ORONO WEEKLY TIMES T The dean ccre a roo o bueoved wife cf Percy j. Chapinan. The deceased had been dini-health frthýe past year, but until the lasIýt ten days her condition xvas net thought sericus. Bornu at Paadash LaeNoveuber! 8th, M92. decýeased was the (daughter, of the inte Levi and Mari,-y Edwadse She married Perey J. Chaprnan ai Orono on July 3îst, 1912. She wasi a resident cf Orono, for, twenty years, hiefor ming nzte Osh.wa wihe the fnmlyreided for svnenyearLs. lu 192 the family anoved to WhIib)y,i thience teono hethey ihave re- siedfo tl as seven years. Besidesbhusfiaud she leavi\es te nouru er pssng ive daughiters,1 Mrsý. E. J. Hlenderson (H1eLen) cf Osav;Mis. R. Broome (Hiilda),' anidAis. Marien Greenl, cf Toronto;1 -Betty andI Jil uat lhomle; two Sons, J,- -i 1 (-f Orolno, andI Bruce of Toi onto. Aso surviving are thrce si-1 ters, -Mis. N. Greenfilis, Torouto; Misl -. I. J. McComb, aw, and is. G.YI. MceKay cf Coîhorue, and eue brother, Jael, Echrards, cfOs- awa; eue grauddaaghter andI seven, grandsons. The funeral took, place -on, Fýriday, Secpt, 20îth, 1946, - frein Pa-rk st. UntdChurlch-. Ie win ws in Orono Cemetery, The palîberers weie Mes. S2111Keane, William riddeilFredi W dWilliam rsto gCaieyj Tyr'rel ansI oscar Roiph. NOTICE fo Whm HMay Coceru: Thsis te give public notice thait 01n Or after this dt ilnet bel lielid responsible for any d cei car ged i 'nty naine by my wife. JOHN R. LOWERY. Mi. and Mis. Geo. StýLa",o, CT oi- Mi MFetesTor )Ioeformer oiwner of the cemî at Oronei, was in vI toronSauraylst. Mrsý. Leta cEryPeroouh Mis. A. L. WoleSauta Monic, Caji..vsted w -tith ij. andI Mrs. D. G. Hooper hlastwek The Women's Auxiliary cf the Canadian Legion entertained the W'aî Brides cf this_ district at Bow- nianville ou MoInd<aty eveniug last in thWno lLi11. Mis,. Geo. -Mtchell Mi.Stbbart andIMs Bob., Kenue MrsI . lau and Mrs. Brown, nittended fromi here ani weî giiveu ai pr-'tton lunich\was ,served during the eveiug, and later te wee joined hy their ýLbaad'wt the rest cf the evening speuin i dan ciu1g. T;Ihirty-five va brides wvere present. Thanks are due te the volunteei woikers who issued No. 6 Ratir Bocks ni Oreno hast we.Ail gavý very fîeely of thieir time te serv this cormuity. Mr.s. Mvelior, Mis Hi. Dean, Mýis. N. F. Porter, Mrs. Eveclyn Halil, Mis, Fred Lycett, Mrs. Wmi. Glanville, r. W. A. Reis Mi.L.. CraI, Mi ýJs. H1. Murray, MVissEsee Peufouund ai Mis. J. IRichardacu sýerved at:different times. A totil cf 1263 bocks wvee ised tis"a yeacmpaed sitb 1146 in Cotober, 1944. tMis, Sherwin bas received wvord fromi ber bustand, Dr. Wilfied IW. Sheiriu,thiait he hdarrived safely at the Straits cf Dover enrouite tey PolansI. 1 eluibasencountered a cou- ple of severe stormuswhc niade the resi cf Lthe crewT quite sen sickc, but Ire angdte keep goinig, ns the first nighitfo port biis assistant met with a veîy serions acciodn, leaving tih e spusbiit f dcc- ioriug ltire ueuerly 800 boises te Dr. Shri.No doutbtDc.will lhave somne very îinterestiiug, tales ansI ex- perieuces te relate on bis retain. Vatrlous lines of Rland Craft. Glass- ware, China, ete, Children's Itemns, etc. A new assortment of Pins and Earrinigs, WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION MRS. L. REID ORONO ONTARIO RED& WHITE STORES BEEF BRISKET, bonieless, rolled.., lb 25e. Prime RIB ROAST ]...... b 34c, Boneless RolIed SHOULDER ,. lb 25c, Wing STEAK oROAST....lb 47c. Tender RUIMP ROAST .,..,, b 41c. BLADE ROAST ....... lb 27c. 2 for :17c. Tomato Juice 2 tins 23c. Nescafe, coffée Nestle's Instant .tin 59c. Cooking Onions...4 lb Rolled Oats G 11). l Vta B .....3]b pkg Wheat Flakes., 5 lb bag 23C. 25C. 25c. 21c, Large Lemons, 300%. 6 for 1'7e Lipton's Smafll Leaf Tea, prîced -. .. ...... 1-2 lb 38e. Flyv Coils......o Ecr-.onmze by bhuying a case -of Peas 25c. Local News Roy Trhio ~~a pn the we-n[wt Sr iînof Mr., andMrsO.hpmn av return.ed îhomeaferapNsat n and'vi<-t t Cri,.>,Sak Mr. F. WoOhwsetthe ueek-end with r. and rs. O. Chapmuin and atýteriîded Orono air 'Mr. Fred ,TruIl tene the fu- neral cif DrBetatty Lat Gardlen lli on Monday afaterneon o f lsIweek. Miss Elmira AlocfLucknow, niece of Mrs. Dr. Sherw.ini and -Mrs. L. Risetthewek-ndi Oroio, Mrs BrceMcerLý, a war bride frmEng!Land, airived safeiy lasL week an is now ;Wh her humband. Miss Geraline Beck, Hianiton, spent the past week-end with Mrs. jas Dickson. Mr. Roy Annabel, Toronto, spent over, the weeký-end inOrn and t(ok in the Fair on Sturda(',y. Dr. and Ms J. H. LsiPeter- borough, were wýeek-elnd gruests wiýth Mr. and Ms W. J. hdel Mr. and 1Mrs. Roy Cori nd riamily, cýf Port Perry were week- end guests in our village. Mr. les. Samlis, ot, was a w:elek-nd v-isitor ithMr. and Mrs. John Gibson. Mr, and M1rs. Joet Smith1, BuIffallo, cleion Mr. andM1 s W. J. Riddel arnd othier fiends one daty last week. Mr. and AMrs. Allision Gown ad sors spent the week--end l with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cocwan. Miss Eidva Alton end Frank Ai- ton, cf Lucknow, spent the week- end vi.sîting with their aumts,ý Mrs. [W. W. Sberwm and Mrs. L, A. Reid. M _iss An Stapies ljeft for Tor- onto the begtnnng cf ast week to commnence ber course i Pass Arts at the University cf Toronto. Mn rad riVrs. Thomas Foster, and Mr. Reunie Fýoste,- and sister, spent Saturday in Orono and teck in the Fai_,r. M1r. and Mrse Leland Kate and daughter Eleanor, cf Toronto, spent Satuirday last with Mr. anîd MrS, W. E. Dn-,vey. Mrs. Jas. Dickýson attended the fa- nieril cof the late Dr. Beatty, cf Gar- den 1Hill, on Mondaýy afternoon cof iast ýweek, Mi-, nd Ms .Bains,ýcjf Peter- boro are sp)endi-ng a week's holiday A't thde batters pareitsMi, and Mis. E. J. H1anmm. Ycung People's Ulion meeting on Moiiday evening, Sept. 30lth, at 8.00 .mPark St. Unitedi C;hrch. A'I ycuing people cordially invited. Priol. H. A. Thoipsoip, Toronto, spent Frsday cif last w'eek visiting ith fîiends at Orono, and spoke at the Rotary luneheen at the nmon bor, Bcmautville. M11i and Mr.Bob. Ganmstby andl daug-hteî and Mi. Len. Gam.isby, cf Výan Wagners Beach, aitn speut a feaw heurs in Orono oni Tues- day last, _Mi. Dane Founid spenit thle fore- liart cf this week in Buckborn, at- teniding a sales convention cf the ýManufacturers Life Assurance (cm- paujy for thnis distric. Mrl. Dcatliarlow and Grantt Sav- age, wbo have býeen a ssisInrg at Dr. WÇ. W. Sherwi's for the sumnmer imcnths, have ieturned teo Guelph te continue, ther-à stuies at the Ontario Veterinlary Colege. Allan Ccîuish left ou Mýonday of l1ast we te ceinience bis course at the Uniiversity of Torcnto, Allan Won a sch.eltarship aud the peuOple of Orono are proud cf his acconiplish- ment. Recent v0iîters at Mi. as. MidI- dileton's were : Mr, and Mirs. Russell Se-at, cf Montreal, Mis. Ruth MidI- d:leton, Mr, George Middletoni, Mis. Viola Lynui, Gordon Lyma and Mur- ray Lynar, of Claremout, Mrs. Gec. Rose and Miss Bunîce Middieton, ef Torouto.) Mir. A. -J. Taniblyn a nd Ms.F. W. T amlblyn vihied the peacb grcwing district cf Grimsby îecently. They sp'eak higbly of the beauty and! icharm of th!s gieat frurit zone Frientis at Stratbroy Hamilton audi St. Gathtariiues îwere callesI pon1 these heiug 1ev. Frank Cryýdermian,i a niephew of Mis. Tamiblyn. The Police Trustee Board grate- Orone bey a Police Trates re defiiiý lc J eiugbc t"Ile ouSatuiday eve- ght Spt. 28th.Cae THE INDIJSTRY 0F THE FUTURE FUR FARMIN G Mink and Fox MUTATIONS Buy a Trio -- We Ranch Them WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO, PHJONE 42 r 2 ROYA L TH EATRE Bûwmanlville - Phone 589 cool - Air Conditioned - C)ol Thurs. and Frî. Veronica Lake ýand Sonny Tufts, in MISSUSIE SLAGLES" Winnler of Parents 'Magazine Moldal as the best picture oýf the month P'lus Fred Nlac',Murray in his funniest picture "PARDON MY PAST5e Saturday Only SEPTEMBER 28 "BLONDIE'S LUCKY DAY" Withl Pennly Singleton, Arthur Lake and Larry Simims Anid a Western, exploding wlith excitient, action and thlrills "SAGEBRUSH LIEROES"9 Starring Char-les Starrett Cartoon in Color Mm.~, Tues., Wed, SEPT. 30, OCT. 1-2 Wallace Beery and Marg-aret O'Brienl, in "BAD BASCOM1BE" A Walt Disney Cartoon in Coler Fox Late News PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Reverezid 5. littlewood miniâter SUNDA-Y, SEPT '4The Sin of Pray 2.0p.mn.-The Chui "The Divine Side "The Lorid before wy wilsend lis ange] anI rospe-r thy w mr Scho cI. Sof Thiings" ' hemi 1 walk el wihhee ay Geniesis 24'I Orono Tinshop Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work ýR. E. LOGAN O. C. S. 11FlELD DAY The annuail (- d day cf treOrelno weather permLittin, t he alere c FiySept. 27Ithi. A fulil fen cfevenits is> lnnd oniti ac high jup poe vut rung bread, tnigbod icstrw sh1t1t, ý7and seerri othIer novel eet.ThedshIes and othler races; will be heid arthtIe fair grcoundLs at the end cf the day. The staff and studIents woid l'ikIe as mianly specýta7 toyrs aspssbete turn eut anid en- crourage the students while aittCe saie ime witessing keen cempetc ien in events wihare held bu once a y'Plain te be on hIand a, the schoel grounldss Frîday af- ternioon for, field dy os -LL Boys fromi 12 te 15 years indu sive, are ashed te boe at the Arm-lour- ies on Monday evening, SepýItenlie Sotat 7 oclock. Boys frein16i years and 11p ai8 rcec or.bashethal erg niÀzatieni, Pâene bc on time, Mr. Wiifîed Froste bas plurc huses Mlr. J. F. Lorrimiani's homneon Cobb Hil andI expeet's te have possession aroun dte lst cf Octor. ADULT EDUCATI eclai ts. join clubWdnlàyoctbr21 lppg.soap flakes; Oct. 9, one pou of butter. Ail ladlies ae wcre to aitte anly of thïesemetns Brling aogyour neýighhlior 1n Wedlesiday, October 2nld, at S8Jp Progrlam lfor. oenilgng meting Topic :Gare of hous- phl Please ring sips fori' cane Uses of gelatine in food prepai 'ion: aise Fail !housýecleanling tip Or-ganizing of sewing lbander. and muothlereraft clas'ses. Fre liteaur for everyene. Mr'.lPercy Chaýpman has urcha the blouse, from Ml.. Stanley Chà man, for'lyý beienginig to thec tneof the late Mrs.ý Alfreéd Cha mllan. M. and Mrs. Saml- Keait, ofl Chi 1bam, MY-rs. E. Keat, Trnta Mrs. P. Gordon -lwere guests 01 f ' and Mvrs. Jjim Richarids, on Fair Di WiIIys' Cilvïîan Jeep Can be used as Passenger Vehiele, Truck, Tractor, and as a Stati4rnary Power Unit Cail us for a demonstration under yïour ýowi-L peratinig conditions SID. LANCASTER PHONE CLARKE 270,1 - R. R.2, NEWCASTLE IARMSTR SKIRTS A11 M"ool, Plain, Boxed Plea ts and Pleated, ail around sizes 14 to 21J, priIced from .$45 to '$ .4o CURTAIN DAMIASKÇ We have a new supply of Curtain Damask, i nice coloring, 36 luches wide, at- ---------- $L.2 to $1.50 SWEATERS Ail WooI. in Pullover and Car- digalns, priced(I. 2.95to $450 ~I SODA BISCUITS FOR SATURDAY BANANAS MI15ce RED RUBBER RINGS 4 dozen 25 ;c,. ZINC RINGS,' -dozen 25c, FLY SWATS G COATS AND DRESSES Ladies' and Misses' Fali and Winter Coats -just nrrived; aise Wool and Crepe Dresses, smiart Styles, newest shales, sizes 14 to 4 2. BLOUSES In Sheers, Cotton, Feather Flannel, sizes 14 to 44. COVERALLS MNen's Covera]is, ini Khaki Drill, -sizes 42, 44, and 46i, priceýd ----------------$S3 .25 SOAP FLAKES FOR SATURDAY BULK CANDY FOR SATURDAY -MEDIULM CHEESE 33c and $1.90 FIGS LARGE GRAPE FRUITS 100's, 3~ for 25C. SP ANISI- Sc. Gold MeNIda FLOOR WAX P). tin 25C TOMATO jUIPlCE' j