the day %with their nephew, Mv. lie: cent appenidix prain etais charge (of 1ier -sehool n'ear Brigston- Sunay sho'iat11. ou with verysnral atendncaand two tea. chr bsn.Hwevear, we vM look jor-ward te a irecojrd attendant at nxt Snd'a's iaily Day serviei Wee-en vsitrswith Mr. ar Mjrs. B. inýstad wre : Mr. and Mn Josini ard fainily, Miss Bernit Fa naad Mater vBill Payne,c Mr. Pearison, w-ife ndtwo daugi. tar-s have mrovesd te C'iarance Nidl oishouse and va walcoma thein i JAMES E. O'BOYLE PHONE 7-16 - 1! Orono, Ont. mess LicN. 13049M0; Warfime Prces andTad Board d% wo7ýrk at f air, prices, by the uorteJob r ~oL~ en e t~eas~4 5 r, you know thaât anlyone Who thýinku n the involved science of good farMing feaylesson" .is just .fooling bMself. hings Iook easy when you Icnow very them.AeuaeeeriwiigIr nes ta wiring your frdntbe foole ookýS eaSy. You rmay îhink ftheSmith do it "because he's so kandy;" but Plenty of féuture regrets If you get ani the job from the scart. You'II find y if you watch the Celectrician wire that ît is a job for quite a ýSMiIed getfinvg the best man you can, f0 do the iost cQMPle-te wiKing job for al your and Futur--needs It iýs ecsier to add ectricaI equipmýent as you wntto START RIGHT wt ADEQ UATHE S LEV VILLE sard Dikenson ofW- anlt a' fe'w (lay.swihi [rs. ArheFord spenit tise ishjing at LRedstone. Murièan ad Marie Austin wveeki-end luin Fort Hope, rgvandpareWt, 'Mr. and Wooiacott. iM3rs.Paerey Sueli motorad )Sunda!ýy mCýoingte pn 1. tha aThid neci or s.Hoë e the of pup h- a h- Eýn spr Dul ye:a ai Ni Y) TE ii VIE r d r ai IT7 ai Éi ORONO FAIR GROUNDS Saturday. September 2lst, 1946 (open te reidents eNvasti eBwnmanvie, Ci rke and Darlingtoa Towshirps Entnes ustha n te brdsof'ir ecter on or ra idaWy, Sept. ~ 1. PUTBLIC SPEAKINO (openilte puijzLi cho 16 years and undar)...........2,00. 1,50 .50 3. ItIIRLS SIMNGO(1yars and ------r) . 2.K0 1.50 10 4.GILSSNGN (12 y ear S and Jnd e). 2.00 1.01.00 t. BOYS SINGING (16 y'ears and und.....2.001.50 1.00 6.PIANO SOLO (o-pen te beyýs and girls ï1 ear's and under) "SoMlders in the Distance" by Ar- thur Benjain frein Grade V T".M....... ---- 1.50 W.00 50 *. PIANO SOLO ("pen te o y s and 4irls Il yaars and under ) "Mustte" by J. S. Bacs fei Grade M ITCM.............1.0 1.00 .50 8. MOUTIy ORxGA-N CON-,,TEST ('open-) 2 nuin,- bers...................................1,50bo 1,00 50 9. CORNET NUMBER (beys and girls 14 years and uner) contestant te piaýy "0,ld Biack oe 2 verses and cho1ruls; and Sacred niunsibar "Blest ha the ie That Binds" 2 verss...........1,0 1.00 .o 10, CORNET NUMBER (epen) conites-tant te oplay "Rule Britannia" and 2 verses eof"Abde VWithl M e"ý.......--_.-- ............................'---- _150 1.00 .50 11. BEST COMMIC NIMBER ("pen).......... 1.0 1.00 50 2.OLD TIME FIDDLERS CONTEST.....20 0 .5 0 13. BESTAMTU CLOWN on the grounds, te ha udedfor make-u1p and a'iliity te entertain. Judging te be dore from 2 te 4 pýi, ........ 4. 00 3.00 2.00 14.SPEIALSCiOOLDRILL AND CHORUS. pupils te meet at Armiourias at 1120 and par- ade toegrouds hit onb&dEnsuisschooi te Compýiact teir dll and sing a cou or yell1 in front of grnndstand. Tima 1 o'clok. 10.00 8.006,00 (and te each echooithbevnfter) ............2100 ENTR FOR FO AMAEURSHOW N-aine-----.--.-.--.---..--.-..-------.. --------. ------- -- - - - - -- - - - - Classified A NN OU NCEMENT The Ororia Women's #nintitute wl hoi their Imeecting o/niasept. l3th, in the Coui$ i/anhr a 23 shrp Ms.S. EJ Wýerry, of Solna DitrctPraienll ]be tlhe spcIl peI.e. An iilnwirtýol is extendedl to al týhecI{sof the conimiunity to cone and lhcar M~.We ýry. HIELP, WANTED), FEFïlAýLE Girl for gener'al hiousew rj.k in niew counltr-y hme.Priva ïe oom011an id bath. Liberal time o4.d Phone col- leet, Brool!in 98. -2c coýàImndIty e.s a family. Mr. trson basben on1 duty as' section mrfan- for som--e time. eLssrs. NMurray aid Hwr ne we-re -u es'%ts at the W eite and dress wedintg in Ponýt Hop!e tied Cud on Wedniesidayafer ýI, ais te eeption wihfol- -d at the beautifulialaHotel. Ve ex-tend a cordial welcoime to newu% 'teacher, Miss MUagarvet dgins, of Prescott, whio openedý( isehool terni with twenty-four Dlis, inciuding three new begin- -S, Mislses Barbara and Marion rsýon and Master Bruce Dinner. HAYDON~DALE STOCKER CATTLE SALE A. Werry wilil offer ait bis frm mils EastofDEnnisîkillen, anid toif 1{aydoni Villaýge, in Dariiuig- )urihaan Sprirgers; 1 Hiti ringer; 50 eaiigs (LDnrhamsI Thamns ànd freos.3 1/2 iroi,s. Wil1 asur îtis grop iFail . Alatti-aefri un points Ointr i o îand(1AMa ntoul11n -Is ind, very fine sekectio f cattie. Salýe catie d"elveed. Teýrîs Cash.b Walt Dis hyî" 4-AOC O o-.n o "Ro eof Wst .NE WTON VILLIE Cotuedfrein page orie) gaope ,OMOiou std hos ossta, Ms. Roy t.aey. os.Bessie Forsythe, W laihen cenfined in Fort Ho1pe Hopitaifer seatimanishnow mak- iig- he&r 'homie with hler daucgter, Mr s Scey. Ferty-seven -acre preýsent et Suni- dav Scheol uon Sunday meiorning wt ene teacher abseit. Sunday evaning the fflastor gave a fIme mes;sg.SMrs. Ross ILMorwell piaycdI the orgian.J M'ýr. Ni Stewart, ed played the Thlere is 'se nuch itrs dispiay- ed as tea hen and how the monu- mepnt wlll he raiseod. We wl11 pass alýon~g this iniformaition T ise chair- ian ýrea)orted tHat they wera ei hsg a meetinig thatd the cconinnittee midhlt receve instruCtion fruinmtbP eemuit.We truistal intcwereste 7'iii xvatch for ths e and b)epr- ent te thiink polasthroug1 Rev.H.A.A Bud and'IrBnt togather Aith Mr. Chas. Bunt, at- temnd'ad a Buant family ra-union and pictic at thse home eoftSe Re. F. A. Biunt, Sund(ei'andii, ors Friday, Sept. (;'Ii Ameong those atteid'ing tihe e union were tliceRe. W. F. Bunit, fihe Supeintntdrtcf Missions for the B. C 'Cirfeeac et the Un itecd Chuicýi ard Ms.W. P, Bunt, On Friday evening in Vie Sqday took place. The young couples ho- l'andFoMs, baGilmer ca rie Rbinanmn d Glerwo ae '-rradp7c thims oun upe ouW' nt e ro00- tise RPCA, had euen ina nedate cai orsan ad proa nteda fin pro bysn 'MingoyeMrtn, numà(ls u'by gaei Oen ,tvhepi. jMns, Wl mier unis then assked te taise tlsc ,plaIces en Vie pT1foýcrm in ýthse mi-dst otf baskets od gindioli an'd pnk <=3d Rkw rs'c n ed r S ise at LwsStoýne rend thse address à lnand MintoOr oua ounity. They elre thon' prented withan ena d Larac -a L is ;bride TarC'h c 1a70 edsheir friands fr 8%tis %glfc The comitte vare ery frst FAeMsFOR SAI4E The north pasrt sfthe hCon e capcrs u(moiemos ltw);/ good ston efu cade 'nds ifhe"Ser;itera-3P rier;aie seep naubrd th e hs Pos'sîsio hn"dîaiy, l !-"eiigi oe)rn apeber 1 3,1h1teetiih, - p11er f T'hof Mr. Whie, ot 2A1l, I have been fri,utr.iz. ,e to seil b ]YpubI)iic aucti4 is resLtidejc, King StireTowsia~tE ntS'auridpy, o \Veptnember 14tbS teien !ti hs hoid effeet ef 4 Mr. Haold Aiiinec( com mncg a 1.0 p.m.shrpM Tiv Rerms Cash. Jac Reid, Ailn- 1Theave PMiie aleceived4i- bypibhci aucLtda at Lotd5, Con. 9, WednesdaySpteber laySt hi 'her2I19h)Hrses, Catti.Sie.HolrPe, Rar,~îs Impeiientsanda qulantity ofFuniture. Sale tecomimence ati 1.00p.mshar. ~ems Csh.Posi- tiveiy ne ReservejJck Reid, auc- tionear.cioner TIc havebrsien înbasce by Mr. G. W.iciuý ArsrnAit seil. by publ uctien at Lots eand 5, Con.d ,1, Carmel1chool, oit F nday, Septein ber ebe 2Oth 194646, lises Fuatr- SwinePoult-ry ,ee , Woo, a-( of rnitua. Sal to-)comiec at 1.00) p.mshap Ternm CCash.Pai tively n weere iin pfrm-, Tie undersýigiad lhas recaeived i-- ýt e eily piia'uicti2U,-,t Lot 12, covn ,CvnTownship,!) on Thurs-i day, (epteMber 26 Set. 1946, sHr Professional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.DD PHYSICIAN and SRFGEýOJN 2.00 to 4.00 p.m, ; 6.30 to 8.00 p.ut Sundays and Wednesdays by apoinIient 0only PHONE 47PI 0ORoNo L EGA L Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVfILLE, ONT. Phoee office e88, W. F,, WARD NOTARY- Of i Ce"85, osdee,40 ROW AN ILL , N T YE.ilit',eRINATu"bûPi et TLOST On or about 'Aug. 1 f m sue on the th bUne ofeClakke, 1 Ron yearlisvýg Steer. Anl7oïi knowinig of its whierealhouts notlT Jack Reid, phone (Marke 1620. 22 D u l-arhal Stockers, rising '2 years, qie;also c, erDU- banrisin1g 3yearS.,al Onari jro bred. Albert A'Hi, N.. R. P ,En T RENT Vacaont Hoie for-m' dent aTed tirel n SrO ono Wohid e llin te n)i.cta eae r t ms HoIse hislatd,5 rosD,Jh hard an I Monuments Phoe î I-J P..T Bx I Pox0r Hore h ntarie ý MýXouments, er aekr. Le Auctioneer and lao Conuct ntin eSales i is andu resne fratený, aduator Phone 1620 - Cl'arke That, for a man age twenty-fure The Imýperiai Lit eAssurance comr- pany wvili guaranttee his fanily $5,0000inerent of his death ir to age sixtýy, for betwveen 2%ý aid 3% ot that amont yearly. And if he lires to age sixty, tihe Company wMi pay hinm the $5,0900.0 Why niot conisult your local FRED LYCET9I to soe what a plan, sucd as thia Wl doq for you ? YORK'S TAXI 2"4-hUour Service SPECIAL RATES FOR OU7T-OF-TOWN SOPR Phione 73 r 16, ORONO ndLiabilt ODONO ONTÂDJOS S1T RYi MANF lTUe, -J ~ ~1 FOR AE An old r oC;/oueto be, tQrn down misd fak s ouay Sicke iýý 1 il COOK 0V FUIt SALE Coni or ir d, ,emel front, steel top, warniing v ard water reser- vmr. Apply ' . W. Bonrne, Les~- kard, phare 5 19, Orene. a-33-d. Home 553 ORONO Phone 8 r 1