OIRONO WEEKLY TIRf NEw 4N0V1l -L E 'lieW3LMJs. ila sccs.u quilting on Tedyafte-no'on. Sevenal ]from tbins district took ia Lintis'y Fair lait week. AiMv. L D. Bellanti isses Hild ;'idGyneTopnKta, a' e.Se~ltns MU. anti Mvi. Tom lFensyth?,eo PeefbrugMvi. anti Mn . Geo. syhTontý1o, wtl t thirsitr iVis. Rc Stcey Re'v . Oke ocuitte pulpt on1 Sudyevnig (l he bec ef 11v.H.A. Býii!t. whio wa ge sekrat Zio)n annivers-avy. Keih uvey x'h ias benat- teniig rhailiaten cl ise in Tq-o1to, bhas returnietinomete go into usneswith h1-is brothe(rs. Ron- aid an1(d Harolt inlathe Newton'viile gavage. Mvi. Frank GImer who has ably serveti us tas raitfoithe 1pas;t yeuav lias resýigneti. Hler avork withi tijunlior choir \vas especi'al'y ap- pveci'ted. 'Mvi. Rosis Hallewell pay- edf thie organ on Suxiday Tevenin,ati we hope selle AU see lier way lear te carry on. Tire Womleni's Mis'iona1ry Society miet la the honte cf Mn.Geo.Mc.- lougli on Tuesday aftevïnoon, lff.th mîtf. 0Owvisrg te the bus1ay seý,ason anti vai n stoni-o s v-e ev pesnt Mi. Norman Rickarti, Neuc,'stleý, xvho was te smeak at thie meeting, waî navitilbiyabsnt.After thec busiesspevoti vi.(11v.)Bmut, Mvi. Mrrsanti Mvi, Geo. MGl loir brotincei tbee uew sritdir el It is not possible to issuei in persan. at Local Ration U. yo u cdid not secur \yoi book during officiai V tion Week" -ilthen im application card to aný Ration iBoard or Rfation1 inyour viCinitY. S nda.A dlibtullnch w1as Ser- Mv RbetA. GulaVetevans OfiePort Hopeý,ifftenits to spend atl adîfdaymo thie second Thiirstay 0of each ont{h at theý 'garage of C. Buly on.TisiiýQ s to better seveth oys of this avren We trust en oswild takei(]vanti'ge of thîs mid bigthir poiemsbig and litte, o hm. any problemîs faced i.neluook like morunitaiýns, but after inteigenl ailking tbem over w %ith ~ne c expeienc, t'hey eithev sIbrink o oeholes or a blazeti path c (an en fnttoclin*the mountaini KENA Mr-. Alecl Little enjoyeti the week- eniat homýe. Mises iazeI anýti Shirley Ther- tell spent the pweek entiat their sunsýmer home. M- iMrs.(lJohln Soîn, of De- tro(it, avIe visýitin'g wit'h 'Mv. anti Mrs. Mv. ani Mrs. George Elliýott,' of Sakton re visiting with Mr. and 'Mrs. We. ]EIliott anti-are cal'ling on )Hiaqaitne in the village. Mris. Earl Kimba?,il anti young son, 'fPerorgh visiteti with Mvr. aniMrs Blakýe Alexantier on Sun- Mv-.atiMrs.i-T. .acliofCo- tice, andMv ýTi. anti Mrs. Ge). Bail, of Oiaa, w %i'th Mv. anti Mvs. Verný Ms.J. G. Jackson, of Orono, ih P)ýoynIl avisit with Mv.anti Mrs. 'Cecil Gl mids'. anlopes tego con te if aywitl Mvs.Geore gsi f Shi- TUE-P ORONO HOCKËY CLUB BUD HIL aind his LAWRENCE PARK DIPLOMATS CEDAR PALAC, , ORONO on t e evenlng ýf FRIDAY, S ETEMBER 27th Dancing fo .0tilt 1.00 .m SPECAL!SPECIAL!1 Namne thfe Ba iýContest PRIZES N 0V ELITI1ESRIE This rhsrais dirvectfrein the 1LawNrence Park Cýolegat 'Teen jge, Clubý , where the cream. of Toronto's 'teen ager alwayýs dance. ADMISSION: $1.09 Per Coupfle. Getlemen, 75c.; Lde,5e lob for a little wile. W. 1. Meeting The W.' I. meetinig was helti ia the 11ibrary on WdetaSp.lti j\ith Mrs. Rg.Eiliotit l te chair in the absence cf the presiteint The t-oil ca-l was "llom-elyHapngs anisome very humorous anlecdotes wevre relateti. After ýthe bsns part of the meetingwas onldei Mrs. Wm. Pattersea ant iMrs. E. Luxeni took change of tble Jregva'm. The s4bjeet was "Health anti E'duca- tien",*'anti Mrs, Patterson dwel' on thbe in-provemenrts which bati beenf matie duing ber lifetime in this con- nectien. Mrs.. Luxonret a Salva- tien Anmy report, wher-eit stateti that the reason se im'ay chiiltiren got into trouble was tha1ýtlthe 'parents were tee fondi of gtigout ant iie- joying thems,7eesantid dnt gve the time te hèr hi ti 'at thiey shouiti. A scrajmNbled word entest,' w'hen the wmembeýrs were divitiet inte îtw sities, was keealy enjoyeti. The meeting closeti xith the Lovt's Frayer. Mrs. Luxon 1,iven Preseatation Another scia veninig was very mac(h en-jo)yçqt by tihe mnemlbers of the W.A. on Friiay eeiglait on tihe o&casîion c1f a presenitation te Mrs. Luon01in recognition of lier ser-vices in coaniection 'wtl ths or- ganization. Mr. Milton Roinisoný reknd lthe atdreis anti!\Mls. F. See mie threpeette of a1eui fnl Wîaermia n's Pen anti pen]cil set. M'rs. Luxon responiletinla<a gracie)us muLaner', emetl tatshe tit i-ntý feel thiat slhe lhad tine more 1ihan any of tlle ireit of thlemebes A pro- gacempvising of two )fiaely iyen- tiereti pino soleos by M.Wni. Jack- son, a paeot duet hy Mis. Wm. Jicks'oni Mis Hlen Hoy, anti a mocnologue by ý7 Mvi. F. Stok ev, iere gvretdy enjoýyeti. A lovel'y bouquet of glatiioli was pesentleti te Mvi. H. A. Bunt,He peetto bein'g matie by Miss Ruir Jacksýon. Mi,. Bunt veakgthaut sire loveti fowevs vry mach, aselittle boys anti girls. Mr-. Roy Mercer, whe ctetia s chairman, then gae Rv. H. A, Bunt an oppenotuniîty te say -a few wrds anti liespok;e of liii ls uel e ing able te meý-et sonr f bis cengre- g1ation in thieir homres anti liepeTti.t be alie te cal on e'veryone lan due time. -Ref1reshment1s Vw'eve tlien 'akea cveof ilaheavrty style. WESLEY VILLE Mrs. W.ONe, of Port Hlope, sipent Sunday ltrno i er sWser, JMis. Wilbiar Pay'ne. Severai from VÜhe commiunity at- teied th -le -,nnrversary service at Zion LSmday eveing. Mliss ýLeona eoigliton', of ilamilton, spent a %veek withi lier par-entçs, Mr. -id Ms.C.Beghon P 1iih Pyne visited M iss St e lia Gr>avelle, ùof ilibrook, 0on1sunday Mr. a iMvs. J.MKeie of Ut- tersoi, - ee eceiit vîsitorS at _Mr. and Mus. . Beighton's. ,Mr. Jamnes Snell, of Peterboro, visited witlb his rother, M.Charý- w-Tho0apply Your appication 'is tQ be made on the gxeen. card, marked RB. 191, at tlie back of your present book No. 5. Be -sure that [lhe card is filled in completely before miaiing, andi liat your name and addiess are printed. DELAYED APPLIICATIONS wil have to,: be cleared through the main office of the Ration Adrîtritrati on- -and your new book wl be rnailed you as soon as possible. le~s s1he1i last Friday eeig DarkeM Mu.L. Dunh!ar, of Toivionti fmending -a1couple o ek tle hoame in Port Bian ýMv. ROY ,,Niîchlis, AnitaaniNl ,motloretýi to To ro, 1to on Sunay ni'orning to ji r.Nco's h had ibeen visitiiag -foi afew d ys wýlh frieriti,.Mrs. Nicho1is euo iisg homiie \with themin te venng Mr. anid Mr-. A. Thordyk a;Li KCarol anti-Mr. Vco hrtyn visiteid withrlintvsl ilro on Suntiy ftrnon wasý welatnei una Voig anti ïwas cmind ihCucisr vice s'o Dr, kede0le"dafied d.ess to thie yugiepem Carroli Nihols aso aveasl' ffid story, especiadly fo e yng KIRBY Miçs Yeomans', of Toroý,nto, gave a 1 1 -stiila Rally Sunlday will 1ebehi i a Kirbyý United lh' hon Swui.ySeptemn- ber &hid, at230pm Mr. anid Mr-. Brie hThoîipson,_of Port iHope, iiedM.and Mrs Br S-on on011 d~Ï Stanmley Chapman were,ýt Miss Ferai Chapýman11, Ocoo, -Mrs;.Capn' mother, Mns. Nelis. and bier sister fvoini Montlreal. )Mr. antiMr.George Eiotof Sa,,katoo,- Mrsi.(Po.Sisso Orono, atnti th1e Mse ora ,of, Phiadeipha, erevisitors thMrv. anti -Mrs. F. Biecnle one cday least weeýk. 11ev. M. Lttlwood cnrti'ae Mr. andM Mn. Fred Biaoneon attain'iig the 5Othanivrry o f their wedding, ipaiy.ig tiuet their reiiav atend icfanicn - sta nt heip t flrd iteir church) STARýK VILLE 'Mr. anti Mi S. Jak eit atPatsýy Shilo'h Aniversavy services wvil be 'hebithe iast Sndyin Otbr Manyv froom hlere attenided Lindsay Fair lit 5'auttrday. MisEiloea arrwxas home for theweked 'Mr. an'd Mrs.R MGhyMn".-W. Totiti, Oshiawai, setSnay ith iir. ani'r.Fred Todd. Mv . Lav ernie Wood andi fuienti gpett t unviay wt r nti Mr S. Mlorley Robinsoni. 'M. nt Ms.Aifreti ulbs ndt da'ghtv vsitd wth v, nd Mrs. Mrs. E. Westo, Torýont, las spent Several weks with fher sisterý, Mvs. Thos. FiaRs. Mvr. anl 2ti Mv. S. BovneTor- ont), spenit the week-end- witlI Mn. and Mrs. Ml. Shutkýa. Mv. ati Mr. W.Adami nt sns bakshre viittionSnn1-day wïth Mr. anid Mrs1. Thosý. Falîs. Mv. anti l-MS. AtirDunn and Gary shw, v at Mrs. Ormie Fais antifamilyvisitetiat Llew1 alo'll'n a few dyswihMis oraH,.lo iweli. CLUB ROYS AND GIRLS EXHIBIT AT BCK STOCK FAIR (Coninuti rompa-ge one) Liafthe'Caîf Cu xii h iî prize ,o-,ài- cî ws hwnb boymai a very xcelen job o F vaising his af hchw purces- ip lath! prn1fo Mv. W.l"F. Thep stndngofth ntfive:Mr He'len Bewma, 1Buvketon, ithtie La irmer, Nsleo;D,) :ld Taylor, Enniskilen StartDerreil, Nestie1(- show~nsbp, anagentà, reports, anti metnswr aken in te on .sidevati, 'the Cu e~essot asfllw (1 MerlVaCap NestetonR. . 2;(2)ubet Lowe, Cava R. . 1;(3)Glenn. ULarmer, Nestieton R. R. 2; (4) Doreen Van- Calp, Nestetoý,n 1. P. 2; (;-» Donald Mary Helen Bwrn Burketon R. IL~ 2;: (7) Harold Feyder,Baktok (8) 'Richiard VaCami,\Nestieton *R. R.2; (9) StuuTt Dorvell, Nestletoii RR. 2; ('10') Beryl Larmer, Neittie- ton R.L R. 2; (11) V William erusn Nestletn R. R. 2. Tire prize moe for th!,e Clubs is shaet eqa'ly by tire Ontario De- ion Depamet of Agricýultu-re, anti tire Crwi AgnýicuituLral So- cbety. 'tis epceita iieta ilh e chiosen fe h lbte e pr-e.<ent DurbaniCouty aiiJe co-ý petition1s atGelhoFvdyO- tober 25, Yý,anti hata eef te'am wsu! lie, be clioýsen frm tne No b Caif COQl. FOr the pleajsure of meeting your friends and having the best in entertainment, corne to Orono th'is Friday and Saturdlay, for Or onlo.Fait Fair SEPTEM-ýBER 2th and 2lst D)urhai Central Agriculturail ociety Paqir has give tth li's dis'trict for nanjy years,, a fine show that bas ponaeasueto the manly hundireds ofj our visitors, anid by genierous prize list hkas attracted thei hest ,Pf Ontiario's exihitors. This year it's Sept. 2Oth and 21st. 'We arelokg forward te your -visit in Orono this Saturday, and to) the early birds, -we off er these specials Kleeex 1e~ningTissues, 2 ner customer, each 15,c Assorted Tof eecs, Engilish style, per 1fr...... 60c. Golden Crisp Candied Pop Cor vresh from the roasters, a better quality cadied Pop corn, in a niew large packagew hile they last, each,..12c. Wrigley's "Sweet Si!ýteen"/' and Spearmnint Gum, per Package........ ........ ....6c. "'NOTHI-NG SUCCEEDS BUT SUCCESS" "ORONOFAIR IS THE BEST" Be sure to attend the Orono Fait Fair this Saturday September 2lst Agent for Jackrnan Flowers C'.ha,%trlesBe%1.,Tyrrel D RuOGS, Phione 68 Orono, Ont. ORONO FAIR WEEK FEATURES iFlower Pots, Saucer attached, colors of red, blue and yellow.........35c. and 49c, Playýing Cardls, pkýg. ..........45c. and 50c. ModellingCay bright assorj-tedl colors, instruc- tive2, box ....... ..............29C. Inseet Spra-y G uns............20c, Car, P!iers, pair............. ..... Lamnp Burniers, large size ........... Diam-ond "S" Batteries f or flashights, each.. HoiiseholdTie al......... Paper Doilies, assorted sizes, pkg1S...1e Pr'o-Phyv-Lac.-tic Nyl1on To'oth1 Brushies .....25c. Colgate Childi Size Tooth Brushes......1e Bjande'nt Safely cleans false eth and dental Tr-ushay,, thýe befo, hand oio........4e Vist ur ewp- t-Date Groeery Deýpartm-(ent, takýjewatyou w from ithe shelves or counter', then take themri to ' e cashier in thenoue where thly il' be wýrapped up f'or vout. Pay the cashier, GROCERY FEATURES Co.uponýs S26 to'q S0 and 3'51 in the new books be- corne valid Thursday, Sept. l9th Kelog' CrnFlakes, 3 pg for ......25eC. Shreddced Wh11e at, 2 pk gs f or >..........23e, Chiekýjen lladdijfje, paed ýtin-,Nov7a So,1 Salt, free-running, limited quantity, -pkg. ..... 8e. Neilson's -Chocolate C'ocoa, 1-2 lb......19e. 1 pounid foi'.............. BrunswickSadns limited quantity, tin .. Golden Wax Beans, choice quality, '2 tins... Stokely's Tiomato Juice, fancy quality, 2' tins. . RseBonieless Chicken, Gradle 1, tin.... N"ew Cheese, lb-l ...... -,.......... Peaches at their BEST this week 29c. 10e. 35c. 23e. 55c. 15C. IuRONO 5c. TO $1.0O STORE I YOUR POPULTAR SHOPPING CENTREI Motor Equipinent Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funerai Direters and Furuniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Eqnipped te t4ak-e care o)f the modest fun-eral at the Most reasonabie charg-e as iwell as the largeset and mlost exacting, Teepen:Office 668 « Residene: 523 and 726 ['elephone Calleet Bwon-'l , t ~d ~~:Ai TIIIURSD'i