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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Aug 1946, p. 7

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CLASSIFIE ,-ADVERTISING fo wiefor oui list or fastslln büws on co 1sgater1,s, n la il2ciP- per, plastic rlamnp shladt]es, rayon Lacte 1abrlcsC.,1961 Queen St. Ei.. to lyCg or immiedit)aedeliverY. Also twc, and three week aid start- ed t2ïclk Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hfa tcheies. Lmited. 1ergus. Ontaro ORDMER S EPTE2MBER AND OCTO- b)er Braýy Cia- now, Immediate del tiery nbroilers - N. H. x W. L. S,)ýoe ctarted pullets. Bray Hatch- ery-, 1:10 John N.>Hamilton, Ontario. MILLER'S CHICK HATCHERY, FERGUS, ONT. P ARRED ROCKS BilEs TO LAY 3 é&_,10Uweeks llamp . x ER, Leghorn 3> EH.1> 4 & 6 weeks. Fiack of Leg-, Shorn! pullets of 160 at 12 weeks. limmiate hipmsent cao be made, PIJLLETS EICfIT WEEKS to Iay- ing. Freecatalogue and prlcelist. Top Nntch t7h(Iickeries. Guelph. On- 'tri o. CAtN 1OUI DRAWc 2 1VE1AR, ~ o caaloue 'frrySchoiOff Art, MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING A. ne'w and nmodem methflodcoff vr coming il your boee g anla £conigproblemF. Iuscibrsto ivlah Contat AoýL- 4iauning smpiyplace ail their T ,a1 lps. ctch? ,uclrs in (aur Êi-drssdevlp inui perodlcllyto ouir office ni onth we psend yý'lau s um- off orbsns rnatos ayror on requst, w-,e fur- 1;-,you with a cmlt statIemientý our'Iiaffatirs, with complete bi- cone tax servtce. sevcto t lbusin1etss nwhose enniuai turn'iover doe-sflot require the serviýces of a fli-imie account.. ant. Grgs rcrDrug, Dy * goode adwrPlmigDc tor,Dentista, eltc. You rcen safely * adoveýr your acconunting head- MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING Conmmonwe(alth Bldgr. 21 King St, -n., Trno Write for information elndi 10w 'ntsyfes. MAVE VOU A 1JY T I NG &EEDS dyelng or cleaning? Wrîo;Ito 179usfcsr Informiation. We are glad b answer .ou-lr questions. Depar 1tment R. Pakr' ye Workcs Limit*ea, 791 yengýe Street, Toronto. Onitarlo. !ants ,)ower-ed by 3rgs trt toi gasegneAC or D. C. 350 t'2300 ijcwatt. ritLih gas amd Diesel 1 L:1es from' 1 ý1 to 200 h. p.. sta_ ;ý Yor ma'rine typ)e. Air,tak ý.,r or hopper cnooed. Larlge Al.C.o ..Wligmch- 'cengine rien potal A )ngl-ýD cent'rifugal puimps 7011ga ls Pr holur. Total weght ý()lbs Oeraes.5bourg one alo $16r5 0r. Farmners, Ilumber and figh-. 111(i ngldstry in b most cases -- tax- arid duity- exempt. Write for prices ~to llince tecrieWorks ýLimited, Mtontreal - Toronto-Hafx- Rovn -Winnioeg. Poil SALn A CONSTANT SUPPLY 0F IiISH bait Quarter brings bookiet on eartbwovrm Propogation. Complete deteils, assuring a greeter supply Iear after year. Soilmaster Syatem, Box 223, Winnipeg, Manitoba. E'URGOL-4.RPRttOOFKEY RETAIN- eýr prevents remroving key from ot- $ide. Postpaid 25c. Atomlc Enter- prises. Long Brainch, Ontario. CONCRETE BLOCK MACHINE,1 Easy 10 build, iojw cs.Seli blocks-, buiid houe an t. cnmcl 12 DIFFERENT, FINE IRISES, P0stpid1, 31.0, A2'lso Peony, Tulip, 1afo1l'pice iil. Feýrneliffe Gar- tie, tzicý, Bitisb Columbia. ELEC'IREO I'rR NEW, USEs) bought, eold, reblît: belta. pulleys, brushes. Allen El-'ectrie Company Ltd.. 2826 Dufferin St.. Toronto, Ont. FXSIiNG TACKE BOXES - Wbo1lesale Prime. IHeavy Alumi- numn, sralie gr-een outslde, grey isdoopeeyrust-rroof, two azs342 nd 3.5postpaid. WatrDean Canoe nd lBoat Co., Ontario.(u, Yroto 1YEPTNE OTBOAD 'MotRs- Auýthol(rizet iparts eservice, ship any- where Neptune O)uthoard Motars ovebalei;workmanship GPunar- teeti. Scope SlsCo.,_ ox852, Ot- tawa, Otarin. 6006,000 PULLETS - i(En, eady-to-Lay-P uileta, aisa Oeverai thousanti 2,ta 5 montha aid. These pulleta al raiseti on dlean, frOesange.wiih plenty off apace and tender green feeti, under the moat ideal conditions. Senti for Price List anti fulli particuilars. -OIL BURNERS - N-e t'ot typeI),ailjrodessew pot type, ragehuer ad beeters. 'NPrompt dejiveryN or hook for later. TIRES We are oesî net t thie eent of gndustitraýde-in tires (guiaen- teeti En be in sarýe11lent sha1pe) 600 x 16 $5.00 »qipmlleiit for vJaligTuh antI)i Farm TIracior Tires. aEA,%CON TIUE, carsi. Queen &r, Vrk Sta. HA-MILTON, Ontaia. ONTARI'",4111 MSODERIN Eq71UIPj'ED TIRE 5SAOV PAMMS FOR SALE FotiACRE 50AcjREs CEi,4 m)iles from Cardjinal Soîdbrick house. ai '1eceletcondition. Alil qipdwih yr Milking mac ýh ine instelled0. Yngorchard. Driiled well, Spring in pasture. Good fnces oolibn bu;se anti brQoer hnseSilo). IlL ssii with or wtbot ctck nd nmacbinsry, Possi nantime. Boux 107, 73 Adelaide ~Trna 100 ACRES ALL CLEAR EXCEL- lent land with goad Bank Barni, Large F rame ,house ituatcd on c,,unty road. Lot 19, Con 4. West Gerefraxa. Hydro soon ta be avail- able, %/ mile from School. Apply to Mrs. Ethel Louttît. H. R, No 1. Belwood, Ontario. 200 ACRES IN NORTHUMIIER- land district. 140 acres suitable for mixed * farming, 60 acres bush and pesture. Brick hous and frame haro. 42 St. Paul St. West, St Cth- arines, Ontario. 100 ACRES LOCATEs) IN LAMB- toi. County one hait mile from Oak- date on a main country rond close ta store, school and church. (On the farm is situeiied. a gond l-room frame housa "with Hydro and un- ning watem, screened in porch, 1 barn 30 x 50, i Barn 28 x 50 stabling for.eight cows anti corne young cat- tie and four horsps. 1 good hog pen antidoube eck bcn huseand granary. The sailila of Cley Loamn and in a hghstate of cultivation witb 13 acries offyounrg bush. Price $7.000. Phone1 or Write for appoint- mreLt ita 1George-. Cross. 86 Myrtie LEARN HAIRI3RESSING THE FRobeîson imietod Informatlon on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Eelardreslng Academy. 1.17 Aviýnue RPond. Toronto HELPIV ANTEs) WANTED - HEAVY TYPE LABI. ouesta work in Tanne"y. Gond wgs teedy work. Appiy The C. S. «Hymani Company Limiteti, Lon- don, Ontario. WANTED IMMEDIATEIIY - MAR-. ried touple, no chiîdren ta manage 50 acre ferm- la Cty Limita wlth hua service. Musitboroughly un- derstand and like hendling of bigh grade Jersey cettie and R.OP, test- ing. Modemn harn, rmllking machine anti tractor kept, anti furnisheti living quartera eletrically equip- ped. Splendid opportunlty for right man. Apply stat1iig c--xperilence andi references ta Box 6,1iCtchener. Ontario. MARRIEs) COUPLE PROTESTANT, experienced no chldren, live n. Woman ta do housework only, man for generai farma work near Tor-. onto, year round elnployment. $100 per montb witb board and lodging. Geo. C. Jackson, Downsview, Ont. MIEDICAL DON'T WAIT .- EVERV S',UFFER-. er of Itheumatie Pains or Neuritis should try Dixn's Remedy. Munr& Dru Stre,335 Elgin, Ot'tawa. HIGHL RECMMENED -EV- e.ry sufferar off Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis sh.)uldi try Dlxns Reme- dly. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Pastpald $1.00 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS' FRED A BODDINGTON IIIJYS sella, exehanges musical Instru- ments. 111 Church. Toronto 2. OPIPOaRTNÎIIES FORWMN SE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LIlADING 8CHOOL Great Qpportîînlty Learn SHairdresolng Pleasagnt dl-.lfied profession, gond w.agea, thousands succesaful Marvel graduates, Amerlca9z greateat Byt- tem. Illustrateti catal!ogue f ree. Writs or eaul MARVEL AIDESN 358 Bloor St.. .,Toronto. Branches : '4l Ring S t. Hamiltons & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PATENTS F11ETHEIISTONHAUGII & COMPANY Patent Salicitors. Establiheti 1890, 14 King West, Toronto. Bookiet off Information on request. PERSONAL FlERE HOMEI BIBLE COURSE. 2@ interestJing leasons anawering meny puzzling ques;tions as Armagetidon, Millenniiumr, Heeves, Deatb, and Salvetbon. Write Bible Seminar, Madison Callege, Tennesse. MORTAL POIVEII II'HI. STANLEY Lis. More then a book! Banishes buman problems. Anelyzea fear, warry, enxiety. Guide ta succesaful living! 50c. l-umanitýy Studies, 164 Cedar Grove, New Bedford, Mess. PHOTOGRAPHV FILMS DEVELOPED 25 CENTS. Guarenteetionos day service, No waiting, Bay Photo Service, North Bay. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your filma poperiy developeti anti printeti 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c. REPRINTS 8 for 25e. FINEST ENLARIIG SEHV1CEh You mnay nol gel allie filma you waot ibis yeem. but yau cen get al[ 'the quallty anti service you desire by sending ynum filmes ta - IIMPF.RIAL PHOTO SER11VICE Station I. Toronto. DON'T RISK LOSING "dSNAPSPP THEY CAN'T BE TAXENAGI An ieRoili-- 6 or 8 Expa3sures. DEVELOPED) AND PRINTED 25c, 3 MOIJNTB ENLARQEMNTS 25c. Enlaremens 4x' ouivomýy tinteti mounts,: 7\9" in Golti. Silver., Cir- ciassian Wlnut o'r BacFbany finisýh frameýs. cesch. If elre itepint Mae Fom our 1)EVPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box,, 120. P4,et 4Office A. Torenmto. riai ltName anti AtitresaPI i 18SSUE 34-1946- i A<REISWANTEI) WANTiED) - PUBLIC S C HOO L teacherfor S.S., No. 2. Hodgins and Der-oa. Dtic o commence Sept. 3, 10411 b'tate celery wanted. Ap- pIl, to E. D. Rýosai, Ssarchmnont, Ont. T EALIC 1:11FORS.S. 7 RudeliffIe Public Sechool Combermers, Untarlo. $1300 per ysar. Suieli achool. Gooti' eQuipmsnt. State qualifications and apply 10 S. F. Snowdon. Treasumer, Combermers. Ont., SAVANT LAKE S.S., NO.,1It B- quires experieneed teacher, grades 1 tn i, salery $1200-$1400 if quai-, fications warrant; Duties ta com- mnence t"all terma. Apply ta .J. B. Melaî,son, Sscretery Treastirer, Sa- ,Venl Lake, Ont PROTESTANT TEACIIER, QUALI- fied, for 'SS. Na, 2 Dummer. Term ta commence SePt. 3. Salary $1300 per year. Apply Walter Sloan. Sec.- Treas.. Norwoo d, Ont. FIRST CLASS PROTESTANT teecher, experieneed, 'preferred for S. S. No. 1 Clarence. Salary $1,200. Good bus service. 25 miles from 0Ot- tawa an Highway 17. A. 'E. Wilson, Clarence, Ontaria. MULMUR TWP. TEACHER WANT- ed tor S. S., No. 15 etulmur Twp., Dufferin Co.; comfortable boarding bouse close to school; roatis kept open for, Winter car drîving. duties to commence Sept. 1. Write stating qualifications. salary wanted ta A. E. Palmer (Sec.) Terra Nova, Ont. MIDLANb, TEIACHER FOR S. S. 16 Tay, 'Slary $1200 School beside, higchway witb bus service. Mrs. Edmunti Jones, Midland, Ontario. KASHABOWIE - PROTESTANT, teacher with permanent first or second class certificats and several years experience wanted for S. S. No. 1 Kashehowee; selary $1,350.00O per annum; enrolmeni 10. Apply to A. Holinshead, Sec., S. S. No.. 1, Ka- sbabowie. Ontario. WANTED WANTED TU PURCHASE PULLETS Berred Rocks,. New Hampshires, White Leghorns any age from 8 weeks up ta laYlsg. Gond primes paid. APPly ta Box No. il5. 73 Adelaide W., Troronta. [liti er Yacht Sold 1As Pleasure Boat Adolf Hitlcr's 2,560-tun luxuLr3' yacht Grille has been said by the British Admiralty for £E76,000 for conversion ia a apleasu5ire ship. The purcheser is going to *Instatt a movie and television theatre scat- ing 500 and a dance flaor and take her on holiday cruises from Britishs seaside resarta. The Grille has "a considerable number of catbins, alsa o onference ani dn roonîs, a-nd waucfld ap- 95ff5 to e" anitab e!ft for n verIsionulu a pîcasurecrie. Wisn Hti"eracepted thre Gillet i.1 1934 he was still "a man of tise people," simple and austere. Tise accommodations of tise, vessel were arrengcýd accordingly. Later tise Grille was smartened up, ïin keeping, with the luxury standards establisheti at tise Fueis- rer's Bercistesgaden retreat. Hit- ler o wn cabîn was donc ont in a innet-egg 'bine, Hitler usedth ie vessel for visita ta Icelanti and Portugal-but he waas ot ebaard when tise Grille took part in Britain's coranation review et Spithead in 1937."1 In 1939 tise Grille's white paint was covereti witi wartime gray. Mine-laying rilis were bolted to hales tbongistfuily p_-rovided wisen sce was built. Tiseyacht gat down to reel work, sîining tise ater arounti Wilhelmi-shavcn and a few wceks leater sire became a com- merce reider, In 1942 tise Grille cntered 'os the les t phase af ber careco' under Gemr- man ule as an aperetian base ship for U-boats in nortisern waters. Future Forests Many new foresis are being plentet iniitise Uniteti Kingdom ta meake- Great Britain as independent as possible so fer as timber sup- plies are cancemneti. Ricl or poor alke -thîs fine metilcine la very effectivee ta, relieve pain and ner- voua, tireti, irritable feelings, of "certain tisys"- when due ta female functional monihiy disturbancea. r *IMII&uIIVIIIMIYI COMPOUNDl LIFE <an lei AïFER 40nîIL Areunid 40 Out energy lessens. But, ex- pecrience bas taught us te* de out work with les effewt The years' ahead abould yield the getaacoPlishnuents, the meat enjoyinent ant bapinss.They fan, tee, if we avoid the kidney and ladder'disorders auch as Rack- ache, Headatche, Rbeumnatic Pains, Lassitude, Lois of Sleep andi Energy which se elten atticlt these- &round 40. Fe« over hall a century Dodd'a Kidne.y Pilla haye heen helping 5,00 and wtomei te keep kidneys and blad ,der in geet order. If yeu are neaimg 4û, er pa3t il, fer the aakêeof Your bealth and a hapir future use De,.dd'a KiiulnyPilla tedall ji25 MýAKINGS 0F GOOD FISH STOR7Y First Tuna landed by an amateur' fis herman ai Lunenburg, N.S., this season is this 680 -poundier displayed by R. Adamns, Toronto, It battied for one hour and 45 minutes. SPOTS 0F0 SPORi',T S By FRANK MANN HARRIS <. "As Six Bit Critic") "Times certainly change î wisole lot,", muses Eîgistl-post Eddie, tise eninent Turf Ativisor, "hitnacti ta be tisai when you aaw e gny around tise tmeck using a 23,2-inch nail iin place of a button on hiis britcbes, you figured he was eitbcr broke or bati jusi had a figiso witis bis bitter isaîf, wiso wouldn'î 'do any mare mending for him. But now thcy tell me tisai if tisis shortage kckeps up till tise Fail meci, tise.'Big Sisots on, tise Woatibine clubisouse lawn are abeta be wearinig ais insteed oýf diamontis as a aigo aof weltls," In ise t eresta ofSanitatioli auir Departmlenîs- qof Healli hiissue, from t. ime ta imeic, wamnings as Iota ise-dangers of tlise cammoa house-flitelling, how tr hese uitile winged visitors carry, germas, bac- teria and al otso ualuring tings in tiseir travels. Othjer es- teemeti Agencies, 'equaily intent on aur moral sanitation are wvnt ta give warning about those pit- faËîs known as poalmooms, giving instances of lise grave perils wisich tismeaten yauug fellows wisa mis- spendti in mucis of iheir leisure ar- ound sucis places. Always cýager ta belp) along any, gooti cause, Iletcale twa af tisen, and e ýspcCielly witis tise leIasi pas- sible eainuiof exectiant, we ilink, wec' ll nake thisan a double- iseatier, anti dig uip from tise back- aleys of sports iistory a tragic incident wbicb 'cleerlyý illustratea tise dangers inherent in BOTH tise poolmooni and tise iouse-fly._ Andi if yon've heard it before it's mucis toa late ta try and stop us. Sa anyway, ùanc day tiwa very expert billiard players were deep-, ly cnigaged in a conteat for tise wotM's cisampjonshjp. And as tbey nreared tule finiish anc af thiein, a gentlemeni nainect Fox, was 5 ferin font isaitiseback- crs of bis opponenit r about readly ta pay off, Bu'lt as Mm. F'ox teedup ta tise table anidisalk- cd bis eue for wisjt migst Weill have been tise winiîg inn.a cammon isouse-fly 1iappeneid ta liglit as bis eue-baIl. Tjime efier tinie M,. 1Fox tricti tsioo tise utIle peC3awy--but always it insisted on Coming 1ýbacît and perching on tise ivary' spjiere. (Maybc tlise fly îiought it was an rgg and! ,es trying ta iisati it, but this is only gucs wrk s is- toîry is sulent on tise point.) Ant finally Mm. Fox got 50 hat andi botheredti hat wssew eiîIýý t ta make bis abat isemiceiwsm- lionissoppanent tprampiltly rauj out bis string endé took tlisetitIs. At tbis Mm. Fxwiso init hase becs a very ectbetype intieed, rusiseti out aI tise pacJUMÊîpe ia s riî C, anti iras r> ei And if vyau are tisînking tisilis jis nothing buit a fignient of the i- aginiationi, -e imay nfomni )Ou tisat' it taak place ai Waasington Hll, in the fair ciiy of Ro.ýcisesîer, N Y. anti that t tis vio gnim in i- volveti weme Lois ;Fox andi John Deery. Andtihie faici thi it wa sos long ago as Se-pt. 7tis., 1865, tisai ht occuirreti las fnoîhing ta do wî tise perils anti dangers we siarted ouita illustrate.Tise paint thaýt puzzles us i ise ýhtinmoral wonlti bce masi fitting ta iack cos- ta this iigisiy edifying tLIe_- SWAT THE POOLROOMS or ýDON'T IA-NG A RO( 1-UN.D HOUSE-FLIE--ýS, hit may be tiai e have, jin times pat, already made meintîin af a frieniof ours-J- oe Griinm .a gentleman 1lmositieci(ledly Wvois krnawing. Joe lias a fontIine,ýsafor, setter tiogs,, liorse.Iisoepihig -smokeless tobacco. trottis. g raceýs, anti otiser homely things. He ai- 50 possesses sometising ather us- usuel nowedays-an outlook on lIfe that îs stricîly individuel and his awn. At el] evenîs we raîher relisiseti an incident we recenîly iseard-m, gardinig hb, anti'tisougisi pas- sibly you mnigisu do so 100. Nettz5o long ega a lady f rom the citýy came ta visi;t ini Joe's neiglibor-. isoot, briniging along with ber a daugliter aofise mature age of üc' yen or ýtherc1aboIts. But iblis n'as by no mans any cammon. or gar tien varieîy aI daugister. She was anc ,of iisee Chilti Prodigies, With an I.Q. hiseria a cat's back, knowsig ilisie anlSwers ta ail tise tiestions-ibe cSamle sort you reati abouit in tisese faites. yourm mmd ma-gaiisnis-or iear on1 tise radio, Hevnfbi. And tibis motlser'as mare ftiseîî a littie p Outf bler juvelilen'o.n- dem,'lom bviy nueans backward i, t'letngfolks kntow iow nis ise out-classeti ordinam'y kids.' More- than ;onice turing lier rural visit se hii ,.matie compati- sons between tise mentaiity of bier own pride anti juy, andti ti of Joe's' grantitaugister, Nellie, n'io iS mucis of th ise am"ege But samnelîow or other Weudon'ti mi- agine she'll ever (do Sa again. "But of cusM.Gie. sc e a finisisgtup îber ltt ,pane-gyric, "îtis iadyfaim for me ta com:pare m"1y Minera wiiis Nel- lie, as ail tise chiltipayehloùgi,,ss anti unvesiy rofessors wis C bave xanie4 Miner-va teilime tisait Isle ltiletiarliîsg, etsui sise's oly eeeaial a tise menaiîyofa eranof twenl- iy, or mr. Joe took a cisan' aIofaing t. balcca, slmnyspat, aIld .il,,, apoke. ".Vllna,"hesaid, '1'e- always naticetitiai a waormiy api- pIeC is hbet ripes a n'iole loi qu1iekeýr itan a soimnc. At Mars is ,200 m-;iles in dialmeter as ompametdiv n'i tise earth's 7,1.00 m)iles.1 ILIp 5aY suvasY.sîe, a.s.' "'Now 1 can ihrow away the dirty oses 1 leftiaintii s sink!, -Moral- Discretion 18 Better Pay-Off A n'eli known St. Catibamines itiaa matie> a recesi trip by niiotar ta jarvis, relaies tise St. Cethearinies Standard. On bis way, ise pickeýd up a bîteis-biker. Ir, tisecors îo conversation, tise younig imaitoItl tise motorist, be lbat jusi fiishieti serving 18 mnitha. His affenise n'as histiîng a motoii wbo lad giveniim a ride, antid kn 4l from buir. Then tise iteijlhiker '0kti ise otoiÏsi welie did. in tise pinchecs. Fslsiti lise a, prize figister at at mcAJuý ibat a bou t et Tciooto. [nil ar, lhe lied tiese ize ta e lie ;ein isle heevice clas. Nohtilng apntie? N(eerheleas, be n'asreivd1 ,get iti of bis passenger bil]v ai pomtl reporte tlise incid- enit tat)'ise police. Tise oral of tise sto)ryis: ove neye knw wat a risk itbere ie isi picking tup tise iunkua-wn 0on tue ller payof boostti u hii rarts » Per Centj -ta) SI per Cont, i 938-in dazen years Price (0f SiÏllv,,er oW 910.5Cnt InCreýase 1In Price Expect-d To Revive Silver Mines In Northern Ontarîn A largesceaIe revival of ïitresi. in Canadien silver mîines, psurhaps comparable tat isaifrt ýiseFimat Great War n'as iseing p redicte fd lowing ennouncement et Ottawa of a boosita 90.5 cents an auncesiii ibme price paiti for ailver by tise Royal Canaien Mini' andtihie Uniteti Siaites Treasury. lu tlisewake ofe an. danprica inerees of mare, thian 50cents a, ounice since lest Febi-uary, îit seemieti likely new if e -would hc injecteti into baif-for-gotten sIlver- mines in Ontario ai Briitiaii Col- umbie. as bliglisas 31.03,,as aunliesale is cexîts by tise Prices 1Board mntil thse ce(iling nas lîftet ii' Febmuary, Tenit rase 71,11lise ceiling tisep enforceti in tlise Usiteti States býy tise Office of Price diitain However-, wIsen O.P.A. went oui of operation îemporarilyý,, New York dealers posteti1a "New York of- ficial price" aoi 90 1-S cenIts an ounce for for-eigo ilve.TlisesO.P.A. cameIbaek ou tise scene anti sci tbie prcat 90.5 centîs or tise Uiiited Steàtes Treasury prices, wiieV:r n'as tise bîglier. T Uise U.S.* Treasury announ'ceti lest week tisai its prie would be 90. for U.S, "dpmnesiic" silver, andtihie Canadien Mini fol- lowed suit. Demend For Silver As areui Canadien' miipes 'isih lcoutinot oeaeprofitably ai (ihe 71.11-cet p ries, IIow may bc reviveti anti New York sorcessisi Candin ilver, wic ttist reacis tise U.S. markeî uinder tise adpries, mï-igs tait In acrossa tise 1hardeýr gaini. U.S. de-esaae aliee el ta, gel enouigissilver, even aitfice 90 ,1-8 ceiies, ta ý litse nee(l Nen' Ylrk tisatineeti is estimateti et some 200000ounices, anti Wasiington officielFjsaaid ,fiaet oly 50,000,000 ounlces af thle120000 ta be) reeas-eti n ndustybythje U.S. Treasuiry wili be availabc le u- pleti.teiy. . ,. - tis inreaetprice iu Caniada asa well, ob-servera hee lok for new aeiiviiy in tise aid silver ton'ISs. >HOLD EVERYTHING

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