WEE LY Vol. 10. No.536 OVP&NO, ONT., TI-UPSDAýY, OCT. 3rd, 1946 Subscription $ 1.2,5 per Year Ste Saviu'sAgca Harvest Thanksgiving Services Oct, 6th Prize Winners For Fîrst Day 0f Durham Central Fairý Uraia and seed Buhlfaîl ibaJuntes T. Brc Ganet B.E hrMu's. Ira Le, bushel barley, six-iowed, James ~BowGarnet B. Richard, Ms -4Lnxv; bushel lntz rbte cateu A. REd Baris, J. W. Jtoy'd & Sons, AI jfendýry; buisl ,eauly ibt ua V,J.W. PBeyd &SnGarnet Richard, Alex. Herndry; bushel pý sanal, irhlite, ist, Mis. Ira ho, bushel wite beans,- lat, Mis. Louwe; 12 staîhas Dent coin, mith e for e nsilage, James T. Browia, C net B. Rchrduitte cats, ahý J. W. Boyd & sous, -Mil-fiec SI wivn; Massey-'Hariis special, J. Boyd & Sens. Beet, blooO., table, Violet Hloilir worth, Fred Blackburn; canrots, r Baxter, '5, Carlc yd &Son; Woil lia; Blenlheimi y n, Rusacil C R-. K. Squair, C Sweet, 5, R. K. Sonis; R. I. Giee F'. W. Boiven;1 yn; Baldwin, 5, Me. 5. J.W. R-. K. Squair; Starkt, 5, taare Et ujn, F. W. Been Ben Davi G'ano, 5, F. W, Boiren, Caries' blyn; _Orab, 12, .v., J. W. Beý Sons, R. K. Squair; Dq,ýcieus stan-dard, R. K. Squair, Uarl os klyn; Deicieus, t, R. K. SI Carie)s Taiblyn; the apple hi special, best Iltishel hamnper oci Inteahes, ICaries Taniyn. i-Peu Bariatt, 55, R. K. Squaiir, J. Hl. lFlems'h Beauty, 5, Caîliýos Tîn J. W. Bey-c & Son; Buenre Be- R. K. Squiî, J. B. Jese; CI Faývorite, 5. Caries Timblyni,J Jose & Son. Pluma s - Bet c tion, erectiy urimci, 6 vari J.l. Jose & Son, CarIes Ta-iii ~Bîadhaw110, Garies Taruiblyn, M., Jose; Imaperia! Gage, 10,J Joe& Son, Gulos Tmin barid, 10, Ca-,ries Tamiblyn, Pl Squiaii; Reincinu-de. 10, R. K. Sc Jais. T. Broum; Pune PlunS Cairies Tamlblyn, Mus. R. G. M( G"ilpes -- Redi, 3 1buchea, vine tahcMis. M. J. Tamblyn; , 3 buches, vine attacci, Mis. Taimbiyn; biack 3 brioches, itl ataceMus. M. J. Taimblyn,- Floweîs and Plants Asters, col., 3 bicom cofenchi, Fried Ing, Mirs. -Ec. Dean; 'wite, 4 bicopi, 1s. Frýed Ig Jose & Son; asters, shli in ,blooms, Mrs. Fred Ing, Mis- Dean; asters, rose, 4 bleooa, 3.Mx B. Roui, J. B. Jose & s'Ir:n; tipd, 4 blý1ooi, 2nd, Gco. F. Analý teus, mauve, 4 bleetan J. BI. J- Son, Mrs. Flred Ig ses 4j bieonm, J. il. Jose & Son, Mi- B, B.1oar; danthus or pinka,, coli Cotan& Sens, Ce,-. F. A i nations, cci., Geo. F. Annris, Ani Sýtaprles; Cuilendula, 1 dosz. CeF.Anus, Mis. .B- Ficci Ingl; taioc.Fr-enelb, itasturti s, Mis.- . F. i ahîo -r ire, Gm raSquair, Fred Bakbr; petuins, ire; sýingie fnncy Ms. Fred Inig, Mu rS. T.Ec.Den petunias, doub!le, is raFred Ing; celosia, fe.atherei, -4, Go VF. AnuIs.1H. Coulatham & Sons; ver.- le.benas, col., Georg-e F., nnsMis. A.W. B.. Bear; salp'eglossýiS, coi,, Mis, B.\W. B. B'oni, Mra. RE VanBlorne; sal- es, ' vinanetles than1 6 bleoma-, 2nd(, irve; _Mis. W.Hl. Roue; sniapdragons, col ., ira James T. Bruman, Geo. F. Anniis; zin- asnias popn, col., Anna Staples, ra- rs. R. VanUrne; zirnnia, la rge Lai, 19iCwer edC, 6, Mi,-,S. Fred Ing; rose, 1el' beat r6 bloosusS Fay ,Found, Mis. M,. J. W. UTtniblyn; ns-,best single bloemn, Fay Fonnd, NMrs. :M. J. Tmln phlox, Drummonnmdi, col., Gee. F. An- lgs- n Vii.S. W. B. HIoar- oins o. _eAuaM. Staple-s, Ms W. Bi. Roire; red dahliasl, Mis. Fred Ing, Ms F, Frd ng, ivs. R. VanBlorne; dah- -Lels, l1ias, sinow, 2, Mis. Fred Ing, Mis. n;R. VanBlorne; dahliascts, 2, Mis. ga- W H. Rumý,e; dahlias, decorative, 2, OYdI Mis. Fred Ing-, Mis. R. VanIBornie; ýips' d1inin-g table bouqicuet, formiai, Mus. pie lernnPicheil, Ma .K qni in; Iluncheonl table boýuquet, informai, 'FI'; M1irs. W. Shei-win, Mis. Glenn Picheli, [at, iinro bouiquet, Jas. T. Broum,-n ed, J il. Jj ose; gai-l singl e spike, te;nyceler, Mis. R. V anBorn-e, Ja .s. T. B. rou; gadiliwhite, 2 spihea, ble, Mr. rd n ,ci. M. J. Tanmblyni; *e;Gindioli, darh, 2 spihkesý, is. _Fîed FIeýd In,Mis. R. VaInHornie; gJadiolie hr -pink or rose, '2 spikes, J. H. Josýe &1 rl.y, Son, 1Mis._R. V-ioie; gldioli,1 ira aov,2pkeJ. H oe& Son it M'rs. R. VanMlorne; gladieli, 10 rai -Oi ieties, in conitaiine, J.B. Jose & Soni, M. Mins. Fred Ing; besut blîset of iIad- t er, ioli, J. B.Jose & Son, Mr11s. R. va- den Bone gltoli, annranged in loir- l es. bol Mrs. R. VanHeorne; Jamies T, Brovwon: gadieli, afmali finemed type, W.J. B. Jose & Son, Anna M. SLaples; ap- I buttonhýole bouquet, Mis. Glernn W.- I ieei,-ir.R asM-n:-at ar- rIcls rangeci high healcet. J. HT. J os e& Mec- Soni; het aiianged loir basket, Mis. R. Glenin Picheli. J. H. Jose & SZon: cor-- J.sg, Mrsa.'Glenn Picheli, Mis. R. ios Va -rnýcýte; pansies. beat coi Anna ain- -M. ~ Staples. R. -K. Squaii: grnan Lhy, in blom, ;rn.Ana -M. Staples, Mrs. W. en; (. e:îe;ulerous beg'onin, in bloomn, lyn,1 Mis. M. J. Tam--blyn, Anna M.. Sta- )les, pIes. J, H. Neelecraft Tami- Househoici Lînen - Breakfast set,i Rive-r, cloth an-d 2 serviettes, Mis. Ira howe ippn, MiUs. R. Putnm; buffet set, crochet- teorne; cd, S piccea, Mis. Ina howe, -Mrs. h. re E. ýE. Bryrant, special mention te Mi1s. qulai, R. Putnamr; lunCheon set, -Mis.; Ira n,5, Lopire, M L. . E. Bryant; bridge ng, , set. Mis. ira Loue, Mis. h. E. Bry- R. K.X -ant: celýsterfi-eld set, Crocheted, Mis. 'd & h. E. Bryn,,a-it, Mis. Ina boire; ches- ýusset, teýfieici set, etubroidered, M1rs. ira t4by;bieill oi1 caseshesihdM. iblyn, Ira boire, Ms.George Bard; pilloir Ei. AI- cases, cmibroideicd, -M is. Georg-e is ori'Baurd, Mrs. Irfa boire; pillov cases., Tamn- Iae.-t lmmed, Mis. W. J. Ruttie. yd & Mijs. R. Putnan; 'towe ,is, guest, 1 S, 5, pair, different dsgnMis. Georgea Tam- BuMia. R. Punnm; bath touels, quair, fancy, -Mis. W. J. Ruttie. Mrs. Frank îngry CStinson- individual place matsa Ac Mc- -able runnier, Mis. Inaboe, Irs. ais- R. Pu-Ltnam; dimer nnpkina, 6 hanci J-se, hieimieci Fr ed iccln, Ms 1bl1Y11, Fi!ank Stinison; table cloth. croche10t- s 1C, 5, (cd, Mis. W. J. Ruttie, Mrs.-b.'E lappa Brynuit; nuats foi ho0t dse,3, J. . Ms. ira Luirýe, -Mis. W. J. Ruttle; C011e- Kcentreý picce for tale, ciocbeted, i is M i. W. J. Ruttie. M s, R. Putnaim; tbyn Qi1lta ndBesprd -Quilt, ap- tJ. !pique, Mia. hIra boire, i. b.E. J.H.Bryant; quiit, cottonpd, Mis. hem- ILbue i. b. E. ryant, quiit.i R. . anc qiltng, Ms.R.Putnani, Mis. 10, nceir, Mis. b. E. Bryant, Mis. ira 10i'fa t; boxyn; bcdsprend. a-deicMis. eat- R.Puýp tn'ain, Ms.Ira home: afghran,. rie.cruchieteci, Misý. La oire, Mis. b. E. M., J. Bryant: afgýhan-î, kuitteci, Mis. R. tvnePutii. Laiies' WVenr -Bouse- Vioetet, Mis. Franh Stinson, Ms.Ira hUwe;z hadmade slip, Ms.Franhk j tiso ,Mi. W. J. Ruttfle; house Mis. dreSsa, Mis. W. J. Ruittie, Mrs. Geo-rge astr, aud kiche apenMus. W. J.1 J. B. Ruttie, Mia. Fra-înk Stin-son; pullover. k, 4 szhort aleeves, cotten or mool, Mis. E d. -F-nkStinson. Mus. Ira brume; 1ý1hed s.W. j1acketio, Mis. W. J. Ruftte, Mis. ster's, !Frntijk Sin hiebd jacket,a.k. s; as- it.tMis. Kýenneth His; summner nse & Mrss ~i- George Baird, Mis. WN. J. uirpie ute ya~ranlte Mis. s.'. -Gog BuMiu5. Ira bo\uc; ight- B.., IL Mis1- ra bwe. MiVs. W. J. car- Ruttie ski jackePt, Mi.L. E. Bry- on, M. ant, Mis'. R. Putni; i m 11, Ms. ooms, b.E. B L.an, PM-i.R.-Putnm'm Mis. R Putrini: fn'ey ain.*Ms.Ir hand-knit, Mrsý. W. J. Ruttieý, Mis. Ira Luwe; py-jamr1s, cottOn. MDis. W. j. lRutt-Le, Mr1S , Ge orge Baýird; IlighIlt- g ownVil ianni Le lotte,. 1r S. Goge Baued, is. L. E. Biyrat; miti, wo',hand-kn4t',Mis. 11-rank Stinson, Mrs W.J. utt.e.ch1ildren's w'ear -Cildi's outdOoor. pla-y sikit wool, DMisý N. W. J-utiMis. Ira L ow e ; echilds h i e-', >c )ap nd(I socigMis.MW. J. R1uttie. Mrs. L., E. Bryant; chiid's play dress and bomrcotton, Mis. R. Puitna,ýt, MriS. NW. J. Rutti.; 1)aboY' S dr-css, dainty, short, Orocno Weýmen's Inst1i- tute, MIrs. Geo. Bird; baysJack-etý and bonnet, kt-it. Mrs, W. J. ut, Mrs. Frank .ýStinsýon; b eb - cib quilit, MIrs. R. Putiami, Mis, lia Loçwve; baiby's carrnage cover- ,kn i t. lst, Mis, L. E. Bryant. Fancy Work -- Cushien. wool, Mis. Ira Ltire, Mirs. W. J. Ruttle, s neimen- tvion MTrs. Eid. Dean: cuishioni,si, Mi.L. E. Bryant, M)rs. W, J. Rut- tie; knitting bag, Mis. R. Putna,111 Mirs. lIra Loire: card tabile cover, Mys. FakStinuson, DMrs. Ira Lowe; lauindry bag, lst, iVrs. Ira Lo-)we; needle point, Mis. W. J. Ruttie(-, MIrs. L. . ryat;chair seat. brailedi. hooked or crocheted, Mrs. Ir(a Lowre, Mrsu D. G. Houper; pot hoiders, 3 varieties, Mrs. Ira Lowý,e, M-s. Go Baurd; puise, fanicy, MiS. Ira Loire, Mrs. WX. J. Ruttle. MiSýéeliaeous- B oy's lay suit made from old gar- mient, Mis. Ira Loire. MNrs. L. E. Bry- ant. Nýeedlcrft- GirlFs dres, ne- miodïelILed fro.ni od garmnent, Mrs. W. J, Ruttie, M,\rs. George Bau-iid; boy's trous;ers remodelled fîom old gar- ment, is. George Bauid, Mis. Ira Lùewe; ladlie.s' wrap for indoor wear, mnade from- used gaîmeint, ist, Mis. Ina Love Rags - Hah ru g, ragsbok dIMrs. D. G. Iopr Mrs. R. Putnain: heaîrth rugý, iroo'l, biraidied, Mi1s. R. Putnam, ML. . E. Bryanit; hearth rug, crochieted, Mrs. L. fE. Bryant, Fred 13laekbunni; hearth rug, .k Irs. b. E. Bryant, Mrs. R. Putnam; bauth mat, crochet- ed, string, Mr-. R. Putnami, Mrs. Ira Low~e. Decorative and Constructive Art Oul Paintings - Portrait, Tt, Mfiss E. Waddell; figure, 211(, Miss E. Waddeli; arrnimal, Miss E. Wadileill Mrs, R. Putnamn; marine, Miss E Waddiell, Mis. R. Puitnemi-; land- scal{e, Ms E. Waddell. Miss NIi King,; fruit, 'Miss, E. Waddell, Mis. L. E. Bryant; floirera, Miss Nellie King, Miss E. Waddiell. Water Colors '- Figure, Mliss E. WaddtOell, Nellie King; portrait, Ist, Miss E. Wadl;animal, MNiss E. -Waddell,1 Mis. R. Putnami; imai>rn, Miss E. Waýdd1el, Mrs. R. Putnin; landscape, NeIlie King, E. WVaddel; fiowers, Nellie Iing, E. We',ddell; fruit, 2uid, E. Wyaddell. Sepia, any subject, E. Waddiell, Mis. R. Putnmami; crayon dawnanry subjeet, E. Waddell, Misý. R. Puitnamn; crawiro drawing, any subject, ist, E. Waddiell; pastelj drai,,iwin-g, any snbject, E. Wacldell, Nellie King; pencil draing, figures, lst, 'E. Waddieil; pencil îawiVng, ani- mal. Nellie King, Mrs. L. E. Bryanrt; pencil drawing, landscape, Nle King, E. Wadrlel; pen and pencil sketch, E. Waddel, is, R. Putnam; colection of china painting, Orono WmnsInstitute, Ms.Elva M. Mil- ler: collectiornof 4 snapshots, a-ny subject, Mrs. Elva M,ý. Miller, Fred Domiesti-e Science Loaf homnemade bnead, Ms.Reg. Sattont, Mis, D. G. Hlooper; loaf whiole irbeat bread, homieriadle, lst, s.n Reg. SUUtOn;raisin ML afcMs. D. G. RocoerOroo Wmen's mati- tute; cheese loa,,f bread, lstL, Mis. Reg. Stton; -one doz. buns, -Mrýs. D., G. I{oopeî, Mrs Ed. Dean; haîf doz. tea. biscuits, Mirs. D. G. H-ooper, Mis. R. G. Moffait; oraniige cake (not iced) Mirs. R. G. Mloffat, Mrs. Wý. Sherin; lemon sponge (not iced) iS. R. G. Moffat, Mris. W. B. Hocar; haîf dez scones, 'Mis. D. G. Hoo-per, Mrs. -R. G. Mofffýat; 1haif (doZ. bed rolîs. Orono WmnsInstitute, MsReg. Sutton; whole ibb ufis aîf dozen. i, s. R. G. Moft Ms eg-. Sutton; layer cake, dark (chocolate. iccd) Ist, MIrs. 'Ed.Den layer cake. lighilt (iced) Ms R. G. MNoffat; apple sac ake, lst. Orono Wo)n-,en'shI- titute; ap!ple pie, Mis. R. G. Moffat. Mis. Seg. Suttoni; puniiph,-in- pie,Mr R. G. M1offat, M-is.u Ee. .Sutton; lemon pie, Mrs. Eiva DM. Ml rMs. D. G. H-ooper; raisin pie, MUrs. D. G. Hooper. MTrs. Reg. Suttoni; taits, 2 varietieýs. is D. G. Hlooper-, NMrs. M G. Moffat: cookies, 83 varieties. Mis5. W. Sher-win. Mirs. D. G. Hoper: jellîed veg. salad, list , Ms Reg. St ton; C) varietie's nwchs st, Mis. Y. E. Bryant: 4 practical way's ni' erig apples, lst, Mrs. W. She- vin; chili sace Irs. D. G. H1ouper. Mr. Anld Mrâ. lawke Celebrateb rganizaton 0f Winter 5Oth Wedding Anniversary 1I0I., - A very pesn vn a ee Ibîated on Sundrlýy, Se-ptembiler 29t1h, at thie homie of Mr. and Ms J. E. IIawýke, the occasioni being their 50th weddIing anvrsr.Though their anniversaîyr.ieally falîs ontOctober 3rd, it iras decided te hold it on ,Sunday when ilail the fan-uly wVouild be abme to attend. Mvrs. Hawke, beï'oîe lher miarriage wsElLen Elizabeth Beel, of Spenny- 1nicor, England, nnd iras united in niarriage to .ames Erniest Hawîke, ef TLeskard, on October 3,1896,fi the inanriage crmoybeing Iperformied by Rer. Mr. Adamns ,at the Orono Methodiist parsenage. There irere sixýty present to cele- !orate this special avent in thie lires of Mr. and Mrs. lie wke, w'ho are irel and favoîaly hnown through- out this district. Al the famuily jwere present, being Clifford, Alfred, Anniie, Gertie, Wesley, Ross, Wilfred, Lloyd, Eva, and Noreeni. The rest of the guests 'iermnade up of re- ladivets and neighhors. The guest coniing the Iongest distance iras Mis. Henderson of Nova S-otia,. Thie ihouse was airtis-tically decer- ated -with foiwrs îcf every variety,- wichleintcler te thie sceene of ac- MIivity. Durirvg the afterneeon the immaediate family presented Mr. and MDIs. laxyke w ith a ptlrse of nmoney, and !onigratulalted theni on reacinigj their 50th year cf happily rftarîied ilfe. They ivere aise the recipients cof mialyny ther iffts frum-i the re- latives and friands. 1A buffet lunch was serv.ed, xith a lar-ge 3-layer wcddIing cakie placed on- the centre of the tablle, irhich bîeught a very happy occasion te a close, Uipon their. departure th e ir friends wishied -Mi. and Mis. Ilairke irnuny miore eaxs of wedJded Ef e. On, Tuesday, Qctober lat, a. quiet e (lUsfg wirassoaeeriffled , in Pai Street United Churah, trono, when Gloria M\ariani, daug-hter oî iàs. J. 11lclardsen, Orono, iras united i n nriage te James Anithuny, son cf Mn. and Mis, lex. Grant, Bownman- ville. Uer. S. Littleirood offieiated at the cerem-ony and -Mrs. O. Sander- coch played the wedding muasie. The brideoe a dressiakei suit of queen'a bine iool, matching fea- ther hfat iith ahoulder veil, bruirav accessonies and a corsage of îed roses. Coporal Rolande Fortini, R.C.A.F., Westoni, as Ibriieidsmid, ,voeéa coffee bIoir ablardine suit irith mnatching accessories -and a corsage cf pinh antin.Mr, Mont Richardson iras hest iman. At the receon held at nhe home of the bride's grandfather, Mi. C. J. Hughsoni, the bîd'syiother receir- ed, irearing deep oichiid faconne coepe irvith black .cLessories and a corsage of yeilow floiers. The gromi's motber chose ist grey ciepe irith black accessories. Afteî the reception the bride anid groom- left for pointýs north and on therir rtuin mil reside in Bovran- Aùnnual Meeting Show Successful Year For Band On Tuiesday eehg Oct. lst, the Orono Band met iia the b oein f theto hall forir annual mieet- ing. Great nusas ias hor througzhout the mneetingý for tLhe fu- ture progresa of the bard. T4e ti-casure-r's -report iras rendl irich piuved very sr tsfactery' ahsiga balance on hand cf twev hundred and six\ty dollars,.irith somne eutstaniding acconts sill te be col- lected. The imembers voted this o n ey te be used for ipoeet within the band. TPhe band is consideîing staiting a lass of young nmusicïans this fali unider the guidance of -Mi. M. . Tabybandmiastei. This s ubject iras mnet, itag'eaIt deal cf vigor and shoiuld dvelop into a real issue in the near future. Discussions ar-ouse about remodel- linig thle bnnd for- better effect and its, iusii, nbîlitv. The me 1bis aeIo, xholeheartedly to makqle Orono band langer and better thian erer before. A s good baud is a credit te any, comuniyand the Oreno Baud has been jut hat. The filowiî-ng fficers ire elect- cd for thec ensing yenr:1 Presidlent - Carieos Tambilyn.' Desp-l-ite intermittent abomers therej iras a goci entry and a gooci croird cf spetators on hanci for the Dur- hainCouuity Black and iWb i t e 1Day helci Septemiben 21 ia conjunction xith Oreno Fair. Atog-ether 103 head of Bioîsteins ucre shiouma by 17 exiibtos.The judge uns M. C. Mo(!Phail, Kmt-le A inev erhibitor, Fredt R. Stevens, B o w a n urille, ;houed the Grand Chamipion cou. This unýs Lady Korndyke Creatuor Rose,ihostO,,,! fiat in' the Dr-y Ageci Cou la.'"* Stevens also sir-eec the fiat prize Senior YaiigBLl, fi-st anIi sec- ond Dry three-yeari-olds, ani ec oind Senior Pioduce, an exýeilent shul ,în g forj a fiast tume ehbt Auch MuîLir & Sens, Courtice, wvon n. total od 8 nSit prises, their wirners, icuigthe SeiorndCi Gand ChminBuli, Strath11more Vale sil Beilo Zozo, mixe headeci the cina;s;fou Aged BuIls andci te Rsr unioýr Chrmmpion Bull, Pr gee Kncv elyn Bnr.The Ilatter iras beaten in clas n-d for the Jun-ior Chiampion- ship by Joe p pi1e 1Loch)inlvar Poshth tp junior Yearling Bull, cirneci jointiy by B. J. BokBoir- man-iiville?, andciW/es. Werry, 1Hamnp- ton. Muir ai-su bnc irte xininig OpnGet-of-Sire, a group by Entonl lBal hieftain Fnyue, lh at Lyear'aý Reaerve Ai-Canadin Ag1-e clBBll. The reserve G-ranid Chlamlpion Bll WIas Straýthaven Comm1,1 1andl lo, uho stoc n ext te the Grand Champion in. thle Aged Bulcna foriAex Hen- drNèc-castie. John 11Cruickshanuuk, Blamnpton, shomeci the Reserve Grandl ChampIýion coîr, his first prize dury tiv-ye~-odCraigaston PhtCriro- lino.In Lladdition, lheaie exhibiteci the Junior Champion Female. the uming bp Se ior0 ' yeali n g HPiffci, CisenDianne Poach. Th-e Junionr Beifer Caif oxvned by Ea v Bromn. Newcastle, ias m-mdc Reserve Juii Chamipioni, aftcr Ihecaidingi1- its oua Other proi-n-et irie mnr iree: J. IM.TJose & SnNemeastie, with one rp t anidfourscona;M." . Tamnblvin. O elno, n is't. ir killen, one fiast, thîce seconds, three thirds; Jas, Bl. Cooks;on, mianvÂlie, one second; Wal'ter Bamptun, one third; and-Il Brooks, Bownmanville, one fiat. iatter's min vas inthe Junior ILt is notble that both fiat an( oai pèize Junior Gets, as uali o second O[ pen Cet-mve re si r, àlentchi Emke Piete Pedsch tihe noteci $21,000 Mdontrie Be PieB. A detniled summary of He three pè-ze vinniersi eticliech as foliewýS : Agcd bulîs;, 1, A MV Sou;), Alex. Heindry; tire yeý bLl1, John Cruickshanu1k; 2,, Boiat. Senlior yearlirtg hImL Fred R( l'. Steven-; 2, Jl. - H.J Sns. Junior enligbull, 1, Broos &W/es Wery;2, Arch &Sn;senior. bull caif, 1 ai1 Cares arulyn 3,J. W. Bei JCaîibull cduf 1 anrd 2, A.. A Sons;diJIV. Bomman. M qgeci cow, il A. Mul&L-So'ns; 2, Bo3-ar )1, . J.,rmln agilcm,1AFrdR. Sea ns H. Ccksc; 3,J. IW. Bnn iogthuc-yar ci,1, Johin Cý shank; 21 Alih'Muir & Son!s; J. Taoln Pry fth-ee-ynr ni , Fred R. Stevens; 3,A. 1M Sons. Miing tUnoyear-oli1 Muir Sons -2,I. Hendfr-y; 3. lesTaubln.Drýy tmo-yealoi( John Cucsak 2, J. B1. J( Sons; 3, 'M. J. Tambl)yn. 2, J. Hl. Jose & Sn;3 rc &k Sons,. Juniior ynln ef J. Bl. Jose & Sonsý: 2, J. WI. Bou, 3, Aico'h. Muii &,Sons. S"enior, cai, 1 Arh.Muir & Snj; 2, Tamlyn 3,Johin Griksanicý ici' heifer c-1f, 1, Eau Brou- CrosTambl)yn; 3, VWaiterj Junor et-f-Sre,1, M1. J. Tain T9til)vi 3. ;rlnliii Ce I - W Sports F'or iDistrict Lompletecl A imeeting- of the- Orone Amateni1 AtIhletic A-.Ssocitionias heid in thr- Armeuries om Tuesdaiy eveninig at, xith aP goed attendaïýnce bejing pr-es- euit. Evryhngias iroued eut tec the satisfaictioni of ail1, andsprtn erents f,1111i noi on shlould prove a gr1eat beniefit te thlis commun-iiiity, es- The fiist item of businiess wis given over te badmiintori. The coin- mittee reported that they wanted Wedesdtyafterinon and tire even- mga- a uveek for this sport, -hichi irVas grainted'. The nighits as ,yet net behing decided uipon. Thiere xill be a emerhi fee of $1,00 cliaiged. foi each memiber of the cu.Mein- bers te bu-y their own! racquets alld birdies. The ouney frem th--eac- bershiip vill go tnr entertalinmient a-isoci ciaeeing"s îvhich xiiibe lcI "flom im e te turne. Aniyone de- siigte jo2in the c-lb are ashed te get iintouch with any of the foloir- ing eiiiýittee, A. E. West, O. W. Rolph or Carmen CornIish.ý There iras censýiderab)le discussien on lite hockey situationi forlhece, inig wiinter. The feIliwing onnite waýs apoin)ted te look aftr hockey: Danle Found, A. E. West ani P. M. Danle Found told t'he meeting of the plans lie bad daiaup for this mitr: ns Oronio thnis yenr cannilot ice a Juvenile hiockey >em, tihey wvIli enter a Junmior Club and a wid- g-et tathe laist nmentioned te w'vorký in cooeainwit'h Ne Natl wich ivili enter a juivenile tean. These tire teama -wilIi)play a doul,,e header on t'itesanmle evening,ý. Dane ais plans on feîmuing a -Chinke Toivnship mineor league ofsitenplyn three gtumes On, the sam-fe eeig As far 'as is hnoun at thie present time thîi-s mil be thie achedule .it the rîink: Morndny night. Clarhe Tomn- P shi p iaguie wl- P-.y tLrrie aise Tuesciay cvening, 0O.M..A. hockey, Newcastle Jureniies and iOronemici-% grets; WcnsyPublic skzating; il Thiursdiay (neiei;Fniday, Oronoa Junior O.H.A. hqckýey; Saituîduiy ïaf-t ternooi n md'eveninig, skating; IMon-- Boys' Training Sehool OpenIS At BowmanviIIe. The Boyýs' Tr-aininig' ehoat Bowmanvllle, fo)rmerly used1 as a Germany pr-isonca, was reopeniled on Tuesday last. Major A. R. Vir- gin, former school superintendient, and rc-enitly appoin)ted 'provincial direc-etor of refoinm institutions, took Parýt. Many changes ini the school set- up have been mnade, b)ut will not ha ni-rade public until tr-ied and provea,. day and Friday, aftemnoons fr-ee Skat- ig foi, Fhe Public school ,ýchildren. Danie also hop)edto have 200ý re- sei-ved seats and 5 00 rush seats erected ini the front of thie ink for thiiswit. Dane as kedC permiission t û runi a dance- on Novemiber lst, Hal-~ lov'nnightl, the proceeeds to ha turned oDver. to the Association to cary on winter spo ,r t s. This wasï g'-ramted., 'Mi-ss Basnet se to have Wed- niesday evening rieserved ever-y wýeek for- thle grs wwih as grantedi. Ail1 pube Slic cl irs iÉeaked-Ito ha Vt!te iAjo1uiies on W\edn, ie s,îa y eveing Otobr Obfiom 7 to 8 pm.; 11nitail Conitinu iat ion Schoo! gýi1Is and eanvone else -vlwh xnts ta rtten-d fr-om 8 to 9 p.my Il: iriy Davey >was aý ppo)intet' cihairmn f thfe foottball comimittee, withi Jnck Stobart and Ed. Neilson as assistants. In future al bills aantthe OnoAmateur Athletic Aasociatiain nst be naid bkv cheque and willhe tae ulne of sp favorably. T Good Entry At Durham Black And Whî