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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Sep 1946, p. 1

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WEE LV T' Vol. 10. No. 34 OPONO, ONT., -THURJSDAY, 'SEPT. l9th, 1946 subscription $25PeiYear ~DuhamCentral Àgricultural Society Fair At Orono, Sept. 20-21, Wiomnen'mS; Instite PTo Formi Homnemaking Club For Girlsý Wen'E institute 'asheld on Fn-rs Tihe nronthly meen1g crf he Or noand Ratepyes tire preiskent, Mrs, E. Hanin-, ia thre ssOC~IndOf ficers ror '46 During the irusiness session it The executive cf tse Trustee and waO decided te Send a donation of Ratepuyers' ss"cciatn heud a $00per mebe ot the Adjelaide mueeting in Opono on Septeniber 60h, ]E odlesrs Feunldýý;iaon lF Un d. Thswhen they made 1-lans for thne Fail fudwi!alioaring oser thungs, pro-i Work in. connection inthrPbi vide îhdlrslhipsfcr girls taking 1SCpeAkir nte îhosinDrr Iïle'e, joi-oia'cCs curiseisat thre <n- The ofierof't1is organization tarbo Agrithral GoMege at Guelph. reasf-loS Arranlgemients are beiAng marde te Pj!residienjt Alex. C(Àterc or'anize a Honemalkinlg Cu for' Gard>ýen 11i111 girs betweeii the ages cf12 and 26. Vie-Pr%. - rs.W. E. Leis, Tieprcject will ire 4"sleeping -;ar-i lco mnes" and each girl will pl, sel1ect1 Sec.-Treas. - s. Geor Stapleton,1 aýnîd inake a 4htginor pyjamnas, Newitonvill hSuse ecat anîd hedrooni lippers, Crwigt E oeî,Bak dcli aise ! earnrthe use and ap- stck.H Pil$p, estieto n 1 *atiuii otfou cpecia!lsdhos. There MXes-Ciras. MNiJanet- A e frei six to eightmeetings, Ville; Har111ry Ricliardsca, Ponty-pool . .,nd eurs Who re ilterested, ale, lva Oakley Carley, Cavan) asked re get iu toueh rwith MrS. Vlag;J H. MîcKnigt, Mlck strcetest us goin)g toe be d fuilIdetafls- and m ies wmli J. O. Tamiibly'n spoire briefly weffîcomng anld visitiig tirel ridles cf tire cemmi-uity and utint special off-orts hoinade! t'Lh e ry, becomie acquairted omItir ci' siome pcica'I ontire yeng meÎ w- ijý ng sud swing, nnd be decided on. Tire secretar-ry more aP- Darlington -- Eýaiv 0-sibrne, Borvv- mainvihile; Mrs. F. S. Piilips, Ptýrex- idence. iCarke- Brooks Ceiran, and Teîd Cepping, Orono. fHope -- Allai Ppeos, Port oe SparerMetoni, Canpbelcrcft. îMîhrook - Percy Stinscu anid Percy H'amiton. Nenscasîtle -- Rex. patterson and Mr.(lareîce Alin. Berwanviie .- Mrs. Artirur Bak- er and Aendy Tirempsen. Port Hope .-ibss Broçwnlee and pnmiiteritee Lo¶ieet wtttiVe g1roQ1p co.L i- On Sptmfiel7ir, a quiet wedl- ,ntee alid arag iedtiî.Thec ing was he(d at tire ho-mecf M r. eofmenTtee ix te be Mus1MGini, ndMin5. R. A. Banton, of Keltiher,i Yý.Bubee, l\frs. XK. Gaïisby Srsk,h1eantirdaugiter Oliv bi- MioM.M.Sta ples, Mr. c a1ie the , iride of Rom Bs . Wood, seOn A. 1) rummîcnd10m and Mrs. J. C.ifM. F. Wýoed anrd thre lite M W o'd f Oi ,O ro wtrth"e t cfthe Lisitute and special Rex. G. F. Lndficang 1e- f the afternco n was l.VEs, Tr rd ri gie yîyher r Oy f Sohixsa. Afins,.Werry atie ,tire biessse el ce ident Of tihe We-t DIaias iem 'id and Dwi Gnss r ttW aei' u iftes, and (Iate1ded Irele Coin a; Cs hat maxi spok e (1onl 'Dtitte. or.Sire em- T1,irebride oe, niaacquia bInýe W0011 p -asizedê bte be a g-ood meire rsntr biacsseris aa -e inst not onfly iove a sincere ii)- crsagof tea oewhl h tereslt 1-hiIst'itute 1vk, 'burqt musibt ds idwnadresîs f rose io ai sctkanactiîve part in it. Anp- hhakacs'eisndaorag Sectop)ic a'V 1S "Tire 11st i tut e c w ite ies. irs.Laer plye Metto", "leeanid eolir",and t -e widigmrha ag"e sorti igts prauïgt t; th1-e causze" , vhile the registerwsben S11)diers' 'Se iurie nt, ilrdigi ,sline oïide of Toronite, irasdesýcnibe, AÀten tire r epton irven by tie an O aieof tbe projecrîs 'un1deL'rt a k enride's i ýthe r, ire h'appy coupleî there.metored teSaîkace, ater tei nmioo 4r~S. HaPinmthinedlIis. Werry t îhaaa aee iryxiimk fo ier most itrietanixinsipîrl- tieir homie, n1ess,:ag{, and for "se many hi- 1ehpfui_________________ ias andextended 'au, iitation te return. ad by1MrS. R, H. Brrn uhe aise I T'le reilca1-111 as anIlSwerlediby played fe r sInm, ee ra S ing ing uWhaNt corsiti sa ge-00 îtittlfriheInt tute11 on g uock. inei-ilier" A din, luc va serve-d and M , Cei1ci Je'es, 1 sagaily tirenmeeigwscoe ytr ig s "nnm'Thiroug'hb",acopa-in cftireNtonlAhe. Club Boys And Gixrls Exhibit At Blackstock - Fair! Tire Wes Duirana Surie lub anid teNorthirDurirn ,ýlCaîf Club mnade a very creditable exhiriit ut tire, iackstc kFui ir th ir îbeys nid gircls exhibting t Iirair .pairs-01of pure- o...- hed Yctks-imr soirs,' aid Il boys ai,-d girls thieir calves. Mn . J. A. CarhDir-ecton cf ire Agriclturail Sýocieties Brair, Tervonto, miro was p resenlte e pen t1ee Fair, stated irat tire Boys' ansi Girls' Swmne CIlub mas oie cf tire fnest foetues cf the Tain.AMn. Willaim MMurlei, lDisec- ton cf tira Dominion Liresteck Brarcir, Tor-te, judgad tle Swinle s-xiilit and ire comphmeied tire i Robi- -n. 1'J R2; (3) Glenn Sardy, Ornamea R. R.2; (41) RnI1,5pih Reinsonk, Viem-iake;, (5) BMilRundIeBowmanvuilh. R 2; (6) CubatMaligiýl, JntiîeR. R. 2; (7) Wih'sen Crnr,cm Janaetvilhe R. R. 2; (8) Raaý Pasýýea, ipton R. R., 1; (9) Alhin Wcnrýy, Ennis- kil-han R. _R.1; ( Xie eitirMGih En-islkillen Rl". R. 1, ar!d StanjLcy Warren MQadBurh<eton R. _R. 1: (J"3) Jcyýe MCGihEniile .R 1; 014) Robent Cymig,Boxm-vih R. R. 5; (15) GPanGibsn, Nestle- ton R. R. 1; (16) Carl Bruî,t, Enuis- killen R. R. 1; (17) Richar,,d Van-l Camip, Nestheton R. R. _2; (18'1 Rob- art Puiljp, Nestletoia R. R. 1; (19) Bill MWagirhi, Jaretville; (20) Iran Crawford. Enuihk-'en ILR.R,1; (21) Bird Waiker, Jaietvihle; <22) Do-Id Heasiman, Betirany R. Y. 2; 123) James Harris, Bunketena R. R. 3: (24,1 Jolir Coeembies, Bomnivihia 'R. R. 4; 2( Rlad CýebsBoir- ,irnville 'R. R. 4. ç, This i, Vira first yeam tir-t grl ~, rav taen artin ireSmiaa Club, d ad MssEvalyn Talor, Eiiriilarn, , is-o r cmphmnntdorn;m aig1 ae fiitns-lace mit-h a scora cof 117f% cul r- 1 0-nilfmii.--is-o 4 -oa Den'"t Discard O Id Ration BOOks Yet stop and, take a ood hock insie ynur -ol ratin bok1s beforeyu dhjuck tirei into tie asir can. Tirat is tire wnnninrg froin tirRaionad- iaistratien followmng reports tintt edt tiroir nram bcoks are disîarding tire ol cnes. mom"e in. iiBock -5 are stil!h vald ad od for tire purcirase of sugar, ment, pr-es-erves ýýand butter. Tirey wlrmaraliid urtil ùle Ra- tion adiitaindecliares Ctimne longer cf any use. Nelw Ration Book Contents -Ratiormng aut,!1ù1ities adiSe cn sueste cieck tireh-ir new n ato bocks te0inake smurewry cerain thel prcper nuiniber cf pages . W-hieui more tirar 12 million books are pninted, Rit hnext te impoîssie te prevent somte errons in boek-bird- ing. nci receivirg a fauhty -bok mnay bave it nepfiaced at Vire nearest WPTB ration office. Hlere are tire pages eacir nem, bock sirould cer- tain : 2 sireats B CoupoIns No.26 to '75 (Butter) ; 2 shre is M Coupons No. 5 1 te 10 0 ( Mea--t) ; .2 sireets> S Cou- pcns No. 216 te 75 (Sugar); i1sireet XCoupons No. 1 te 25 (Spare'); 1 sireet Y oupons Ne. i te 25 'Spare); i, sheet V Ceupons No. 1 te '25 (Spare)j Second Successful Dance The ,second danice cf tireOnn HeckeyCl-,v asfheld en Friduy evnnSeptemliber 1taithougir tirere w %ere neot as mauýwy present as at tlire firsI one, the da,-ncers onjoyed tire muLsic tiat ia previded by Dave Rhythm frein Teronte. Dave Granq-t imisni a ve Vie dancers their oinl f tire evening. ln playing a harmoicàalire is, a maIs- ter and egitd tire large audience -with iris selectons, and iris tap dan- cigHis band ,yas fuJIlcf irythmi- anid t1ins is iwbeat Hire dancers ihike in a-dancebad It gives thir dancers a swing and tire adîded pep te keep noicg. Tirere ias aroud 550 pèad admisiions t tire door, icrlf dir dances rocin tedo tirejiîttenug, Mlany enquinies mwcre mado wirther T'Iae auld i-s orchestra wouhd anothen rtrip to Orne as lire gave geod sattiifaction te those vire at- teuded. Tire Cear P1ai4ic, as ht is caît- ed, ias a large fcnsipace an-d can accmmdaei large nuniher cf' pecîplu. Tire fleer is in pretty goo4d conidition, w1iiie tire deceratioirs taire awvay tire barreness of tire bui1ding. Tire Orcue Hockey take tins op- portunity cf tliranking tirose 'w'iro were. at tireir dance, and tircse -wir did la, any nyirellp te maIrýe it thre Sulcasis tIIrat it ws Aduit Education Organized For Winter Monthsi JuirHomernialers' Club fer ah tire youuig ladies o' threconuiy Will m11eet weejleljyfin jj .{0 p.ý,te10.00 p.n nthe SeirQol Cemmirencýiing W\edniesdlay, Octoyber 2nid, 9. Under thne aorvlcf the Orone -Wome-n's rtýstitu-,te and the Durham Fee ote f Ag-riculture Featuring Smort Courses in rcia Hmnaig (S ewing, H-ome lVIaaemenlt, Nutrition aqid land rafts). Cnctdby Local Leaders and occasienal outside sp)eakeýrs. WVith helpful dscsson, emenst,,rations, excirange o01 magazines, PttLerns, etc. Ladlies' Planit an e-xtra slip or, more of yourfaort plant. Adbring the-in alung, te. the fir-st mneeting, Octo-ber 2, at 8.00 p.m.i Sipeciail Tepie - Care cf lhouse plaints, followed hy exckiange ulf slips, Watch f"or pýirticulars nexit and eeyweek. Lucky draw fer the yeumig ladies ,who Larc present and jein tire Juniior Hm akr'Club - en.dy, Oct-ober 2nd :packagle cf SoapI Flaikes; Octeber 9th1, oeepound cf butter., Neixt Hockey Club Dançe On Friday,_September 27 Tira tirnd Ororto fHockey CIlub dance mîhi be hahld in tira Cedar Paviion r Fniy eveninig, Se'ptaur- banr 27ir iti Bird Hill and iris Laxrenc Par Dilomasof Ton-ý etinateac. Thisý orch-estra is co-rning direct TenAge Club, wirere tire cr'eam cOf Te-re'rto's,'!Pean ages nc. Tire -onceirestra ,iraýs gvnmary parIfenmuf- - ncesin Temont and iras receiveda liigir -ecomuienda-ti'îen ,s adance baad. A special fanture cf Vie danca mili bae tire"aie Bnnd ContcstL" mtpizes giver. Novelties. Reuenbar tire dat a in-dy, Sep- terrier 27rtiat CedarPalace, Oror Authority Set Up By «anî- araska Advisory Comimittee A meeting cf tira Adrisory Com nittiea of tir- Ganarnaka Wajterie Propsitioi ra ehlé! 1in Or)to Tomau Hll on Wcdnie d(ay eveningq Tirle cenarnoittea inade ,a defin- ite miove tomard tire urdertakinjg cf tire Gaanîir atenis-redmrkad cf ena ediier fmoin oanci mncpl ity coîcarned, Tlire -rganizatien 'wilh bie comnphetad Lit a intr eetinz tù e h hl in t1ire Terrai Halli at O-reno, on October, Durhaîm Fedéation 0f Polce ruseesExtndA meeting- of tire axecutive cf-f tire Poic Tusee Etend 1Duirînni Federation cfAgiuum Daylight Saving Tinte iras 11(2,11 at tire hoeof Mn. J. J. mallie n Mer-day eve1ýnrg ast, te dis-cu1Sistira lnnsorilugcf Adit Edu- On, Satundny, Septamban i4tir, tira 5tioi tirrougircut tire Counity, e s - rnePolice Trustees decided te e- p ~ ~ rrlaes ie cm tend dayligirt savirg tune il, 1Ono0no milmie, src-nn!igV ieFd te Saturday iiiiI, Septembe'r eratýin th,iat twýo beei-g irelsi 28tir, wmien Nemeastie, Bommarivu.ll-in oaci toinship tris -aIt te study nid Toronto wml! navemt to standard Mncpland IH FoierPemis cf At their reguhan m1eetin1g fon Apjril Gcvernnipunt. 322rd cf tinsyertie Police ri-tire (ock chmmred 134 limes bnefore tees- passed Fa nesolulica te go 0on tira dcg fTebinto pîrace or' tire 'mheel, d!ayhi-git eaviag -;tureneo Saturday stcppirg tire stniken. 1Uam-ry or.n Mon- aveiiiag, Apnîl 27tlir, ard iovent baick.cday afteroen set t1ie ciocir aiead te standJard timne on Sapteonmier 141th.agan ea huranid esee tire iH. M. Mamachanedtira dock dog- nid rom tiraedock, is in AI shanpe ack o r 01raSatndy igrtf, and aa on1 Su1nday aaingtira stnikrrcf A noicraîfiter ci, tira b)ul tire doc "me t etcfcmuiîo, erboard audyafeie d - etirgtre csnkeVr megvisîng tire cîtizers tir- ttira tinoe he 0u r, At'id, i . !it -rIMordýa y nigl-,mowuld lrotchne Oronoi Amateur Athletic Association Elect Officers ]lie Oronio Amnateur Athheîti-c As- soiation lield ilsý first arnuafl meet- ing .on Fr2idaý,y -aerrSeptemir-,,er 1Mti, itir thirteen miembers beiug pre.sent. Tire Association was or- gnnzd on nda_,Septeilberi- tr 194,5, and in t3iat spýceocf ltrne 'iras Orgalized sport in tire district -wiricir ias been 1a great )Ieefit te un ui Ung byanigîirls. Sport tirat iras been provided duirng tire yean -t-ss baýs- ketibail, volieybaHl, foor hockey, ice hockey, foeotbagioIsosftbal, and a y-oung boys' seftbahýl in Mr. J. J., eioprsdetof tirie Awsocian, c'aIXed upon P. MA Lunu, Secretary, te read tire nutes cf tire ergnaizaion nmeeting, wrcrwr passedtas roadi, Tire next order cf business mas tire Seectien of officers for tire eu- s1linfg yean', mincIir esltds fol- irs: Pr1esident........-----W. E. Arinstrcng Vice-President L. G.---Ginni. Secretary.............------ ýC, T. Millen Treasure r.......Stan.Payne Ptiblicity.. ...R A. Forresten! DirectLoi-s - H. Mlercer, F.,E. Ly-i c-ett, Daue Fcuind, O. W. Reipir, Roy! Winten, Edi.Nelse - arny D-nvey, J. J. -Mellor anq, C. B. Tyini.i Auditors - F. E. Lycett ard J. J. MMor A diisussln arese as te wSia sport xol be c'arried on itins Fnli. Tt was decided te haý.,ve floon hockey, baskýetbiaIjl and volleybal gen wîti tire fehloming coummttees be- ig îaîpp'oit-ed te ooîk af-tonsaine Floor hockey -- Doune Fourd and A. E1. West Bas'zketralîI- J. J, MelIe n ad Mr. GihMbent. \Vo 1 rb 11 - P , Lii Wn a i >d C., T. Miler Tirrougirout tire discussion tire questio-Iicf -badminiton aro(se. If there are enougir intemee àintri- port, tirey can npphy Vo tire Assoebiati and arrangemwes 0il1ir made te dmee a cetan ameunt cf tue for l-ie pbaying of badniiton. Wîntire AStociationcommn ced opeaafous in 5eptember cf hast yean tiry stared w'iti au amount cf aiftan tire ya' usnstirera is siia bnnik baanef aneunsi$5,0 Tirerou1ULthticyear tireAsoitn irad cisi-nnbe exasa ubuy- ing uniifoi1mis anid aqupipmentfor tHire diffament teamîs-rogirouýthtieycn TIlis ypar ire Asociaion iii mrot ha,,ve tàins eewnse, as irie unifoins anrd aquipinant miiI'-eire edagnin. iIcIIrryDnr)ey ir'n asor tlir fotbl ConIitie, repcýted tirat tanin cntcnd next year if a ica-guc- laguof try-iug te) formi sucir a ica-ý gru-e, and if iray de, yoing playars! ili ha taugir-t tire fine arts cf foot-I ERNEST ROY GIBSON The deatir occurred *s-ddenly at iis irome, 1,19 Ceibina Street, Osà;hawa, oni Fiiday, ALunat 30h, f Ernr-st Roy Gbsnbeoved i irusbaiiýd cf the former Rose Pa-raca, àit ii MiSt year. ir-e deesed sufered -a ver seen beak cof an elfiow joint on June 261h !ast but had beii uehi imîprved and iis passdnr came as a great siriock te irisfaily Bora aat Ovrnieon lecem-bEýr il-ti> 1891, ire marri-ed at -Orenocon Marchi iltiri, 19141, anid prrte goirg t3 Oîsiawa 29 yenns tige irad eide Ne wcaitie. At tire o f f iris deütlirlire is an .emnphoyee cf tire OsriaParks omisio, rvMin preiruslybeen empl-2cyed by 0Os-. aw anoodProducts. Besides biis wife ire e 1ý,aiveýs i Mrs. Johin Gibsoe fOoe; tw Sisýters, -r.Chrarles -Piper (Pparl>' cf To-rVonto, aid Ms.Jamwes M-iie.. toni (Zella) cf Orono, tedw a brotIher, Joira cf Orono. M.G w~nias preý- deýensed by a brother, Ev-erett, cf Arinstnunlm':Full biMl. Tir hy jýii-a t slié frin tire ah i Humre at 2.0ý erieti-n rnoa , .Wise ci- ns mudJeventfua-- avte M committees girLs' sontin an-dlhockcey-, Tire question cf rentiug tirenil ira br-ugat p.W. E.Arston moaavd tiraitirhe ni'k a er-e $10100par seaiorT'nsirawsone-~ CASded hy l. E. Lycepi, and c'anid Tirê riîik lie-edosodiintn -a ýer.tain iiinuber cf ev~enbirg'spa meirie giree ver te skating It iras lcvod end secoudsdtSAt ah'i unif-omns and eqpm t itr beys mrd -giIiis)bu urnedin at ir amu ias rt intýerthnTady Sap 111,b1j.2:thcmrea they mii h cirecked covrnard stc-red wiyutl needed agaîr. Et ias ebsed vry tundin as th-ey aepmcxsdb tirh e Aunmteun treicAs- Avmeeting of tiere xetvawiii ir irald in tireArmw-ures on Tuasdy MieIn.adserio ii tir iaeo meeting. One Mild Polio Case Reported In Cou-ntiees'Health Unit Area Onýl-yone veny miild car myelitis his cci-rred ïir Uniit Ares tulis yer te tie Bmrdnl lllv -t i31 S epît -im lhe r,-D r. Ohlres, Seiiior aici Hlealth, repoe t! i-at t1ii- ocura in a (cild <if-pri livin-ortafanm -lla î'idin shi.Tirrai was oiq idicat pernanent pana-iyuis. Tie-ra haid been ais c saoaldrc)in u tiire nunil -mon commuicalble (disonss diurilnig Augu t lioniy cepamdmiffi 45 iniJ aventaged 87.25 pernimeutl beginnlrg cf ire yean. Tie Saitaryispctr takinrg bacteioiogcrrh test nid ute-iislurestaui-aii up-on tira cIeansirg anii tiein te giýve detpaiîhd zmd operateaiýs ias; te tir-aefficierl 1) xetilods Ocfmasiig P plea haire beau talc-en se cf pUo- 1prev-iansi in tcniu. ?u tire Uc-altir Auîguýsit 72 atuie miIksn la suubrlt- ans 38 urpaîstaunized WC lksain for August mare elîa"cted for" tbc "ttr x Meeting on briatici and 2-i inpeecins x aen C.W. M a c - c'rstuats napct fT Officer cf it CaýImIps mena-otnuaei case iras somuliers frein pr.iva-e mater smp scil'age marýe coli'ac,ýtedi for aaiyss marud Town- 'SCittf iases mande 222 borne Y ion cfany ilu conuýecitio-n wmlih elisuIî visýion f(ifanIsn,ùrsemfaL C'airea-ý I =ae oalled -pion to demniustate- - a mnrked ath ai moru"ir'g cn c, ir ber cf ceai- t ieyugn Citmeh-e f tein es nportedihoisipital-. -Aiso tlieraurs'es we're 19 casas as te mýýeigir mit-i sinra'l paa1hbi'e s uly, or an firb blies tire flriet frwý ýh Sinice tire 0cf ife. Nurses alise n>ade 56 vi btG Ulbenculodýiscases alird ý2 rst s have been 'contacts cfturculohfr ts cf dolies A i eml>er of tIiRe fof Ve it to cireuckrpantin-t of eailti NaurZetal te enabie au-ýd a membe cftie Vediraeil Se lvice te tire CaS- fer India 'visitesi tire Ea1i ocey Of thiordnit ugst dn ,si-rue a~ Cu-Î9, Trf,. o I1 ORO

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