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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Sep 1946, p. 8

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nNO, THE OIRONO HOCIKEY CLUB DVE GRANT Mn i Il Colored Masters of Rhythm CEDAR PAL.ACE, ORONO ori thueeenngof FRIDA, SE TME 3th Biaek M-iai t is Bes; p 'Daniiýc iïinSp re-me;Soautfhern HARLIEM H ARLE HARILEM Dave Granti. for-ner]ly wý%ihf lot Lip Page's Orchestra, bas been- featilred w%%ith Bert NiAosi, Ozzie Wlliams, Paul Feýrman and 1 mI an y o thlers 8 COLORED ALL STARS AT TREIR BEST 8 t ADMISSION: $1.00 Per Couple. Gentlemen, 75.; Ladies, 50. BACK AGAIN --CK----T-ES . 3.30, Tax. .82C. Total .-----$112 CLOTHES BA KETS Large............... $1.59 Me ium ................$--------- .49 -- ------- - -P $1.39 Coleman & p Electric Phioni.à80, r 1 CO. LTD. Oronio -q KIRBY Ms.A, Walkerand gdos vistedSu'da wîh Ml.. and Mu-!. ,eregd Vo hear that 3Mrxp Geal 5acleenissmembat iA roved. W e ish ber ea tery speedy Ms. hiipBigelow and ailof Piort ilope, spent Suada mithsp arents, M.adMs .J On WednlesdaLy 1fteI'rnoonM es Wm. ociran bed aquteng for werefînihed s wel aseveryone- itaving a good %iwe CameonMr.andMes. Jordono Sin- cilai and îttie Miss Beverley Wvoods, of Linidsay, spent Sunday withM. and 'Mes. Jas. avnnanQ Bible Society 'Meeting An ejoyaile evening mas spent at Vie citucch on Wednesday of las wveek. wheu ite Bible Society lheld its mIeeting focr tiis district. 5M r. John ThmpoKipIby, was re-elecVed as President , and Mr: S. Berry. Orono, was eleeted Secrelary-Treass2rer foc aur lcal brancit. Rev. Mr. Young showed Vwo initeresting reels; of pie- tares, one showinsg ite life of the Russian people lante large city of M'osow;Uheotiter abowing the reat work of tite Bible ýSociety ia Vit ditrcVsofterorand de)air dnirig Vi te 1Inte me,,r. We are very sr iere(,not more present Vo enjoy tIis m neeting. W.Ml.5. and W. A. M4eetingýs 1 Tlie WMS and -W. A. held teiri metns on Tuesday ifter-noon, Septenîber?'rd.,'Mis. S. Allia, presi- dent of Vite W.iM.S., opened tite titeir imeeing i- wtb a meditationl prayer, folLiowed by te singin~g of itymn 500,.Taetimie Vo be ly", and praVec by the presidert. Pam- sag-es or scrtpture eeraby rs R. Alun, Mrs W. Alliai,Ms. r- Son, Mrs. 'J. Wainaan anid Ms m Wanjnan. AIl eng-aged in a suenit ýpi-ayer Vo dedicate our souls te (-'od. Te( top)i(nfor thF,0 meeting wa-,ks Clbr-istian steiw-ea dýsiip-tite ed'ca- o f o r -variouP talents, ho"wev smal'1,1Vo he ork of our God.' Mr11s. i3rsored f 'a great nrnsiuicitan Whlo v'ave her aiities il) .mua1ic to God's or;Mrs. J. Wnnn told of a ~reat octor;Mrs. W. Wa 0an o a ret eahe; ndMrs. W, Ajilin,. a wndeftt scentsL. Ali these gave of tbeir abilitiesVohelp in the wo-,ik of Gd.Le,, us aivry tVo use flouerabliy e 1,my av1 t tie ~ f cone. fe th1e singing o hymýil 383we had the rminutes and 1-01 metig.TVw died o iol ythe studly oo1k. -Wc-,are ïo ved o sitarour new studl(y book wi~his on Ida Mr.Wm. Alao~e ite W. A. m.)eeting ýwith ym 41. 1ý"T heur -Thy weicme oic", oilwedwith pray- ert by Rev. Littlewood. Aliter the siness ofdte moines as de% wîth, the seripture Vaken CrmSt. Lai,Chapter 9, versýes 10-17, xas redresponsively. 'M-rs. Wm. War- nian giýve a dlevotional readn'o "~Seakngof LittieThngs which brought out te groat liportance os ie littie cmmn evevda1-ythns ve doIVo tel'p ohr.T'le meeting was ciosepd wiUrh the sigig f bymen 590. and the MzphBelled-Iiction. WiV» Sn many boys àin ie hockey 'lb oment'ion, w- wish niom t, joia te Public to please con-ope-rate with th1ese boys te best tVhey ga-n, as thbe bioys are d(oing th1e-ir hest to rvan a L0oo1 ordlerly dance anpluso pro- vidie yoiu with a-igi lasenter- Vainmnflf ihaf il is psibeto pr- cure. AfterIL these danmes are rnV oly for entýertainment alone, as, te pr -edsar for furthlering ice sPorts in thlisco int. CARD 0F THÏAKS I~~~c mii t nkmmny fiends'I s~n~i;g fIUI , l~ setc., also for- *lhe~ visis hi was iiishw Hospial, a hom . "Jake" Mid- THE PROVINCE 0F PROMISE...0 ONTARIO' growinggold.'.. her largest cash co is tobacco. lis tet-erdei'elopment, fromnohn to recally- somîething,,, has been dué almost entîirely to teepheznmenal increaise iný fiue.cured tobacc-he most valuable of the thrceeitypes girownt here. The others are burley aind dr-ef This year, a foulrth type, ci gor leaýf-one ihoiisaiid acres o it-openis rich, new Ontario pýossibilities. Tobacco is a delicate plant angd a demanding one, nîeecineg tmost weatchfuýlnkess and even Mndmade encouragemet during its complicated cure. Its cuntivaion mieans backibaking, short.-season wrork wvith high rewvards for il coancerned. Published by THE,' BREWENG, INDUýSTRY (ONTARIO) THE OUNCE 0F PiE VENTION To ,ejoy thi-coingFit and Wlinter Sceason, free friei the disomor ad anerofcoghan1d coid, begin taking a21Provenl ci- itmn nic OMnymnrnimnsar viedb1en physially fjni fromthe ry-str te aitreason. y ines shor day of utum be isead rinish th-eiac ,ifiunhie ada s beof't ytaigaugod am -pi toni at ïleaof dailL an4l "mi you ta tian ounce iof Prevetion ýitIS worth-Ila pountil of cuire. We listlanumberof Proven Vitamin Produîets blo FOR (O% HlLD RE N at -.S .15, 2.45 and '4.5 CrfedE--tract of aiad Cod Liver 011, 1 4ownd foer - 59e. "Kepler", Extract ofai and Codi Liver............----75c. ad$1.5 PuLretest iQA anid 1OD ýod Li-Ver 031, 4 z bottie fýr.....10 Frosst Neo-Chemn-i Food Capsules.........-- 1.25- $2.25 and $5.00 Aiphamaette Capsules......................$1--- --$1-8--and 33.50 Mýultiple Vitain Capsulies, ecombine vitains adminerais, Criid Ilalibut ,iv-er Oit Capsules, 5f'i..s- 71v,10s. 11 VitvaxCasulsCombine oral coILd aci andthe Vif amins, at......... . -.. ---.--.----. --. --.----.. ----.------.'2.50 and 37.00 Vitadiet Capsules, miultîiple vitaimins, 90's at................--2.70 FOR A FRiENDLY VISIT-AND THE PEST IN ENTRTANMETCOME TO ORXONO'»P FALL FAIR FRIDAY and SATURDAY- SEPT. 2O0th and Agent for Jackmnar Flowvers Char les1B. Tyrrel D RETG S SPECIAL - Firýeking Cups and Sac rwill stand hc 'Jeat or Cold........... Set 15C. Fireking Cups and Saucer-s, ribbeddsin color green, regular 20e. set., fo-il...........15c. Glass Salad or Fruit Bowls, alwaysý useful .. 19c. HIalo Shamnpoo, Colgates, 2 sizes....25c. ande 49e. T ý-sa, the befor-ehand Lotion, bottle ... 49C.. Dyetint, for dyý,eîng or tinting, fuil directions on each package, 38 shades to chjoose fromn, pkg .C Bowl Cover Sets of 6 pieces, set. .... Goo0dy Dryfas't HairCulr with Elastie I2 f Hot Hater Bottles, red rubbr one pi-ce, ful,ý guaranteed, each ............ ...19. ShIoe Brushes wvith Dauber ai-df Handie 1. 1....I5 KiiShoe Polishi, as used in the armny, colors of 0.,-Blood, Light Tan, Dark Br-owýn, black, tivi 15c. BIG VýALUTE DEAL - Giant bottie Hawes' LeninOH, r.60'e.', and a Hawes' Polishini.g Cloth, Comtplete for...... .... .......... 59. Dn's VitmnB PatFod to elim inate root shock in traniisplanting, bottle makes 200ü gals. of solution, bottle ............. 25e. Mm GIROCEIZY FEAT !ÈES- SPECIAL OFFJR Four tt izAssorted Soups, reg. 50c., liqited q iy 4 f or... 3 Maple Leaf Reish 1heeseaou for flavour, 1--2 lb". pkg. for................ 21C. LynsCoffee, gron eh ith each order, 'lb 19c. Parkes' Catsup Flavor and Preserver, bottle... 35c. Fresh Spices, 1 ounce pkg. for............ .5. B3eavTer Fancy Lobster, tii........... $1.15 Aylmer Beef Broth, 2 tins for ......... 27. Daly Orange Pe-koe Tea, i pound for......0c. iRichard's English Quahity Carbolie Soap, cake.. 5c. Superfoam- - Having trouble procuring soap'? Try Superfoam for lots of suds for, d-ishes, clothes, etc. One Pound Carton........... 29. ORONO 5c. TO $1,00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE N orthcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealeca KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equtpped to take cace of the modest funecal at the most ceasonable chacge as wveIl as the lacgest and Most exaetiitg Telephone : Office 668 - Residence . 523 and 726) r J Telephone oïc 'ii si I l A CORNER ON TORACCO: The annuat Ontario productio nof tobaccoP is about 97.000-000pons : it1S vallue around 1J$,000,000. In the ouhstCornec ofItle Province, : somie 90,000 acres are ptlanited tIo it and: the Ontario crep cepresentis iinle.itnts of thie Dominion yield. 8 % ýof ithis is : bigi-gadefluecred-tlie tess-care- : fuilly.trecated buriey and dnrkL-leaf making u lp the rest. t is an industcy dln THE whieh a few experts 'pre. pare the scene for n sudaen : iinrueili bhy llthosanids o f : wsorkers in thile cuciai har-: vest vecks. Orono, onit. Private Ambulance Motor Equipment Bowmanvillle, Ont. FO Phone 68

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