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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Sep 1946, p. 6

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SYNOPAS X11PERIi: Tucu asks Dflck atmUt 'lie wre«k And the rset flrsavgigan-Y tlatsam1. Dilk tells hlm ithat there is litle chance eing antiDlck ""cIls te radio RUAntd ives thtpWoton. "The Itnnijador Baork! We ctan be thore nf ive ors"eýxcJaJnyts Black Bur- Ielletht mte. Dckquickly realizeai thut he miust make hlmself vauable if he wishied to save lis ife. He preCtendls to kçnow of sonie smnïg- gted jewels attaehed 1A a fnat near the wre'ck. CHAPTER 1V lle grinneilallowig tîmefor t'lieinformilation to Sin, i,,thoth i- ersItatut, audtenC(tlilciiii ly: 'It'S an o)Id trick, ofcore oAd as smugglig-buî il generaiy wok.I had 'elli ready to chntck- tbrougb te portboe when we recacbed the jersey co-ast-expecied bO get the Signal somle dark nigbt fron otrol.F-, s Captain Tucu vwas glaring tlatbu witb greedy eyes, bis fiat nostrils dilsted to their full expansion. The uttottled complexioni of b1is face cb-Iangedl lilce tht siftin-g of a ca "Wh!en ,the steam,.erstck"ad ed Dick ligbtiy, gianîcing seaward, "s ny firast tbionght was of Ibose pre- ciolus geins. if lefI, in tht state- room tbe'd go do0v lwn wi t te steamier. If chucked outinbutime thlere Vss a chlance to saivage thlen. S," noddng, "I !et 'em go.ý' "Wbre as this?" askced Tïucu, struiggliing to appear caim. "Near tbe Roncador B3auk,?" Diek laughed, a bit iuisolently, anld shrngged bis shiotlders. "I wnn't te-li you, captain,Dbck con- tbnued quietiy, "uîtes we cap.ri core' bc some sort of a bargain.," Wbat bargain. y' wn? asked tht othier slowlyr, chiecking bis ank- th.iree QUa..2t satisfied with t don't gel aiiytisug. if l'e% or foundl missiug .euddtnly ' vil renein a JpIatbi11g couild find the fluaI Ly arounr.d," rtýp1iidtbe Carib, craftfly, laughied again. "Not ias a Ssrndays," be repflied. "You hinI l'ô maire Ihat fioaî s y'd spot il, anti pick it up?ý *old at tht ganteý.I'dgiv schiances, captain, if yosu ,ithîin fil ty fe>et of il. wTby, hat looks like a fisb or bird a jthiy-fish coulipasi you limes withiout excitiu;g your co)l( uld et hat bi-;lbaitl a -ed unow, hook, simker andi tpain Tîucu became suddeis- 1blt. Ht grinneti gondI-naL- 90ellgoshares,he sAld. bar-gain?" if you playsragtoe 't Girls irry Paradol Handbags it Paradol will re.. [y nf headaebes, ani 3, as Weil as heap to i ~. qua!rter to you, andJ theý rest to me "-Ney,ýer doule-crossed a frîenid," was the p)urr-ing re-ply. "Corne in thr- cabin an-' !taik about it. Mebbe wýceL et thoe jewels afore nigblt." Captain Tucu asud bis crew of Carîb)s bad lîttie iii their favor to encourrage ont take a long voy- age-W ith teni, cespci;aliy through thtc tropical seas wh' f e at best us ontendiess struggle againsi Uc- ing prildon decI or suffo,Ztted below, Tht ,luigger - 2n nid boat, neyer bulfor cnr andi in the course of tmesbe had gathereti snb a varety of odors from any cargots thaât thtc reekîng, filth' was nasseaiug"toia wbiite man, whîch, witbà the iný-adequate venitila-tion Ibeý lowma 1àde the dcson tht blottest day preferabie tu tcabin or the crew's quiarters. The -only ivablec spot was UqderýÉ the canivas awn'ing sbieldUing ;A part of tht aller deck,. HieeW)ck JorCan loled 1A recu- perate frmbisexflaujslioýg exposG- ,re ii n bý- water, slbaring tht nar- row 'spa-e iilh al-ak Carihs, Laler tthait day cevof tht Csribs fcrward calied .îttentlonta some- tl'ng en the horzon. mev seized, a pa'ir of nid ss-lase sd î'-. Spected itin ilecefor la few mJjo- mients.. Then bfandîfng tlhem lto Black Burley, he grunce:"%V/bat d'ye make o' i?" The m ate gaveasotsqulint, and <x1 d "A scor wrecked " "Yes, is aderL unWecari pick ber up beforc dau'k" Dick, iîsttiug anti ,jwaî,ching, drew a sigh of reliecf. il lbey bati iscoverd a fioaig dereli< thy wold eaU on of their course t overbaul her. That woid give him a respite ni a fcw bours, or per- hlap3 another nighî and day. Ht hearti with ple-asure tht 1jeor- ties bA hflte thtcure Of tht lg- gR n e r taM h .indiret De wiîh tht dit. Captaius Tuc a lc k lBurley wereý aroisse to keen excitemient. A dereit on tht high sca nmight itail much 10 themi-. if abandonlet bastil'y by ber crew", thtie ikinga mI'ighî bt Of great value. Tiliere vas thtcago 0 ousde, i fot wa- tersokei udruinïed; sud th-, per- son1al blogigsnItht crew ?sud( officers if in thteiemetn ieaviog bhey iad frot laken them, awvay. Fîn1ally, t11ere was wy tht poýssibfiiîyonisalvaging tht- buil lsd towing il mb a Sonmeport to selI Y tht hOiLMssî idder, if thte owfners didnl'îmak,,- Sifi offer for il. Alto-gethecr, IL wsLMtanu- profita-blebuC es.Il paid somei- tilimes better ha ota3d onw pira- cy. At sncb lime htses caa gers kept susorc iiMCh lWS. Tbey kewthtelws)f ses aig by heart, Wbntht der-elicî fnaiiy saîun- ed dfiitcsape ',() tht naked tCyt', Dick becamie absorbed in studyiii atime nc scti n [n;thtcause of tht isate, tcfnnrd hiotselýcf sympîbiiogwitb t ht caàpUtaiI nd crew of ilte Pi-fated craft, and wheýn tbeuy drî earer anld 55w tht eviences nI a ard batte l" hlad bceenCibrcet aî,bto n stood intact. Thtl mlain rc a gonceby thtbor, aryngdov mizen ast, îetole ign and ssii,asa.rsuCfnitisaci dient, resemlbled a coiaýpsedbaon that bad becoute tht playthbng nif thtsind& Sbreds of camvas vhip- ped bin he breere, and thtebQ maint ssi sud topsails wudoc-nti !y liii sud rpuf 1 up, Tht ýfor,;ar-dmast wssinta, ,i standing iupright, reuso,0bo or break und e htpull ni tht otu- ersTht bUl ws rather lw inthe w.Nate, bt lot m ore thlan wouid he tht case îif ehe were -heavily adcn. She was wn waterlogged; neither was she btteredi sud broken bc. low dcs o f i't,' dmp g seerned to be bii be saîls '1Ari- ging. This fact bati not escaped lte ketýU tyts Of thtb-, pprofithe lug ger anti ehy approach- eti tht more promnising appeareti the prize they 1usd picked up. Then camne il sutden gittural cry from ntie t ht crew, fuiiow.d byi TRIAS RU 0F THE! SUA By George E. Walsh If 1 bad the energy-and thie aiity-I conldJ sit down- riglit he and now, anl compose an odec "To the Old Model A." How rnany times onr old faithful bas corne ta the rescue 1 woldn't knwbt she's at it again. Dauighter and friund Bert wevre coming for the holiday week-end "if the car didn't act np again". Apparenîly it dlid, su they didn't- if yoiuietwhat 1 meani. Now it is Sunlday and BOb and niece joy are away after themn, cbugging along the roaWdwbte old mode! A, Almost I dread the dlay when we rmnst part -witbherno(hat we epc to yet bcuechiances of etting any'thinig better.are stiiJ Pretty dmbteventnally we îmay get 'a Chance oni a car that \%il!,Ino, dobbe imore respectable jin ap- pearanmce but leas reliable in action. InJo he eantiiime ilthongii sheconui- inueis to run, o,1,d faitbiful deveiops a fresh- squeak every day. or so, NeCw sqneakýs can be ratller dis- cncertig nntil yo Nfid ont tvhere they Cornle fromn. Youi get Used to the old ons-yýou knIow just which onles belonig To the fender, tewîndolw, the starter or the clutch. And when itue other )if aof the front seat wobbes around yon, don't geo alarmed becauseyou know it is juist becanse onie par- ticnlar boit bas slhiped onit again, and also you 'know just ;about where it will, bave roiled to so cont- sequently thlere is neyer anytrul in fnding it, 01n co, damp days if you' want to start ont in a burry and the motor spiuttes and stails you, knwail you fbave to do is tura the c-hoke a, litle more and tbere'S nlever a ýlDobt n the ;world yoni'il met wberèver i is you wan tut go -and m-aybe you viiiipass, aud nott exactly envy, a streamiliued 1job or two aon the odbin oe in for repaira! Yes, an *Dld car is like An nid friend, you get to kuow lier fault as well as lier virtues--and aHow for tbem. Get anotber car and it takeýs lime tu learn boilb, Anyway hiesteel strikes are ii pogea and glood cars are just somietbiing to dream aPbout I guessa we sha;j continue ta be very thankYfufr our own Waltzing Matila-Moedel Aspecialty. As to th-atvwe bad a visitor thje other dY Who arrivd in a borse- danbuiggy-so we arestli nuep iurnp ahead. An-othier day we hýad a visitor Who evidenitly didn'î be- iieve in the nmodern trend towards myechanlization. Hie saidlhe lhadn't 'ot fbydro and didn't want bà thiere wasni't 'anyonle thali e ke of that was any jbetter off for )av- mad ay differenice but Pa)ïrtner certaimly tried b oconvince jhim- that lctrînfication on11farms wa worth ever1y cent that i t costs. And "thlem'1s [rny seniments to, if onljy every fa-,rmler's wf cold enl- Soy its a'dvanItages before bard work lhad taken its tol oAf lber health 'and strenigthi. 1Iamn quite sure thre are very few w'Omen who would Say "bywud' have hc ydro if they !had tht echance". 0-'f course hydro h!as its disad- vanltag'es boýo-I1'll admnit thait-but thenl you have to allow, foritem Last Thnrsday f!or inistane, Iwa s iust nicely taedcaninî a b ushe of tomal-totCs e the powver , w.ent Off-and stayed oFff.ail the ron in. t aS anuisanIce but stillI widgesticulatons and a pointîng hanid. Thiere, sadn in the rýig- ing, mwavng and nodiding at them, wais an nId otan', atless and near- lyshrtes, ith busbiy Cbtkr flping np and down in th b)reeze, At first they couLd b ear no sonscoilling From is ip, ut iha slbght chianlgein tht wîndý tht Voice carred btemo. For the Most part it seemed ]lke tht Wild, inicohierent gibberish of ot demented. Ao tee How Can 1? By Aune Ashiey Q.How canI --makle auîinsecti- cde for mnoîhs and caterpillars? A. An).inisecticide that -will prove very effeýctive is to prepare a mlix- ture of 50,, parts resin, 40 parts lard, and 40 parts atearine nil. Q. HoW cat i miakçe corri sweeter? A. Mlore appeizing and. sweeter corui wili bet- tht resuit if a littie sugar îSis laced in the water while cooking. Q. Is it truie that Ibunider sours A. Thunder dots not sourmik as commlonilybtied There are bacteria iin mik wbich feed on the sugar, canising it to acidulate. Just before anieeîicStorm ise air hsually becomlles warmer, causing Ibese bactria tbu mtltîply more rapidly. Q. How rca1i imake a pouitice for, snnburn? A, For severe suliburu, unake a piaster of raw potatnes On soft 1sterilized hon tu and apply asF, polieRenew as it dries. Modern Etiquette By Robert Lee .Isit propler to say, "Pardoni me, but I1d ont bear youir inamie," if ont bais not drsoda per- sonS snamne weintrnduced? 2. Whtnl a bots i being ini- troduced lu man, should s'he rise? ,3. Wbleo eis ssible 10 tt meat wilht! ùefcoîk 4. Whcn thtlles trl late ar brouighti tt able, sholedtbey be pse on othfer plates or on tht lableclothil? 5. XVht is thte proper lgtb of a na'scoatsive 6. iWhaî illol ontdo wben ontïl bias r-ceýived n- po1g1 Answe-rs 1. Thiis is often docte, but il wou!"d seem pefraleto waiî and ask s'ioee)tiseas 501 s pos- sible for tht cpeýrson's name.ic 2. 'jes, thte bosteas so ld ise asud offer iter býaud, weteritis àa Man11ni woman.i '3. Wbeneiiver tht mea is tende(r enutougb b en1able ont to (do s0 gracefiîyý. 4. Tbey soud"e placed on thi taieclîb;other plates"are n't 1ncessari!y. 5'FTht sîev soudbe Short enug 1 expo>se ont,-quar-ter to onte-hal l incb of tht shlirt cuiff. 6.Respond- witb a polite cinwdg ntsoin th-at tht acceptaîtce is gnie FAON Gmenidoline P. Cak Makre aip)-covtrs yourself witb prîofessional resuits: linstructions 661 bhas step-by step directions anti ail information On siip-ctnve-rs. Senti TWEUNTY CE NTS in tutuls(sap catnuot be acceple(t) for thiis pattern to Neediecraît Dep)t., Rooým 421, 73 Adlaide W., To:ronito. Print piainly PATTERN NUMVIBER, your NAME anti AD- DRESS. A Prayer Thlis is a prayer sai;d to ha'veý been lfond inLancasire, EngLand> o)n the wafllOf an oldd inn:I Give tns. Lord, a býit o' Isnn,ý A bitCo =0rkand a bit o' fn ('uteins ail, in theý struggle andc spIutter, Our- dIljy rad and <a it ' uter Give us heath, Our keep to make, A n' a b)it to spare for poor ol s sake. G ive S s ens , for w 're s m e of us duffers, An)' a hecart to fefel fo)r ailta snfurS. Give ls,!to, a-bi fsog. An'* a tale, ada kto helýp Lns Klong, An' givelns our share o',sorrow'"-s tesson Thiat we ayprove bhow grie'f's a f)lecss in)'. Givelns, L1ord, aanc11ie to bje Our goodlfy bs? re ie ý'and( free, Our Mgoodly Ibest for orefan(! othes, TMUiail men learoto livas brot- er-s. But Happy Days Here Aguin Since Relief was Found Billous attacks, headaches anticonStipa&- ilix imade life a bturdeu tb Ibis mother of ton bidren. Thon she atarteti on aimul pien which sheelias neyer regretted. Pi ~ton years3, theA'little inorning doe"f Kcrusclieïk bas bipeéd te kftp ber woi,, as fsitefoU l intis letter:- "I have put my failih irs uaclies Salta fbr at 1easttien yesrs. lusedgo Suffr witiu nssty bilions4 spela. head- aches and constipationu. I wish I1lied taken Kruschen sooner. 1 arn 46 yoam lti snd hve had ton hltren. Thantke tc My lttie mornling dose of Kruschen1 arn frec from Constipation and i f fine."-(Ms)C, H., Coventry, fi la roabsonabie Io asi wby Ibis won'" hadacles, onstipation anti b-,Ilousnesa weoe2se iappil.y relievoti by Kr'u8citeE Thee sssswoela istaI Krasehen la made up Uf six. minerais r sa1tIsad when yoil taire Krusciten uegulariy for a white. your Stomacit, liver, kitineys, and your digestion ae boenoited. Andt lt- ff you know-ia a Mbg itelp in k-.eopbg regular and feeling fit. AI! driggistu bave Krtusciten Seita: prie 25e and 76e. Try tem yoursef andi taie mat enougli te uit You as a morniîg de. "NO nO, CarrYmnorel You were supposed ta rescue Miss Aloor -net tthe crisp, crunchy, delicious G tape-Nuis Flakesi" "Sorry, Mr, De B3iiI-but wýhen I sa-w boites; iron for lte blond; and other these mnaity-rich, sw;eel-aas-a-nut fond essentials." Post's Grape-Nýuts Flakres floatin "Itùs tihe 1wo grains in Grape-Nuts arnunti out there, i guess I go, ,,,,nd Flaikes blinI give youl ail thal gontineSs awayl", Wheat sid inalteti barley are skilfully bleudeti, baked and bhiet toasled for WliPut 'esaj doçwn over here uçar golden cr!ýpness, temptlng flavor and1 mne. 1 eould do wit sonme of *1505e easy dige~jn carbohydrae for euergy; proteins for "e' 'aeti tn ucras muscle; phosphorus for teetis and " g re-l me for s cp e of boik and ,Ivaslstueick ad didn't hae to ligt hefir bcase1 Lad tAe oi- stono to fali back on. If I1bad. elecricstovs sd hot plates in evey rornI wuldst;limliag on to rny ii-s1ve he ig iprob1lem now isto iwas rmnber to have a f ew galions o f coal-oil n the bouse. Uls it is i conlsCtn us that i h iest t inlg in (the xvorid to fr t Weil th hoida isovr--the Torontonians are back to thneir re- spective jobIs.Bb is away to tht tractor. Patnej(r ;and,'I1are carry- ing on as =sua and Joy bas nol yet cornle to lfte aga1in. peopfle as rathr quer. A m ïan carne alongl tdoSorle vwork ini the stableSo; Partnerand Bob) w ce hepnhilm. The cgirls auld I did ,a bigwasxngand iroing,. Bert painited îthe ckitchen ceilinîg. Anld yeýt Wtal bad a good le wilb) lots (of fun ging on11whiile weverc workýing. I migt aso add iltata suprtinte we wond ip witlh i. rellieated dIiscuissioni Over * trke ad tht lab)our situation in general., And no 0oneichanjgeýd bis or ber views as a result "Don'ts," For Safety From Lightning '(,ing whchposes you to unnetces. 3nary danger jfro p-,ligh ting, ad-. vises the Peterboronugh Examliner. DO nmotgo swimmîing. nIor take a bath, for instance, for water is aur excellent condut-ctor of electr-icity, Dot fot stand in fon of a fire- place, for -lignlinlg Quite Oftce sw ep d wn chim nleys. D (ont stand un mder a trcee nor necar Olle, f or t re cs are 7,f ten13str-uck, amdt ligbltinlg is likely to rlu along the grounid from D2a testii any. tbin-g inl its pathl., Donl't stand uniti dJer aniumbrella, for the, metal sftis a conduýctor. l u H r n b l d t C o u t y, C aq liL . mor,)e thian 20 trees grew out of the trunk ofml a 'gianit rdodwhich feil more thýan '0 y ears ao I ou WIII blcnjoy stinlg At The St. Rculis Rote! VoRoNT

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