IDdanlii our faily everc ke aobrof liant marrCýige?"ue. "OnIy y 2pIýwone""î k'ce KcepAwclay,3Bso aBiIuothisnoe ren in three 6eept outic thosnied pla ic n ur. Mfany pole wnderwhy, wit 'iletof numbIlerlessueibutes u forth dowar, on meetig Dr. llupj) demaded to knov whay se hand 1eeignoe.v igt "Wvhen 1 applied for a job the manlager iasked if my11 uctutio wvas good." "'Asd what did you tel]i him" 'l said i'd neyer been late for work in -ny lifeý." A Lesson Well Learned The mvemory expert had been given hos tura in the village hall. The audience had flot been enthus- astic, and the qu1estionýs asked at the end of the show really! infui- Wtd the nman When one dear old laycame eip 'nald im to what he at- trIiutd is remiarkablemmoy hle thoulghtit was tint-e to, caîl it "WeVcLl, madam,"lhe ücxplainecd, itota sil, when i was n the Air Force, 1 once hjad to mnake a pa-achute lump from a hi peyer before ttmptd.Jusi as 1 itljupedfrom he'anthehe icpîIot kaned over the side and eled Hi, yon've forgottenl your para- chufte!' B3eieve it ornsmadatn1, that tauLghtl me a lessoni, aid lv neyer forgotten anythlnig since." Let Out 1 ihe pisne vas on trial for ,etcssig ducks lis Cuneoad- dressed the jutry at greatlngh pointinig ont, sl, that ,itha osbeeni provedi coniclusively that thse prosecutor had lost ny ducks8; zecondlythlat the du1cks fouind in the >rser cottage were flot those of the prosecutor; thirdly, tMat the prisoner had established an asolue alii Jnist as (i thejuge lbegan to sm tp Ilhe prisoner interposed and ensked1 if hie might say som11ethi1ng. As an ïindligenice. this wsper- "AlI'alt to sy"imarked tieprsneisthti ih l'd neyr ee the darnied ucs OUT OUR WAY HORIZONTAL 52 Italian, ci1yý 1,C, Pictured 5 3Wi/tri U. S. nlaval b 1nke commanl'ýlder, 5 4 Con tai ningrg Vice Am. n ir o1gecn performer 12 Merge 58 RogueS 13 Give 59 Erects 14 nis - iS VERTICAL, active in the 1 Younger Pacifie 2 Vegetable 15 EnglIish ? Louse egg statsman 4 Near 17" Sieilian 5 Soothsayer volcano 6 Roman da 19 River (Sp.> 7 Not anly 20 Ascends 8 Guinea G~ 22 Fish 9 Girl's nas 23 Melodies 10 Garrett 25 One who il Repaired, paces 27 Area measure 3 U8Upward 2 29 Paid notice .30 Accomplish i14 31 Yes (Sp.> ,32 Un)iversal language 3Symbol for, actinium a 35 Transpose (ab.) M~ Krone (ab,) '4 37 Mother 39 l lis ships- the Japs 41 Acid fruit e 7~ 43 Light brown . 414 Bombard hercely 49 Goddess of infatuation 50 Position