V UflURU W VOL. 10 No.533 OlOINO, ONT., F ~Durham Central Agricultural Y, SEPT. l2th, 1946 Subseription $L.25 per Y oc~ty air At Orono, Sept. 20,21 OnSperbr 8, 18 ýFied Brimacciimýbe, of U.i i' Miss Florence Ellîct, cof unee ited in imaruge hi De. A. 'B. Cilabrs beingt cî ,iiVigminister. On Monday, Septenmher ~9ti tilefiftieth rmeis'rof b] d4n'g 'was eelebratecld tthe à Xhb.Aout severlty of t] tirevs froi far anid nelar asý te !oýi, !r M. and MînIs. Fred ecoine. Thcme ecming fro swene, iMr. Hiarold fllioft, cf 'T Cîty, iMig-ai, U.iS,A., :Mr. IEllio'Ut, 'cf lasct'n n ]uAt, c ofoda, The floral cdecorations cd g 2nd'ea i vl ac'kgreiid ~hIeand. groom" :and iai tirugfhoit Vise home n iadea itting.Tise pasto, Rem. S. ýsruOüd, offiiated ï.s chairman, ifeirred in ýhis addresis *0 H iod lEl liott'Lsp)ok e1 avery inltere'i V. iMr. Brimanemi11; res p)ondedI(' 1 witila ezakin'g of thle piesI on the old fn 's wife and ot cld in lw hihfis M . 1V's fiting 11,G e simuld hairte t' G, Mr. KN A Toronto, tie offi- 'i nd Mns'. AtrL iiBell are vst irg with Mr. Lorre Bell and 1Iilda. iMrs. Arietit, cf Ne'wtcnivil'l'e, call- l, 1946, e'd on Milrs. Wmn Pattersen the ather le wed- day. shoine at A mniber a£ fnielrds fre'm ilere at- le rela- terded Vile Golden Weaddirg of Mn. osersbled and M.s.. Fi-eI Brniac'osbe at Kirb)y. d Brin.. rs. F. Stok"er spent a f ew days nii afar lis Teronto visitin'g re1 ýtive's andi Iraverse friendis, Geoge IM. sîrd Mrs. George Ellitt ilave Wve El- ceame East for a holiday and are at present wit'h Mr. and Mi--. Wes. El- for thse Mn. David Cathat, 'fMnio, irrargeîd s speinig hils ilolid4y à ie n a lovely mumrnty, vifstusg relatives ard LUtie- 1frierds.1l andi re- A social everirg 01 tbie W. A. is lie' rare heing ileld on Fniday evenirg, Sep- Vilh wed- teniher iSti,h, heis al teVienebers piritual are requested Vo uie present. of niont Tile Rerv. H. A. Iiit preaclied a, !re con. o fne sern orenSumody nsenlig, jie d Mrfis. '5fUlJeCt being "ThIe Po er cf Vile cchurch Sîpirit. (M. Artiutr Bell nessderedý years. esco6 "We'stiali see Hiim face ited tile face" ini a veny pleasing mnarre. ,tulatory cuVîitors wilth M'r. and Mnrs. M-NT Little- Mrn.rd tMns. Pency P btenNe- namey casmte, Mn. and Mrs. Wm.Boydad uss Ths Miss Anie Dicke Teonto. endrd OrnAbuiny iast Ms.Wmi. Jack- , M tl ceiine bytMrSIMt.RoI-; yrs. sisonmiot1ýored Voa Milker V1 se rEdgar Margaretcho 'ilas entered Merkham roinae figlSlchoo sm -4g ii lier for tile sn tileii wejn t ooToionto toat- tend Vile fnenial of -a coulsin wl'id g rdp'sad wa sudeiy follqIing a e Spcn- ileart attack. î ilappy sure("."of -word, clopea a ad ilupy emior- paying jets and romjIfindlg us tilat Fred was tile fNe Cnlitdan and Ba'auai cf tbus hip of ife ilad lMatimony. att MVrs. A Veny taaty lunh ias pr-'O -'i Mý"t \7ýed ng Permits Must Be ;ed By Towns,&hip Council' Tisle Carke Tewns'hip 'Council miet BY-ila 128 A bly-la-w fer Clos- in Vile Ceuniýl Cilarsben, ooor01ing r p1iece cf road as adverVised l Tuesda-y, septellfer 3rd, wjtil ail Waa pas 171ýs ed.1 Vile memibers berg presenti. The ilfloigbis eroded minutes cf the previons rmeting paid -wee read arld adopted asý rend. Priov incial Treasurer, insulija .811 Tie Clerk dr-ew Vile attention cf Alex. Prout, 1 sepkilled tieCourncil o a requ1est for a gat b y dog..........500 te ieDurilani CntalAgricultural abw Hsitl -a . 50 1ocet y. OeoWeeükly Times, printl- Arepent wa Umae entw cene ig, etc.......... 37 Vrses, ard!Vile Clerk was iristructed Wilirar e. ff , i p- Vinaspeet thlese, andi report ba--ck. plies.................-- Ore heapitial notice %vas nead ard Wm E. DveB.O.IH. .. 90 tendeneed flied.' JoieQpl J. Mellorc, saiary, A letter ne Vile Knapp case was posta1ge, et'c.........11 risc referred t t ile Tcirnship Soli- 1Delegates' experises Vo TFor- ciýter, and Vile lerk irstructed Vo orto Conivenition...........1-.0 ackowede M. Snksletter. Atrcane...........00 A letter freins Vie Post Office ne Mrs. H.-Morrjs.......50 a miail' rente was referred t he Vi. Mra EJ. analli Rvs F.320 RedSuperinîtendenit and thle Munj- PR. B.-Wood, czmre of hal -_ 23.75 a1s ealy as pcssibi)-e. 1tumal ccetgrant.........200.00 An sýýppication for Tax CollecterRle upis....... 7.15 ~wa reald ard roi action wae takea. Road Vouclier No. 9...... .8ï Fie ecssry chrgsin Vile Ies. 11 ."M- -l McKa-y 1awke: Tilat IrTwnsbip Bail were again discussed V1ilsCoci do roti adjourn te meetj ar-d Vile Reeve and Clerk 'were asýked agaiin ;iinVile Cosincil Ciilnibr. Vo peedO up tu1is work if Possible. Orero, or Oketobher V1ile Firat, 19460, Owing te Vile fsct Vlat if is row at Vile heur 0cF oee hirty irnVile af- cemn1pulso.ry fer municipalities Vo erncen, feroi-te transacion cf gen- pes iiy-llwfor tile licePnsir)g and eralbuies ccrbroi of halls in its bordanies; Vile Road Voucher No. 9 Cierk xas asked o prepane sucil A. N. Ro,1)bins...........-5-- y-lwfer Vile OecVler Courcil RycrdMDead.........6.4 mreeti'ng - -------- Dvi........680 Tebuilding by-ia'w iras passetifE. Caswell.................115.00---- lthVie addition of two items, one B. B-Tryniuka................----1.40 refýerrng o amaîll buildin ,gs, and Vile T. 'LanL-staf................------ 82.80 ther sttirg t1ilatVile permit imuet ReIt. Eley..................--------54.00 ilaýv ethie approvni c1 f Courcil lefore Relit. -Morgan................-480) Seing passed. M i is no.w rece-sary 'W. A. Reidt ------------------------ 1160 ta al bu1ilderýsl1shah secvre a per- RoseBnoush.............7.20 mînt Virosgh Vie clenl< for whiLcionee E. Heaid...................------39.6 JoIlar uwl1 le charg-ec. filas. Cowan................2---- 8.80 Thue foTlowirng'resohitions vw enre CGeo,.'Butter......... 28 pseti ee. Brutters.........2.0c)0 P, es>. I~ Cniu C. F. Awde Ci Todd..........15001 as Fax Collecter. E .Dvii........24 Ie.13o17 :Aithoizing Vile Pl- Neiwtcnville Garage...........1.65 'cing of Park and Centre streets, joe Mariieli..............11.4 O rco, dingyi the Fair on September M4rs. J. Ciysdaile.............-1-- 90 2Oth ansd 21sVt. W C. LIrmne end Son .....--2.64 IRes. 13S : Granting Dunhasi (Cen- Oron'o Ga1rag e........27 Vrai Agnticu-ltural Scciety ilhe surs cof Wîtszon's G1aage.......... 54.3 two ilurýf,rudet dollars for 1946. C. R. Fariirow................--- - 5.00 'Res. 1309 : Req)ueFting ,an iintenýlï im W. Hale..........47.40 ,rant fren Vise Departnert Of Hiiý- rpetty c9,si...............2.5 w'ays, on iamoui-ispent on trds o1 oln Hrdware...........55.9 Augzuat 31lîst. 0 Le-r1nn's ar -ar --.........-- 4.55 Tue -foliowigb-lw eeia-A.EMonte.............-----2.00 eld -- A. TLionipsen...............50.00--- 1-,*l'eusîms r e- 1-v $869.68 Enter L' Bill Lyceit Tile Domninion Life Assurance Cosnpany, Waterloe, Ontabo, ilas beer lsuccessful reerltly jinlitr ile services cf W. L. Lycett as a fuIl tune represertative jr th s 7dstrieLt. Mir. Lycett lilas for tile past 19 yeans spettfis s<pre ine as a locail agent for thle Comipany. Associated with1 hilm in bile wclk 'ie row ta4kes up is Al..exiandcer IReo Mltre wl stor-y la oid i notilMer clu '-U r. Lycett la 1knowý1n ersorally oarer tile1 entére County as utsotnig edu-S caiois 'das aifre peaker on emurrent na-tion pribem, e is four square inb11 es,an dmr able Coice for thfiedile now en.-A tors.11 "Bill" LctbolJure, S.19O0 sOn of Vietie W. J.I, Lcett and Me lLyebtt, larke Tolv4slip, graduateti froin i Oftre tContislatîior Sch-ooe.ï PetenioeNormal Sc ol, and taugit at variera puyns pri«tto king sen- ior. mairie at Bow aVn_1ii11e Bigli Scilool and go,ýing on ~ QuPeens Ui versity. FBe sriudte teaci whiIe W~kirg furbhier etamrlstudies att Queen'es. Bis w0k t Maple Grove ScIsool asp- niplfor VleO Ile chmindthe"AtvtyPo gýrammire" wilicbr is niow cPatn public imagination ared aswribter antjicles Gortile juestiosl. Neyer idile in bis s etime Mn.1 Lycett sa hie is I1o'ýne at Maple Grove' on an aceg L! oin-1_j ues bisisjntenest i nic ueand Ile, lilas been willing at id Vlina Vo il, 1elp reigi¶benr arnera -xithlý bler work. For Vhre elnslile sas- sessor forDanigon id A i re pent irn lattera cf mnlicipal f Ilis wife, Vile formier LoiýsLarl oe cof Vile fîris R.grýaduates of Bew- mav lHosp)ital, and ni, four Sens, Kaly, Paige, Mla-x aýrdDarea'-re )aIl iner t thr ie ai.rts msic and educatien. T'ile faitily are mieililers cf Maple Grove ited lilurcil cf "ilicil Mri. Lycebt is a past terciler of Vl il Clausa. Be is also n pasýt ipresident of Countice Circuit robrhod lis sons hve taken iinlhnosj SIdh11Coi:1(sii sn _Max at ive yaaof ag'ê ma's ciosen bincmusial cdrc-,esa ere cf four Vo nepresentBwmn Mile on tVi ado.As a fatmilyVcr- cie, V1ile Lycetts rept(rsent commun1-ii ity citizenlslu igildegre. Bjll Lycett looka suael at yen wviele ealils and wlilat lie says car libe accepfed at face value ant ail Vines. Hjls imary fierds ii ii bin Vile lest cf succeis nw ilat 'lie hlais resignedtealsnkfo-r Vie bigil calliw; cf a Hf e underwriter. Thle oflicers of Vile Dominion Life a-me te lbe congratulated jrn secring BRi Lycett as a fr11 Virne represýentative. NE WTO NVILLE MisAllie iN1eaîitlias ileen iloli- dayirg at homne. M'rs. John Batrie ati Murray spent Suurda'y Wih lier ister, Mrs. Wmn. Wigbt, Tyncsne. ' are gladti e report Georg Stere, mIl'las 'ber i iitj ahw (iospitli one agaïin. 1Cninratulatienis tVo Mc. and Mrsý. Bu euh gloStalletco ' rile birtil(ol a pa1rsonagzeen onliay. dultiýes in Vlile publie Mrs, Roy Stacey, J isurnceField The Domjnion Life Xsaurance Cainpary, Waterloo, Onta jo, mnade a popula idrereecertly4n Vile ap- tyre and Willj1im b. LyceAt as rader- witiig -ard suervisir agents of Vil CnvPaII n its d nc.Tileir feld exterdsfrmileering o Port Hope and nrontl e ie ctonia Ceun- ty ljiricluding Vt'ile iont Peinny is- trict. _Acting under týe Distr-ict 0f- lýce cf Vile Dominion -ife, 17? Hunter StPetenbeoro, tuis 'apaible te o f unenwniters will sq ek new business1 aind wilat is of v T(y great inspont- anee, give expert - service te Viile miar' t clents of the comlpanyý Mn. elinyne s aleady well kn1owr'Ioclyfox-lie nmarnied a for- ,ier, teacýher at aleBroveaho, Mjiss Dorotbiy t 5m aster, cauigiter of Wý. A. MoMlas gr, Ml. P., Toronto Bolin at Cei IOt.l o. 3 1915, son of yr.iand IM. J. A. Mc- Irtyre, Eor Ont_, lile gauae fraima ergus B igl iloland went orn Vo Victe a CoAMg, Universty cf Toron'tc. ilidays found uhn eain- ing bis e way svorkinsg at Bsiatty Bresn., Feus, Wi thVie Wonder BrestiCf. md jobs et Osilwa ard In'ke SMgg. Dnjg!140 Mn:McLrtyne joiried vile 'ifenal Mtors a t OshaIwa but r'esig ,e~ in 1912 Vo join Vile YM A W an'Services. Be serveti at King- sto , reenweod ard flalfax, N.S., a:_n1 xen t orseas jr Ju'ly, 193.ie w -w sweyearain ile Cnda n ~ ~ tv glnm Iemontlils wiilVie home te take up bis present ve- Ca tien. Proirnent il) atliletic, Mni. Mc- Inyeplayed riugbýy wiîtli le ýUni- BlyBeach jr19n .In restlý,',irg ile was ileavyweight cilampion, 1918-19'of Vile Unversity Inter- t'aculV!y division. ,e('wa 1s on1Vile aýWhrsI1ng irg ld water-pelo eam o', Viïctor'ia College. Be is a m-emb]er' cf Vile Osliawa Golf ClUb, Be bas bmee active in Boy Scout work since Publi Scilol days ard is a nmere cf Vile United 'Cbrrch. Brýoad silo(ulder.ed, p'anig level-eyed, M. eltnebaiVl ws'de expen-ierce and finidlyv ap- pscacb tilat meara se muchin jr is coerFie(ld. Be iswelomediVo Vh commiluity by al wbe kn"'Iow bilu im cl who agree Vile Dominion Iifeia made a ihappy ciloice ir asscciatirgý sjhDistrict Manager Paig,,e Rcwell, Petenbo(ro, a msan paèigthe quaýlities ;of _A. Roy Me-Icntyre. Mns. Sid. 'Stacey visited Wit'ur in Wes on 1îspital on Str'day. W", are ogiad tas reprt soime imssnmvemýeI ir winim, PrmHi ?Mrs. John bn eonipanied bly q MUontresill. Rer. and Mrs wit ViMr. Chias, tlhe lusescffMi A Bigger An~d Better Fair Plannied For September 20-21 A. wedding Of unlusuai intereat te iny i.uis hi-i-ommunity took pllae IWèedries(dhy, Sep'temsber qdVila p.r, jtVie United Ciurcil, Por pwiler n.Cecil'Wilite, Of Pr HoIfpe, ard 'Miss Flossie Rhiidress, we-re un'ited ir manriage ýy Vile Rev. i J. W. Gordon. Miss Ithirdress, who ilas li-ved for muary years witil-Mr. and lVr.W. Uga', as a l arge runiber Of frierds at Ororo, several Of wilom \\ere guests at tile weddirg. Tile charcli was deeer..atedl witil wileanA pink "Glads", Mrn T. W. iSý,-ley, orgaaist, play'ed imitable isile, and Mrs. Cecil JonescOro as slîî,sn very sweetly "Be-ý1 caqusýe" during the sig-mng cf the re- A lange numben7 of grLec Vs and frierds -wre present durng Vile eemn'froas Miontreal, Toronto, 'Coliour-g, Zion, Newtorville and AMon- Tue bride looked vry lovely ili a fioo -longth m0iite satin gcwr anti reil, and carried a bouquet cf reti and whlite roses with streamers te match lier ony attead.npV MissL. Sherry, was attractively gowred jr pale Mir Cecil Jones, of Orono, gave tue bri)t de aayantrM. Ronald B- ley, cf tNewvtorville, acted as best m th ie usionsr wen-e AMn. Ethan Joues, et' NecnvcilleandiAMr. Bray. Aften the wed1dintg a receptîoen fa i eld ait lcvely "dla. Ms Downiing, cf' Tcronte, pcured ea, atterd(ed liy four ladies, M- 1r S.R. Buinley, AMr s.lKeitil Bnay, Mris. Sherry and Mps. M1elvile Smith, wisc served Vile guesis. File weddirg "toat" cras pyop'osed by Rer. Gondon, Vthe bridlegroo u t- imleat naioAn Vo jAile ard' us 1bride anytimie in tile near futurve. Thie'bride ai gr-oom left for tileir ed irtp ais hwn fgc wisile and cnfetti, pntli e Vur Viey w'iil resf jr ý1PontHo pe. Health unit Report Thle bigge'st ement i'jr or year ,r ile ilfe Grand Exhil Cile Durilam 'Central Agri Seciety Fair beirg he'ld en t Groyundls on Friday and S - Sept-emiiber 20th aend 21st, The 1945 Flair was a big ii nient cirer the 1944 Fair. lm lertainme was biought in he'Id ihe interyst of thle spi ithroughout t1re afternoonl, ait had viewevd Vile exilibits in tir ing and Vthe lvesbock and'pou the grceunds. The diffenent cemmittees t1 are spring nî effort to 'jr' flair a better and larger oui ground comii-ittee lis made emabue ipoiet. The lires are ro fear thse sou corner-, iîrstead cf in the mi the grounds, thle race trackh gurade'd and is now in AI s1w irg one of thle best betweE and Tororto. Tiany naw special prizes dia added to Vile lvestoek depai ýihicil siould bring out a i silowiwg. *1'flary worthwhil' aire off ered in tile differen clas,î(ss. Horse levers sil'o miary enries in the diirenent The honse races a thVile el ys a bMg arconrdi pected that iîmany good racers here Yte'ake part in bilec ion for thle differnt purss Thie divectors wil'l do ail ti rigilttrup te the day of tile F it needs nmore 1bian the dir e miake a Fair. Tle ehbtr ores tbat ma>ýke Vile Fair eess. 'lile Society lias 'offerî prizes te entice tile peoiplet unything in tilelire cf il grain, vegetables, domiestie neùedilework, fiower-s and f ruiitsý, and bile juinior dîeqn 1etiý. Brh rilR i ar n one ýf ilj e retest fairs ijr ou the provnce. Mr. MW. J. Riddelli, 'f tVb tairmenit Cûmmistee, haisa f or' a sledi fterrinn 01 taiinoient foir al. There wýil atetur sho-w irfront cr tl ýît 945 ni Therc- wilil ls No cases cf pLoyeii ave ec- ser-oRuî cumr-ed in ile Healtil Unit area durI- clown wilowil ci ij n VileutaV eek. bie aInSrý 'w arme in m Sa ong al Mae ilidnen of peaiolage1 frýom Cramae Townsilip 1 wer'e adi- ainînent for al miNtte o bie Bespital for Sicir!ý Ciii- atr oorf Sat deTe)rontlo, on 5til September as Or Fniday ec cases of suspect PO omy'etlii'. deVieascs ter exumasniaîn ard obiservaion at b il spibalit swas reported it tlielklrt tCe chblrer did rot have peliimye- avifcatlw litis. IVariety DnEI _______ Vie frt cday of t ored Mat o f Rhlythmî. Floor, Shiow aspodct in BanleiniNgl Cilubs featunLinilg Dave. AI iliduing ile re the King of Harmornicia wil býe featured. Otiler Solo aussiii- bers by an eusenic irpiano ard eilidividuail instrumetefàVile bar a CearPalae, Oroi rionFi dyenenirg, September 13l3t Se anti hear tueorcisea aPt Csbet for tht hes mat y (-f tl wilbe-'giv ,enirh KeptheeFn anti d 21Van el Vilep best one iii E Jack Reid Procures F i Prices At Furn ,succesaful sale iiture iras lileli i aiftenalo'oni, Spt' mime- oft'-Mr.Roy 1ilier Off buyers bigl prices recei] ck Reiimuetieni nioe o Jack (>iilg. huheilrd 'M bis Bti i1e Y ut cf Mn.a Mr. 'c Mr. and Mrs. F. Brimacombe Celebrated 5Oth Ann-iversaryi i m m A building by-laýv