JUST lu FUN TwLo boys spencîdiugÉ a day m Ithe ecountry camle upfon aà man 'fly- fishiing. After vwatciung him at îbis fine sever-altimes oune ritth eIm reakdtr itie other: "011.con #io, Bilh, lhe'll neyer catch anyhing. lle's tryinlg 'to lasso *'Il." Settied hestrolig lma n o a visit ta SomlersCt rade ouILt a O rI11Seback tO cballenge z farnj er whase grcaî àteghias! gainced hlm ia repuita-, ios. He entetc,,4 tise farmiyard, tied np bis 'horse, and a pptoýacIed the ".ey" e said, *I've heard a 'lut about you, and! Vve corne a long way oscec wbich la the better WithiouLt answeriug, the farmer ,eze ie iuttsdehuled hilm bodilýy ïlo t te road, auid returned ta bis 5wUork When thse laser fad recovered lius lreath, tise farmer growIed, -ilave pou anythinig mote ta say ta ine?" "o"was thse eeply, 'but per- kiajus y6ou'ii îe good cnauglh ta tIsroQw me my horse", Waiiter: 'Wbat about a chop, Tra.ve-itr: 1 neyer car hp. W.iter: "lu that case, sir, din- Ne Sunlday Work Teapplicaut handelýd in testi- mo-Ials f rom ïthreclergmn "We du't work Pheru an Sun- days," rema-irked the employer. "Hvutyau a reference frKosu gsï(Oeanewbo secs yau on, week days?", Lifelike Client: "Da you thiuk yau cau make a goad prtrait of nsy wif e?> Artiat: "My friend, I eau make it SO ifielike that you'll îump every im-e you sceei. Thoughtful Tjipe first day he weutotathe restaurant lie ordered browu brea-d wvitb bis meaL.'FITbe wa itress birouight 'vhlite. Th1 (2Second day be ordered bro wn bread and ag'ain she brugh-t wb.ite. Tfisethird day lie ordered hrown, aud agaLin he gat %wite. 'This wet ou fo;,r a wec.ýOntise th da1 Y lbe decided thlait te ooly -ta get what he wttdwas ta 'dcr the opposite. Su, bvigor- mie samre white býread." "Btit," said the waitress, "arei't y'ou the gnlmnwoawy a brown ?" 'Word for Word "But 1 thioght-" began th(e typist. "li's not your buvsineLss x think, znoapped tLe manager. "AI! 1 pay you for is te take downl letters wvord for word, without lcaving bits Ë>ut or addiug bits of yauir own-." Thtafternoul the foillowiu1g let- ter, was broughtf for htlm ta sign: ",Dea r M r. Braow,-Write2 i wîth1 an "pu e aie a, -curse. With) regard ta youir lettcer of w1iatever- date is xas, 1 can't be expeýcted ta, read writiig Like this, i can qutl(Êe yo-u the(o-own prices. i h , it's tat out- sider Btrowl1.i lQio much shaî! wve stick on? Tweuty Pei cent? Make it thirty? Rigbtat Thirty bob, two poun-ds and twa ten a ton., Await- ingý vour esteemed orders. i ansi, yours tmuly, tbank gooduess that's donc." 'Out Cold Whený1 1 bit aï man he remembers 'Wheu 1 hlit a anhe's past re- He Did Recruit: "The sergeant is always picking hales, lu me," Corporal: "Well, you cause here ta be drilled, du't you, The partuers called Mvctiitosis, thie m1-anager, inito thieir office. iiratý partuecr. 'We fïindý that last ycar's bufsineUss wsthe eSinice we ojpeneJ- tbe place.Weko lsow bard youI muatt h1ave ore und as a special rmark of aurli ap- çreciatiou, we are mnakiuig ont a: :heque for £500 foryu. IlT maae stmee bs ffhanks. "Vs"wentf on tise other- part- ier, "and if n.ext year's business la is gaod, ,el sigil tU" FUNNY BUSINESS By H-ershberger ,NoIhinig toa w'orry abotoficer-l'mn brcaking hlm in iwilh stage money!" M u j Screen HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured roovîe actress. 11 Abstract being 12 Incursion 13 Beam 14 Near 15 Palm lily 16 A ccomplisis 18 'Us 19 Electrical engineer (ab.): 20 Staten Island'l (ab.)Z 21 Extra 2 25 Pertaining to 2 law 2 30 Horseback game 2 31 Temporary V dwelling ea Of Moorish descent 35 Plays on words 38 Chessmen 40 Gets up 41 Erb' "" (syrmbolI) 43 Company (b.)el<a. 44Busl(a. 46 Daybreak (comb. orm) 47 Paid notice 48 Father .1 50 United States af America (ab.) 52 Intend 55 Possesses 56 Shé is a Actress VERTICAL E .5- 2. ýE 1 M~eadow P 2 Inseet 3 We 4 Great Lake (symbol> 26 A ny 7 Sums up 8 Measure af area 9 Legal measure '10 Lixivium 15 Golf device 17 Lubricant 21iSpain (ab.) 1 22 Italian river 23,Permit 24 International language 26 And (Latin) 27 Kind Answer to Prevloïss Puzzle L-r ALE TkYU 40 Staff No Thanks Howd you like ta be Hungary and send your littie boy down to the corner ta, bu y a quintillion- pe ng chocolate bar-if you could get thse chocolaie bar? -Christian Science Monitor. Why Bother? We are now told that ligbtning travels at 22,000,000,000 miles an bour, flot 22,000. In that case we're going ta quit dodging. -Kingston Wbig-Standard. Just As Silly A Newfoundland couple bas, been married in the torpedo room of a former German suismarine -whîch is even more picturesque than a lion's den or a boxing ring, and just- as silly. -Edmonton journal. More Insecurity Chigaco man bas lodged a cou)- plaint that bis wife took biis pay cheque every week', and, bas- flot given im any money for twcnty- four years., Obviously she, wore the trousers in their family, ani sîmply went through lier ow n pockets. -Windsor Star Not Mother Nature Farmers in Ontario are repor- ted t'O bc ini est hopes of a hum- --r crop tban they have been for any years. At least mother nia- re basn't gone on strike. -Hamilton Spectalor. No Good At ARl Wbat good are higher wages if rcsalso go up? That's wbat J.S. labor leaders are asking, now he strikesare over. -Toronto Telegram THE SPORTING THINO -"You'd nover be any good at it, Dear. You can't lie witbout blushing !" 1lt's Worth Trying Falling asleep j)at thle wheel and loase auitomoibile car doors are twa of, tise main cau1ýss f accidents on the higbway. Why no. keep awake and be more careful? -St. Thon-as Tines-journal. May Be Easy-But! A naturalist gives "simple rules for catcbing a skuul< barehauded." But probably noa simnpler than vou have ta he ta try lit. -Ottawa Citizen. Very Persona] Not everytbhiug improves with-- age. There is the world, the tamily car-anid us.- -Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph. lt's A Puzzle What puzzles Ùs is wby those Hollywood 'performers ever gel married iu the first place. -Brandon Sun. Brevity la There If milady's fasllions sceem even funinier than usual ta you this sea- son, it's probably hecause brevity, is tbe soul of' wit. -Kitchener Record. Not Everyone's Dish Souths Africa reports that the (le- mand for diamoudslis stran g, as a hedge against' inflation. That is, as strong as eau becxpected,'cou- sidering that, a blue-wbite 5V/2-carat stane caîts $13,200.. ~-Windsor Star. Peace Argument Mr. Howe's flaf statemeut that because of presenit strikes'the short- age of, nails presently "will prac- tically close dowu building con- struction in tbis couutry" ought ta bc a powerful argument for indus- trial peace. If thausands ofbouses now beiug builît are uncompleted when winter ca mes tise gravity of thse pïresent hosing situation will be iuteusified sharply. -Ottawa journal. E REG'LAR FELLERS-,Making of a Hero ---- ~ ATRIPLE R.IC4 1WO INCIES op CkýOC'LArE.SYRUP AN' MAR.s14MELLE.P., I-EAPED iT-4SLICED EýANANA$ !AK'I A CA-ERRY ON TrOP' Hard On Nerves Au America iiarmny afficer wants tests of tise atoml bomb evecry six montbs, fromnonw ou. Wbetlher aur plauet's nerves can stand two narrow escapes every year remrains ta be seen.' Edmonton journal. Modemn Version Nowadays, wben 'twu, or t1iree peace-nmakers ýre gathered ta- gether, they bave ta bring i n- other peace- maker ta make peace betweeu thern. -Stratford Beacon-llerald. We're Waiting Býy stickiug a thermomneter iju a cucuniber, scientists bave pro- ved tbat it is actually 20 <egrees; cooler inside. We st ill await ip- structions on how ta, crawl into a cucuimber on a bot day. -The Emnonton journal. Missing Links Soviet spy linkçs have been ori- dere d toaleave Canada. Caniadiaus wba acted that way lu Russia would go into the category of "mnissing links". (Tri-basic Copper Sulphcate) First timne in Canada. A neutral in- soluble copper comnpound mnaking an ideal spray maaterial for funeiis coutrol on potataes, saur cherries, samatoes, celery, e tc. Coussinstwice as mucli copper as ordinary capper- sulpisate. or bluestone, cousequently goes twice as far. Alsoý available asï a dust. *Trademark Rega. AT YOUR LOCAL DEA LER By GENE BYRNES OI S -A R M Y EFF t DiVISION pz N r By J. MILLAR WATT POP-Not Dry Re-ading THÂlT /VVJT SE TH-OSE LIEBARPY / IOK5 SORIEPED Cb lui u 9 k 1 N N N N N N N N N s-" s-" N N tN N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N * N N - N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N t' I N N. t' N. t' -4' 't' N s' N t' t" N. N 't' * 't' 'N N