FOR WINTER IIEALTII TAE Vitadiet asue NOW AJI the vitamins required forigod health foýr as litie as3c per day Botte of DDD 90 capsules *........ 27 Trial size (30 capsules) ....'..... 11 Kepler Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oil, for ..............5c. and $1.25 Wamnpole's Extract of Cod Liver Oil ....... $1.00 Seott's Emnulsion.........59c. and 98c. IMultiple Vitamin Capsules, 100 for........ $1.85 Frosst's Neo Chemical Food . _ . $1.15, $2.4-5, $4,45 Certifled ABD Capsules, 50O for......$125 100 fo(r .................$2.25 Lowest Prices in Hot Water Bottles _Ask to see them t Agent for Jackman Flowers Charles B. T yrrel Phonle 68 :- :: Orono, Ont. Fibre Shopping Bags..............29C. Drene Shampoo, your choÎice for dry or oily hair, 2 sîzes..........39c. and 67,c, Glazo, improved oily pollsh remnover, large bot- -tle f or.............. .2e Stedmian Stove Pipe Enamel, keeps pipes spic and s-pan, 1-2 pint for..........20C)r Fly Tox,containing D,.D.T., bottie......25 Fly Spray Guns ....... .. 20, 2c. and 39cý Wire Fly Swatters, long handlles, 2 for....15c, Puýbber Fly Swaýtters............ .l Easy Shine Floor Wa,lbP. tn......29c, Mdat-hematical Sets, enann 6 pieces, set.. 4,5c. School Bags, imitation l-eather, fitted wt xr pocket, bas attachedJ tab fLor, inserting name', shoulder straps ....... .. ......10 Diction-ariýes for- sehool o0 om.......2, ubber SoDap Dishes........... 1e White Glass Cups and Saucers, set .... .10e% GROCERY FEATIJRES I Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 12 oz. p)kgs., '2 foer .. 25c Vita B. Germ Wheat Cereal, 3 lb. pk:g....23e. Camp Coffee, 5 oz bottie ............32c. l odized Table SaIt,-2 1-2 lb. boix for......e j'Bordlen's Chateau Cheese, 1-2 lb. p-kg..... 2e Stokely's Tasty King Peas, fancy quahity, 2 for, 35e, Magie Baking Powý,der,, 16 oz. tins......27. Javex Bleaches elothes, remnoves stains, bottle. 14e.