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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Sep 1946, p. 3

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to Iayinlý for imwedialte tLelivery. AlsIvo iand trireeweek 0old ýaat- ed<chIjcks ttree ctlou.Tweddle hiek Htbiis lia eg .LOSE NU TIME M NOIIDERING '4,eýîckinug orders no'w.SpclouN IL.x W. 1, 'e rted pulletis îfor promt sipmet.!et'etait0lîs ronm BWiy flatulhery, I130 )John St. North. Bamlltoin, Onitario. PILLETS EGTWEEWS TO JLil- lng. 17ree, cataloguie sud prlist, Toip Noilh CieokCrle, Gelphi, (l. BIUSINESS OPOT lTE ACCOUNTJNG BY MNAI12 ,& ew aild Inmdr'n Ilithod "fN-3, coming îail urokpn und acontn roblems. tD bAaaib 11t nirrg1 3y Mai anpty tac0 il heIr sjales detatI sis ash voc,,hers, pad nvOices), arilariulr und umail periodicaily to u fie Onoe ')a nsetwelseii youa sans Ysaary Of pour busIinase rnatos Oio a Year, o0on, i untw efur-. niais osawitLm ua ooiete atm t 1çeatpoer' affair ', svi(à corl ete in- ýve tax service. 4imtnrinl i auvrdOeariot Iremlire tise services f Slt-time ccont ast Gaage, <rôaryDru, ry- gooti, HarwarePlumbillg, Dc eches to ACCOUINTING BY MAIL Roi241, 21 Klng st- E., Trno WritUe for ýn formatici ion and loýw AN EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACT., ive omiimission leproposition il àaLaýýzble to ail brea, nmilk anti or fIl une eploment. hasenumbr toBox i01,73 DYRINU AND> ULI)NIN(; XIAV E OU AN %'eIIIANG -g1,EEDSî dyeiyng or cleanlng? Write ta us fo2r informton. e lare glInta n', e yOur quýestions. Departmnent a. Parker8 Bye WorksLmte, 9 longe StreetTorohtp , n Inri. ELIECTRICALIIQI' N plants ,oee by Briggs & strt tongasanine.%, C. or D. . 250! 10 25Q0 watCt ritiah -ýgas 3ant( iciee aIngines from 1, ta',0200 h. p. sts- tlonary or mrn type. Aiank, vadiator or hopper coolet large 21tock of three phaise motor's tProm stock A.C. or, F)". Wldling mach- insaectrodes nd acessories. New gas englune ti-vn portable self- praiig cïItvifugjj puips 7000 gaIla. vpar hour. Total wp-jlt 0Iba.Operates lShoursos galo 816p.o.s Parmera, lumber snd fish- tnK lndustry -- in nmoat cases tx CONCRETE BLOCK Es 0 MACHINE builti, oInr cost. SelI]socs -...buti house, baril, etýc., eeconomicalýI ly. rait. atrpitCa.. Toronto 14, Otarlo. bOught, sal0,a,rebujit,: Delta3, pes b)ruhes,. Allen Ela'JctrlotIpu Ltdi.. 2326Oîfî St., Toronto, Ont ELECTRIC MOTORS ant ilup, 3 phias, 220 & 550vots lrumodiate divr.Erydlvr etý 25 cycýle. Wihr rdesLtd.. 300 M»,ais, Torcnto. cishoot sud)( shOe traite ilu good faringif;2 district. Alvac " g eason- forie, n. J .Rsei Durhiami Ontaio. ili'SHl SETTER 1l'UPPIES. 111TIre- ouhbrd Apply Jfas, Pogon 57 AlkibeI Sttatod Ontario. MACHINE AND> WEDIG H01 in Northemn Ouef rwn owîm, ftully eqtuippeti withe 5 lhas,' 3l irPi presas saper, grinder. miller, etc., caItaIinýet in fireproaif bulilding. aleïo 2l electric twald!iug meeblues anti 2 acetytenes; g2rowing businjess. itesmdy in om ie, noir has 20 arni- pIogeas-: bagiror quIvck sale; Box 108ý, 73Adeaide WN., Toronito. VETN OLIISOARD MIOTORS - \ Atlociedparïts ser-vice: sip anyi- w he- Neptune Oub NdMtorr everlIrmleti: wokGas wp(uraîs tiaOntarl. mile plnt tali the'r co Paru, fousePlatsetc. Fcea liel. Aiken) NuaCuePanet, u priza-'.winflngstc: ane ovl posps, also some grownstc We WaVn 'Kennel,Dudl Otro SHROSIIIEC. REGISTEREIS Rire su rans, how flock. rc, ior 'ouick sal. Fed L. Sih 4 yearfs nid, Wih1.i000l potid each. lînglon, Ont. Box 51 Thcee pullets nit raiseti on1 dean. fea rang witb) lenty orspc andi tender tàreen fe.uuder thie morl fient Ce0nduioII. qendi for Pric'e ,ia;t sund f,717 riclaa po ew ue i hew ter 1Prompt if.lvCry or book for, later. LAIEVIIW POULTRY FAIll BE A HAIRL)RESSER JOIN 'ANADlA'S LEiADING SUHo<JL Great opportunlty Lesrn Hlairtressing Blsatdlg Iflatiprofession, goca wages, thonua n ds succesa-ful Marvel g1aduates. Americai s greatest sys. tam. tîlustrateti catalogue free. Write or (caîl1 IMAPVEL AItRSJ( 258 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches": A44ling St.,amitr & 74 ideau Street. Ottawa. f'ATENTSq FETE)SSTORAUJI& (OMPANI P'atent Scnlcltorr. Eýtablished 189; 14 IKlng WsToronto, Booklat 'of [uformiatin on request. PEISSOÏNAL IrREE HOM,1E tIlBLE COURSE. 28 lntresln lasoniaswerîng masy puzziugOseaion asArmageddlon. Saî1vat fionf. W rit e Bible Seminar. &aiouCollege. Tenuressee. FIL M S VEOE 25 ET. Guaranted ouaday sece, No witlng 'iy Pot Srvice. North TIME TESTED QUALITY SER VICE andi SATISFACTION' Vour filins ooem eoe u e ont EX(YSUE HLL 25e REPRINTS8,for25c, FIES IINAFOING 1SrEiV ICIL. Yeu may flot getaitltihe fims you wvant Uhis year. buit you ecau gel ail the 1u1,lltY fnd service yoi daslIre byv sending your f!Ilms ta, ttin IToronto. ANY SIZE ROLL, t MOUNEED ENA EE N 1's5 c ine x6 lBeautiful -ssaIMouds Enirgeeut 4x~'~on ivory tinteti franesý, 59c each, If enImrgemaul coort,79e each. ReprîInts Matf ie PrmYoui Negatives le. 1Eacb 01,1111. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 8 121), Pee ffe A osn, teatcher for, .5. No. .2, Hoigînýs Oanti Deohe;uties ta commelnce LSept ,146Stete selaýry %wautteti Ap- ply t E. . Bos ear.cimont. Ont. teahe wthpermaneunt first or second class cerI'tifica-te and several yea-s eprinewautedtifo S. S. NO. t KRashabowýie; salary $1350.00 par maon; enjoroten.t 10. Apply ta A. oîîai e. S. S. No. t. Ka. acdeic, for' SS. 1, Hlenwood, Tamn- iskamngp, Otro salary $1200; dute ommence üSepDt., 3rd. Phone Liakard 918.Mr,. Emlly Batty, Sec.-rea., Thornîoe, Ontario, M 1. WANTED 2-2 ACES ANTDWHOmE 0OR parly ooddwithln 25 milies of Toronto, cash. Bx109, 73 Adelalde POR I51V OWN HOME 1 Au LOORK- iug1for a a ir o' f Ded figures or D)readen cande1,labra sud Drestian miiaurs. v il, psy gurosyIf 31ou1eau oblige. Feae rite to Mfrs. Lawreue Sunes,32 al- mler Roai, TrntOtarlo. Do you sufferJgfIr This fine medjcie i very effective b relieva pain, nervous «distreas sn4 weak, craxiky, "dra,,gged ot feelings, of suchý days--whezd eue ta fernale ,funectionsi monihly eisturbances. IYDMLNIA7MLI' FREE AT LAST TIRES, 1 Wý,e are- c o-, ,,i Çnk!, d1 u1 11the present ofroodu'd trde-i tres <guaran- ie-d r, ha n ' a iet shape) 600 Ox 16 $5.00 eqipcu tr'vu cniztiug Trucfl < laud 140 aato Tres. f) BEACO '11 Pi, rQeen & oand St tIA11l')NSit.a Stto. h 11 A 'Ie tU 5tilï SIN 1 F ltýI A 11 1 OItV 1N 0'HF k land istr ic (140 ac rslale for) npiistrs Brck hox Paosk) frm uonrnes. Ontar1jo. Av,ïeue td Toronto HELP WANTED WIANTEDI - HEVAVY1 TYPE LAB- ourera o worklu Tunery. Good wags, teay wrk.Apply The C. S HmanCounyliaiueld.Lon- don.,naro DI O 'Lils -R Il% Vit- F0[1 NIA - shlould tryDies eed. un ros LDiug Soe,1Elgin. ta~u IWISICALI,1N S'gIl UNIEN'1S salis, axcuangjes Musical In!,t! il- ment 111Cbueh.vorono M SPOTS 0F SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit, Critic"> As a not-too-serious student of the 'sport of baseball il bas long seemed to us, as it hias toa-ay others, that, tbere should be an entirely different system for rat- ing the efforts of the pitchers. lu battiug, or in fieldiug, a player is Pretty much on bis own; and it is ju 'St about aseasy-or bard-for a man ta bit .350 or field Uv0, on a frouu-runiuvg tera as it is O' tail ender. But a pýitcbcer's succes, or Lack af it, depeuds sa sucb on01 liii team-mates fthat ta at heav1,er wbo pitcbics l'Sinin gamies fur, say, Thle Torouito -Maple Leafs asý less efficient tlhanoe b huris 20 wvLinne-rs for, say, Tbie Montreazl RayaIs, justdnt seenli ta add up ta commlon senlse. Yet tbat's Ilime way il works ouI. Au illustration of the Point We arc tryiug to make-and wbý,loeveir il was bollered 'six ta fivce be on-jt make t' is out of order-is the case of Pbil- Marchildo, a àn Oni- tana ,lad, condemned ta d (o bis piîcb;ing ou bebaîf of the Plîladel- p.bia Atbletics. At tb,, presenit tim-ie of wriling Mn. Mar.bIildon b ad Just turnnd ;ii bis eleveutb vïctory for the A's," and hie will finish uip tbe season with a mark of,psiby fourteciu r fift!eeu wins. Wbich will Put bim fairlyý far down in the pitcbcrs' standings, and mnake bim appeardecidedly uni- spectaictlar as, comipared with hoct- Shls sucb as Bob 1Poiler, Hal Newvhoîîeer, Dave Ferris an11 -sev - eral otbiers. But twlile ,Vc 2e not gain1g "away JMut ona iilmb sudl ( ciaiming thiat Mr. Marchildor is :in a class wth te tbree mentioned!, Stijl, if you-'lI figure out what be bas accomplisbied in tbe ligbi O wbat be Ibas had t1 work ibWe thiuk youm'll agrece be rates a wbiole lot bigber than tbe cold sýtatistica will tend ta sbow. For Marchildon's elcvcuîb vic- tory brouigbt tbe Atbleîi*cs' total The Si. Reqis Hotel 'VORUON TO a* cIery ROom Wl tvi Bath Suairsandi Telegphone AiDOUble, $3.-0 tmp Gond rood Di jingdDac Srburiirln tCalo Tel. RA. 4135 HO0TEL METROPOLE Witb Running Water Raies., $1150 h NIAGARA FALLSý OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION of wins for tbe seasonî up ta a coolj fortyae be-ýing a macfanly- sèven îfeivrnthan tbeleg-ea- ing Bostçm, Reti Sox bfad on the credît sida oi the ledger aI Obat point. Anti il wauldni'î tlakle a veny, befty -kuawledge of biiben maîbe- miatics ta argue Ibat if Phil batt becs gettîng tbe sanine sort af sup- port, affeively anti defensivel-y, as tbe LBoston beaievers are favoneti witb, bis wins imigbî very weii bave rusr close ta the hiro-dozenl mark. Wbicb woufld pttbim rigbît up B ut accondinig tt ibe bllowed( laws of hasehaïl, Marchldon is the pnaper-ty o)f the AtIletics -- wbicb means the pnopetrîy of Coneliuis MacGillicudtiyv, a genitleman witb-, in neacbiug distance ai bis first century, iho rîinemebas rben eggs wcre a dIimie a doze n sudbuitter thncee puunds for a quarter antid wbo, iras the way il is ruma-lreti he ncward s bis bir-et ibep, tbinks that tbose are still the cunrent pnices for such grocenies Mnr .MacGilliiudtiy oins, theAteis bas. man'agedtinisince the year 1901-anti bas ail the manicy be even expccts fta neeti.Hia te'ani has, beau daim anoindti l'ce-llar sa long Ibat itlibas hecome like bornIe ta him; aud, like mauly federly people, be bates Éta move. Sa be's quie calillnt t it nàigbt irbere he is, tihrowýing ouit annua! Pr Onises Ibat lie's building for thie future anti, in al pobbiiy quieîly cbueklliug ta hýisself ver the suekers %Irba came auIt ta watch bis teais in sncb pa)ýying lnumbilers. Al faýi iiela nay ba very murch O.K. for UMr. M])iiudi,Ihl miÎgbty bard - in aur apinlian ai leasO - an fpayers ýio 1are gettiug no yaunger -fast, sud irho eau sec no possible cbance of properly ex- bibitiug tbe talenits tbcy possesi. For if Mairchiildon -ta get Lack ta himi again - were ta just plain refuse ta piayv balilfor tbe Atbletics any longer, tbose sanme sacret lavvs af basebalilwould allfer bim just about two options. Y-e could valus- tarily retire, tes sit sud fisbliiil al the sap bad departe,11 from b!is pitcbing ans; or Mn. ail- cuddy, in the grealtness af bis heart, rnigbit trade bim ta some olutfit like thec St. Louis Browns or WVasbing- ton Senatons, wirbere bewould find condiltionls - andi opp)or7tui-ies- mu11cb the ,sine or even mare so. Anti yet sainle foîks cdaim Oatl1bail- tbey talk of baving a union that really oPeraýtCs. Yet it rnay be -for alire kniow ta the Contfrary - Iat Marciidcui is quite satisfied wit l1ime spoDt tbat beý'S in, and tha ie are gelting ourseli al bot sud boîbiered ta no goipurpose wblale-ven. For in sport, as in a lo of otber tbings, a graaýlde euti nyouir point of view.v As for inistance thlal of a youithfi frieid of ours irIs, this paît summerici, bas beeni speuding mu[cbý of bis vacationi-lime searcb- iug for loit halls oul a nlearby golf course l'id - q-uite incidletally- re-selling tIheln ta goliers in search of a bargain N',Ot so long ago a fraily import- ant tournamient was beld on Ibis course, sud ire aiketi aur young friend just boir froni bis sideline view-poinlt-all thOase top-niotcbers looketi as itbey passeti biimi in ne- v'i&w -011, bs guys alre no gooti - Iey keep 0ibeir slhots oaa straigbt," lbe rplei What 1 lil<e ta watcb is 'a golferl-ike .jouies -ble looka ira or three oUI ito boutis every time be tees, off, sudJ 1 oniy wisb there 1were C .1 c o more likehm. -So thene no, 1Honourable DuhbS, takc,e hert! Worýy ino longr ave those Auces, thlose book1s, ffbose foozlati lonig approacb hotlFor you, taa, bave youir ardent admir- ers-even if thuy doui'î appear un- tiI yau liax pasetdut ofC4sighî. Trip To Brîtain For Cham1-pion Tractor Plowmen The P eiet of tile Ontario Plawen' AsaciaionMrGor. don MeG;aviin, ofSealforth, an- nounlces ftat frea trips ta Br-ijtain foir chamlpion tacorploirumen rml be an oftadn fauii ilthe Initernaýtiaisl PloingMatch ta bc hielti aI Port Albri Airp)ort, na Gadereh, O (ta1i, ou Octobcr 15, 16, 17 aud 18, Eliinaiition contestas iP prepanaiioni for ti)s geaCvent wilih -b ld at si'1ome eenybr-an1cb plowing nachscondlicteti anlu- ally tbogouthePrvne Th gan ie s williha Irips toý prize irneraeopîicib a e'a chl-nmnge.T h1- L:n1n, a the "Essa ( pn(_atr las Classified A dve rtising New Insecticide Better Thilan DDT Wartime Discovery Madie By U.S. Naval Off icer DDT has a rival thiat lo only but repaIs. The new substance, alreay availabie la the fly-swattinig pub- lie, is callet iNMRl' 448" Il a the 448tb ai appnoxinsately 3,006 campountis testeti hby the Uniteti States navy's Medical Raseareb Inistitute '(NMRI) dunring ils wr turne figbî against aqiosat aier inseet pests. lu was synubesizeti by Il -Comm.n Michael Pijoan, wico ld a re- parte1 il is effective against rmas- quitoes, bouse flics, sant iflics, chiig- gars, betliugs anti"ivafs. As a repellent, he saiti, "il ;- six liies mare effctive Iban anylýthînig cisc -tested iu 'tbe Inapies Psud ap- paýrenîily is aI lcast Incar as gaýod as anytbiug aIse lesteti iin tempoerý ate Zo--nes." As a kilier, tbe matýai eau be- u1sedti t spray a raorn in whibh ini- seets already are present. Keeps Insects Away "It kilis uben I fstertandoles DDT," bc saiti, -andt1i enil ibasl a residual effeet as a reel:lent,' keeping, inseets aîay ,froin, t1e rcoas fanra ae-k ta 10 tisys. "DDT, au, the olien baud, bas a residual killiug affect for long pe- niatis in some cases. But inseets mst corne in direct contact wvith il 10 be killeti. Tbey are fot ire- pelleti by DDT as tbcy ara 448., Also, Pîjoaniti, irbras DDT bassanie paisonous effeet ou pao- pie, hindi anti fisb, '448' is rela- tively nan-laxie." Tht offider saidti lat six draýps aff the mIatenrial, rubbed on eacb ansi., anti !cg anti an tbe face., is suffi- cieut 'ta keep insecîs away for be- tireen six anti 10 bours in amy part ai tbe United States. This con'-- pares, be atideti, witb an effective repellent lime ai iras oone ta five banni wiîh atber mateniais lesteti. Pijoan reparteti that "4"is synîbesizeti by adding bydrogan tc arganie compauntis ai the mapîbol anti diphenol groupi anti that îi, casts about $1 a pïouindti taroduce Britaîn's "Little Shipè'"HeIp Solve SHousi S rtg Thousands of Fanilies Will Live In Floaiing Hlouses Once again Britain's "litttie ships' lu thousantis are playiug a resciý raie, in peacetime by lLpiug te salve the bousing prablenis foi- bameleass x-senvieieenandti thik families in tira Uniiteti Kingti this summer. Mare tbiaj-î 7,000 peaple, a trade papen, Standard-Dominion 'NecnW reports, bave aikedtihOe Ad1malty's% director of imail craft dispos 'ai at Cabbam, Surrey, ta sdIl them mni- ton lorpedo boats, cabin cruisans anti assault landiug erait noi rne- leaseti frorn irartime service. Inquinies arc flooding in, anti ba- fore the cuti ai the vyean 20,000 fa- mulies rnay haý living in a strange assortment ai naval crafl coýnverteti intohousehoats. Hundreties oai bbc lîttle shipa, froin 70 ta 100 feet, long, blave ;airaady bceu sol Iti Damobiliz- cd s!iiors anti soldiers aire tble stromîgeso bitdeIrs, buit thy re be- ing wirneti tat cuanin anti funnisbing costa are hiigi. Mobile Home Sought NaLveîhcelas, acie fil-Iibaýs baughit 80 lantiing crait ta) 1011 theni as complele homes. Othen peý,ople have asked ta buy engincti shipa to lhcy eau bave mobile bornes, aniA an engineering contracton býa s bou.ght a mota, tarpedo bou,:t li bouse his worknuen on taeln buildinîg work. N N N N N N -s 1~ N N s- N k N N K s-i .4 N N N N s-- N N N N ~1~ N N N N N N N -s N N I N -s I N N --i N N 's 's N N N -s 59~ N N 't' N. T' N ix N N 2' 1' t. N N N N r 'T' T' Seven Americans and two Europeanis detained in Yugoslavia for nearly two weeks after their C-47 tranlsport plane was forced dowti by Yugoslav fighters are pictured at headquaruers of the U.S. Ssth Division in Gorizia, Ithly, following their relcase. Standing, left to right: Capt. William Cromibie, East Longmeadow, Mass.; T Sgt. joseph Hochecker, Chicago; lat Lt. Donald Carroll, Elgin, Neb.; Cpi. Robert Dahigreni, Cicero, 11.; Ist Lt. William McNew, Atlanta, Ga.; and CpI. John Dick, McKees- port, Pa Front row, Ieft to right; Raymond S. B lachburn, Clayton, O., a civilian; and Dr. Alabar Palley and Dr. Arthur Lederer of Hungary.

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