to 1livyjng tfor* immeiate dci ivery.ý AAScistwo and t hree weelt oid start- echicks* Freetctaloge.Twedd lhick"!tchrie8,Lim i ted. lerg us, 0OE Ti I1N 4OR 1D lR1IUN 1 . L*sf tarted ple for TLray Hatchery,fi 30Johîn St, Nor,) MILE'SCHICK HATCHERY. FERGUS, ONT. jîARRED R) IOCKiýS BRED lTO)LAY ~ 0weeks Hmp. s Bx R. Leghorn î R & 6G ees.Fiockz of Leg- îliorn puýiliets of 10 et 12 wes MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING ~ ccounting rbes uberbes o Mail CnA c- >çontn iiy p lace ai liteir iis ati[ slips, cshvouichers, Daid nvoîcs, paroiljaicir and mail pe«oicvi to cour office. 0nce a mnhwe senld you 'asumý- Once ayearor on eques, efur- ?o yournaffa, it ucmpeein-1 service, to ail business men whovlse anulturnover does not racuire f ~~") srie of a fuli-ime ccont ent. Garags, GrocaryDrug. Dry- kood, Hrdware. P'lumbliin, Do'.c - haind oeryouir cutn ed acphes to MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING ommnw ]>th'!dg. -21 Ring St \oVto rite for information, Bd 1 mothiy fees. -DYBING A-ND CLEANÎNG lu Northemn gmowing town, fulyeqipedwith slahe,3 cdril prese, eaprgriqider, miiller, itc. aiso 3electre lding ahie and 2 actyleneIs; Égrowing usnes steady incomei, now as20 em *loyeeus: hbarga inilfor rqutck rsale. Bo108 71delaide W_, Toronto. i00.platpotail; ote choice Ferne, Bo Tuse Plan1ts, etc. Frealio 6,000 PULLETS- Thesýe al raised oh) d -1ean,ï frernewlH pl]enIty of apace ai tendr gre ed, udrtise mas Ideal cndition. SendforPrc iÂst ïand filitpriiir -ew L BURNERS po range humr-ncs ianid heaters., Promt dlivr rbo for ltr LARE VEW POLTRY F TARM TIRtES We are -esoke Its of go edtaai ie teed ta o u1- in nt ct 600 x 16 $5.00 100 ACRIES ton -Connrty dale on e n ta store. setI fer-m icssiti fmame bOhusc ninig vwater, bar-n 30 z 50 for ighti r en,t a-Ir-a n D. Sp1)ecl S HOP Froni Oak. rondcls rcbi On tise d 9-room P nd r-un- * FA10Ms FOR SALE 200 CRESIN NRTIIM 9 IR- miditJ1ar'm ingil 6 acresbush land pa71sturk.1Brck Ihoue and 1frame', barn.42 S. Pal SI- Wst' St (Ilt- CHO0ICE DAMRY FAM FOR SAE 1 i aceagood so1, gond bidns clsetasooo;181miles from on- dont. 2l miles off bIghva"Ný ýo. 1lol. 3, Thamesfod, Otro ONERUNREDACRES, MEDBIUM da oalm, fiten acres woOded, ba:lanLce grasiýs, imdaeposses- sian. Elizabe-th Wei r, Wingham, Rober1i n metiod inlrmtiOn o sion's 1HaIrdJressing 9Academy. 137 ouesto worik inTanr.Gd don, Ontar or s MII12dI CAL GOOI RE" LTS- EVRY S01P TRY IT EER UFAER0 Rhlseati Paines oriNuitli shoui Srle, 3351 Elginc, TOltaw, Potpa. MUSICAINTRENSE JOIN CNDA3LEAD)ING SCHOOL Great opportunity Leamo H1airdresslng Pleasanlrt digý.ified Drof'ession, goQo wvages, thousanids Eu)ccessqful Marvel graduates . Ameriîca's greatest lsya- tam. H11lustrat1eda catailogue free. Write or el MARVEL HA1RDEESS1NG 1158 -BoùrSt W., Toronto, Branches: 44 King St. HamilAton & 714 Ri1deau iSireetc1tea PATENT'S Patent Slicitors. Established 1890; 14 King Wvest, T.orn. Bocklet of Informiation on reqnest. FRýE 1HOME BIBLE COURSýîE. 1'28 intecres-tin esos weg meny puzzlin usis as Arm a ged dcI, M i 1.eni ni, Heaven, Deethi, and S alvation Write 1Biblýe Se ri îna9r, FILM S DF-EELPED 25 CENTS. Guinrant2ecid i10e day service, No wvaiting. Bey ,Photo Servi7e, Nortis Beay. TIME TESTED QUALITY SER VICE and SATISFACTION Your filmsi properly deveiopedanad pDr1rned ()-OR 8 EXKPOSURE %LL5SC. REPRINTS 8 for 25,3. 5'INEST ELRIO SE1RV IU-L. You ney rnot gel ail tise filma you want this year, but yoi cen get >0l thse quality and service you dcesire by snigyour Efims ta IMPERIAL 11HOTOV0SERVMCE Sýtàt'in 1. Toronto. FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPýIIT MAIL EIC Any size HaLl - Gor i8 ilixposurea. )DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 2Ic 3 MONTEDENLARGEMEINTS 25c Size4x6~ b eautifuil Basel Mounts Enlergemeints 4"on. lvory tInted mnournts: 7xO" i n Gold, Silver, ir- cassien Winutj, or Eleclt Ebon'y fiish ti rames, 7,1c each. If enlearge- ment ciue,79c each. Repcrints Made Prom Youi Negatives ic. Escis STAR SNAPSHOT, SERVICE Bx1,29, !Posi (t>1'Uee A, "rno THE YE AND MATHESOý0NSS No. i aquirs the sricsof 2 tchr. Salry to comne per schjýooiya This is a 21-room ecoo,average atedace5. he echool is stutefloe o main bighway about7 1miles fromSot Pcpn.A'pply ta, F. A. Sap Sec'., EyleP. O- . N. Ot. er, mlaie peerefor tU.s.s. No. 3 Vaigu~ne,17 mriles iorth of Son, nt.,on 1jHihway 17. ume ofpupils enrolIid, 28; Grades'I on VII. Saýlary u to$15000IDue ta commltenýce ep.31d. state ouaiS- ftecrfor S.S. No. 2. H1odgins and Dem'o(ýc. Dulie, tocmeneSe'pt. 3, l94ý State saarywagtepd Ap- ply to E'. D. Ross, erbfot Ont. Classified A dvertising PERIFECTS IMILK PRESERVATIVE- Canada Exporta Pure - fBred Stocak ~0 Hoitein Cattîe SoId At AeaePrice 0f $2,037 To Britis'h Buyers 1ise names comnony associaed witistisebredeOf unive s to a h fouulld in Canalda ar-e thosoOf tise aier ads of Europe, àofuglaud saud ScauMdsud te fermlande of France, Hoiiand sud Beigium. Eersilice fermera from tfiese lande camie ta Canada ta build uew homes thay have beauhirnig fouindation, or breeding, stock for wlîielr tise aider countrias waývýre famoaus, says tise Ottawa 1ournal, THiser nanias hava become as familier- in Caniada as in thecir original hama. Màj Mass moemient of higis-class brceýding stock bLas now started in tise ot1ser irection, suad it is inter- est.iu tat ana of4Isle lar-gest pufr- cisaseofhigli iasbreeding bstock ever- ma:de in Canlada ic ta rprv sud iniuse new biod ý1into ise d(airy lîer-ds of Britain. MON00 For Heifer Thse îtin is an Asocia- tions of Canada, iargct breed or- ganization îin tise Britic;h Empira, -bas juist :"Il]no'li]cet sale by Cen-- adieu breedere t [oa aspcciai buy1iu1g mision satllouf by tise Britis FrieianSocetyof 220 spajcilly selected Hîtencettie et a tot'al cot af more tisen lisef a miillioni- dla-.Tise- quality Of isese catia eau ha juldgad fr-arn tise price ipaid, aul avaragacof); 0 ai t tise fer-n, udtue feet tise animais seiected mtt Isle higlist seifctin ver estai)isisedfor a large ecele hi-- par-eton, Tis N gliisbuyes paid $1WOOtl fo na twa-montbs-oid lieifer, a dauiglitar Of Isle fanions3 Alcartra Gar-bu, wold'S champion b)utter-faItprdcrTo price paid for a b-ull was $7,5ù00 TJise fatLtisaf Britishs brceeders aud dairy fermersisbave coueIo t Canlada fo)r- animalis of tî,ii calibre is a, tribuite tatise greatsri mlade ýby beaer l tisis couintry. Tiser-e ar,-e rumolrs thlat other Brtcsbuyars ar-enintcrested. Ai1- raady Oaur caýttLle eijay a fine repui- tatian il- tiseie UidStates, m1a1nY hlave gone ta Meicoin ecentL yaarUSta tiserSouis Amnerican cauntrice s ut Ist weak a fr-es-- Part'plana eftLTorotoaih eigh pure bred Hèoisan buonsaboad for Cuben NMiiser of Agricultuire. Tisayon!-lis veeire ia bads of thenir nw our ihn hours, tisa cast ab)oujtftisa sanie as whu iipped ';Y rail adwater. 33 Ayrshires To U.S. The ovaeuf 0afpure bred stock ispot ail inanaedirection. Chn Saf'srday et HwcQue., 1R. R'.Nae Su"ad Sous sold four racant-- ly imprfd yrislire cows and iseifers toa eToqroîîta fer-mowe for -e total of $S,001. 1But fetftise sema saledu33 Canadien brad Ayr- sisir-as wee purcfissed y US hulyars. This epafbusýineýss in ii-ciase, br-eding Stock bas be-- comlea eprofitable sidaline for- Cani- adien fer-mers, an ipratfacto-r il Cauadas exprt traeansd oana likeiy ta gr-ow., Ontario Tamworths, Arrive In Britmain Tanisa rouigised)a1-rtP pigs e ýrrived in Britainl fromi Can- ada receýntiy mairking thae firet siip- ment of suchbedn tokt ie Brlitisis importation wev mdenu ic-der lue upieGf jjti Ntionlal P'ig Breeders AscatoLandau, Eng., nd tie sltipmlelansd cuc tier1 fà pedgree documents ras landied fisrouglistisa andin a- tionial Raýilways cloiatonsd arcluedepartinlt. The 1pige ail br-ed in Otaial came1110fro ncispoints asGer- 1 im% il.Pakage Lt vwill probabiy be nio ;news toe our readers thiat cone Of the hol- ers offrontpews et Maple Leaf Gardens have beu eýxiiingi a trifie of annoyance ovar btisact- thaf, for thie coin g sea son, thre price of thecir choice locations has been upped considerably Tic, other day a few of the boys wera talkîng this m-later o ver. nd one of them ecxpressed impatience wýitIh thse fans wýriting hot letters, of pro- test ta thje papars ;abou[t fthe raisa.ý "What are they squaw-kin, abouî?C'lhe said. If heyQfiure they're biggypped. wvhy don't they just stayay and lact it go at that? They don't have ta attend hockey gue if oheuy doi't wanl ta, dotie? "That's js ieeyou're ai wrog-teydo have 'fa go," r- piiiiothie-a Hailtion man, wesuspenct. "WCa IseC is thacre to do iii Torointo ou a Saturday Football taik is ifl tis arfot ball wvorkouits have startad -and it wan't ha long 110w. Anîd while we arealil for frauknejiss and apeni- zress, cal'ling ,a spada-a spada, and ail that sort of thhing, We wonider if tise football boys aîreni't str-essing the maonecy angle just 3a littie faOù Strenuouly for- their onlasting It stands ta reason Éthatfor Some yaar-s past, no sports foi- lower over the Mental age of émin bas reliy believed tiat footbail gladiators weývre doiug their stu,,ff purely forexri, or wereswet inig and toiling becauseý of thecir sher love of the gridiron pa-,stïinie. But thare's a. vast diffrenca be- twaen vaýguly realizinig that afli- letas aregetIinLg piand Ihaviing thle fact ithafithy are ilimust dw' your isronýtfIe et üveryturmu. Caniadien footbaill inust neccs sarlybepiayed, ('1 ou aluyocca- sions, under such unpLeasauîcdi- matie coniditionis tisat thespca tors requiretdhe stimus of Clb or Oam sirittosay 1nooing ,,of a Eltt(-Àodithkind car-ried on the lisip-iln order obaets ahr And inisoralfiies if mighýt h ratliiher bad ta ordIlipuyi va eaueof clulb iortesrn eut1iu- rasm he yu îî quite wî du!a evey nnon tun tIm your roning for would ba pLaing for 1hýie opposition if thed lid more ejeli on tile hue thingeý a litie ffeetlanid gav, usý fanls et bieast caexcus e for behaving' as waL did. \\e couild 1kidý ourselves dost big BOZO, flhc pung - iu idewinig, had gonetae Ot - îaasolcly ta eterý2- tise civil Ser- uis that !ha couiýli'I unasýsistcad pass We coild dupe arsavsiuto be- lieving fthat Wozs tise speedo end, svas elmiaing betweenTa ' rnto and Harnio ny becau( of his inlability ta decide whc o thetw job)s offar-cd promiised tIr( filler caree(r, aveUn ohotugis waoc righit wel thiat hie private ides of h1,1rd labor 1was lholding dhe lanltei wlehic mlother -siit thse kindlînig And Mwe coldalmetmae 0ou- salves cet tisescat t1isa Dumotise unnig aif, had guia ta Muntreel ý, ta rsue iýIs studies ili i igiser maie ti, even though aur reason toid ms thlat Dumb11o coudn'tadup six and five on a pair of dice witisoutj tieastne of hlis fingeris. tieepretty nd face-sýavinlg artif- ices s way f rom usisu d ifis for-ced uipon uLs daiiy Ithat thec boys are shloig aerud, waitng for th Iiigiset oferan te utmiost dol- 1lerrthe t raffie wi ber. 1Tiseir words anid actions fUM us that, ta themi, tise olydiffar-enicebtwe tie ouleBieand the YeIlowvv- and-lack ihe cize of" the payý ciseckthe isey wiil situgglea and suffer jîust as cIlseerf uhly untder t banà1ner of Monfeal"S islat of Ot- tawka a ln as the ýdougis is frh AIl of whiei ay bas we sî befure. greatly tao the good from-, au ethîicai angle. Theoretically, honlest professionaiismisjegraatly ta bac f"ed ovar veied ail- teirÏim. PBut sport fans ar; cur- ous fulks-and Seltiillentpîy vary large paýrt in thair actionýs sud ractions.Andvwiidtey kno(w dthet the moneýy angle existe il, foothil- tisaî t ifas n:isfeýd for n) 11uyyar - fiauinfing it toa apaueïly in tisair faces couild prove danger-oua. Sports promoters i tie spoDrts as wali as fùoobaIl-a-e aoz c apt ta forgef tisat, for-dt s et fve or six yearc, sparts hiave bean far from nEormai. Fat pay envaoper, bath mwascuiline and Jfamlliie, have bceau just eciing tfajba spenlt. Eveýry weedtsuad of ac- tianJ-craving Navý,Y, Arimy su!d Air For-ca personnel have bceaufo ingtatofise 1er-gar centres, infacnt on fun sud anmusment and not at Ill critical of tfic qýuality offer-ad Tise Tor-onto_ Mapla Leafs - ta, mUcutýou onlly ana af mani-y-bava drawu record - b)r-eaking cowvdJs wýitlis fearnathat1_ wara, taprtit mnildly, Scomehimes radherpanu fa watch. And any kind of ja foot- bal gameas betr tissu no ga,, et ail. But Ioedays ar-e, if n quite "n'Tsecs nyc rs is abouit pat ,and s finie is caming wisan sports, ,fana ',as 11, s pots pa'r- ticipan1ts, wiMI ha doinig littie shlopping Iar>und.lArid siarisk. înig pnecumlonie i n inar- zero weatiser ta shout sud fight for1 yarfavorite club mayhaal very wewuisen ]vtisat cu' winîî1ilig or losing rcally meaniis someitbiing ta youl, if is baird ta waOrk tip suffi- cýiant cautisusiasin ta ward off isa cruel Autuu1 bl as;is;whien you kuolw le-xactly hIow muclisdouigis- ery man 11ou tliatclub )isdr- irg on paq day. Largest Air Hanger WVhat is plauued fa ba ana of tisa largeat airpîsachangars iiitisa ordis bainig built at Bristol, ',,an l isa building will ase tise gianit Brebazani airliner and ýiîl! rover neariy aigist acres. îSSUE 35-194,5 Who Orders Some of Recel-nt strikes? "FrolntMnd sud Behind if is becoming more suid morýe peo_-plie that the- position of trade uo ismi nour soiciety has lOta e reiwe indovruld Th ugec f Su-ch action waV;à, ephiasized bytlice report of tise Coli]liission(1inveý (stgaàtinIlg Russialit aLda a "fifthlum. omuit hav shwnimiimenise skill ini gai- tininilto kIey 1labor union 1positionsg thuglly o mas always da thle strings frombhnqcnsfe quetl cits tei pur-poses bettrr come lste FnnilPoat. Canalidienis wh l havejtbeent readinig the espionalge report wili inev-itaib1 ly sc tcme s this qluestionl: Whre o ordesf somei of nur big strikeýs comal front, Canadai, Unitad States oýr Rusia? Fifth Coluimn Co)nimiunjsts L7. S. AtunyGnriClark tre- centIlyIvdeclared: "Noonebuta comlpleta crackl- po a edeiludad by what wese goînig oni today. We know tha thýlee is -natioal sud initemualitiori- i conispiracy to divide our peopIe, ta- dliscredit ouir institution ,anid to- bring abouit disraspeet four gov.. ermn. Wyshiould wa liind ourslve taobviaus fcs aei a dep-aaa ad vicious plot to- desmoiar uuity. Na ountLllry art and no vernmeufcli antlong enuethis viciouis attacký" OC)r'ganîza 7 d Labor wou11ld grïciaaty teghnitsas e-ii were tG communiiiisis. ILt is ionger pos- sible ta denly or obsculiseù-ýfý that Comunistloyal1ty ista us- aluce for polewowant ta rý- form te sadi frmWt PinBu heeis very lti olruefo-r fifth comethat wanfta keap u wekor ta ,mkus u,ýa cl of a HOLD EVERYTHING "O0kay, you can take your bath now, Pop-bhut Iook out fow the mines!" Canada Abolishes Priority for Cars Nc cess vy iof bt1aîiu ing p r irit'e certificatas ,ta buy a uaew pesseni-geýr car- or truck basý bean i -iminetaed iii isis does inot masoàI cars wïi be -e sdily aveailable, as tisee we sanie c60,0I)o pen7rsns itlis rii c-ertificafes whan tise syStelli eded. Buit bacefortis ail, even thosa Whso isald cer-fifictaes, wîi ava ecquai oparunfyta-)obtein e aueiw car, as distribuition w ill h tielyiu tise lnormlalciries Egypt Takes Over citadel of Cairo fioni of tise Citadal, nl't70()yar e ga( yesutnbogiots flag (if Egyýpt seýr t1icsaite Premnieýr-Sidky -vPachabrades that tise Citadelishad bau Isa r EgypFtianuforr-ec accupied by ts Britisis sud wastiefrsevcad Professor Gabriel Bertrand, 79-year-oid retired directar of the Paris Pasteur Institule, demoinstrates how mincralysiÎne is eppiied t aa bottie of nilk ta purify and preserve if withaut refrigeration for as long as four or five days. Two draps are suf'fic:ien-t for amiount ofC milk seen in photo above. S'POTS 0F"SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS .4A Six Bit critic" z N 's .5 N N N N -I