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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Sep 1946, p. 2

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SYNOPSIS 11VPTEIL 1 I: Circunsaanes force Dick and P'ettigrew to get lnoociifferenit ifeboats. Tihe hboats waveupsts nd inks te oain, hcbDick is 1rldilng.lHesae hWmself A cingng to a few boards tômrn froin thse boat. Everyone else2 drown. AftertMme wtrturd days, he fishies in a ms of seaweed and eats tne slirimps lie flnids. Th)ese re- stor'e bis will to ive lie dimly nakres ont Wbareerus to be a sali in che distane. Te salivesselRa)- proaches aii dDick sees £btat its a twornstd ugger, probably a fisinig boat, Thse crew pull ic aod.They ire ail biack enOf called Carib. Thse ei-ooi caP- tain, Tuc. tr hi -CHAPTER 111 Dick conclnided itbat he wold bec a biard cusýtomer to dei wt and ià would be mnucb beter te court is fiendsip than to pro- voke iis ,enjity, Bllack. Burley, the m ate, was neryas taîl anid poxverful as tlie skpebut biïs black sbliny face and satylimlbs Ipro-claimled th[e pure carib Ngo Wbile be was eaing and drink ing, Captain Tucu grunted and broke the silence. "Weedy'drift roir?" lbe ask- tcd grntffly, bis words sîinguijlarly iree frorn tb-e raînt of bi-s black ances'sdiaklc. "Fromi the City of Bahi1a - wckdfour daàysag" DiCk re- pieýd, wipinig bis rionti. "Stucl - oiuicsiiiig mii Lue CLtm5 n, e ~r t otiler Sb1ip, and went do0wn -1n1 baîf anihur Four unrdPeople aboad-mn, wmcnand littie cbildren. I was in thje hast boat that cî ' t bier, an wce ca psed Gloryl it wasawn" -~-~~e cosedbis yesan instnta if to shiut ont the miemory of ht. When lie opened ber agin, Cap- tain Tucu was asKing cagcîrly: " yinIci t? Lots o' wek * age frorn a ste-amler floats." r "Nothing but tlie smnal boats," replied Dick, "aind they werc filicd r ~~witb epl. r The hialf-breed nodded hir heand & nd muiittcred somnething to hie maein a dialect tbat Dick couh-id rno, tran.Islate. -" "Whierc wa2s tj1is steaiie-r?" de- - mandd Tucu, turninlg suffdnly r~ toDcs Wat lttd? rDick Jord;an shoo0k bis hefad. "I rdon't know. PIm not a- silor." Thet skipper's face clouded with r diappofimm nnd an uigly scar -acrosq b i t chieek shlowcd rcd, mottled it white. Dick did flot r liSe the looks ofi. r calrib reniegades," he rcasoned t 1v hîmself. "Ses scavengers-haîf fishermenl, hialf pirates Thiey'd kill rune withiont ba-tting ani eyelasb if it sie hi ups. He ganced, paýst the serni-circle c f bîack falces andf hie sav, the ~- ~ wid, bevirig, Iiritheiiss sept TIhe shock of beCinlg adrift u'pon it for r an1other period awakened bismd 1f0o11 it's du.11 j(eh,-a1gy. lie hadl to stay aboard theIuc e until theiy recbelid sreormeanhrsbp 1le srn11iled cmaftily, and spoke q Wit a miliute, captain! Cre to thînk of it, in wrong. 1 'heaýrd flie wireiess oprtrca-iing for lp anid givîng the stearner's posi- r t'ion. I'r am ein of a wimehiess expet mseif. ftwa, i waýs- Ile hecsitacdL and u cocked biýs hea sdewysin the( attituide of one recahýliing sornethintg ta hd zd bis memory. "l got it, fie ad- ided a momient iat cer. "It was \1o rt l1 atituide 13--and 80 or 81 -y3es, thiat must have been uhe longIitlide-SO or 8SI' 'rA * The Qu j&To Dick's surprise, Captain Tu- cui brokeý in abruptly1: LBlck ureynode is head, and miwiumbd: "We can makei Roncadorji Bank was a mystery to Dick. They seenied to know whee tat was. Perhaps, afier aIl, tbat was ihe explanation uf the qceriacideýnt. The City, of Bia adstruck the reef in t ie nighýt ofte storni and fonndercd as a1esi of it. "-if I caoi make myseif of service to tbicm, tbey ýv w iiikeep me," Dîck museýýd to hirnself. "There- foeIiiiust make m %seiýf inidis- penabl. Bt jbow? " î"If 1 sail witbtemn, Vl know too muiicbi-finid ont tbings theyi'1l wanit to keep secret. Therefore 1,11 be no ibetter- off iii die end than nowç%. Tbey'hl neer put me ashore. On sane dark nigbt, P'i disappear, unlss-"1 His mind stopped abruptiy. He was jolted ont of his rcveric by the sbadow of the skipper in front of hm When he iooked up, h ow- ever, lie was sniiing in spite of the sblock. "YLou rescueti me in the nick of limie, captain," he said pleasantly. "Anotbefr bout in tbe water, and I'd been1 done for. I'rn mighty Capt)ain Tucu nodded, but made no comment.ýii Dick felt tbat bis fate was bhanging by a senider thread. Thefi indecision on teoth- er's face wvas menacing; but the smile neyer, faded from Dick's lips. He ýcouinund jP ii " enwe get 1ta tbe ýspot whiere the ,steamer iwent down, I May help you find somi.sig of vaine"- Thec ýaptaini's face ,grew sud- denly anid cager, "hmsth)atP" lie de-rn--anded, stepping neare-r. -"Smugitgling, yon kîî1ow," Dick went !on), -feelinïgis way careful- IV, "isn't ;À lost art. It's stili prat'- Heý winked and grinned, with thie intent of simulating spe cial knowledge. Tucu stepped dloser and scowlcd, but behind the scowl was an cager cxpcctancy. * Ywssmugghin '?" he dernan- dedA, tbjrnsing bis face, close to jDický's.. "That îsi't a fair question, is it, captanin ?" lauighed Jordan. "If I confesseýd to- it youý could-could- oh, w i e added, shugginig bis shoulders. "I guess you woul dn't a1rrest me-flot if we dividcd the stuff 1'fbe winked again, anxious aeat but on thec surface smil- ing and, complacent Wonld the anfaîl for the bait? The sk-ipper was eyeing hirn, baif in doubt, haîf in cager ex. pectancy, Ali the avarice of bis natuire wa s in bis eyes. But he was slow and catyntchiid- like a bis bîf Caib brothers. "WbaiLt is it?' he grumblcd, cbecking b is i-iipatience. "Wby spcf" retorted Diclk, haif rîsinig. "It's enougb that it's valuable.-a rich blaul." A 111ea of anger shot from the ot er'seys. To pacify birn, "1 pickcd themr up in South Amn- crici at a big bargai. If i get thicm in tbe, United States, tbey'li be wor-w,ýorth--well, I can'i get them tbironigh. The City of Ba- i's gonec to the bottom. So, of co-urse, fthe jewehs werc lost, too". CpinTucu interliupsed iwîth ani oa-tbl. "'t'm aboardi" lie growîed. "Y' didni't have se-nse enough t'ýo save 'n? zlity Tea FAMLYIS BOXED IN E. E. Parker of Green Cove Springs, Fia., refused to be baffled by the housing shortage. He built this; combination home and gasolîne station for hinself and family out of ammnnunitioni boxes discarded by the Arrny and Navy. By _Ï I-1IN ERAR Last Fýriday 1 think we ahi feit like saying-"Bri1gng ot Ilehe bnd, mn n p tbefl-e are thirougbý witb the harvest." Yes, "ail is safehy gatheretd in" but flot without incideilt. There were jnst aboutt six>or sevent more hoads to get in wben, in draýwing Up the first bundie on Thursday morning, the solid oak bena to whîcb the track is atta(lch, sin tered and broke, crvashïing rigbjt into the rnow over the swiïngber.0 course, a buge bunie ,,ofseas went witb it. Partner was bah1fway Up the Iadder on bis way to the rnow when iliappe-ned. H1Adlie been in tbe rowerknows wbazt wouid have b)een ithersut As it was no one ýwas burt btit àan a lot (of"extra,ï work -pthn sheaves srîh frorn the ago into the mowýý. (0frcourse thetrc can be fixed! bu[t, likS sumany otheLr repair j obs, thec question is - "when ?" On Friday we celebIrated tbie endl of barvest by taking in a shoîiw- a vcry appropriate show and con- ing at ,an opportunetieStt Fair". It is a long timie sinice we enioyed a movie like we did tbat one. It didn't seern ike a movi- it was jnst if e on the screen-1 wbich, after ail, Is wnatc-a gond show sbould be -alhough rany are far from it, Or are they? 1 suppose wbat I really mean is that "State Faim" is life as we like toý visualize it, wbereas 'Lost 'Week- End" may be jnst as truc auitinte- "Hold on, captainl If you're, goîng to cuss me for a fool, l'il shin: np, and you'll never ge;t a sigbt of the jewels. I said tbey'd gone down with the steamer. Woýuldn't tbat be the natural con- cluision of their owners wben tbcy% beard of the fonndering of the City of Bahia? For ahi 1 kndjw evecrY rnodmber's son aboard, czcept me, wvas lost. You coidn't cxpect mle to save smuggîled goods unider sucb circumnstances, could y ou?1_ That lets me ont as an agent foir -for-" He smniled craftily, vwatcing thffe expression- of the bl-redsface and eyes. He was fohl-\flowing him -nibbling at the bait. Dicýk drew,. an unconscions sigb of relîi. The skipper wareyeig irn, baîf in douibt, haîf in caer xpec- tancy. "Tbey didn't go do)wýn he snapped Tucu, "YVe-ye--gor- 'Cm?" Dick bchda!bscgmes "If -I bad themi,» he sa)id afl "yucould take tbemn. The' al I bronigbt awaywibm" île poinited tot)hlecoltino the trhifsngsfrom bhis pockets fbe had! spread onit in thie sun todr&Y The skipper scowled in iparphex- ity, Hlis face1aSsuwed crafty suis- picion, as lhe tmcd uonDici; with an uhyleer. said showy, y'dkeep a whoiC skcin by teli' e. I ainl't wast;ni tirnetaki'.Y1'nwwbr te are?" ", cpan-o r~yneatý it,"Siikod Dick imlpuïdely. "I put themn overboard witb a striingi tached o'e an a float to th( end. Reckýon I couhd pî,ýtic up ý float.", (,To 'e Contýýinnedl) pretation of 1f e but hiardly thie kind to give one aniy satisfaction or up- liit. As I sat down to writýe thiis col- unn I was just tiinig of ail thie things thiat can happýen i o wee-nýo just on tis farm but ilhirouigb this or any cornmunity31. T'akýe itis district: for inistanice: frorn ooie farrn a fr-aillttewornan was takein to ho0sphia; a sboýwer was giveii for a reýturned rnan anld bis English bridt:; a youing miother, was oeae on for appenldicitis; a littIe- boy was-i badiy bitteni by a. dog; a well-drîier moved in and began driling for watcron a farmi where it was urgently needed. Al that within the spiace of aà ie to say nothing of the things that happened that I know notbing about. And yet some folk think notbing ever biappens in the couni- try, rActualy ýa woestory cotldd be wIovenI around el ach of those Li- cidenits -- a story that woulid bc cbock full of humiian interest. But back to Giinger Farrn. It is nearly a mrontb since Daughter was home. And the rea3son,?-- car trouble. 1 wars talkin.g to Dauighter yesterday and of course I suggested train or bus service as an alterna- tive. "Oh moithecr," wv'as the answer. "don't suggest it. Only an.lerncirg- ency will makle nme travel by train or bus againý for a wbile. It is really awful " Ther' I remc'mjbered thie reason. Last time andi friend Becrt carne by bus, Bob took tben own to tihe Queen Elizabeth on, a b)ank holiday night to catch the retursi bus from there. They stood waiting for over an bout wbile bus after bus, jam- med to the doors, went whizzîng by. Finaily they stood on the high- way wbere a psil otorist touk pity on themn and gave e 2rn a lift to Toronto. So thaït's bio-, tbey got back thiat timei. Niece Joy doeýs a little betler cornling uip frorn, Hama il- ton altbionigh yesterday shie lba to stand rmLst 0of the %way, It looks as if the nxt fe ek arouind here u-ill be like ai game of "WaV'shington Poat, ". Tbursday meanIs ei for Betty".StrdyJoy finishes bier biospîtal field work in Hamilton and will be here for an indefinite hoIid. a ad after that McGill f or ber. Somim in i Sep- tember we exp,ct ianiother neice. and after that famnily cmnsand goings are problema'týia. Corne to think of it thiere seernis to bave beenreuna ncyof em ls i summeir, doesn'tthre I have been týeIling Joy tit wih shie is here I tinii 1will leave the family to ber tender Mer-cies and take a couiple of djays off myvseif. That is one ,.idea for- a hiolidayý but yesterday ! hif on another. I told thern if tbey'% would ail ïgo awa iad leave mie at home alone it woid be just as good! The onJiy h Iitchi to that p1ýln is the fact, there would BE FIRM! Âlways insist on Maxwell bunse Coffee. Iles Radiant -R Qasted by a spe- cial process fihat capturer, allilie extra flavor and gaodness of the Superb) Maxwell House blend. ISSUE 36-1)46 Om THE SIA By George E. Waloh The Peril3 of Covetousness Exodus 20):17; Proverbs 11:23, 24; Lu'ke 12:13-21. Goldn Tet. -He tat itrustetb !Il iis riches shIaI!faîl: but the rgtosIshal flourisbi as a branch. -- Proverbs 11:28S. The Tenth Commandmrent The11 Tentbf Conrnandrnient is the mIost, inward of ilthe cornmali2nd- menclts b2c-ause it forbids flot anl ex- ternal cbt idnmental state, whiicb is thie root of nearly every sin agains,ýt a necigbbor, Covet- ousness is the uniilawful desirec for sorething wbicI is qanotlier's. The Irighteous mant lives to give ail possible good to [()others Ibut the wicked mail vwill receive tbe just re- ward of cvii, the dispheaýsuire of AI- mnigbty God. Generosity, whetbethr in tbioug-ht, word or deed, brings peace adjoy in this if e. But the nigrl ose who withbold whýati s due to otbers, Folly of Covetousness The parable of cvtuns pic- ture th manwhowas )cn cnd solely witb býis own affaîrs. 1H1isý rapFidlin'v icreasinig Neailtb brought hirn ani-ctyh and care. Hle -was per- plexed t know whre to put bis Hlavinig bit hIS barnis and be- stwdbis gond thlerin he wvould take bis ease. The r icb mIanithe a(ddressedâ God nlor bis -fel i an, only bi]s selfisb self, "nysolHe told is-sotul tat h bd mul goods5 laid uip for manivy yars," But bis soul badi notbling laid up, onl1Y bis body, anid thiat flot for m,,an.y yeatrs, but for a, few shiort hourts. Tbe place to la-y up goods for many yea-rs is flot new barnîs, but bcaven. Theyc,,are liu tirhe1re Ïby Sgîing A Fool in God's Sight God cnt short is sclfîlsh Pro- jects, bIS foibdcm by calling hIirn ýfrom itime ,into cternlity. Death imakes t he richest nait2 pauper in, a moment. The qssestion Crs asks, then "whiose shiail these ,tbings be, Stilc<s to ni]k and chickens to feeýd. Corne to t~n of it 1 doni't reaLly -want to rmn awVýay frorn work -1 onily want less of whaý,t I do't want to do ,îad more timne for wbat I wat to do-i o know what 1 mean! Mfake this- 30- ay test! 1. If yo u're rec 1ly ii11, see your doctori But if you just feel duland head- Sp achey, you may only be suffering I front incomplete elimination, Especialhy if you're over 35. IIjere's 'IW"' ~how one simple change of diet eau help you keep fit! 2. Stort now to eat Kehhoýgg's Brant Flakes every morning. If you want to keep feeling fit the natural way, getMore of tise, "buhk" your system Sneeds by eating deicious, gently-- '4laxative Kellogg's Bran Flakes With '~Other Parts 0f Wheat. 3. Just thiri y days shouhd proveotW You, how grand it ia to fée]l aert, to ,: have the eiiergy for ahl]tise extra Kellogg's Bran Flka ~ tiMngs you'd like to do, Yon'il want are delicioirs. lis a re- to go on keepin.g fit the Kellogg wayl cent survey Canadian " BaniksPpConIke i- Iousewives )oted BO oePp onFaeAî Keflogg's 3 <, .1 faou.- Br, Rie* Krispies, Krumblu and iteovter anY other brad AII-What aremai mode by Koilogg'st, fho greuzes name ines-eats. SAVE TIMEUUUSAVE FIJEL...SAVE. F001!D KissesLmte If yoil are thinking of taeln by planle from Lon1don Airp>ortyo WOuld do wllto remembe that th Brïiisli Air Min:stryv's o ablr take a-i'very poor view of ls-nn lersandther wvesandf.nll are nlow limnitedl to a placees- ciaillpoiddfrthe-se ebae and mulst be iIade at leat haif an hoýur beýfore the aircraft is due ta take off. Thec passengper inay kiîseý bis wfe(or anoneele's) îiii the "clear" tent or on a roped-oýff eu- coreof thie aîrport. Beon hese liniiits he cornesiCý into thei dornain of the Customs offi.. ialîs-mho discourage close emn- braces because of the facility tbeiy provide for passing currenicy and dutia-ble- articles to passengersýý whiose baggage bas already beesr cleaàred. be"ý? brings homne to us the usicer- taiînty of riche(s. They ýare, ours only wbile we live. How necessary it is- thIat we shold ue tbern wisely. Ths oes Christ point the para- ble agaïinst the rich man Ran against ail wh Ialy up treasure oni eart. Hewho lays tir richeýs for- hirniself, wvho is a' seif-seeker, vwil be iseýrable aud fearful whený deathfi cornes; buit be wbo usesý bis wealtbi for the sake of the King9- dom wý-Il be ricb in faitb, hope, love and fr-om sucb riches flot Cevn death caq, separate hirn. The, bis for- ail eternIty. IMPOSSIBLE TO TIlDE fihe faci tiat miaxwell flouse- Coffee is expertly blended, The superb Maxwell flouse ioyial knowledge and skilI of the art of voffee blend. igg UMakes You FeelÎ SoMuchBetter 4'. The Vitamn B', Tn -Exten i used for hèadche, loss of Fleeup, nerv'ous idgsin irritabilitY, aama hoi - fatigue, andic exhaustion of the ileros system., 6cts. Economy sizeý, $1.:0 Dr. Chae's er VABMS

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