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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Sep 1946, p. 3

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>'LAS, IF YOU'iIE COUN1NGON FALL, 1Chik" especiel flor, delîveryOc let uls hv yu rdrson igbit tarted,'biekd forimmdaedv cery. 1Bry1 Hatcbiry c10 iJohn N. 1 tU sINEs s 0O1110111UNITI Es ACCOUNTING BY MAIL A.lierendmodem meoitbo'd ofov- Coming- a 11yoýur hoepn u accounting probleme.' Subecr'ibers tou conig B Mail sýi niPl y place aIl t heoir saleQs detail sips, calsh vouichers, paid noie aroi p'articulars etc.,ilu ou1r self-addressed cenope and mail proial to our Orflce. Once a month we send you -a sum1- mary of yur Ibusin1e1ss rnatos Once 'a er or onreus, we fur- nish yvou vith a complets sîtatemnt'-- of youraffara, ith comlres lu- cone tex service, Nea1t, eýfficien1t an, cnfien(a servcetoIl business men ho'. anue urnloverïdose4 ont recuire the servic-es of a flltmeacounti- godHrwre, P lmb1ng, Doc- trs, Dentista, e-tc. Yucan sfl bhandl oIer you o un ,t inrg Ilead- aches ýto ACCOUNTING BY MAIL Room 21, -21lRing zt. E., Toronto. Write for informilation en1d lo'w DIEING AND CLEA!XNNG dyeing or cleaninig? Write tou ls for infrmaion Weare ýg1ad 1to an- R.Parker'5 Dy-,-e \VWork Li i;te-d. 791 VneSret ootOntairio. ELECTRICALEUPMN plants ,poweredl by lg & Sit-rat- ton gsengljues. A. C, Or ). C. 3W 1o 2500 wtt. ritilh gas sid Diesel englines fr>nm 1 l to 200 L. p. sta- tlonary or marine tlype. Air, tank, raitror hlopper cooledl. Large sjtock of three p'hase mot ors. Fromn lines, electrodes Fand (1 accessories. N,ýew gas enginle dvn Portable lelf-piig centrifu'gal 1pu'.mp 7000 gI.per hour. Total welghit 90 bs. Operates, 5 hours One gallon $150.Farmers, luimber andfih 1ngý indulstry - in moist cas9es - tax end duty eept'rite for 'prIces to Alliance Electric Werke litd Monitreal,, - Torontio- afx- FOR SALE ed, tari rais ing-he.Guaranteed, emalltow or f arm sasM'; dogs do btter there. fBreedjers. Termis and we tel 'you ho-w 'WriteHapymain, Box 111), 7,3 Adlaide . Toronto, EDLFCTR14O HOTORS YNEW. USE» 'ought sold, rebult:boîte, PUlîYs, brues. Alen Émclerc ompary Ltd.. 32 Dufferin St., Torortû, Ont,. ELECTRIC MOTORS and lup, * phase', 220&55,ols Immiyediate delivery. Earl!y dlîvery7 ýf 25, cycle.Wiur Producte Ltd., 200 Main, Toronsto. MACINE AND WELDINQ sHOI tu Norihero Ontarlo growing 1tow,Vi fully equlpped with 5 lthe, 8 dr Il presses, shiaper, grinder, miller,st. contined in fireproof buldin.g; also 3 eleeicweldng machine and 2; growingbuies steadjy income, now lhas '-0 m ploy 'ees: hergai'n fori- ic sale. Box 10, 73 AeadeWToronto-. OELDJOHN DEERE TIACTOR. First case condition with new pneu- mriatie tires. DulsClelaind, Lis- towel, Otlio. PETALED à1MIEN HAIE FERN, 20e. plant postpa,,id: otheir chojce P'ernsHoues Plants, etc. Tres liat. Aiken Nurselry, ht e, Que. 000 -6,00PULLETS - COReadyo-Lay PulleteAC) seyeraI iouln'! 2 to'0 onh!; 1lhese puillets aIl raisel on' ean Iren range wvts penty of space and -1cal codton. SndfrPe Liat ilad fil]paticue ra - OIL BURNERS- Ne Pot tye osi put type range humera P1Sud heïatere prompt deive ty o r book for ater, 2LAKE iVI W POTR'Ty i-,ARM,1 Hlerd fo, sale. 5 oread unrbul111 y Ers-,, 21 mil cowS,8twýo ya I Ëeiferas, bred, lalu, 5 hie aves, -, buill avs u--a from onrel MIXTY REGIS1TERE» SOTHDOç zlheep. YEwçes suld Imb.AIjr 1part. A.ý Ape1, ote4 raiford, Ont. .EAM 0F IAY MARES, TeW4NS, El yearsnIdweigh 1.u00pounde eachl. ApIY A. Ban1ke, 21". l3re(nt St. "ur- ingion, Ont. Box 09. TIRES W. are overstocked8a I 1h. present or good used trade-in tires (guaran- týeed to he 1lu excellenit shape) 600o x 16 $5.00 AIl orde!rs ahip)ped C.O..D. Speciai *quipmeat for vuicardng WMTrcl an&. ParoiTractor Tires. BEACON TIRE, corn. Queen &l Yorl Stes. rH'ý%LTON. On tarIe, 0TNTAIO(S .5OST 'MODEUN ïrÇUYPPLrD TIRIiIH01' FIED ADVERTISING landditrct14 a ;creýs suitrable for ixe ,,d f aIjring.el(0Ia Cr e s buish1and paistur e. Býrick boIl u se anild framne barn 42St. Pauil St, WsStý tCatb- are.Ont li'. builing, wll raiedIlydlro ini- talleýd, godwells, i mile ro w-itb or wthottock and ImpIe- miente. Apply toEugene Oelltte, }t.R 1,AleandiaOnt. 25,'-ACRE . Fr_\M-,. RAP, ,À >ES , AN» fruyit, 0miles east of Wind.sor. Buligs, ig inceefor roly $7,- 500 down. iBatlance ý-,yarlypaymients. Immdiee ossssin.Apply 9"8 McDougll, WidsorF.Csino Il.Esate. D)AIR1Y AN» GRIAIN fARM1 IF 1YOU ARýE LOOKING FOR1 A GOOD» Farm1on ain Higbway %wîtl m1ilk cýontratwe lbave one of tfie best ferme in. tbis distic tJ ond harn andnmilk bouse. Large four car garage and implement shed, Godlretwo falnP bo uýe wt hatrni. This IarmConsisýts f115 nars of light day loamand WOuld b)e ielFor gr'owinig some grap)es. Fiour v',els. cbicklen and t ',ur',ley pens, s i nd about 25 mixcd sp- ple c e ebought tioday witb the weaand otsin the grenry,85 onsof bay in bairn, 7 :1aesof corn, nmore thnoenough ito fil slo. Soc nsd aI l implemrents for. the pieof $8080.Owner for the pasi ',0 years reotlring lrd has priced for quick sale. If iOis snrseyou ceein and seeus for, fuIriherparticula"re suid terme., Wm.R. arlow,51 Queso Street, St. Catharinsopposite Y.M. C. p '1'eephone 2R41. Evenlngs, 'WV R. Fisher, Pt. ]al ousie 1M Eobertion ethod Informnation on requsi egaringclasses. Robert- sons Halrdressing Acedey 213 Avenue Rosd. Toronto. WJLNTEïýD-ItgOYS AND LRL ien. Menadowmuount Farmrs, ew caste, Ont. WÂ-NTE'D - HEAVY TYPE LAu.. ouirere to work In Tannery, Goad wvages, st.eadIy wok.pply The C. ,,,ymanCompany UieLon- don. Ontaro. NATURE'S 1HELP-IAON'S REI-. edy for PRheumiatic lPains, ZNeuritie. Thousande paisngit. Munroe Drug Str,385 1Elgin, OttaIWRt. postpad 51.00. GOOD RESOLUTION - EVERY s4ufferer .of Rheumatc a-i ;inïs or NeuItis shIouLld tCY DiXon's Rem- edy, -Munro's Drug Store, 835 El- gon, Ottawýa, 1tstpaid $1.e), 31USICAl1 STUF1T FRD A BODDIÇ.TOI BU sel, exchanges musical î met,111 Church, 'Jeronto L. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS POP, sale: .oInguitare, banjos, man3- dln.clarineots, sxpoecr rets, trumlpetsacdns, drume, etc. Write for prices. Expert re- paire done alsoý. Wilil buy. Tradîes acceptèsd. Muscil Supplies, Fork RiverMan. OI'ORTNP1ESFOR 1WOMEIN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOINNCANDA'.S LEADING (ýSOHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hlairdresslnig 1eantdignified prfessýïjin, goal! wage, tousýands succee3sful Marvel graduates. Arlca's greatest eys- tem, ýilustrat:ed catalogue fre Write or caîL. SCIIOOIS 358 13loor 5St. W., Toronto Branchs:44 Ring St.,Hamilon & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PATI&ITS IrETRERSTONRAUGR St COMPAÂNY Patent SoiciÉors. Establlsbed 189; 14 1R-ing West, Toronto. Eookîsi of Infoirmation, on re3quesi. PHOTOGRAPET ILMSDEVELOPE» 2.5 CENTS. Guairanteeýd one daiy service, No watig.By 1Photo Service. I70-rt1 Beay. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISACTION Your filmrs poertdeeo end pried G OR 8 EXPSURtE 1,01S 2»e You_11maýY not get aIl the firl yoià wanlt ithis yar, but yo0u cao get ailý the u ulity end srvi(e yu deSire Y seninyour nfis to 1IMI'ERIArL PHOTO EVC M EA IIU S W4 N TLp 1j ICASHAIOWIE- (PROE STA YT teache(r vtih perlmnent irst 0or Second cascrfiate indseveral yeas ex'perienice wivte orB. pler aurn; enrolment10. A pply to PROTE2:STANT, uAFIf R acadmic forSS.1 Hnwooýd, Tom- dutie comence ept.Ird. Pone Liskear 3018.Mra. Eily Batty, Secy-Tras. Thrn1nts. Ontarlo, WANTEII SHORT SOIEHETY U- mjor at ormgaiepublica- F01MY 0OWN HOME I A'M LOOK- inig for, a pair o ree fgrso Dredencanelaraand 1Dresden miniatuires. I will i pay generouely if youce olie.Pleasewrte t Mr. areceSuner,1 -N3 WCal- aceest ofr ooteetiiy sti7anl Fa1 p,~'i~ssin. ivefull ArtcDemiocracy An idepedentdemlocracy is iln th e making b)e yond1- thle Arctic Cilrcle. Genatthe worl's largest isintiin hic tss than 20,000 persns ivealonig the Coast1lne of a ertry hchcmrss85G.- N00 square imiles ani D enmi-ark's onl rmaiifg cloY, is-ap- proaching thec age ojf majority. 'heGrenc ader nw want to have only 0'ne, governlor ao nt central couscil to be elected fi- rectly by the peop"le. If There Is One! A coceied yungplaywright Sent two tickcets for the iÏrstngh of bis Pnew revuto Mü Ir. Churchii. Filciosed w.,ith the tickets was a nlote syn: Oeof the tickets ;S for youi, anticthe otheri for a friend -if you hbave onle." Mr. Chu-,rchili couirteously vreý- pliedti tat hle was very sorry hre wouild be uinable to be present on the first nligit, 'but would try t. attend the seconid-iîf there wam YOU can'î feel yoUr best if yaor kidneya aren'e working normanyi Gin l le hbelp give relief froin Backache, Rheumatic Pain am ailier symptams of sluggish 1cMd- neys, Your druggieî selle Gin Pilla basis. Ge0apac-kage today-za. preves ther merit, Thie qfine mediïcine le eery effecfie2 ta relieve psin, nervous distresa snd weak, tired feelings, c0f "c-ertain day"-when due ta femal'e funýctioujel monthly dis- turbances. Ths lesome- thïng worth trymng! VîGETABLE COPDUKDE % Howtot ComLaf RHU ATIC PAIN Rheumalic pame ,nay oten be causeti by excess une acid, a blcoot impuriy thal shoulti Le extracted by the kitineys. If kidneys fat andi exces une acid remains, àt tnay causîe severe dliseofort andi paim. Treat rheumatic peine by keeping your kitineys in good conditionCet and use Dodd'ms Kidney Pil. Dodd's belp your kidneys get id of trouble-nisking poisons, andi excesscids-help you feel botter.. Set what DoddýS cen dû fr you. , FOR THA T RUS IN ., IS'IUE 37-1946 SpO0 'S 0F SOT i3y FRANK MANIN HARRIS - r .- - ("A Six Bit Critic") Hîstor-ianis say ïtat oe Of thie earliest of ail (ýredtpieces Of writing is is the fiormý of a leller from e fathe10 a 'l so cefour or five tosniyeerseg, iii which the oIt genit groes moaut bilterly about thle terrible wa-f1i which everythýiingleasteriaei sinice thie days whien hie was young. Wheýiln we first r-cati aboutitis ýan- cient dýcumen,ît - or mabài waa a piece, of baked htIe - thie thiought came 10 ouriioti Ihat Ihe faîher was probably a spo)rts writer by irade. For there is on ýeesier -- or more commiion -- Imethoti of filling up a sports -olumnli, thanl for the wr-iter to tari comlpsring ,the peetwithi the past, inivariebly givîng thle lat- ter about niinety per cent thie besi Of -il. 1This is, 1by the wyan es] ýpe- cially easy writinig imon to10fal mbt 01n imoringe wheu ilsaiti writer Las failetI tý) onserve tlie famnily curfew thie nighit previouls, sud akesup 10 finti the befs aone colt ati the misuý iuist the reverse. To hecar uls tell it- forwe per- 1sonially, hiave bèen guilly of plenlty Of that sort of stiuff -- iii îLe days of nur youth aIl the hockey players wcere Fred T ayvo0r's or Eddie Shore's, the ha'sehail pastulres were sttidet wiith Cobb)'s, Ruth' l's ati Crawfort's, every fîgi waa a ix- ture of batile, mrurter anti suddeni teath, andt îL sports customler in- variably got at leesi a hunirreA, ati fifty cents wvorth of action for every dollar hie pushiedtlthrough a box- officewidw All Of whichi is, of cQur-se, nothing 'but a lot of plain anti simple mnalar- kecy. ofdnily there was jusi as great a, percenltage çof boxinig bouts that siee ti ot the joint - of basebail gaies that sem to1 drag on1 for ever- - of hockey matches whvlere the soundinig of the finial gong w,,as the most stimlulaI- inig eveni of tLe eveing - thenl as n10w. Natuirally, we know thait this is al! rank heriesy, anti enough 10o cail down upon uis the dire wrath of the Sports Wý\riters Union, but it'5 a fact juat îhe samne. Take off t'le rs-clre heaters We aIl wear, when looking at tLe paat, anti this stands oui cleýar anti distinct; tLe only reasonl why there are more Ile diocrte-to-rot ten sports evetits today thian there were yesterday is- exactly the samne reýason wh3y the black cows aie more tihan the whit.e onea. There are a lot more of themi. We turo np our noses and pet- that arecen fet to 'Joe Louis, anti talk of the brave days when Jack-ý Dem-psey was suich a tevastaisg whir-îwind. But we forget, or care- fully overlook, thecperiod when Oie Samne Mr Dmpeywa d IngLs lessthan a year, took i, oincme1753 oppnensknocking oui over a Lundret of thiem. ýI' is true that thesewerenont bileti as tille Ights; but the e re twn gooti reaýSona for this, waa thai epe dîilha--ve a tille !1 stakce; at L otheur, thaýt ihefih promloters of dhaiera wereunM que so Lot - or perhps il sholt be quite w, Skilfull - on the scent1i of the ulti- mat--e dollar as tey ar-e nowatiays. But it seef)1 us that there mIluai hIave heen el t least a f ew wiho out be termieti puhover camogths 17,q -nue or two anywiýay. Ai as for toeDmpc eiwhile h was chiamjpion , - Billy Miskç, BiI Brnnceorges 3apnteTom-, Gbosanti Luýis; Fir-po - tley don't cm 10 'otower tuon coloss;aîly over Joe Lui0111ponens, ow do they?' makýe simiilar cmprsosin ianýy Ume.True, we dont personaly be- liee tat ody'bockey i-S as5 gond a's thlat of ten years ago - principlîyý becauise of certaïin fitit- ling with thCe ries. But, as comn- parei with theicaverage h-ckýey game of a quadterctr-y aga, je average gaule of 19463 ia farmocre actionflifil anti excitingï; anIti if w"-e have no plera 10 stack up along- aide of, say, tLe like of H-owie Mc- renz or Dutch Nighibor- iotey - we!I, just how mlany ld we have bG match thein whIen they wreai tops? One sport, iin particular, has imi- provedti ulofAIlreason, ai least fromn the sLantipoint of the spectait- or-, That is Canadien f ootball. We cen weill l thie grave Leati- shalkingsanti grim , foreboýdinga oýver- tLeintroduction of thai necw- -fangleti Yanikee bointin, L forward pesa - the predilon that it wouild be the ruination, no0- thing lesa of our grand nid Auumn sport.But the Mciofthe ltesr ys theat thuforwart -pesa openeti up iour gaime, ant imate il mnore color- fè ianti itersiig tu wetclnaa AIninnr undrIIeamIr, of even by its warnmest ativocatts. War Gas Destroyed Landing crefi filleti with 3,00' ton's of poison ges, part of Japan,'S Luge secret stock, was sunk by British- occupation forces. In3 al, 17,000 tono'f ga'ses wil be desiroy- etj. The sLip wvas toweti 15C, miles to sea anti blown uip by Charges fîxet beClow tLe waterlinc. Anlotheî loat will be sunlk sýoon. IKing Of ( L ur-cky Many E1uropeans. Kîinga Im Exile And Others Sit Upon Shaky Thronles Kingwaîdeciedas GreýekS voteti wheter ingGeoge 1Ir wotidbeý recaîcd from e iinLondconl, Kinig George Led be)ýen conceteti in ativanice a better-chan1ce of hil4- ;ng ou 10 hie throne than King Victor Emmen1aluel Ill oflitaly, îLe latter's snKing Humlberi il, or King Zog 1 of 11bnia, ell elgai- et tisyar o îLe ranika ofEno peen 1monar1-chin llexile. StilI ano1ther mnrh- flec ynnctof them iaIl,nieyr-l King Simeon iiII of Bulgarie - faces Ile test of a pleisit nxt. Dispatches .ýfrolm Sofie aitQucen Moterinua (Giovanna1,), antici- petinig ;a decîýiin agai115t tîLe %hre-~as 1]pýlnning 10 010 ier, parents, formiler King Victor Eml- niauel~ndQucýen Elen1a, iii exile The Bulgýarïingolveroment Las offeredti 10let the royal family re- illain evenif iiîLe peisie goee. agaïiat îLie monarchy. The fainý4y wiIl gel revenuie fmom royal prop- erhy esimteIet$0000, Belgianl King's Fate Uncertain King Leopolti III of Belgiumi is ii0 exile in Switzer-land, but ii fate is stili unicertainl, peniding Ihe ouit- comei of fihe political situation in ILis coulntry . That isil't truecof young King.c Peter 1 of Yugoslevia, whiose coulry wes decleret a feti- eratet irepublli'c unider- Premier Mar- shal Jo.sip) Broz "Tito-" in Novemi- ber-, 194-5, Lt was ennountilcedthîe King's returu wouîld rot he per- Alb)aie was decleret a feter.tedl repuiblic in Fer-ar f this year, thus depriving King Zog of Lis- thr-onu e. ewent 10Egyiwhich tr-Atitiovaelly offera exile 10 ibrone- Kiî,g FHumbert of italy aerved onfly a mlonith. He essumiiedtbîL timone when Lis fathier abtcicaieti prior t10tihe Junie 5S plebIiscite in which îLhe Italiens volet for a -e- puiî!C. Huimbert ani Lis famnily wei 10o Portugal, while Liis father aii not thr chose Egypt. At preseiit yugKing Mcial i t'Ill reîaýiing is hilot Le Rc- maincrown ýtesit aturbulenti political situation. Sonie Weaihered The War MýeilnbIers of Euiropeenl continient- aI royalty who auccessfully weathi- ered iLe war andti îe uhaasthat folilowed iriclude Kinig Christiin X of Peinark anti Lis brother K;ing Haakoil VII of Norway, K;ing Gris- 1ev V of Sweden,, Queen Wilhielmi- na of the Netlherlants eud Granld Duchesa Cha,-rlotte of Luxembourg, There Les been speculetioîî ai Matir-id thlat Gener-eissýimio Francis- coj Franqco migli tr refeen dum on. re-esýtab)iSlhenlt of tîLe Spaiah mnii)ïarcliv, but nothiing concrete Les been ai niouniced. D on J1uan, the prc enertothe Spenýish Ibronle, uwlivin g i0l Portugal, - portely ,has mate a refer-enlum os of îLec conditions on whichL-,le w0uîti accepi tLe tibmone. Here's ' Lesson Fromn The Past Jo v20 lahor unions ini Italy achiievec tisuch power tihat few workýers cout ellpinymen1t un- leas theýy belonlgedto10a union. Andi îLe uions wer-eii tLe vangularti of e str-ong Socieliet mvmnre- lates îLe Fianial Post. Ï n îLe large ianufiactinig cen- tres oýf Milan, Tur-in, Genna anti Vncthie unions forcihly tonlk o'v eri- îLe 1manufactur-ing planits; star-ted tb oper-ate them .tblemi- selves. Tie Goveromencit couLltn't stop this action., Plant Owniers, incJlut- îig the Fiel -Motor ComPpan1y, colido(1 n-oth-inig but sa"y: Ail rigli!. Go aet and tilun îe busi Wlien previously ;accepteti cor-tiers WAR SURPLUS MATERIALS We Are ýDismanthng Aircraft Ail Over Canada And Al Parte of Same Are For Sale at a Mere Fraction of Original Cost.. 96 & 106 GAL, ALUMINUM TANKS suitable oil storage. etc. EacI'.............$20,00 BLIND FLYING PANELS, complete ýwith- Directional Gyro, Artificial H-orizoni, Turu anti BanikJ- dîcator, ate of Climlb -Airee and AMliiicier. 70 Each..................... 'MOTOR - DRIVEN LIGHT C A B L, E WINCHES. opeýr;itetifrom 2VltBtey. $50 Ea ch.-ý... .......... .................. THE FAMOUS P-8 AIRCRAFT COMPASS wvithj aditust- able giiirg uious ithrougholit, comrplet ir vtb correc- tion box. Orgnlcost abu 35............. $80 Eacli ALf IU FUELTANS 35 ga-llon $,0 cpit.Eaàch ...................... 12-VOLT GENERATORS, siabeforlgtig eigo Eac AIRCRAFT CONTROL, COLUMNS with plastic sieerîog wheel, easily adapted to boats for rudder control. $0 Each ........ ...................... $70 4M9 x 3'A2 PNèUiMATIC AIRPLANE TAIL WHLEELS rail be use- t] in hemnue of sinýglewhe $20 trier."Vpet ith" shock strut. Eaých 200 LANDING LAMPS, sial or aIlpeof $ 0 lîhin,1 vl.Ea-cll............-....... AMMIETERS, peiinbulso ing apa oonne ide ani h%,pssig buton wilI give sorae btte4ýry voltage on theothe"r ile. lunîînjoui;a!uaI............ WOODEN AIRCRAFT PROPELLERS, sai craft fiihexcellenIt ornaoment or wair relie. Each......................... ......$50 1100 x 12 AIRPLANE MAIN WHEELS,copeewt tires, tubes and axtles. thlese are almost new. Suitale fo farrm wagàÉons or heýavv ,dutv trailers........s50 AL UMINUM BUCKET SEATS, sponge rubber seat cuhotheýse m1-av be bolteti to thie floor. Eah............................... $.e AIRCRAFT HORNS, adaptable for 12-volt svstem llof marine crafi, .,Each ........... WRITE TO Suprernf- Machinery Co. 164 KING ST. E. - TORONTO

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