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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Sep 1946, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY Yi 8t 94, fCor sanitarY re as 0'n1S. Oroo, nt. P e73 r 16 Thie 1O..F eldthifrtme- igon Wedesdy eveing ' La-, af- THIIE KINGS 0FCOMDY Their -ives did thecrwn when they came back hmeu fromn that redî-hot pazrty withl the " Sons of thie Desert 1 SAN L FAUEL OKN~ F TIHE A RCTfiC" ORONO TOWN HALL Saturday, Sept. 7 8.30 parn. (D.S.T.)j Miýss Jeani Mason ard sister 'Shir- leof Trno are holidaying xith Miss Myrtle Tmln Watch nýext -week's. issue 'of the Orono Timesý for a more complete ac- comnt of the programme for the ;omîniig ouýtstanding aýttraction in the dnce wrd Ontio Temiperance Federation mil!libe represenrted lan the pulpit of Par St UntedChuchion SurLiday nionig a 1.00a..,and at Kiiby at 300 .m. bythe Rev. John C- bua omraýssociate secr etary of Evarigeiiii id Sýuial Service. You Mr. Orme Gamnsby is in search of a highi top hal-t te event being the rrvlof a granid iec-e at Bowian- vll Hospital on Wý,edniesdaymri ng, Spene 4th, a daughter to -Mr. and Mrs Keni. Werry,- mother and ~ ~ 2v dagtr r eal weil, but rot neaiy s eate asOrmie. Recent vi ir with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fgesr wreMr. Arthiur and Vr. ard Mis. Fred Thompson a)1 ýnd fai iýý y f Winniipeg; Mrs. Edith Cheaey, f Niiig; Ms.Phoe Carcaden.of Kerd,,al; Mr. ard Mrs. S. R. CadeIl, of Port Hope,. and Mr. andý ( Mrs1 RusL 0'Crus-e -and son ard daghter of Soth Moaghian. Lr n Ms . R.1Wadell 1-ha-,v e retrne hoe from to weeks 'houl and Wsg Beach. Thiey report c-inon E-Reeve Robert Best anid yrs. est at Thliornbiury, who are en- Joy;!ig ife. Mr.,Bstwho is in his 87th yer, ani Mrs.Best. wîshed to be emebertito al their rieds he ceebrted teir daor wed.. dingiiniveýrsar:y hastJanui-ary and Boaysays hie has the hest garden tsyerhe ever hiat. 'Tlhe Times aogwith his many friends wish MrL. and Mrs. Best mary more years of hiealth aýnti happiness. CutGlas, rysalChii-, etc. Var- iius temns of 14ýnd 9rft, such as: B'aby and Cuer Centres, A-lprons, 1tjwels, gés, Earrings, Pin, WE INVITE lYOUR P.INSPECTlIN ïc, MRS. L. REID ORONO - ONTARITO RED& WITE STORESi WEEK-END SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY HinKsposed of miy Groceryand Miqat Department to my s'on Carmn ad Mr. C. -Mlier, as partelers, jwýish te> take this op,ý- portunity of thahking mni riany customiers or t- heir patronage for which i arn very grateful; ad at they wi see fiitatopatronlize the store ini the future as thiey have in the p " t to those -who are 110W lupartnership. M S. J. J. CORNIS RASBERY P AS ; Raisins lb. tin lb CHOICE IMEATS To insure yourself of hvn the BEST -IN ME.AT, inquire.-at our M3eat Department Prime RIB ROAST, boneless anid rolled. lb. 16c. Short RIB ROAST -.. ..... ............b 30C. RoIled.Shoulder POT t1OAST... ý....... lb. 25C. Lean STEWING BEEF.. ....... .....b. 25C. SIRLOIN STEAK or ROAST...ý...... l. 45c. Lean HAMIBURG, freshly 25c. ROASTING CIIILCKENS, dlressed..... lb. 40c. C ail in ad see Our -fine selection of FRESII FRUITS AND VEGETABLES No. J. Peaches, Plums, Apples, Pears, Caviliflowér, Green and Red Peppers, Pickling Onionzs, Tomatoes, and Corn at their best OWORNISH & MILLER Local News The Sherwin picnîc -as helti at Coburug Park on August 24thi. Miss H1. Carter, of Winnipe, is î visiting her friend, _Miss Edithi Sher- win, Centre St. Miss Emmia Morris, of Tororýoto, visýited aie days last week wýitb rinds h1,ere. Mr. anti MrsP-. L. J. Pearsspeait over the hoidy week-end v isiig xithi Mr. R. J. Pearis, o)f Orilia. MrT rtu Lintoýn, (,f Toronto, vjisited t thie honi ife r.T. A -isi ed on' Monday with Mrs. T. A. Reid. Mr. anid 0Mrs. Gordon Leme ind Mrs. Mei. Burns,Peroouh Service Nviil be at 300p.m. in Sti Saviour's Churlchcomecig on Mr. ndrs.IL. C MGnns r fa i ave rtre to theiirhoe for, the seh1'ool em Mr. and Mr. J1Eglsot ated ed th1e funeral oif their cousin, MrIis. L.Conil, of Detrfoit, -at !Ldsa ceeey nidi yAuguýst Oh Mrý. and Mrs. Mlton Corîsh an ed homýse:afterspndnga vcto at TnesBecGeorg ian y Mr, and Ms CaeceTigo nearBrokl, petS undayi with her2 sister, M1rs. Carerce AuCn tre street. Ongto the wh en not cdeanl- ed( out lu timie at the Orono scol the~~~~~ ppsarhangaholiday this iss Gray and Miss Basnet have returned back to town t omsme t hM e ir t e a c i g n t e st a o f t he Orono Coninuation School. Messrs. Bill and Rosýs Boyd, 1-1an and LeiandBai spnta week-end1 viiîn ith Mr. and, rs.Milton Cnrnish whLp hey where at Tanl- ner's Beach. Captl. F. J. Lorriman and Mrs. Lor- ranretLurned to Toronto on Li1aor Dyafter spending a ixee' ii ith ithe foýrm-er's father, Mr. J. M.Miltonl Cornish issedn tis onth' at thne farm of Mr- T. C. Maric, Newtonville, prepaing the peigee ctte for', th-e sle on TudySeptember 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Lorre Lamb and Garnet Townýîad f'amfliiy, Chrg viitd tMr.,n r.W.San ton'sover thec holiday. Mr.11d( rsFredBracme Mr.James ag>ýIeson aniMrs. T. A. Reiýd attended tle reception held fo-r -mr. and Mý.rs. Rbr an'5 0th weddiýng nieray onyo Mr. anýdMs.lorne Motsno Tornto, adMr nHMs . r.and Ms D. G. Hoopeýr over the L'abor Dýay holidiay. Ma. ad ir. BoiTowliy wer Goron eamn. ob vasan Air Freofier aý rd prisonýer jriGer- rany for two years-. On Wedresdlay, August 28thE famnily picnic was held at Mr. Errest Pateror' cttae t Eas-t Beach, Bowmaniville. FtIerds from Port Hope, Kendal, Oro-no andBomn ville enjoyed a fine afternoon. Ciongratul1ations ar-e de o Alan Cornish on his xinniii. of acoir ship on his recent Upper Schi-ooh ex- aminations we~ylie willeneranl of Toronto tis comhxg term. ievand Mrs. Littlew-ood returned to their homne on Saturday, nfter spending the monith of Augus,,t ut their summner cottage At Baysvîlle. Thieir -son Mne spent aý coupie of weeks wt them- in thie forepart of the m-onth-. Severa1l lmemblers' of Oroo01-rt0 cuturai Socity were succersful ut the Ditrc Flouer Show, heid at Newcý-astl!e on Auigustý 29th. Our So- ciety stoodi second in the numiber of points wnon ir the show and brought home a goodly numuber o-f prizes. 'Urt. ard! Mrs. R. A. Forrester and soùn John returneti home on MoUnday after sperding a week,,'s vacatio-n at Cedar Harblour, Lake Simcoe. They were accompanied home by Roy C. Frstrard l "Bobd" Cooper, who spcrt the week ori a canoe trip through Algonquin Parký. THIE INDUJSTRY 0F THE FUTURE FUR FARMIN G Minifanl"o Buy a Trio- We Ranch Them WILLOW CRllEEK FUIU FARMï' C. R. KNO 0X ROYAL' THEATRE Bowanvlle- Phonue 589 Cool - Air Cniind-Co Thu rs. and FA. SP.5-6 Aian Curtis on. Chaney, Noahl ;--ýarrjg J ines ri n 1Sodige raton Saturday OnIy SEPT. 7 JUIDY CANOVA il, IlIT TIlE IHAY"9 Plus JAMES IWARREN A WVestern Thriil. packed wmih A d 'entuiýre Mon., Tues, Weil ARAA STANWýMYCK -Coo and Short S. Litlewoond Re.John11Coburnl, formier Aýssociate Sceayoff Evan- geimand Soial Service of UntdChurch of Canada. 2.30p.m-~ChrchSchlool. To say "Yes" to Christ, "C0hoose -ye tis da(y inhom ye wiil serve". Johsuai.11 o Mrs. J. iD. Br owni, accmpai hpr Men tr . Mrs H.J. Wery 10hav retuned ome fter spending the; patweek wlth their ne-phew, Prof. I a nd Mrs F. A. Knlox at ithe-ir summ-1er ctagCo!lins Bay. v Dur- ing éthat tMe tbey enjoyed a bout tnp through the Thousanti Islnds. Dr.Mcenieani W. E. Duvey returned bomne on Tùesday evening hast, afterspendi-ng n week andila haif atlswbert Lake, nrKirhn Lake. Thy reur ,dvth twelve nporthenin pike caught mthin three horthe hgest wihn pad of fiftee ouds. Mary of the residentsý of Orono ieîtheflsh on Weneda mrning whih e onl di-splay uy t W. E. Davey's rcesi- dence. Main St. A..... O Orono Tinshop iPlumbing. [eating and ieet Metal Work E. LOGAN Oron.a Phone Sonl fý>.ev. J. R. and Bbyanld Donna,ý Mrs. llowýard alh M rs. Si mps on, Mr.1 and Mrs. Clem W ýebbý and sn CarltonPlace, Dan and Ken., Brantford, spent the withi Mi. ald lholiday vee ed ih Mr'. a Ms llow-ard Walsh. ADVANCE NOTICE On)rtairïjo Royal Commission on Forestry WsKIREAS pursuatutofthe Pub!lic Tnuiies Arc, Chpter. 19 of the Revîsed Sautsof Ontario, îo3ý7, Major Genleral Hiowid kencHey wunauinted a Comnksioer oinetiae iiquire inito anlÈd rep'o ()uponthe fors resur-esOfOnao and ithe ir onrý(1vat ion I, managemenlt týp1 beefic(ia1 l utiliýzatio)n for da ilpuposes, înc1udng theCi rlnd~on tonother basic indus- tries, particularly farming, andl their relation to r-creation, soit conservationi, and waterwayssuad rater powers.- NiOTfCE I 11HERERY GIJVELN thait, after haviag ýomI- pieted lleld investigations with hisStaff, the commissoner prolpo)ses thold public ha inl corac ith te foi- Saut ise Marie ---------- . .28-29 Oct PotArthur..............1- 2 Nov. Ken-a.......................5-61 Fort Frances 8- 9 GaMMton....................-,12413 L----n.......................18 "l-I 1 Coch ne---.-..-----......23-26 North Bay..................28-29 Otta------------.. ...... 5 - (6- 7 NOTPICE 15 FURTIEÇR G7VEN THAT a prs ns ss- ciations, or groups d1esiring rto maki!e repr'esentations or pr-esent evidene to the Commission mwillhave an pportuity of doing sýo at aniy (one of the above hie.armi-gs. While the presentationi of oral eidence under oath is permissabie, it is strongly uIrged tHait sunissions take the form io,' writtein br1iefs, as to thie formi o4 whh-ih te Commiision's counl wi'Nll ive any assistance H1that ay be required. Ail briefsý or orali evidenice presented at the public eans will b given proper consideration by the Commission ia the preparation of its report and recummnendations. In ordý(er- to fadlýiitate the -work of the Commisosiono, it îis re.- queed otabhie Ybeforwarded to Thee Secretary, Ontario Royal Coni--1lission 0on Forestry,, 4.diaistratiioli Building, Long Branch Smiall Armns Planit, Toronto 141, to reachl the offic of dhe Commissionat least one -month beforeý the hearilng at whichi theircoidrtn is desired. Secretay. I RMSTRONG' Giazed Chintz, cleAng at per yard..............----59. Cretonnes, in bie am!d Sand hackground, floral patterizn.s........ 75. and 95c. In god ptenpriced $lm3, COATS Bruneh Cots hin Sersuck- er; reg, price $3.50, for....---............-$ 3 25 Dresessizes 18Yct, 221, reg. price $1150 CREPE DRESSES Brokenlines i0 Crepe Presses, szes 14 to 42, clearng at..... $50 STOCKINGS Chiidren's, Long Stockings. sizes 6 to 8, priced from....... ....... 39c. to 5De Soap and Soap Flakes Fer Saturday OnIy One to a customer .dm ýý 1 ffa i Q5ý- au

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