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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Aug 1946, p. 4

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OtRONO WEKLY TIIMES, TEIURSD'AY, AITGUST 22, 1946. <The Orono Weekly Times Establishied Janiuary, 1937. Publiied every Thursday morning at the Times Office Advertising Rates on requ est, Subseriptio>n, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Orono, Ontario Materials Are Scarce No pýersoni woufld have thought a fcew, short months ago that hescarcity of the humbiiýle niail would tend to hait the building of rneeded homes. Yet this very thing has corne to pass. Other com- lnodities are followingl in thec trail of nails, cenent being one of these, an-d walliboard another. Locally speaking, ýwe feel that -we have an exceptionai case in the proposed rebuilding of a barn upon the farm of Mr. R. Mof- fat. MIr. Moffat bas timbers, lumber and gravel on hand. ýIt does seem bhard lines if this building must be baited because manufac- tured g-oods cannot be secured. FParmers have been urged to produce to tý he utm-jost. Unless there is some hope of assistance in 'cases Jike- the above there is littiýe use bewailing the fact that farmers rumay not ai'ways produce their full share. Full syrnpathy was ex- teddto Mir.,Moffat and famiy last spring in their tragie ioss, nd_1 fuil assistance wouid be given now in erecting a barn if mater- lais w'ere forthcoming. Farrn people could be encouraged and strengthened in their re lvefi were made clear to tbem that some of these so-cailed srce articles would be made available to them in needy cases. We av anedy case rigbt at home which should cail for special con- sideratio. Most of us wouid like to see that consideration forth- eoin.Whether or not it actually is forthcoming remains to be * 0 a MWilk May Be Due For a Price Raise Naews of a poss;ible three'cents -par quart increasa in the price -A1 milý'k will comae as a 'blow to a lot of householders. We heard of ïu ocal fml this waak whose saveral childran consumad four quarts of milk" for, last .Sundayýs breakfast.. bealth authoritias pro- dam ilk as the almost perfect food. ýOne quart eech day for a chl.atd onie pint each for an aduit is the recommandation for godhealthi. iModarun breakfast cereals maka aweywitb a good deal of nilaud( perhaps this is onea of thair chief banefits. -Wa are toldI that ini viawf of the famnily allowanca. a sufficient -revenue -w-l-ha assured parants fo offset an increase2 in the price of iui.At ieast, tha allowenca guarauteas soe purchasing powear whv t isot sorely neded-in the home where there are chul- dren. HoT.wevar, thera b 'as hen a sharp ise in pricas of other ne- cesteand millk, if it doas cost more, will ha an addition to the P>lready log ina. It should ha remamhUered that milik bas neyer risaen iin price drn the war yeavs to the same extaut as meat. ,Milk prodiucers epjparenitly bava not had their just dues, and yt their expenisas andî( livinig costs have gone on apace, along with thoise of otheur peopla. Whien th(-ovrmetpaid producers a two ý-aent a quar,,t subsidy wiealwn the public tan cent a quart mlk, the subsid was of course rie by taxation. It would be most un- JIust niow to further inýcreasa the price of milk, unIess subsidias Ware ag-ain, brougbht into force. Either this shouid be done, or an equal reducIution shoujld haý made in taxes. eu * e StLudy The Prize List uxiitr t the Durham Central PaIir -which is haid et Orono wiidoutless bave rceýived a copy of thýe Prize List for the coming Patir. We trust thiat carefuiltrdy 'w\ \ill ha muoe of thie varions cla,ýsses, enid thiat al possibýle eff'ort wiIIl ha giv-en to enisure the suc- c,es of the Fuir. Only a month hanice, and tha Fair will ha bere. ,71tera is tranjiendou)ts effort uipon the part of 1mimbe of theAgri- cul.-turali Socîaity in ordr tat theaFlair meay grow and improve. The rest imust reixain witbý the ganeael public if the best is to coma ont ojf this 19-46 effort. About thenmost effective way to deal wlth the iatter is to vecal that a wbole year of nork culminates in this býrie-f two day Fair. We oug'ot to turu Our attention to tie gtting of good cla ýssýes- of ahbttogethar. Those of us who ha-va not livastock and fovi eau perbaps shbow fruit, vegatables and flowers.. There is alwaiys the chnc'or homne preserviug, bakiug or neadlework. Again, it wo7culd ba an opportune timan to invitaý friands from a distance and to niaka a contribution to tha Fair's apttendance record. Every year the Duvhamý Cenýtrý-al Fair providas great oppor- tuuity for 'the reunion of obi friands. Aboyea-3ail, though, is the iprimýcary obligation- to study the priza list -because it is have that 'lasses are made up andi healtby rivalrymaniud The gvowth oftha Fair iu vacant years dîemandsý a sustainad effort this season that 'wa m(ay keap faith wth those who work so bard as ai Agri- cutural Socety. * a * a Tannery Hollow Should Be Completed, Somiething of a transformation bas been made at the large hoillw adjacent to the property of Mrs. Lycett. A goodly quantity of e-arthba been placed lu the gaip and theve appears to' ha a rea- ýonable hope of baving the job complated. Wa are toild that the work of filliug in ou the north sida bas beau finianced by the Lycett famiuly$ aud tha portion on the soutb sie inanced by the Police Trusteas. A'wa undarstaud the situation uow, theve is a luIl in the effort through nead of money. The re- us-ainder of the woikrk must ha doue through publie support 1f it is Výo ba completed thlis yaar. In last week's "Timres" thae apere the namas of two citi- zens who are seking to a diva f(, or suffiient money to coni- pilte the ýob, While no citizen is bouind to pay to have this work donc-, there is a sense of lgener-aîlrsosblt which shoud promipt u' o put ouir shoulder to the wha,,el. Viators -wiil btave- a vastly dif- farent ipeso of the villaige whieu seeing it for the first timae if the unisigh1tly bole is levelled in, Moreover, the bIorticultural So. ciety wi"l in lal iikelihood bv a small park-like corner made upon Furniture Sale The, undarsigned bas racaived instructions from the Eaxecutor of the Estate of the Late MRS. J. R. COOPER to seli by public auction at ber lata resîdença MAIN ST. SOUTH, ORON() et 12.30 p.m. sharp, on SATURDAY, AIJGUST 24th 1946, the following vainable Furniture, etc.: 1 Diningrooni Suite in Walnut, 9- piece. Chesta rfiald Suite, 3-piace. 1 Oak Library Table. _2 large Oak Chairs,. leathar upholsterad. 1 Com- bination Book Case and Sacretary. 2 Oak Rocking Chairs. 2 large Oc- casional Chairs in Tapestry. 1 Liv- ing Room Table. 1 Droy-Leaf Table. 5 -Floor Lamips. 3 Table Lamps. Large Cabinet Radio. 3 End Tables. 4 Occasional Chairs. 2 Oak Tables. Saveral .Smail Tables. 1-Drop-Ilead Sewing Machine. Several iiocking Chairs. 1 Settee. 1 Studio Couch. 1 large Couch.- 2 Livingroom ýRugs in Velour, siza .9 ft. x l1/ ft. 1 Rug, siza 9 ft. x 71/2 ft. 1 Rug, size 9 ft. x 101/2ft. 1 Rug and Runner, Tnp- astry. 5 Axministar Scatter Rugs. 15 Scatter Rugs, 2 Varanadah Rugs. Quantity of Carpet hy the yard. 4 Clocks. lLibrary Books. 5-place T lo-to e Bdroom Suite, of bigh quly 2 Badrooni Suites, 3 Beds. Springs and ' Mattresses. Sevaral Odd Bads and Dressars.- 5 Bridge Tables. Draperies, Livingroom Cur- tains, Bedroom Curtains, Cushions, Pictures, Mirrors and Vasas, etc. Wool Blankats, Flannelatta Bien- kets, Bad Quilts, Fancy Bedspreads. Pillow Cases and Sheats, Linan To aIs, Bath Towaýls, Linen Tea Toweý Peathar Pillows, Linan Tabla Cloth Lace Tabla Cloths, Linen Bridý Cloths, add Linen Places. Dishaý Cut Glass, Silvrare, Fietwari China Cups and Seucars. quantit of Limoges China Dinnar Set. Fernerys, Jardaniere Stands, Wicke Rocker Chairs, 5 Va-randeh Cheirýý Lawn Chairs, Lawn Seats and Tah las, bouse Plants and Farus. 1 Kit, chen Table. Kitchan Chairs. 1 Cool Stove rwith T4nk. Electric Toaster 2-4burner Gasolina Stova. 1 Congol, eum Rug, size 9 ft. x 104/ ft. Can! nad Fruit, Pickles,, Fruit Jars. Kit. chen Utensils. Set of Curlingý Stones. iSat of Lawn Bowls. 'l Trolling Rod with Kit. 1 Sma-ïll CoalI Ou' Stove eaer. 1 50-alon ,1 Druni. Wash Tubs, Boiler, Wigr Lawn Mower. 'Countar Scales, Cash Registar, Stap Ladders, Rakes, Shovels, Garden Tools, and other ar- ticles too numerous to mention.- Quatity of Coal, and 21/ cords of Split bardwood. TERMS CASH A. E. Morton Wm. J. Challisý Clark ,,Auctioneer Everybody in this district sbould get bahind the boys of the Hockey Club to make their first dance a huga succass. They are prasenting Sir- ley Edwards and ber ail1-star 'teni aga- orchestra of twalvemsian foryo pprovai, on Frida-y, Ags 304h, in t'he Cedar Palace, OronoL) HONEY- WRI be on sale at the Honeyý House on Thursday and Saturday Evenings froni 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. otherwise by appointment 1 Coupon per 4 Lbs, 1 C. R.* KNOX PHONE 64-2 - ORONO BIRTHS1 nÀMPLYýN - In Bowmnanvilie Hbs- pital, on Friday, August 9th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. CarlIos Tamiiblyn, a daughter. CARD 0F THANKS 1 wish to thank the many friands that sent me flowers and cards, also those who so kindly helped ont at homre during 2miy recent illness, Edna Mercer Quite a number from here attend- ed Kendal Field Daiy oni Wednesday las t. Two .hrdaigaýmes were plIayed. NewcasL;,e defeated Orcono byj a score of 6 to 5; while Kenidal de-1 feated Newocastle 7 to 6, winingte to)urniarent. Dairy Ration, tont.....$44.00 Dairy Concentrate, ton - 52.00 Barley Chop, ton.-...... 35.00 Lime, cwt .......... -......1.25 We also have left about 15 ton of Swift's FaIl Wheat Fertilizer WE DELIVER OUR MOTTO:- We have it, can get it, or it isn't made. Lockwood Bros. ORONO, ONTrARTO AucionSale FURNITURE AND LIVESTOCK SATURD-AY, AUG. 24 1.30 o'Clock A Full Line of bousa,7hold Furniture beloniging- to the Elymer Bradfley Estate 25 Stocker Cattie (beef breeds); 4 Cows with Calves at foot; number iof Sows with Litters and 25 Shoats, Sale at the BRADLEY FARMI East of Eniniskillen and in the Village of Ilayden TERMS CASH TED JACKSON be a lot dif satisfacionr in a job weli doue if we e whole pvojact t 'o completion..Appartly there is halag-etandl abor. Tiks bas beau anriýply demon- ;he work al-readydoe The cashn is the main oh- , and that can be takein cave of iïf wewil"lI -t co- Classified BASEBALL GAME On Saturday afterntoon), AUgust 24th, Bowmanville hardibal team will play the .Newcastle team at thie pa,ýrk in Newcastle, commencing at 3.00 p.m. This is the second play-off game between thest two teams, the first being won by BowmanNwilie by the close score of 2 to 1 at Bow- manville. Both teams are now play- ing good bail, and N'K(ýcastle are out to wýin this game. Coirneand cheer Newcastle team ta victory. NOTICE Skates left at Oronio Rinik last w-,inter cani be picked ip at Roy Winters on Sunday m'norning, Augu6t 2âth. a-31-p. FOR SALE Ten Yorkshire Pigs. Apply to R. Bottreli, Newcastle. a-31-C. FOR.SALE Two .Purebred Bacon Type York-- shire Boar, breeding of D. Hart; Phone 51 r 16, Orono a-31-p. WA/ýNTED Live Poultry and Feathers. Top prices paid. M. Fiett, R.R. INo. 1, Bethany; Phone 7 r 13. f-31-p. IIELP WANTED, FEMALE Girl for general house-work in new country home.Prvt room and- bath. Liberýal time off. Phone col- lect, Brookiin 98. c-S,2-c. LOST Between Orono and 'McCrea's Church, on Thursdlay afternoon. August 14,one crlbadbox con- taining machine part. Reward. Fin- der please leave at Timnes office, Orono and receive rewaird]. a3p. FOR SALE 22 Durham ,Stocker's, rýising 2 years', quiet; also 10 Feeders, Dur- hans rsig3 yarail Ontario bred. Albefrt A. ~1s .R 1, En- nikle;Phone Bowmanville 2496i. c33-p. FOR SALE Two Sqteel Dum.1 Steel 'I and( Com-presszor, 150-lb preýmssura sýo lenigth of Air blose. i (las ginai , ,-21½-hors ý,e p ower1. i Gas gine 3- hcr s epower. 1i G Grtinder, 6-plata. 1 Power I Grind(er. 1 baudiý- Bonte Grinder. smal'lForge. 1 40gllon Ta1% Wheel, equippad withWayne 'Pu 1 set of 1-on Trucf Scales. Tc mioved by S'eptemiber lst. rsC SALERE ST S The iundersign'1ed has r leceiv-ed inÎ- Istructionis from Mv Laverne Iboy, to, eill by puiblic auction aIt Lot IL. Co-n. 5, Clarke Townsip,1 mile south of Kendalilon ednesdlay, Setmbr4th, at i p.m., ail1,bis livetoc, cosisingof thbirteen hor- ses, 43ctl,33 pigs, and -49 sheep. Term's C Gash, Jaick Raidi, Auctioneer,. Thie unidersîgned has v eceived in- structin to sali by pub lic auction at 1.00O p.rn. at -North Street, New- ca.stie, on Saturday, August 31st, the househo0ld furnll"ire of Allbert A. Poliard. Ternis Csh-aq eid, Auctioneer. The undersignied bas -relceived in- st'ructions franm Mr. Zoy Winter to ýseII iby public auction at his resiî- dence, Cburch St, Orono, on Satur- day, Septenibrer 7th, hie entire bouse- holdi effects. Teris Ca sh. JaAk Raiýed, auctioneer. AIrs. Miary H{enry, of Toronto, is visi"tinig at Mîr. C. A. Cooper's- ~Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ýGay andi fam- ily. vîisited bis sister in. Bowman- ville. Mis-s Tuez iGordon is SpendîIng- some holidays witbhber granciparents, Mr. and] Mrs. Wn. C(tis Miss Ruby and IMaster Rolbert Co[ lett bave ben isitigtheir aunt MrLs. G. Lofthouse and family have returned to, Oshawa after spendinig a. week at the homne of ber Miss CteieStewart attended, a shoI(wer at Mrs'. Carl B'3illings' home for Miss lâlamk eAr-cher, of Port MisAina Stýapletoni is sp:endinig somre bolidays at the ho-me of ber gra-nd3parenýts, Mr. and4 Mrs. C. V. Cooper.' IMr. and i'Mrs. Malcolm Sta-iker, Mr. ~and Mrs. Hlector Staîkýer, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gray andà families, of Tootwere gueýsta at the Stewart -1 Professional Direc.tory k MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON office HoursB 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.mý Sundays and Wednesdays by appojament only PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANViLLE, ONT. Phone : Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones:- Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. Oroneo Phone 63 r 7, Orono. INSURANCE ýFire, Casuialty, Automobile and Liabiity ORONO - ONTAIO VOUR MANUFACTURERS LIFE REPRESENTATIVE i will gladly assîst in planning financial security for yourgeLf and your familly. DANE FOUND Phono - 8 r 1 ORONO En- rrain Monumients i Te RIJTTER GRANI1 imp. COMPANY 0 be Phonle 50>1 - P.O. Box 622 ~. F. Port Hope, Ontario M on.-umients, Gravemarkeirs, IEngraving, Goldleafing -AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduets Auction Sales of ail atm and at reasonable rates Communicate with hini at Port Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerk, A. E. Morton, at Orono,)or date. JACK REIDJ" Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and F urniture Sales Consuit me for term8 and dates Phone 1620- Clarke Do ou iKnow That, for a man age twenty-four, The Imperial Life Assurance Cern. pany will guarantee bis farnuly e5,000-00 in event of bis death prier to a ge sixty, for between 2% sud 3% of that amount yearly. And If he lives te age sixty, the Compaiyý will pay hem the $5,000.00. Why flot consuit your local representative FRED LYCET to seeo what a, plan such as thls vil do for you? YTORK',S TAXI 24-hour Service SPECIAL RATES FOR OUT-.OF-TOWN SHOippER'S Phone 7.3 r 16,ORN 4

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