ROOWEEKLY TIMES TrHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. '46 FALL FAIR at ORONO FAIDAY ANDSATIJRDAY SPTEMBER 20 & 21 Grand Exhibit of Hlorses, Caýttie, Sheep Sw.inte, Poultry, Farni Produets, Fruit, Vegetables and Domestie Manufacture. Se c the Juniop Dept. ENTERTAINMENT FOR EVTE YONE AU. Hewett's Shocw and Merry-Go-Round: eaýtes t Mid- way ever assemhled oen the grounds; m tl Peter the Clowni, he just loves the children-; listen o the KansFas Farmer and uis hired heilp, in Mlusic, Soný andCoey Amateur Show on special stand iat,I14 Cla>sses. Two hoeurs of zood enite rtainnient. !I HARNESS H',R S RAC.ING DANCE-NEWCASLCO, MUNIUTY iHALL On the first night of the 1aiïf Fniday Se-Pt. 2th 50,e. PEU PERSON CONCERT-ORONO TOWN HALL On the last nWih of the Fair, SaturdaY, Sept. 2lst The Jessie McGrezor Sho)w, of Caledonia, will give a real night's entertainnient ADIMSSION'50"ACentis Meect your friend[(s at the Fair. Corneý earily and sýtay late WVelcomes youI to Ore .ne Fair and our Booth. displayig ie miy vdifferent items of Handl Craft, as v1 as other itemsE Of interest i'nd beaity, *MRS. L. REID ORONO RED & WHI9 SUAR lo lbs. FANCY Tomato. Juice 105 oz. tin 53ç. CIIICKEN HlADDIES tin 33ce - - ONTARIO E STORES Crean ilNtï}West BREAD FLOUR..ý ...98 lbs. $2.95 Eclipse PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lbs. 75c. Mlaple Leafe CAKE FLOUIR . ýý ý- 1 .ý pkg 30e.ý WALNUTS, Shelled 4 ozs 20e. We have a good supply of No. i Peaches, Apples, TomnatoIes, Pears, Blue Grapes, Watermel- ons and "Bananas. Order a Light, Chocolate or Fruit Cake for Saturday. LQcaI News thewe-n at homre. his h1ome (inHaion MYr. ad(rs JF . Coprand Mr. and M.ris. Own Fganspent the forciartof tis week 0 Ia vacationi. Miss ÀAudrey Biinigs, Troto spenit oxver the we n ihher father, xC. W. Billinigs. rM, ndMr.Ro, Beatty, Toro)to, were wveek-end visitors with Mr,an lMr. e' Buikyof u tnvisit- ed~~~~i wi red nOronlo onThrs day. other frienids'. Mr. anid Mts. Ceci Maýltthew,onf Toronto, viited w'Ith Mr.ani Mrs Seymour on Sumday. Miss MaeWillis returniedtohe homle in Buffalo, N,'.., after spenId :ng- a vacation. with friends rt Ls kard ( an.d other places. Mr. C. 'T. Miller lha bardis lnsi- nesblock brigh'teýned upt) wýith -Ia fresh coat of pa*int, cream tirimmed1 with green. Mix .V. F. NeiýlsoIl(anr. Afe Savery, of ilgr, ntaCoupl of days last week vi.sitin'tgvwith isl brteMr. and Mrs. Ed. Neilsonm. MiYn rsý. R. E. Logan were in i TweedIonSuniday iast -attendingQ thle fumraiof r.Logan's sýister-, Miss Mary Loga,,, Mr W. H.Bro,, soný of Mr. and M.R.H. bcwn as 1beesiaproinit- ed letrrin-rh1 itr at Onitarlo Agrisd ralCollge, Gurelph. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie left for thIeir, homie in Peterboro on Sna lasqt after spending a weeks' visît wjth Mr. andi Mrs. W J. Ridldell. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Calledge and failfroni Cranbrook, B.C., visi't- editber auint aind urnere, Mir. and Mr.New'ton Cohibledirck, r-ecenl y, New Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. M. IA. Catrjeto'i a111d Ross have returned homie aittera very enijoyable twol Taimb1,ibynare visiting ait terre-1 spective homes, They will resume their stud1ies at thýe Uiversity o)f Toronto next rweek, Mr' P. M. Lurnn bas nd nî ew sigas maefor t'Éle fronlt ofitbss tore, gold etrs on ab.akhackground, thIe artsti deignr hingEd. Neiison oft the -Metallic Art Products Co. Ltdi. Mr niMrs. jim Richairds 1hnd3aSi thieir gietslst week, thelate' cousin, Mrs. J. WVesley Ro)e, Lonldoni, an erduber Shiîrley, wh,ýo is i 2nd yeair studfent atf Western Ui- Shil-ley F1ilntof aýnd Fiorenice Lin- ton) eteaIned hirty bysand gîis, ta corn r.s at the hlomiie of mrs, irtofon Saturdamy eveing h, ast. Itý goe wibrut ayig hat 1ah Lad a great 'eeilg of funl. The Orco nmmhei)(rsoft the Bow-1 nville Legion will entertain the later mesubers ta a socisl eveningi on Thurs.ay evengSepteniuem2, at the TowinHl, Oronio, at 8.0 p..The evenipg will rwind up withý alunch. Airsr. C. S. Mcarnunderment' an operation in Osîhýa Hospital justi recently lier daughter,1 M iMar,- jorie MacLaren ýi_-s takinghber plae as teacher in Antiocb' schoo fr tv'oi wceeks prior Ëta canti nirng herstudies in theUierty Mîr. W. E. Armistrong is býaving the fronit of ýhis stor>e freshened rip ýwith a fresh coat ofwit paint. Al t'Lhe business places onl Main street nw Present a da appearancel iceh- is a crecit ta aur village, aidj shrould attract the eyes oft the tra- velling public. Have you enteled the Aminateur Contest for 1Fair TDay. KndlClt thle director in charge have it before Satuday. Grand concert in the TonHall on Slaturdîay niglht in con- nection witb the entertainnient pro- vided by the MissJessie McGregor Co! C oLmpany of1CaedoniaOnt The congregaton ait St. Saviour's Clmrch beld a social eveing a îd1 rornst on Mlonday evenili usg atý in the al Mr. Mitchell. conriute af(ow de1igliitul vocal nuiher, aconpanedby AMrs. Mor.- ris atÉlie Piano. A nujimber 0itga1 were enj oyed hy youlng and aid andi every anau enjoyed a very p1e,,ýarat evenMng. A very interestinig meeting oi t he, Horticultural Society wîas heat theho ofMr, and Mis. J, . H or- ris OnsTuêesday evenffing of' 1ast vweek. ",fte, th'e bsnsspart ol themet ing maWLs OVer bhose pesntenjoyedL an brour oft piaying "50ü7,Then a tasr -t inch çmas served as h et ingclsedwi~ha hearty vo'te -Oit Parnks to hie and Mrs. Morris for their hospitaéiy. feu.and Mrs. Fred F(oste, aa- 1ger of the Bank o. Crâmmner-ce at Taiw'ýorth,ý, spent oveî the week1-end -with lshi, hrM. adMs.y HL Fionte, " n ý - THE' INDUSTRY 0F THE FUTURE F UR F A R r,1NGC Mink1 and/ Fox Buy a Trio - We Ranich Tii.. WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO. PHONE 42 1 2 ROYAL THEATRE Bowmanviýilo - Phonie 589 Cool - Air Conditioned - Cool Thurs. and Frî. SECPT. 19-20 MYOANDA AN, D THE TIIIEF/ Fred Astaire, LutcilIé Bremer Cartoo-l/Short SatuÏ day Only S 21 "SENORITA FROM%" THE WEST" Allan Jonez;, BonitaGrnil Added Attraciion The East i Side Kids "DOCKS 0F NEW YORK" with Leo Gorcey. Hunmtz Hall Cartoon Mon., Tues., Wed, SEPT. 23, 24, 25i Married -Tliree Datys - But WHY ? See "THE SAILOR TAKES A WIFE"9 Robert Walker, June Allysonc Fox Latfe Newýs - Ca-rtoon end Short OPEN SEASONS pjGAEBID FALL 1946 The following open seasons for the-/ M&MMMM huning of game birds in the Pro w c e/" j o' Ontarjo have been declared, Ducke and f>orth of Southern Bruce ony Geese <other Lake Simcoe', City olf Peter9orough, Sept. l6th thcn i~BatY N)7~ Highway and oter Nov. 29th Pr scott County. Sthoi the cabove. 'Sp.2t SDec. th Geesce.(other Clunties ol Esse\,'/Kent and Elgiin. Nov. èlsi thoan Braini) Jan. 1lOti, Ruffed and Ei< pt in sefme South and Suh Oct. Sth other Grouse 'W(ýsen Counties. Oct. 1l4th Woodcack lThroughout the province. OcL.1lst Oct. 31et Pheaisant Regulations to be arsnounced later. Ducks BAG LIMITS Rufdand Geese Other Grouse Wocdcock Season 150 95 20 100 REMEMBER--Automatic shot guns must be plugged to t'hree sielis S.rifles mayî not be used for shooting birds ..only one wooIIDC-duICk per day., , . no open. seaison for Prairie Hen o Hunigarian Partr-idge., BE CAREFUL WHEN CAMPING .. HELP PRE VENT FOREST FIES For further details as to bag ci-t, 'open seasons and !huntintg regjulations, vitie to: ONTARIO DEPARTIMENT 0F LANDS AND FORESTS Hon. W. G. Thiompstta F. A. Macflougall AR PM STRONG'SI NEW FALL GOODS ARRIVED- LaIdies' and Misses' Hats, in New Faîl Styles, in Feather and Sequin Trim,ý Ladies' and Misses' Dresses, in Wools, Crepes, Feather Flan. niels, al shades, also) new. Fall Coals, Fur-Trimrned, and Plain AI-olPleated Skirt, in New Shades, Rose, Green, Blue, San'd and Navy. PARK ST. UNITED CHURCU Revernd 5. Littlewood Miniater 4"The Suni of Prayerlessniess" 2.80p.m-ChrchSchooll. '7.00 pjT.--W.çrsih!ip. "Clean -Figliters", "Biressesi is the Lord iquity". the man iunto ~lo iiniputeth not a Psalm 32. Ovrono Tinshopý Plumbing, Heating andl Work Corne to the Orono Fair Sat8â ISept. 21 R. E. LOGAN Sweaite-rs, Pulflovers ande Car- digans, Ail Wool, shades of Rose, Bluie, Green, Yellow and Blacki, sizes 14 to 20. Children's Plaid Dresses, sizes 6 to 10, also Jumrpers, ini Cor- duroy and] Feather Flannel. Ladties'louses, in-,Long, andï Short Sleeves", in White ande Colors, sizes 14te 44. Dress Material in Faîl hades, 39and 54 inch vwidths ýein Al- pieFeather Flnls and4 Plaid. fFor Sat, MEDIUM CHEESE CANNED TOMATOES TOMIATO JUICE e'b * *' TOILE T PAPER CliIICKEN HADDIE PEACHES Corne to t he Orono Fair Sat. ept. ADMISSgION SIRLOIN STEAK........lb45e. ROUND STEAK or ROAST. .. lb 44c. SHORT RIB ... ... .. lbn 30c. 2'7c. Rolled SI-OTJLDER ROAST 25c WIENERS 11.,.r.. b31Ce SAUSAGE........}.. lb 9e