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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Sep 1946, p. 4

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OROINO WEEFKLY TIMES, TlHLJRSDAýY, SEPT. 26t1i, 1946i. The Orono Weekly Timnes Established January, 1937 )iished every Thur-sday mninig at the Times Office' ,ertising Rates on, request Subscription, $1.25 R, A. Forrester, Publisher Oronio, Ontario Higli Prices Are Responsible Whiatever ma2,-y lbe the atituide of the geerl ubjic 1to thle current strike being staged among 'Western Caniad1,infamers, Ge outeome of the strie wibe vicwed with intense itereat. Appar- ýently thiese farmners have been forced into the strikiig tmood thriough the sýte.adily increasing ost of manufactured goods. Many Peuple wil atrbute the rise lu p0ces to Nhe demiana for hjgher wages pon Mhe part of labor.It is tre that labor is mkn a bld for hge wages, but what lies behind this de'miand? is -'t not tlhefatht flnished goods lhave beenl coting more in thle m1eantimei(? Prices have risen beyond aui rason duing the past year. Fai returns and orinary wages have not hegun to keep pace wlvth the hiigh price trend. Price increase liît re being relaxed snuch miore r-ead,-ily than wage increase liitsOrn the other hand, fanm produce returus have b;een subject to restrictions vihch handi- cap the fermier wýhen attempting t o mke the necessary purchases el machiney, fencing asateria dsimailar equipmnent. The agriulturaist and the lMaioer are dependent one upon *,he other for thleir m.iutual1 bettermient. Any attenmt to set up a line el cleavage betaween the two is ant attemrpt to ecu the issue. In oýther w,,ords, the _-armier and the laboring man must inst upon euitable returus for ther labors This cannot be possibe to a fai degree so long as soe sections of society are fattening unduly througb the sciielofagriculture and lbr oetreturns for, ail ould settle mnuch of tLhe pissent labor unrest even though it meant snialler poisfor t~f ew, Fire Prevention Week - October 6-12 (Taken from the Joural of Commerc, Vancover, B.C. "An Ounce of Prevention" .. There is morts o Ire preven- tinthan reporting the gory details of death) and destruction that resit frum earelessness and neglect. ire Prevention can onlY ba brought about by the indiiduals responsile for'tire hazards. S this ns tha question of llire pr-eventionr iwn to the homer3 and apie fbsiness o-f every per-son, A furnace, for instance, - whilrren roty insta1ediiýs poie wh insulation toediinate oehai nlbnbesurronings. The semae applies to thaelectre or gas mtr atr.Ee teaec- triceiron has salety devices, buit fiinliiduals aie responlsible for hi use. Electric wire is miade as near4y foolproof and fieproof as Pos- sible, but egain the hmneleinent can render its safegu'ardvaue less by caralessness or 1neglect. A guest in a hotel feels mucih safer sleepingg la a rGoom if he kincws a sprinikier systeni is ready forintt use in 'te evenlt of fire. Ever'y hom-il and building cannot afford a spouinlr syesm but the occupants of such plaencea refrain from using pennies or othar mnet!A pets la place of fuses. Thle occupants of 'such polaces ceUn see that al xv7irng and heating systems have needed attention, and they can dlean up trash, dirty mga, paint canaplat bruiss, oh,î c.!, whieh are ail potential fire hazards. The sanme mle applies for tire prevention[- as for elh~A ounce of preventiion la orth a pound of cure."tAnd nobody but the individuel whiosa life, prperty and haalth are at stake cen in most cases, proevide the "prevention" that WilforestaMi mlm- ity. MYore Ho(Ymes Are Needed Mnany people are aiarmned at the etstngpst--wnrhosg ,shortage. Somie novaI meanis bave arisen whedby tesiato may be oetd For instance, there are familles living la trailar Lahins, tents and snaul buildings of the poultry house type. In a sumer %eather there is opportunity toi defeat Elle dis- cmfort which winte-,! would bring to tho-se whdio are(, forced to faýýce r7igoirous cold with unsuitaible protectioin. Right now we are face to lface wt winter. Wee told tatgrýeater efforts ar-eben ~naede aiong the unes of building tan ever bhafor. Jst the sameP- there iii be hundreds of peoplewtht homes are the old wether sets la. Discrimination against families with chldren upon the part sof many landiords furthers the difficýulty. Ho-w numbers f fem-il- ins in oMd Loadon are assuming "squatter's rights"1 and mioviag it exclusive but unoccupied apartmfent houses îs well knwAt us al The thing we need look to is nodest thoug-h permanent hocusing -for, ail basses of people. Crowded taniemenîts wfl lelad to silum i.Condi- tions. Likewise, the flimsy jarr-built aiha hurriedly erected le aome quarters CEU tend toward slums almost befor ccuain Somieday we mvust come dowviito aarth, eimnate unreasonabi prices for building naterials, and really ettemlpt the ý-eaction of dje- cent homes for ail in need. Recent storms in the Britislî Isies have 'Wrought destruction among buildings lready ,,veakened th-rough w ar- timre boinbiag. lieue at home we find ourselves pitifully short of bouses Vile practicaily no damagea wes occasioned by war-time 4damege. We were able to speed up ouir building progre ani the la- terest of ,wagîng waon Greater effortn ust put frthin cquiring, homes worDithy of the peae. 4* * *I Loyakty to te Fair The entire district held true to its traditi1onni loyty toward Duahnm Cntral Aguicltual Exhbition whJ-en put to the te2st hy -, element weather. We hnd bean kaeping a "weathier eya» upon the weatter ln the days preedling the fair. There had been the feer tirt tje main Saturdey would cariry bnd wether 0$o any of th previous days were extra fine, and then the forecest of Friday stated elraost of e Certaipty tMat Saturdnywod be a rainy dy At eleven o'clock on Snuray mornig oua sWod have thoghttat not more toan a ball dozea people would visit the faisR, vuws not an invitia ay bk an 1 enas Stll i,.th -Mpeo-l came, jstf ýMigtefrt a a fias g f catti e the-n this yer , înd ahelte moreidre, se po ,rouand.Peuha pa sijt a kesad- )n ini tiedieio fpsbl 2nd. A. A L"e, Sons, T. C.'~sp sir, 4pig, et f oa!ire. -,under 6 nioth odls . Ç lspî,2nd, 11. . Hncok &Sons;ý beaýt brood Sow any i 'lea , 1. E. Hnok& Sons 2n, A Ay~ &Sons; beat 3 sows ls, A.Ayr & ons,2nd H.E. Sos:Juniorchmponboar (ribboo> T. C. Gepl;gan hminboar (ribon) H.E. Hncok &Sons; senir campin sw (rbibn),H. E.Hacc&Sosjuircaio sow. (r~bn A. Ayr &sons: gran chmpin so (ubbo), . E. Americans - PflmuhRock, Bar- ed. St'ltStoc:doc,lst, Allan B. Maa nR. :M.Brown, 3dMus. !W. H.Rowa; ha-in, !<t, R. M. Br-oxn, 2n-d, Aia'n B. Marin; cocri lej st, R. M. ron pllet, t,1. _M. Browna. M. Bro'wn 2nd nd 3j(d, Allan B. Mena hen,lt and 2d R. M. Brow,, rdAlilai B. Mea; (coche- ai, 1st and 2nd, R,.'M. Brown; pullet, lat and 2nd, R. M. Broùwn, 3rd, Al- lan B. Manin. Wyandiotte, eny var- ity:. do',ck, la t and 2nid, R. M. Brown; han, lat, R. 7M. Bow;cock- eami, 1lst ad 2n'd, R. M.!Bown, d, Alln B Mau; uhlt, st and 2nd, R. M. row,3!-J, Allein B.Mau Rhd sland Rý'ed : dock, la,'. M. Bron;ha, st anpd 2nd'i, R. M. Br ovn, 3dAllenB. ann;tti:cocker- ai st inmld n, R. 'M. Bow;pul- lat !St 'and 2dR. 'M.. Brown. Jer- sey Black Gianrts : dock, lat, R, M. Bon;han, lst and 2adl, R, M. Brown 3rdAlianB. Men; cock- aml1st and 2adi, R. _M. Browni, 'New Ham1-pah1ires : dock, lat, R. 1M. Brown 2nd, Allen iiB. Mann; 1ha, lst, R. M. Brown, 2and, Allean B. Meinu, 3rd, Mus. W. H. Rove ockaretl, lat, Al- lan B.Man 2nd, R. _M. Bon pul- let', lat, R. M. w. English - Sussqex. dock, Ist, N. R'. Andraws; ha-ln, lst and 2nd, N. _R. Ades 3rd. A,ý-llnB. Mnnoocherai, last, Allian B. Mena. Mediteruanean - Lagbor-nxwite, uitiity. dc.lst anad 2n.d, 'Roy Bil, 3rd. Rd. Hris; heu, 1,t, EdL Harris, 2nid and 3rd, Roy ail cocere,;lt, R. -M. Brown, c Tii. Dauttgi'w î CAPITOA PORT HOrPE Friday and Saturday "The Run A Round ' Wtith Elle Ratines and "Man from Okioma Starring Roy Rogers NetMou. and Tues. "1ADYENTURE"1 With Clarki Gable ued 1 Next Wed. and Thurs. "CEËNTENNIAL and Cra id la Technicolor I MARRIAGES On Spt.lOt, 146,in Queeni the Rv. H. M. SraTho)ra ,Mae Pete-rs, aughteMro r adMs CARD 0F THAýNKS The family of the late Mr"s. dm- man mishes to express their heart-, feit thankIs and appreciation for theý mayacts o f indniesses of friend!s andl iiegigbors duing her long iline'ssi and fo,, their floral. tributes and cards of sýympathy at h erpas ing.-MrL Chimnand Family. D EATHS Chapman, Lena Blanche- At Or ono, on Wednlesday, Se;pt. 18, 19406, Lenia Blanche Edtwards, beloved wife of Percýy J. Chapmyani, aged 53, years. M.Brown, l211d' A. _Ayre&Sons, Le'ghurn, xvita, Exhibition : dok, lat and2nd, R. M Brcwn An, l3at MI1Enna; cocheriý, lst and 2nid, R. M.1 Bron, "rd, Allen B. Me:_ina; pulilet, isad 2n1d, R. M. Browilr, Allen B.Menu. -Lughorni, broxvn : dock", lat and 21]d, R. M mw,3r-d' A. Ayre & Sons,; lhan,lst anid 211d' R. M. Brown, 3rd, Allenl B.Meu cock- erai, lat and 2nid, R. M. Brown; pnul- ]et, lat aend 2nd, R. M. Browvn. Ma orlcasz, black : dCk , îs t R. M.; lhan, lat, R. M. Brown 1-1n1 Allain B. Manui; cookemel, lat, .M Brown1l ,121d' AuaB. AMenui;puJet lat nd 2nid, R. M. Brutvn, rdAI- lnn B3. Menul, Ducks ý - Rouaen : -Maie, oid, lat and 2uid, R. M. Bmovn; famlàale, old, lat and 2nid, R. M. Browýn; imaIe,1 1946, latc and 2nd(, R.P. LBr-own, 31-d» H. Cothiami & Sou; femaile, 1946, lst mnd 2nd, R. M-. Bmoxvn, 3rdl, 'H. Cotham & Son. Pak-in: Maie, Jst aind 3r'd',R. -M. Brown' nd H. Con- thami & Soni; fenale. 0old, lýtat nn 2nid, R. M. Brown, 3D1, 1H. LColtham1 & Soni; ie, 194, lat end rd R M.Bon 2n1d, H. doathea & on farmala , 1946), 1lat ad i2nd, R.IM Brw.Any other vnmiiety : Mffaie, old, s;t iand 2nid, ._M. Browuýv; fa- maie, old, lat nud 2nid, R. M. Browuvi; Ma, 146,'v tH.s CathM &Son, 2nd, R. 'M. Br-owafamnale, 1946, lat, H. doethiam & Son, 2id, R. _N. Turka1ýys - Bronze : aie, old, 1sýt'1R. 'M. Brown, 211d' Allen B. Metnu; famlala, 01d, lst, Alleýn B. en.Any other va]riety -fea, oid, lat and 2n1d' Allen jB. Man mnaele.l1946.s'a, Allen B.Meaf- mi,1946, at, AilalnB. Menul. Gecee-- Tol-ouise- Malie, old , lt, R. M. Brown, 2udi, H. Cotha Son; fenie, oid, 1-t, R. M. Broxvn,1' 2nid, H. doethanm &,Son; ae 96 lst, N. R. Anidmews, 2nd .M Brown; feniele, 1946), lat, N. R. An- drews, 2nd, R. M. Brown. Emibdcn: M"aie, 'n'd, lat, R. 'M. Brown, 2Znd,i Mdilfmed Shaerwia, 3rd, Allen B. Menu; ýfamnale, oldi, lt, R. 'M. Brown, 2nMilfrad Sh'arxvin, 3rd, Allen B. Menuii; maie, 19)46,s, A 1llen1 B. Muni, 2nd, -R. _M. Browýn, 3?ýr d ,,lMi - fred Sherwini; famala, 1946C, 1st',-R. MU. Bown,n, Allen B. Mennu, rd MilFmad Sberxývin. TIIANKSGCIVING SERVICES H-Tarvv esatThaiia is giviing 'se rvi c es wÇili haie id in St. Seviour's dhurch on1 Sunde(1y, October tlh, Holy comn- muniion et 9.30 em.and ieveiug s- ýer- výice et'7 pan, T'he Rev. R. L. Sea- borne, Recter of 'St. Paters dhumch, doorg iii be the speciel preech- erT. Plea'se remembaibr the date. LOST 11u1 the vieiuity o- Orono( on MVon- day, saptemiber 23d. a Pair cf lady's white cotton gloires. Finder please bpave et Tim-ies office and receiva me- xvnrd. e-35-p. ave belad aeyfor future imiprovemient. In eny cas-e, we proffer our thanka te the public fourloyal support, We trust conditions xiii prov,,e rm7ore kiniy nant year. The Sugar,.,'s the Thin)g Srtage of suger continues te ha a bugbear. This seeson there èlaua abundance cf certan kinds ocf fruit. Mach cf this fruit xvould ba arc a n d praseuved if sugar xere eveilebe. t la jus aînothar instance cf conditions -woring ageinat sevem a casssof people. Fruit growera could salithe fruit if heusethoers could sweetan Mitl lot of trede sud business heuga iu the balane ha- tiveen thie puoduceer and the consum-er, ad this la nuliifed becausa cf to tita sger. Shotening la anothar item on the "short" fida nd ecconipen- ias auger la peseting n problam te thbe housexvife Industricus rvmuoll, cen prarpama thieir cxii preseuvesaend homie beking et a gr wisvng 'whau ,ingrodients are Vo balàed, Peope ai atSUI- ficent toeaot by takîng the only alternative, namelty, tha -patron- izing of huga cout cf to-wii bakareiesas nd] cenuries. Thie prices paid fo this type of food ara exorbitant as compaued wýithi the coat of home pueparation. Rt lanet tetrualaa have lest thle art c- theamb to thke or te preseuva. Thay are deniod the vita suga 'wichhas g;nepi1totNe r macihine, er vhich 1has faïiéldte hac ro aet aitreug.h labor shortags. Even u&stitte sweet- anars have Skyrocketed la puice suce the liftng Mf price ceilnga apyin-g Vo therm. unte suger the id paper boxes il 1 bakiunz ateiL- place e Classif ied TH-ANK OFFERING SERVICES Kanidal Thlank Offeing Srie w111i be held on Sndyoctober TAKOFFERÏNO EVIE dlreUnitedCh furch Thank 0 f- feigServices wllbe laldonS- daiy, SoptemJibar 29th, e-t 2.30 p.mi. and 73 . Dr. C. C. Oke ,vili be the guast speaker. SIeciail imusic b'y thie Osborite Quartette and the Nýewcaatie Choir. YORK'S SHOE REPAIR Shoas for repair cani be left to bel -opked up at Luinn's Hardwvare. Orono, Ont. Phone 73 r 16 c38-pD. FARMI FOR SALE The nontih part of the 5th Coni. of Clarke, Lot 3'5, consisting of 144 acres (more or less); g-oodl stonie house, hiydro, electric -grinder, doubl garage, berii vth stone founidation, capable of t'ieiung pp around 25 hea-d of cabttend six horses; litter car- rier; also sheap pan and ban housa. Posserssion immnediataiy. -Haber J. Souch, R. R. 2, Oroýno; Phone 56 r 4, 01rono. c-35-p. LIOST A ,vallet at Or-ono Fair, cointain- ing sum ,f monay îandrgsrto card. R&ard. Phiona 2653, Bow - manville. e-35-p. FOR SALE Small Quabac Hanter, aither Coa' or -Wood. ÀApply to W. J. Riddell, Orno. - u5 -pri FOR SALE lOaa Banner Kniitting Machine 1with book; large damuera arnd Sup- plies; 1-burner Alcohol Stove. Apply to K. Hughes, Cr.ooked dreak, Phona Clarke 1aP -3'5-p. 'WANTED $tfioatA 5 Par cent, for firat mortgage on 100 acre fIarm. Apply to Box No. 17, Orono, Ontario. FOR SALE Aboýut 125 Yeerliag Leghomn iHan;s, stili iayîng; elso wa'll hred Clyde Mr,5 yenrs old; Grade Geld'ing, 3 yeara old (woul id make e good aaddle horse). Aý . H enPhonie 51 r 3, Orono. -7p FOR SALE 1 Solid Qu1arter-cnt Oak Bedroom1-1 Snite wilh Arro Spring Mettrea nd Coiied Srna 1 SoiÎd Quarlter'-cLtl Oak Dbnigroom Suite, bicldingE [tensin Table six Chairs and Sida- board Wlh large inta Glass Mlir- ro , These are lu firat-clasa con-j dition). -Also n second-nnd it-j chen Range with doubla oh ureau. WEIl hasold reesonable. Appiy ticJ. F. Lorrimein, Cobb Hill, Orono SALE REGISTEIRS The andarsigned has receivedî in- structions from aMr. L. H. Gibson, te, sali by public nuction et Lot 12, Con. 2, Caven Township, ou Thura- day, September 26thb, J146, bis Hem- ses, Gttie, PeultryT Harnesad Ferrm Maecinery. Sale Vo corjmmence eat -1.00, '1q.m.sbharp. Terme CGash. Pe0sl±ively no e Raerve. jack Reid, T'he a ndersîg-ned bas recoived in- str'uctions froni 0. WoodIey, Vo sali by public nucetion et Lot 22, Cor. 8, Hope Townsip, et Dean'a Hill, on Wediiea-dayr, Octoher 2nbs hersas, Cattie, Swine, -Poultmy, F'eed ced hiplieaiis.Terma ,- Cash. 'P eýSiî-1 tiveiy No Resarva. Sale et 1 p.m.ý IlJack Raid, Aucti.oneer. James E. O'Boyle Phione 7-16 - Orono Business LcneNo-. 13C04970; War. time Prices and Tmade Board BUILDLNKI.,CARPENThRING, AL-. TERATIONS, REPAIRING, PIT IN G. Gee4d iwork et fair pricos, by the heur or thie jo'b ESTIMATES FýREE RADIOREP1AIR To aflimakes of Hlome cand Car Radios. Aerials Instaled. Work Guaranteed Reasonable Rates 1. DIJVALL Professional Dîrectory~ A. FK McKENZIE, IM.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1Hours. 2.00 to 4.00 .; 6.0 tao Sundays and Wedniesdays by appoilument only PHONE 47rl ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWIMANVILLE, ONT, Office 688 Homo 553 W. F. WARD 1BARIRISTER SOLICITOeL NOTARY Office 325 Residence 90% BOWMAýNv ILLE, ONT, VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VEITERINARY SURGEON Ofce Main St, Oe Phone 63 r 7, Orene. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobits- and Liability ORO-NO OTA- MANIJFACTIJRERS LIFE Wil gladly assist in, planning financial security for voursëiZ and youir family. DANE FOUND COMPANY Phono "'Il1- P.OBox 622 Port Hope, ontari. Monuments, Gravemarkeri, Engraving, Goldleafig AUCTIONEERS TED ""JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conductz Anction Sales CE ail 219« anid at reasonable rates. 1~ Communicate wiith him et PnB2 Perry, Ontario, or Sm ueo Ie Irk, 4 E.Morton, at Orono, for date. JACK R ED Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farmn and Furniture Sales Consuit me for termm, and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke Do 'YouKnw That, for a mac ago twenty-four, The Imperial Life Assurancre Cern- pany will - guaranitee his famillY $5,000.00 in oyant of bis denth prior te ege Si'xty, for betweeù 2% and 3%, of that amnounit yearly. And if helires ta age sizty, the Companty wiIl pay him the 35,000l.00. Why net coesuIt your fla repreSentative FRED LYCET te neo what a plan Such &u thîs wil do for Yen?1 YORK'S TAXI 24-hour Service ___ SPECIAL RATES FOR 10 Phone 73 r 16, ORONO . 1 E

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