as complîcated las a wbin bag af tricks until you da. AS a masater of fact beforenig t cme1Iwas sa an cdgc 1 was ta bite. I was wisliiug ta peacec ývcryaone would cirar out and irave neta my ec'perinîenting in pesaer. But 'ydu don't catch Partner daing anytbing like iliat. He aiways scizes any appartunity ta, tease. If bc canin in' aud the stove uasn'r iuse lic would say "Why amnn't you using the stave wliat's the gaod of baving anc if yau don"t nuake ose of it.;" Il I was osing is then i w',ouid lîcar "What are you borning up al the pow-er for? Just hcas yo'vr got a stove you don't bave te' kerp it gaing al the timel" Is it amy wonder I bad ta take an abpir;in ta cure my bradaclie? 1And 1 t1bougb a-n enccsric stave wauid, mean the end of ail my bakiag vsorrics. F-or a I nýw days it was only the bcginaiing. But I'm lcarning-lnarning fast -the bard way. Sa far I haÏ-vnn't ruined anythig-ather than the park cbaps-and the family hasn't dird af indigestion. Occasianally I tamn on a bhrner ta bijol the ket- tic, go out ta fred the cbickrens, came in again, fiiid thie lkett'ýI , bssn't houred-for the sim1pleP rea- son tiiat the borner I tsirud oau wasn't the anc under the< kettie. This stave bas ail solid patsand it isn't until yau feei the rani thecm that yau arr suire wibubr- iiers arr aligt-tbat is suppaýsioig you arc greenaand dm ike I arn1 ý. Howrver, in i spite aI ail my worrirs, 1 arn airrady convincnd th-at an electric stave is a great cain,ý(lence and lime-saver.. To sýay inothing af brîuîg able ta hake in liot wratbrr without bcbng mc- duerd ta a grease spot Some af - ur îvrrk-enders werr bere again sud they wvere properly enîhuscd, And spnakiuîg aI wrnk-eidrs- tbis usraliy gctting ta bc same- sibat af a madbouse. Our 'yaung acices colectcd barlcy staik- compicte witbhnad and beards, thistirs, a small qosriitity ai gra - vel, a flcsh brusb and az,,raid "bat" watcr bottle and dumped theni ail between the shieets aI Bob's bcd! Whst a riat there will bc «I don't? Then pull11Up a cake cf ice aud we'lI sit down ta a coupl e af bowl.- fuis of these malty-rich, iuouey- golden Post's Grape-NiÏts Flakes!" "~Son- yaux'fl be able ta wrestîe a wal- iVs on ail that grand naurishmeuit in <irape-Nuts Flakes: carbo)hydrates for enggy; prateins fai muscle; plas- phorua for teeth 'nsi bancs; iran for the blaad; ad other faod essenthaLs." 0weNIlin P. Eark GEoA f,, Q, How can 1 prevenh the icing fromn runniug off a cak A. Dust a littie flour oves lic top of the cake heforL it isîrct Q. How c ari1I!,v(time s'ýccn cleaning the table silver? A. Make a solution of anc quat ùf boiling Wuter, anc teaspoontil ýý of baking soda, and anc teast ooî fuI of sait. Pour inoa an aluminumi vessel and place' the silvei in it. P low it ta r&mnaîn for a few ~ Utes, _thien rýnse i- clear bot, water, Cleani the vesse- at once. Q. How cari I whiîcn clothes? A. Put a few slices of lerit, witb1 the îinid an, il-. the boiler aud bail with +Le white clothes. Thi,, remaoves stains and miakes thep clothes white without injury. Q. 110w cari 1 remove irik stairis fromt washable fabrics? A. Caver the sp, twith a pastc : made of starzh and buttermilk. AI low this paste made of starch suid low this paste ta dry and then washs the goods in warm water. Q. How shauld stew cd fruits be sweetcned? A. S-%,cctcn stcw cd fruits aftei tbjcy av cooked anid they wi'! require oly haIif 1te quantiity -î sugaIr recsar f swVeetened dur- ing caoking, Q.Hoýv can I remove finger marlks easily fram the piano, or othier palisbcd furniture? A. Rub with a sof t clotb dipped in alcohalj, then polish wîth a satti netxt wcck we Neice joy i rives on thie scenec.à Isn't it' great ta bc young--or faing t atv)abe whlereyon Voo VWIIEn1jo.Y ,nY1nO AI The SI. Regis Botel 1 OltOM'I O0 * ~e> Roonm ovibi tI rmaoeanI lelephone *Single. $2.50 op - * im < ooI.'ol. )ingr end <Mine. tri. flIA 41-5 o Quallty You'Ul Enjoy "But Murgatroyd - you don't have fo wait until morning before you eut yoqur crisp delicious Grape-Nuts FIakes!'

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