o¶RONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1916. T0IE-ORONE YICC1EYUCLUB and her Radio Broadcastîng, 12 PIECE Orchestra 12 ___EC at the -Grand Opening of the, Cedar Palace*, "Orono on the evening of rIDAY, AUGUST 3Othu Th'is Or-chestra has eontracted to play a series Irf1prog-rams this Fail and Winter over C Il U M aone of Canada's outstanding- 'teen. age or- aitons. Thir eperteire cevers everything from jive te s-wýeet rhythm and skits within the baudc ADMISSION: $1.OO )Per- Couple, Gentlemen, 75e.; Ladies, 50C. THIS WEEK ONLY FRUIT JARS iPINT SIZE........ ......... 89c. QUART SIZE............... 98c. Coleman & Philp Electric Phone 89 r 1 CO. LTDP. Orono AT T EN D Bowmanville Branch of the. Canadian Legion CARNI VL. BEATYAND PPLAIYCONTESTS Two Big Nights 0Of Fun Thursday and lFrid'av A UGU STî2 2,nd-anà%d 2 %3r d PUBLIC SC4 V L OUE NEWCSTL GILS'SOFTBALL1- CLUB W wil e ed in the Newcastle CmuiyHl otn ndt, ofin o Mr. and Mrss Frank G *Imei-r wîtb lur. and Mrs. iMac Irevin, 'Morrîsb. Mr. 'and £rs. Wilhsent Hancock, wit-b is sister, Mrs. P. Laing, Orono., lurs. -Carlaw, W arkworîb, with ber ais-ber, Mrs. -Wiilis joÏies. Me., aad Mrs. Lawrence Gilmer visited Mr. and Mes. Milt. Kinsbahl. The junior softbali team have rua off tbree games ýso far and have won two. Messrs. Wm. Reid, Cocil Buriey and.Staniey Epple ta Simene Tues- day. Several froal boere ar-e on tobacco farma and report a good crop in Ibhis district. Dr. Rundie examined the class in First Aid at the Post here on Fïi- day cevening. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Glover, Osh- awa, Mrs. Phoobe Holda'way, WYes- ieyville, and lurs. T one Langstaff witb Mrs. John Belgbîun, Port Hope. Misses Gertie and Luella Tbomp-_ son, Toronto; Mc. Robert 'Johniston and sister Mes. P3eacock, of Killar- aey, Manitoba, wiîb -Mn. aid Mrs. Wilbert Hancock. Evoryone is busy attendiag 10 business hence utIle news. 0f course Ibere are plenîy of rumours, but' Ibere are two tests tbey have, bo pass before going down on paper for Ibis column. First, "Is il true"? second, "Is il kind?" KENDAL -Mr. George Pope, Jr., is visiîing wtth bis sister, Mrs. Wm. Gelary. WViss S. kManson spenit the week- end witb Mc. and Mrs. F. Stoker. Miss1 Georgina Darlinglon is spending a few weoks aI home. Mr. and Mrs. Gien Kirlby are visitiag Mrs. Norman Thiertoîl and Mrs. Gray. of Gardon Hill, will conducî the service la Kendal Church on Sunday morning niext. Mrs. Mary Henry. of Toronto, is visitiisg with iMrs. C. A. Cooper. Al ber old frionds in the commuaity are very pleased to se ber. Mrs. L. Thorne bas returaod' clhome aftor visiting bier daugbhter, lurs. AI- va Rouigbleyý, Osbawa. for a few jweeks. WESLEY VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ford motos- cd to Kingston to vî.ît rexIatives. Mr. and Mss. John Diekerson an-d Donna visited relatives la Welling- ton over the week-end. A fire comfpletely destroyed the garage and car at thse rear of the borne of Mur. James Snetil. Misses Margaret, Helen and Lauca Binsted had Sunday evening tea witb Ruth Payne. Mc. and lurs. Arnold Thoradyko and Carol had Sunday evening tea witb 'Mc. a-nd Mrs. Carlton Payne. Sunday School at 11.00 witb a ceaI good attendance witb two teachers absent. The Womon's Association bold their montbly meeting at the boe of Mrs. William Nicholîs. Miss MeCaw, of Picton, spent th e week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barreclough. lurs. George Dinner is visiting ber daugbter, 'Mrs. Percy iHoskin, of Welcome. Mr. James Payne, of Toronto, is beauîifying the boirne of Mr. and Mrs. William Payaîe with an outside coat of paint. 'Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Meeking and son. of Toronto, Mrs. Harry Meek- îng and Mur. Jack Meeking, of Port Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thoradykes. Hope, spent Wednesday afternoon at Mr. and M-es. George Danes and sister, of Long Braisch, and Mr. and luns. Robert Drummoad, of Newcas- tie, were Siunday visitors witb Mr. and lurs. William Payne. LESKARD The sebool bouse has been r- painted boîh inside and out, and as a resuiýt bas a fine dlean appearance for tbe start of tbe failtetrs.-'Thse flag pole was taken down aiso, and wiii ho painted and put up at the frorIt of the sebhool yard. Il will bave to he shortened soein but wili stili bo a good height. Readers may ho inîerested to learai that tbis polo bas beenusnco1898 or 9ý9. It bas been taken down tobho painted two or Ibree timos, and a s -a resait, shor- tened. It w.as first erected to fly a fiag presented 9as aiprize b o the school tbrough the effo-rt of Sophia Truli, now MVrs. Beatty of Gardon Hill, and sisber of Fred TrulI of Orono. qoplhie Tral wavýs a pupil aIt son Biii, vere recent visitorsý with Leskard sýcbùoo neariy fiftvy years bisý parents, Mlr. and Mrs. Wm. par- ago. Fer essaly oni "Dayýs inic enits, Mr. and Mrs.. Paitterson. flags should b)e 1boisted" wýon first Mr. Len and Miss' Betty Johnison, prize' in thetonhp The prize Mur. and Mrs. Bul Jobiisoni and Mas- was a Union Jack for the sehool, and ter GCeorge R. -Bell, of Oshawýa, visit- the trustees at that time, Arthur ed with 'Mr. and lurs. Verni Johnson. Carveth, David Bell and John Davey, Vîsitors wlth Mr. Lorne Bell and tramped for miles to find a suitable Hida over the week-end were: Mr. tree to cut for a pole. This one, and lurs. Arthur Bell, and fahnily, now in use. was ceut from tl'thbsh Bowmaanville, and Messrs. Clarence on Dennis. Davey's fa-rrm, 1no occu- and Ronnie Stewart. of Oshbawa.. pied by George Poilard. A picnic of the famiiy and fi end's An old Losikard boy camle hm was heid in the Memorial Park oni this week for a vsiafler'ma a- Wednesday, August 14thi, toweoe sence of 66 yoa,ýrs. seaders my re- Mr. Fred Thonrpson, who Is onIla, memibor about a yer ori, eadtinig visit from the West. the letter printeud i heTîiimes h-ich Macvh nmerriment was caused wbe l, n ibad been sent to Col. J1. C. Gameii(y as a cair sped by on the Main s treet Postmaster of Oronio, biy one Sam. theý othor d'iy trailing oid h Rofbins, of Gi"and Foi ks. Noi-th Da- streamiiers, etc. The "ceuiprits" oen-k.a Th(I ,i joyeýd the fan. anxious for nns of Leskýard if- Messrs. Rpy B. and Carmen Paitton sucb a place stii xito. ndif: are visiting witb Mr. and Mrs. Mas'- ithere was anynnie thfere by tiie namne eusý Soper and Mrs. S. Patton. M. fRohbins. Col. Gamiey nswýered this letter and Ibis visiust lhave ir, dq r1.' ManTson Patt ion, of Oonbeeïi the resu't. On Sun.dajfy alr "1d on Sunday. Mr Sborwin,1of OrIon, preached ia no anIobnae 3yas Ifnnodfaio(ned sermon on, Suni- sno z obnarda h day moning ast, taking for is *iifarm- of bis cousinl,MrA.Rbis tx,"htSh!aîl We Doc)WVith1l' ewaRccomrpa ied b;!Y bsnpe j e zs". sry1laa bt Rde, i eaid twocilrn W-e'o rs Mes.hEi Rbbins, 85 years of age, M. ~ ~ ý Sour ada ]adfa17dnath te- f- of abrt enw deceas,ýA c steps tbe'lotber da, receîv1(ing alo camefthat lîlong joarnýey. 10 extersiÎve buisesl1nd badHg-ishesfon-mlesatth ae f5 iqite an tndurace tes. lur A. N. Robbins evea stitches. Hneesei bearng isp bîavely tbouh bc r1m1nha - eraeadhoogyen ceal and looking quiteeeefl.lrs cdte n. hr uvro ahI Milton Robinson makes a veryabe nan Wof a'sConeprre eft, nurs, rndeing ssiz'ýjý ii bat- blerommber d nd vsited Mrs. nuse enern sstance in every % D'vid Bell., an d cd a grand chat xvayshocan Wehop M~s. ope labut old days-. This o idter tougbb xii soon be rcoveredý. L-kai d looked pretty aie, îithougb f~ bt as cbagd raîr snc i KIRB&Y go se-b ho wassixteen1and Mr. and Mrs. Brodie Tb1oipsion, of oafamr Atliat tise eaar Port. Hope, visited witb Mr. andMrs a adn idtrebakm Bi,,son on Sundây, bpa oprge orcirhs Sundi(ay visitons at Mr. F. J. Bis n trs aatbiigoent acnb' wereý, M.Y oetShr lmnin am ilad grist iilîs. j in MssSberxin. Oronlo, lllan iss h sbolbus tIbatt 'ime bad Cate,)f Wnieg 5 ni mo ppis witb tw o tea-i-i aad issMar Mcean ofTocnto lage aimla ran FoksNorth wi;tb l -1r1. and lr.F. J. Briniacomb4. sites nve imrnied, 1bis tobob Extesiv imroveiens bve ben ns idso. adtbieir cbliidren are sIiadoarondthle cac Messs. now redenits of Granid Forks. lJ1oe anld VFrank ýHall, Oronio, hv0 __ flîbdtho po i'intngarun teu- COW ANVILLE Mr. JIiinsMiddleton bas th[ie job of' aitgHe od ork onthleolot- Magae Ewadsi rcoor pani fIeinb o f (theî base, - at l! Roy Burleî'.sirn Sunday.le m ent M.indMrs. FakOdno S TUD)ENTS VTUESDAY,S EP-FT. 3d Soho, Ip en i ngDa We stock everytin that you need in Text Boo"k;-s, Writing Books, and ail School Supplies Shop early for as many of your schoo! supplies as you know yau ni need and avoidthat last minute rush Waterman Pen Sets The high standard of comparison, in writing instruments Waterman Pens. af - -----S3.57 and $4.16 each Waterman Pen Sets. at................ .... ---$5.06 and $5.95' each Waterman 100 year Pen Sets..-----------..................... ..... $M454 Waterman Taperite Pen Sets ý......... ......... ......... $15.54 Eagle "Prince" Pens, each..-------------- -.............. .......... ......7 (Above prices are ail tax included) Aetfor Jaekman Flowers Charl es ]B. 1Tygrreil DRUGS Orono, Ont. Phone 68 GROCERY FEATURES, Coupons beeomhin valid on Aug. 22nd, -Meat, QI Quakýer Yellow Corn Meal, pkg.......le Kejllgg'sý Ail Branii, pkg ...... ...... ..3, Kellogg's Bran Flatkes, large thrift-y sized pkg 11, Nutrim Bb CerPeal, requires no cookilng, a tight, 16 ouince pkg ........ Campbell's Soups, assortedl, Chiickeni Noodl' Chicken, Cre-am of Mushroom, Cno 2fror ............................. Campbell's Tomato Soup, 29 for -ý-ý........ Calirnationi Milk, 6 1-1b. tins for 1 coupon aiid.. Lyon's Blue Label Tea, 1-2 l-b. pkg .......... Chase & SnonCoff.ee, i lb. pkg..... 19e. 59e. 40e. 47C. SPECIAL -- GoId Medad Co",ffee, 1-2 lb. pkg.... 19c. Viegri aloJugs, wh e i e ider .... 43c. Drv. Ballaid's Health Doýg Food, 2 for........ 25e,- Maister o Bsuts sore>shapes, i lb. bo, 2fr...... ..........25e. Canned Lemnon Juice, 6 fluLidI oz.tis each ..... 13e, Po ee0Au ,-/oz.pkg' .......... ....... 7c. Pare'sCatupFiavor0nd reelrbottie ... 35c. Q enGreen epes,2for...... ........ 15e, See- Ouri -baskets of Tomatoes, Cueumbers, Apples, Plumis and Peaches ORONO 5c. JX0 TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POUL9 HPPING CENýTRE Private Ai ni buiance Northceutt and Smitkh Funieral Directors and Furniiture, Dealers K 1IN DN E,,S COURTESY SERVICE' EqiiippedI to taLe care of the modest funeral at the Most reasonble carge s m-011l-a-the largest and f most exacting j Tehoe Oiffice 668 - 'Residence: 523 and 726 Telephonie (Collec B owmanviIle, Ont. TonoLnto, isitd a ls. B.Misos M.CariStingr ad bis tfwo daLuilght1,e iS, 0of K'irk,' ld, spentl a fevw days vstigfiends oe Mi. lr. Andrew Bandy11vand Harty speth Ibe past week in Ueý_r- iimn. Shirley Edwardts and ber 'teen age or'chesýtra ba-s ]been accredited the Qv mostotsadn musical organiza- tion la tbe 'teen nage chlbs of Toc- nt.Hear and dance to tiem a ýt Orn nFrida, AugIust ots ledtho ads-. and raptbe barginls, U Motor Equipment ý-AdhiSsion to Dance - 50 Cents