GUAM HERO KEEPS HIS PROMISE Navy radiomian George Tweed, who for nearly three years escaped capture by Japs on Guam xhile living like a hunted animal in the iland's ilîs, promised to send an automobile to Antonio Artero, one of the heroic natives who befriended hlm. He recently kept the two-yean-old promise. At lef t, above, Tweed, now a Navy lieuten- ant (jg) and H., S. Amner, of General Motors, stand on a San Fran- cisco dock, watching a new Chevrolet, addressed to Antonio Arteno, being loaded aboard a Guam-bound ship. Inset shows Tweed shontly after is s escue ini 1914. U.K. CONSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT Britishi engineerin-g firms have always been nioted as pioneers in the prodluction Of equipmnent. This Midland- firm has gone ahead with the output of a wide variety of, machines each one specially designed to speed up the constructional job ini hand. This type of ingenious engineering planning is 'more than ever needed at the present time when any aid that can be given to building and to agriculture is of first rate international importance. Picture shows the nine Cubic Yard Dumnper showing the hydraulic tipper ini action. The tîpping device is the miost valuable time and labour saver ever provided on a Dumper. OVI E STAR RETURNS FROM ABROAD After H Il 1iontbis abrýcadcteraiig ops and maktng a film, -r'ocu'tMarlne Dcýrihjsts o the ga gplal k of the piar ~vhchbrQugt ber to e. Ycrk. I Higlight of he Neus I 10,000 Idie in Ontario Plants A survey show ed that strikes in Ontario ha\ue made 40,000 wor- kers idie in plants affected by walkouts and in industries depen- dent, on the production of basic in- dust-:kleu now -closed by strikes. In the Toronto area alone, 12,5t0 pensons have- becu -thrown ,ont of work. Here is the detailed picture for Ontario and for tb'e Toronto area. Rubber workers' strike, 10,000 (Toronto area, 6,000); brasa work- ers' strikc, 1,000 (Toronto area, 1,000>; electrical -workers' strike, 7,000 (Toronto area, 3,000); auto- mobille, workers' stnike, 4,500, steel workers' strîke, 8,000; Massey- Harris layoff, 5,000 (Toronto area, 2,500)« In adldition, it is estimate(I that approxiniely 5,000 more erm ployees of strike-botuud planits xx hIo are not in Hlie bargaiuing unîits ,ïi the union have been forced ont of work because of the stnikes. Canada Second South Africa won tlie King George V Tropby for miniature rifle shooting among British Fui- pire Boys, the National Rifle As- sociation xvhich, organized the tournament announced. Canada placed second. Canada had the greatest numýi ber of individual high scores,, win- ning 19 silver and bronze ntedas compared with 17 for Britain aud Il for South Afrîca. Civil War Sprcads in China In Nankiug, (CeneiralMashf and United States Absao Stuart stated that a gericral peace for China appeared impossible although the Chillese people xxerc "practicaliy unaninlous" in- their desire for a peacefuil solution of the political problems confronting their' nation. In an unusally pes- simistic mood the two Amnericans pointed out that the civil wýar was spreading and thrcatene(d t p beyond control of thiose eson sible." Britain and Iran British circles sajd that if Bni- tain moved troops into oil-rich Iran to protect British suspects and property, sucb action would bc in full accord with the United Na- tions charter. Thcse informants said Brutain would consider any attack on Bri tish subjects or pr&operty as an at- tsqck on Britain and that t1ireit- enied military action rnight be tak en in self defense under Arct:cle 51 of the charter. Lack of Sten.! Closes Pl ants AIl Canad(ian t1laîîts of Nls sey-HarisýCoý. Ltd have %-c closed down for a iniiinimuiniof three weeks because of thec com- panys înability to carry on duc te, shortage of steel and other nma- teniaIs, President J. S. Duncan said last, week. This marks the first time ini the 99 years of its bit ýtory that Massey-Harris bias THIE FAMILY PET Adopted by the Waggoner family wben it was found nean deatn in the bush in Vilas County, Wis., "Bambi". is fed by Joyce and David. The fawn is now the family pet. been forced to, haIt operations for lack of naxv materials. What has' happeurd in the case of the Massey-Hiarris Co, will bc repeated on an ever-broadening, scale unless the strikes are set- INTERESTED SPECTATORS At the international dinghy race for the Prince of Wales cup, held for the first time since 1929 at Torbay, Eng., Princess Elizabeth and Princess Ma-garet Rose were seen in sailor bats on yacht owned by Sir Philip }Hunloke, right. FATHEIR DIVINE AND BRIDEI Edna Rose Ritchings, right. poses happily with ber ncw husband, Fathen Divine, negro cuit leader, in one of bis Piaepi "«Heavcnst he aïP elf-styled Messiab says bis mari*age to the 1- year-oid Canadiars girl is one in namne onlv. Kellogg's A 1l- Wheat isCanaLdi *an whole whecat in its Most delicloaS e form. FaUed, toasted, -rady-to- eat! Everyb Ody loves the hatnn tlcd within a mnatter of days, was stated. Thousands of wcr ens will be idle, it is feared.A pnoximately 5,000 emiployees affected by the closing down Massey-Harris, HOTEL IMETROPOLE Ail Beautifully Furnished Wîth Running Water Rates: $1.50olUp NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION THEI£F$#WAY TG Eff ectiveness proven by 66 years public acceptance. WHY EXPERIMENT-WILSON'S wilkiI more flies at Iess cost than any other fly killer. USE WILSON 'S FLY PAD~ ONULY OC AT AMY RETAILER I MORE AND MORHE PEOPLE serve Hiere's an idea that can help you save time and work: Serve KeLlogg's ready-to-eat cereals not only for breakfast, but for mid-morning snacks, children's lunches or suppers, before-bed. Al-Wheat, Pep, Corn Flakes, Ali-Bran, Rice Krispies, Brant Flakes, and Krumbles are al mrade by Kellogg's, the, greatest naine in cereals. SA~~~~ EIE.S EFUEL...'EFGD