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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Aug 1946, p. 5

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THURSDAY,19. I I/ee î "Q4 tap" Cut Glass, Crystal, Imported- Glass and China; Trays, Water Sets, Hand Paintings. Hn-ae Childîren's WaBaby Things, Doiies, Linien Towels, Lunc-heon Sets, Aprons. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION MRS. L. REID ORONO 1 ONTÂRIO RED & WHITE, STORES, WEEK-END SPECIALS FRIAYAND SATURDAY Prime Commercial .- 1 B e e f . Lean Brisket .... ... lb Fresh Ground Ilamburg lb Round Steak .... ..... lb Blade Roast .......... lb Rolled Shoulder, Pot . lb Apples .. .. ..6 qt. basket Cooking Onions.ý...3 lb Large Celery ...... stalk Green Peppers ..... 3 for Grapefruit ,- ..,,..,. 4 for Table Turnips ..... e ach Oranges, f ull of juice, 344 Leaf Lettuce, tender and cnisp ...,....... 2 heads 14e 25c 44e 27c 25e 25e 25e 15C iOc 25e 5c 32e 25è ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. 75c. ]RAISIENIS SUGAR 1lb, 79c. DR.BALLARD'S IDOG FOOD 2 tins 27ce JELL-0O CUSTARD POWVDER 1in Oc.ý WNhite Wine or Cider «VINE4-GARI, gallon.,..- 43e Ce"ORNISH'S. Local News Rev A.K. dmoson ofWalker- ton vsiert wthfriends on Tues- HOLIDAY NOTICE The Or0onio Times offi~ce wiil be ciosýed frorn Saturday, August 24th, toTesay September 3rd, while the proprietor anjd staff take a weil-de- served h'olidaýy £rom theii labors, to spend t 'hewe at Alcona Beach, on Lake-,, oe Ail work-wllreceive our, rompk1t atninatrour re- ýurný to 1harness again. A RcklssLove that Laughed at Danger Selznic-k International Presents RONALD COLMAN, in ThenPrisonler , 0fZenda With Madeleine CarroIl, Mary Aýstor, -David Niven, Raymond Massey, C. Auhrey Smith and 1 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Jr Added Attraction NORWAYt A Travelogue ORONO TOWN HALL Saturday, Aug. 24 8.30 p.m. (D.S.T.) 1Bottles are badly n eee. 2 Reasontl new boule prmiuctson lwdb shortage of mtras Mrs. John Henry, Toronto, is visiting with Mr. ýand Mrs. D. G. ilooper, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. MeGinnis and family, spent Monday at their home in Orono, We hear that Loçkwood Bros. weve lucky enough te get a carload of fali wheat fertilizer, ,Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crossiey on Sunday. Mr. Donaldý Staples-, who has been in Winnipeg for the summer, return- ed to his home one day this wee.k. Mr. and Ms-s. E. G. Stickelis, Tor- onýto, is s-pendingý a few weeks' visit with the latter's brot-her, Mr. J. F. Lorriman. Mr. and ýMrs. D. G. Hooper spent lest week at Glenverdean Cottage, Eean l{odgson's summer cottage, on Hali's Lake, : Mrs. V2red Cowan returned home on Sunuday last after spendîng a week's visit with ber sister, Mrs. Henry, of Peterborough. M r. and Mrs. G. F. Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ilenderson spenýt a pleasant week-end at E. R. Wood- yard's Lodge at Moon Lake, near Apsley. Mr. and *Mrs. A. E. Wiliiamson and grandson, havýe returned to their home in Toronto, after spending a month's visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leverington. The Oshawa ýCoca Cola softbaii team will play an Orono softhail team at the local park (tonighit) Thursday, August 22nd, commencing at 7.,00, p.m,. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Rutherford and daughter Marilyn, of MacTier, and Mrs. Patte, of Toronto, visited Miss Eithel Rutherford and, Mrs. Fred Cowan recentlý, Mr. and ýMrs. Ernie Clarke and Mrs. Wm. Glarke, of 'Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson, and son Alece., of Hamilton, were -week- end visiltors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Some of the committee of Dur- hian Centrai Agriculturai Society were at the grounds on Wednesday afternoon, getting things in readi- ness for their Faîl Exhibition. The lead grass- was burned off, miaking- a big improvement in the gons 'This week we pubilish the sale iist of household effeetsý, the property of the late Mrs. J. R. Coýoper on page :our. Manry arties are feedfo sale, iniciuding mercbeedise thiat cenl- not be purchesed to-day. Th e s al1e jon iSeturday eifternoon, August 'The Orono girls' soflibali team iourneyed to Millbrook and piayed a fiendly game of haal with tbe teem 0f that place, Oroýno girls winniing by a score of 19 to j5. The returni game wiil be played in Oronio Gommuniiitly ýPark on Tuies-day even;ing,,, Augu-iLst 27th. 'The Orono B3and wiiil give aý band concesrt in Orono .Commýunity MJemoir- iaI Park on Sundayafternoon, Ag .25th, commencing at 3.00 pm.* Thie se concerts are proving verypoua with the people, and it is hýoped that the band will hodld a few more beforec the season cornes to a close, 'Two more donations have-been received to help fill the hole at the T'annery Bridge. The two new don- ors are, Jim Ta hlyn and Miss Minnie Hall, each conitributing $5.00. This now makes a donation of $20,00, ;oward the refll. If the amount cou1d be ru-n up to $100i,0, many yards, of ýearth would be piacerl in the hole. 'There wiii be a meeting of the nembers of the ýOrono Fish and Hunt Club on Monday evening, August 26th, in the Masonie *Hfal', to make the final arrangements for the pienie which will be held on Wedeay Argust 28th. HRave you re-gistered your name yet at Lunn's Hardware store, as to how1 many are goin'g oe attend from each home ? The ime is, drawing near, so do net de- lay with your registration. The Leroy Ham,-Yiltons at the cor- ner otf the Se-venth Line and the Léskard rond have had as their gues't for the past tw;o weeks, ýMrs. Hamil.- ton's mother, Mrs. Margaret Hicks,, PROPPlRTOR Oren4 Phone 30r1 ATTENDS ALGER BANQUET Ili Thursday's Timeis-Gazette there appeared a pLitre of thie !ban- quet in connection wilith te pein of the new Alger Press buiildîing- with Whitby Rotarians as guests. We noticed that Orme Gamsb)y was present., We have seen. better pic- tures of Orme than this one, but there was a goodreason for this, be- ing that O0rme had bis face on his plate inislea-d of ion at thlecm era. Thie bnquIet w bs to have been hield on thCi e ious iwn ofth Company groundsý, 1but oi-ng to weather coniditions ha tIo be heid in- side. The gue(stSatewrs ad a tour of the plant. Cedar Palace (oreiykonas Wiliows Pavidion) is negan e novation in pluraio frthe anc on Fi'iday, Auguist3th THE INDUSTRY 0F THE FUTURE F UR F A R MING Mink and Fox MUTATIONS Buy a Trio - We Ranch Thesu WILLOW CREEK FUR- FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO. PHONE 42 r 2 ROYAL THEATRE Bowmanville - Phone 589 Cool - Air Conditioned - Cool Thurs. and Frn. AUGUST 22, 23 "YOU CAM1E ALONG5e A gay and tender love story starring Robert Cummings and Lizabeth Scott plus Short on unusual occupations Colour Cartoon Saturday OnIy AIJGUST 24 "LIFE WITH- BLONDIE" Penny Singleton, Arthur Lakçe Larry Simms "SADD L E LEATHER LAW with Charles St-arret, Jimmy Wkl and ~Colu artoonl Mon., Tues., Wed. AUGUST 2f),'27, 28 Gable's hack! and Garson's got him! "ADVENTURE" PLUS -Fox news of fthe day. neverentd S.Littlewood SUNDAY, .AUG UST l8th Aug.. lis, 11.00 a>-.m. -Worship. Rer. W. P. RogeQrs, o cd w Aug. 25, 11.00 an-Wrhp Mr, j. J. Meil)or. Orono TiÏnshopv A Proposed By-Law will be presented to'the Clarke Township Council ýat its next regular meeting SDeptember 3, 19146 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, ORONO proposing to close that piece of road from the North Side of Highway No. 2 to the 2nd ConcessionLine on the boundary between Hope and Clarke Town- ships, a dist ance of approximately 220 feet. Any person having objections te this By-Law must appear at the next regular meeting of the Clarke Council to, state reasons for such objections. ARMSTRONG'S'I DRESSES Suminer Dresses, in Jer- seys andCrps a few nyat............. ------$7.00 Was h Dresses, in, Cotton Material, price--------$S4.50 BLOUSES la Cotton, Rayon and Sheters, ail shades, sizes 12 te 20, priced fo . $1.50 to $4.50 HTAWES, FLOOR WAX 1 lb. tin 344 ORANGES dozen 30c. OLIVES 16 fluid oz. jar 75c. RAISINS '18e. Sat. Only Assorted JAMS 1 'Coupon 39c.e BLANKET CLOTH Ila Pink shade, 742 iniches w-ide, 'priced per yard --. S2.00 CRETONNE In Flor-al Patterns, 36 ini- ches wide, priced 65c, to 13 CURTAINS Oul Silk Bathrooým Cur- tains, reg. $4.50, for' ...$3.95 CAN VAS 810E:5S A few sizes left. while fthey hà;st......--............ -----75c. Monarch PASTRY FLOUR 7 lb. bag 30e CANNED CORN No Orders >Accepted Blended andl Whi te Wine VINEGAR gal. 45c. CHOICE QUALITY PEAS 2 tins 29", c JELLY Powder EUT 65;'co PINT SEALERS 1 dozen' 95c. PEACHES 6 qt. basket FLY SWATS each lOc. FRUIT JAR RINGS 4 boxes 25c. NABISCO SHREDIIED WHEAT 2 for 23c N N N N N N N N N -N N 'N N N s s- N N N N N -s --s N N -'N s- N N 4 -s 55 55 t 4 f5 U7 7hW-"1 main et. 3 Remedy- Return ac- cumulated empties. Put them back into circulation. Check your basemnent today. 0 B ring them to nearest Brewers Retail store or telephone for pick-up. - - - - -11= 1946.

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