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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Sep 1946, p. 6

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m TRIASUR 0P THE SEA Býy Geo-xrge E.Wah SYNOPSIS t. t: WhenË thelé United St CHAPTER Il )ick ws siinprised mb tani ring by tie quesn Until thn ne had beei ne rhumc.1He Stit sidered billiseif Pettigrew's i; hie had net hougiofetmal<- a breaký for iibenty. Ever since bad ieftthlie Seuls Amecrican -t lu H-eni's custedy lise bad been nodel prisoner, and il seemed htiy dishonorcae te take ad- tage efthtie disaster le escape. Wbly, dt ie ne yen cheese for libeaneed Ial m es ne ueenCe. is thene roonii for bonts uss Niq netotisede ame beat,"came unexpected reply. "Tbat's why igiviig )-ou a cboice. Yon de- %ie it-atter tis-."1 le waved ls band around te iCate- bis nmeaning ondan more astoished Ihani r. Pe-ttignew was eying bu nan, and net as an ottcer of iaw; lise even placedi a haýnd1 diiarty on eue shouider. WVe'e jMslman le man uow, da"ise added. "e'enet go- tu teave this ship togetier- t yeu know-captaini's ordere, igo yorwaon and I go new. w ec elagain-on hreIl un you-,. lt's my duly. Buit juisI 1we',re - W eIi," iaaugingiý iy, "friends, I guiese. I dont d caliiiugyo that. I. wisis yen )d IMcklif you reaclhore and )ineyer knew w hal i u dled te wisis, for aItishaI momewnt hars, grangvoice oet tf fistt -e nlernpied A n d Jordan îled mb eu oe boat and Hien Sroam lse.)long as ha t et lien Petti"grew. d thruigl, i te dark- hi, lie emiled broad- Bers sal and moauied t rigthenled voice3. er reacis lanid? H-ow 1fronri tbee neareet vas tise burdenl of firet anl effort was made tle tlise oat tgetiser, butCIbis ceeu abandoned by tiese ce- *Thiere was aiways ttise dan- et clîile in a rougiAS'ca. a couple et heours eacis boat- was a separate unit, dependc- upon tfis kil and Cexerlien et wný,j crew for s-afety, wîth nPo 7viedýgetofwlisat vwas happenling Lc ie liers. Tliseblack poa i c t descended ui ipen theni, oli- ting tise rest of tise worid, aud mllscrï,iig for hienila exiel- bouuded by ilise gunwates oef boat. Iu Ibis narrew sparce budeawed and lerified ucis by tliese ese of isolaion y' tise rear et wind and waýves. dan was net, greatiy surprised 1 tise accideii n li ad been au- -tinig camie; it scemed tise in- bl]e climax te thecir avuue unavoidable-. A giani. wi-ve tfisere cear ont of tise water uetthe trait'crtreIltiig er and over betore allowing it escend into tise hi-ouglis"0 be ýped uJpoilby lise muti iingin-,&green lirine. Aflcr t twas cvcny mîari for hiuniseif. There wais ne further op- portuniity for team wevrk or mutual ceý-eperstioui, DickJordanfound himniseifcigiug 1wa funboards tisahd beeun àtht bottof t he beat. it made an excelent raft fer ont, Mb u bari onue fortwo, 111uÀ he ageruIese ttabke futit p!OS- session of 1, a fat man cimbed upon il, verreaching himselt by The slinder raft sunk e, ut cf sight, and wbven il finatlJy came te the surfacçe agaýiin the fat maui was gene, Jorda etieved il; ctuug te il; clutced il Whtiboth badsre- fusingte yîeldobis held venwhen the vwaves rotie icver and over and bulried hlii m fatoms deep in the cea. M'e-had beentbee dyson tise raft betere Ithe wiilt te lihad fin- alty crack"ed, and thn, ortified by tbe raw food washjed uip te biim by thse mass àt dritting seaweed, re- vived, and once more struggled te reasserl ilsef over exbausted, ter- lured tîesh. Il was a rea ail au tat is re-- rîmmed eýý 'yeýsacw tIbis lmbut lhe rfsdte believe ut for a long, fflme, iauýýgIIing aI bis ewn incen- sisteu-cy lut hopinig artd! praying tbat itwa net an coptical illusien, and dlecir"in l te sanýrie breathis i coud net be aylh iese. It was net iy Dalaisalit ti e saw, hut it waïs (comînig in bhis direction, bearing dewin upon hlm at a spjëed tisaI quckly dispeiled ail double As --ihe boat drew inearer, Dick mîade euti' Sls ondescript mcharacter trenl itls sais. A tomatdlug- ger, oruite comi-îmon uitheCaibb'ean for tîiug and casinwith Ilump- icIihitand miewdcanvas, spotled flite coat oet a leopard, it sloppied alolng il the, rough ceas as if unwiiblgy propelied by a Leug beforeay oneabelard sighled PDi*ck ýJordan, he hlad stud- led tise craît troi demte kleel with ged, auixious ieye, taktin!g in veytingt om the clumrsily bent tepSa'Il te tiseitl-itn i tisaI asfoevr hiftling ;intise "Fîshýfermenr" Ihe conicluded, cpeakýiug hie thiougliste iu. cantbe tarfro m nd" A mmet aler, wheu tise tug- ger aCted qas if about techagelier ceunse, ie -raqised hie fethand aud Shouited viii hatttise strenglis lie co'id muler. Even i ý,that dis- ta Se tceemed ammeeot 1miracu- lis that -Ihey herd r ssw hm buit keen eyes ad been ccai)ng the' cea loCsely, ieeklng for- juer suicis eeics l a heir busi-0 nee-s tlepick up fosa and jetsaut- of ise ecn' is ohnc tfinod- Kng a prize. Ilis cry brouiglitseverat black, faceslee tise peolrt iai sd Jordane's ferrn c lusontiat tlise ugg2r wae a naiv isking craftîseemed cofirnîed by tise app)earauýce eti lise ce.Thby w e r e wariy Caribe, an andieul type weakened sud dituied by lise lood of pure Neg ree,ýs A buril(-1ey ha)t-reed, wiht itte part -f ihlm shlowi- ing l ii c straigilitliair ïsud mol- led comiplexion, seemed te be ii cemmiand, for tise or-der camne f rouxi lm ite aventise Ilurupinhie wiid asud àwe abOat. Tw,ýeuty mistutes later Dick st on thse dirtyiltsmelhing deck et t!ise veýssel, gneediiy etigau'd diriniug t-oed sud iquid tisat un- deýr ordinary circumestau-ces woultd CONCLES Gwendol'ine P Clarke of GINGER FARM *sj The sceýne was Gnger F ,aam; le ýss at a looseend11 foiiowing anl eaiymom igdown 1-pouir. I a a hovr ot -lal nd ituid. ',%e heard the motor-bijke comr- îng ulp tlne.111u'A feM minutes Bob)!came l andSaid qitt. casu- all-just as you might say-"tbe baker is at the door"-"Wl\le I gzuess th1istreshing mac1hine is on ils Waydoyn !" Prtue rmade ne comment tAil bt fOr a few min- tius I salJiduplety. Vou now -0M notbing ilu the h ouse te eat. couidn't be dou1e . , . ne) pics no cae . . . ne metat , , n notb- idg . . . sud MIxy wer y acoi inuepetdya3ay Well, it appears the heer were ail set te tistesis on thec farn above us. And then il nained - and etisaenws that. 0f course, rather tha los timei(, thresbere are oniy teegiad te pul leu a barui on a ,vet day. And 'te ýcer;- taily nee-ded te tbresb se thlene was onlly eetbinig for meu te do--- make fiIb bst oýf a bad job anîd gel ou ith ilMentaiiy I preý- pared muy dînnler meinu asg wontld coek about a c as any- thing . . , potatoes .beets luj the pressure cooker .., siicad tomnatees . . . lots of appte sauc- (il was already cookedý, fthank0 goodness) . . . and pies? Wel there was u n ime te make pies,ý b)lt 1I coid lbuy a few down low ...six, 1inaybe . , yes, I think ,six wouid be ernoug1s. Buit itha's wbre i met my Wcatertloe.Pie-there wasu't SUcS a tbing lu towu. I wocid just have te; make oe fler ail. "Sez -yen" 1 said te yef fe shiopping aon for lard o7r shlort- eugand wastinýg iny precieus Il waS abouit 12.30 he lcis din i- uer was served to ln est buugry mn D'ou-'t ask me Ibo.v 1did it for Y taily did h V~ ery limely aud wxeicome asstnefr i1 Partiner an'd neiice Betty. They were busy peeling petatees"wen I geome Aud the ctic stovewsasia great heip. The wammiug even le granid-il saived nme that last in- Ie rshbeaue vas abile It thlinge ahecad ef timel, I kept every,- thing deighliy bel ,hotand yetdid net dry anytiug out. Afle dnr il was back te _ýtoýwl again for more supplies as we wetre haýviuig thec men for supper as weil. They aiose uvived 'Uni.t mecai ucssul. Around ix- thryneice Joy arrived by buis te stay lie weekeud anid othling wou-id do but I must Sit dwnandý sead e ttNy Wooid deothedisse 1 sat à .. l as an easy Orderte follew.. for a white anyway. But so00i there wemre chlickens te feedà andle on m1ly way te the chickqIns f had te lake a squint aI the gran- ary. And asit ever good le iookr iînto-such a nice lot et wbeat, and a good csize bisi cf bariey. Y7es, on) tise whole the day had been quite wrbwsF -ad in hoping the men didn't fe! tee bad4ly ecause they 'didn'î gel any Puie.Thy were very nice about il anlywa-y. Gîý-iven ime I migist have thought cf sometbiug as a substiute but anthde moment my wits refused te tunctien. have repelle j n J ut ntunce cravings had te be saisfid and it w%ýssne limre le be critical, 'fThC crew tormed a haIt circle arouud hn, wiîh Captain Tctelat breed skipper, and Black Buirleyl t'he lger's mate, b tiise immled. iatetergrond.They were iu- spectig hlm itISsmetinu mr fihan criosit-wýitlh greeýd sud c v- arîcousness, Dick thneughit, but lie -Now ]et usi. ave te threshng and step back troug thewe to last Wuednsday. That was an- other big da.àt~a the dlay oni which ýtpresentationls were made i our Wrdto tieheboys who had servd i te armed forcs durin the w ar. The cuni hepeopie of tfie cmnuiyandithieWo nuins 1Institute lhadgone awli out toý reemerte boys in a ',big To ech as ive eiheran ini- scried gld wtch aid cai.P watch only. or a signet rïing a- cordilig to the e of service each had seeni. 'ToL'the, father of the oly b ]oy whodidl ot ret1urn dýck nas give2n. LBut 'ow te wishd tht Daie - iaippy an1d Loulld bave taken ls place witbi tCe remt of the boys. Vhen dhe young -ve" marcWe up t thIle gruýdstand "ithe oid "vets" ere called on'ilto bring up tbehear;l. And there .vals Partuer. mar41ch]ing with the resýt, prutd as punch beause heanld Bob er the o111y tfater anid son on1 parade. 1 goct quite a kick out of it mny- self. Proùbably it w11 eyer h ap - peu 1in] ouriFfamully agaîn. FoellowinigIthe presentation the veeasof botb w,%ars and itheir ladies er rated te a sweillbail quelt by the Wl. And beieve nie, therenwerepiesfortlat me a" n- way. Sunday School Righit Uses of Property Exodus 20: 16; Proverbe 3M: 7-9; Matthew 6: 25-33. TeEighth Cornmmandmienz The Pronipe Uderlyng toe Eigbith Cmadeîslethe sac- redneliss of proper-ty. To take any- liug fromtaoth1rsecreýtiy or op- enllyis1bra this commaiind- nment. Faiseblood taucl vanity are coupled teethrà the Sciptures. To walk Auter auîy le to walk afle that which3 is faIse. To be vain. is te, bave a falseopinon about our- selvecs, te be ignorant of ou-trselves. Two Dangers Extrme waltb and xtremec poverty eachl havýe theiïr dangers. The wealthy mlan. is temlpted to be prouid anid to tbliinkhe owes ail 10 bis own wisdoluiand abiiity. lu1 ad- versimanCriS Untothe Lord, Prosperity h e is apt to fomrget lmi anid even to0 den1y m On the othier han1d exîremle pov- erly bias àsits tempations. The nman who is starving is sorely temipted te seal tosatisfis hMunger, and in his bitteruless of spirit tobas phemle or ch'arge God foolisbly. The God of Nature Tise Cod et Na'turetlise sanime Go-! wbo reveals Huiiscelt luj esuLs Christ, provides for ise birds; cenr- tainly tieheiIl witI Providie for His ebidren.WbiI "tise birds efthti hýeaveii" wilt teacis em, net te lie an- xîous about* feod if We wiltlobok at them, lise HIes et tise ieId wIl teaci s us nt te be anxious about, our clotlies if we wl"conisidler" (tearu tlonouigbly trami) thini. D'e Net Auxious" Aýuxiety is a teelicis tbîiug-it neyer accomplishes anylhiug. Whn e orywe bave"utlit- lie faitis." Our Fathecr kneows whuit eur real need is sud We cati trust lm tQ 5ppp.Vîyt, If W ,ill 91111V put God's kîngdo±4iasd CA,' n-igteutsnec-s firet, Ged wilI cee te, il that sve shah net l'ack any -realy good tbing. Mostct etOur àanxiety abouittise future is, about troubl)es tisaIt seldni come, sud cG'od wili take cane oour trobles ise cby do ceme. FamilyFeeding Te assist honsewives5 witb tiseý prebleiietfser-viug mealie hc a're net olin tniguinig te ailt mci- bers efthtie family, but isich sup- ply tbcise maximuýll m b heaithiil Talk Fodloier as 1been i sueid by bealifi ubs tis Cop- ie.s e'fIsle boktet miay b had, fr-et, ouapliatonteovic hieiti dparmens.or te tise Nu Pnto ivision, i ear t < N tualHeaui an VVtfaeOt pa,. A1 Long, Cold Drink A jar o f ready made syrup lu fleicebý2ox for iUse aýi a inoierit's notce ill prove to) be a great 'Lim e and sugar saver. Qulte oftlen whenC sugý,ar is added !e a cold drink*, some o f i', does ;ne(t dissolve and 15ý lost. ]The syup iade in ttre propor1tion of i cup of water -te i cup of sugr, boughýt te the !bell- ing peint, scimmed anid stored 'n a o pe lass jair î;u the icebox. Anf y syrup Or fruit ijuice teft over afteýr cauâling imay aIlse becsd Sipecold drinjks like lemion- ad roageaýde are very mucb improveý(d ]by the adEii1onf a fe-w fresh be)r1une or berry jie Thle 1home eonmst f 'tbe Consumler Scinof lteDmno Depaýrtmenti of Agr-ictureii- suggest a few rcipe for lon1g cotddins -Blueberry QUench 1cup blueberries 1 cul) boiling mwater 1/3 cup sugar Few grains sait 1 orange, juice and grated rind 1 lernon, juice and grated rind 3 cups cold water Pour boitîng watr eer bubr ries. Add grated' orange and Ilmon- rind and simmer clowly for 5 minl- uites. P'ress thirou:gh a sieve. Add suiga-r and sait and stir wel. Add orange and rllemon juicc. ColBe- fore ser-ving add 3 cups of co1d watef(r Six servings. Peanut Butter Shake T,,4cup peanut butter 2 tabiespoons honey or sugar 1/ teaspoon vanilta /teaspoon sait 3 cupe muilk Place peantuter, boneýy or "su- of millek, Beat wïih rotary beater mit smý-iiootbi. Add ftie reýmaiing 22cuips ,of m ,vciwth vanillavan beat ~ hbefore ser-ving. Serves 4-5. BananaShk 2 large ripe bananas ' (1cpmashed) ito 2 teaspoone honD'ey r sugar 3 cup5 ii /steaspoon anll /teaspoon Sait Ma-sh banl-anas ,vithia fork toutil smoolhj. Add te th!e milk and mix thruhywàth rotary ,beater un- til well bleudcd Add h1oney o'r su- gar, sait and -vanila and shiake wehl Serves 4 tw5. Raspberry Egg-Nog 2 eggs icup raspberry juice- icup niilk 2 tablespoons houey or sugay / teaispoon Sait T/S teaspoon nuutieg Cursh 2 cups fof rasýpbeCrres with 1icup of waler, bring te, Ihe bill aud boit for 2 te 3 minuteýs. Draýini throuýgh a moiet jelly bag, add wa- ter te m1ake a cup of jic.Beat eggs with sait and honrey or sugiar until filiht. Addmikrabrr julice anid nteand beat weil wilh rotary beater. Cili weïl bci- fore serving. NOTE: Other uswetne fuit juices may be useýd inste-ad of rasp- berry jie If swe-tel ruit juice le vsdreduice ho.ney or Fsugar. C OAS T-TO -C OAS T KELLOGGIS ARE CANADAS fo r Wanit anl idea Chat will hielp you save tinte and work-anid at t he same tixne keep. meais more interesting for, your fanxiIy? Thousands feature 1elg' flot only for breakfast but for quick snacks anytime of day! Pep, Corn 1#lales, Ai-Bran, Rioe Krispies, Br'an Flakes. Krumbles an-dAl-Whqeat are al Made by Kellogg's, the greate'st nawe in cereals! The Farmer Pays '-arï products coaýt mor tias "Ys"repïied tllefainr."Whei a mail is supposed '0 knlow thlu botaical ninof wbiat ihe'rais;- in,' an' the zfoîOogicalï namne of tWý linseet thIlat eats it and thle chen4ý cal niame etof what will lkill it, 5someic YOIJ GET THE SAME de1iiois Co'ff>e bend whilelter you buy Max-. well Ilutse inu thle Suîper- VaicumTin (Drip or Rýeguljar Grinid) or tlue Glasin..LnedBa" (AHl THEIqffrWAYTG Effectiveness provei, by 65 yearS puýblic acceptance. WHYEXEIE -WLO S will kili more files at less cosit tga any other fiy killer. USE WILSON'S FLY PAIS ONLY 10< AI Affl RETAILERi Good Health- and Lots of Pep Dr. CaesKde-ie il bave a, long record ofdendblt as a reguator cf liver and ~iny Dand boweis. They quiely arouse these organs bro heaifthfui atiit-sar e hap- petite and help to smproVe digestiOft. Clean out the poisons with 1>k Chagse's IRidney- iver PiLe and re. gain your pep and apies 35ets. a box. PpBran Flakes wfl'th ethler parts of Canarlian -whole vh eat are deliciou, extra crisp, extra thiick. Your whc.te familly will enfjoy Kellogg's Poep. SAVE 'fhME.W.SAYE FUEL ...SAVE FOODI!

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