_____ - T VeceCteo CHAPTER Vut Doicslip-oer the uiide ito the ses unoiedaniii to, the ,schonel1r mend lr aord rhe gtl ] evuls an, automlatic ant Twneu, oedeing htm awsy iTucu, r'tlls for, timne while two of l)is nl sueak on deck. InuIthe ensuing figlit they driveTucu and his crew back to tho ingge). "We've gotr id or them l1for a Urne"fDik tella h il CHAPTER VII Sie made no pressing inquuijy for anl exlanation, but ber ey~- "Db sounds lke a stage farce,"lie laugbed finally, "but at ias the beat 1 coiddcait Ithe finie. Ta Caiin'ucu swsýllosved tbbc story xvas a surprise to mle." "Wil yn please be11 llme w the sboîy l? Briefy as bec ould, Dkk etch ed ail that lbad bappenied io t im s lle bc ouneinlg ùofItle City 'i 1ihia, vcidînlg, as mu1cb a s ',ossible icefer1-enlc e to0 bis uI suffeing. lie subconscionu- ly uoticed whlat finle eycs Sie bad, sud bow absorbingly tbey folilo-w ed hlm as be told tbc Stury. Whc' lie can to flie siiggliatg art tbey 1igbtjed 111. sud the first giiiu- mer of srnlile played abouit fber lips. "Now," be cneled, "-ou cur nnderstaud why Tucu AUl persi;( ini takhîlig the schoonier. So long as LIm aboard bll kcep Pt it. 'mî not sure buit i can do10you t112 .greateat favor by, ?ca..Perhaps "Where wull yu go?" sue askd, smiling wth ber cyc ansd ips. "Back to ftbe lgger." "\'oldni't tbe-y kill youi if they ll ai ads ou youaal" "No, loturigbt ;ýaay,"lbe re- pliedc. 'It's nmy supposed know ledge of tbe existence of those jewels that wonld roteutme. Af- ter tbey wcrc convinIced I baci been deccivînig tbem j - wby,thn I1 don't imagine TuIcuwodle retanby any scruples f rom wreakingvegac" "Butt you (ldi't iutcnld bo waýtt unitil thn? iae added. "No, I waýiplanning to leave at the firýt opportuuity. I w-,a->ou th-t l0oIok'ot for abipa.' "And this schoonier being ihe first. yon took lbt o get away froîn -NO, thaqt isni't qite true'," b returncd, bis eyes tinkling. "I reslly did't tbink of myself wbhen SIuncii(d to change abips. I saw' wblat thcey iîntcended" to do, âsud heard your defiauce of bbcrn.ILt was-xva-we ,a habit of mine, we"lI caulb , of jumnping in wben. ever tbere's a chiance of a adver.- turc. I wanted to see tbe fuu, sudý TuçuL had refuse-d +o let mne cone aboard" Sie appeared a littie amnised by bis eidenit atternpt to avoid tht real reasont. Shle Sauddenly ge~ moefincidly. 'Turning to hlmr, shie sid f'rankly; "'m gladyo camle, and I hope yot-'l sbay. SipCe fatlier Iosb bis reasn, 've had evrtigto do. It was the sbocma sud tbe crew -- they abaniidou)ed us rilht lu tie imidst of lb,. Fathler wsdowu wvith a lbigh fever, sud I--bc en idne1-'t trust me toý manae thnga.1 tiuk tbey were, superstitious about fatlher; lie talk ed sud acted lu a way tMatfrgh- ened tbemi. His mind - bere lh2 comas îiow,"si, broke Offinlu a whisper. "Neyer mmild wiat be says. He'ýs iiot responsile for a an be terîs" Capai Bdfodistba vacanitj stare in bIis eccarne turling uip the comlpan1ion-, mi býilg. antis griing ilpto imself. ic as a main past filty, stut land, thick-set. gr-izzIed ofIbeard and1(1bard of imus- cle;bt Itle mmld Iha d 1b>ee tor w ot t La hy a knock onm ~be -ad cssedby s. faling spar il. the idsýt of the storn. Catcbing sigh1t ot Dick. hie stopped and blinkcd baýrd at hlmii. Tbien witb a- ïdio,tic g!rin on his face, be, ap- prosïched w ýitlîbotb bhands exteuid- "IS it ye, 1,fr. Crew?" lie callel "1le takes :youý for the mate.- Ilslrc te girl. "Humnor hlm.' "Wiitsfs mostime e Cpullud uip àanch1or iný-'t it? Tbe-hre larn" goin-' to; be a storrn after ail. J told y so - 1 told ye so, Mr.ý Cw!If it .'t for thlat pig- heaed upestiionof yours that aun atel wind meaabig blow yc'd blevdmeaor. lie carnle lupand pokýed Dick playfully in thie ribs. Theni glane. ing at !lis dIaugh1ter, be added "D)id ye tellirhl aboult our trecas- mie. Rose?', No? T[hen 111 teli biný ~-pickeCd tu-u-Wbt the name of tbat reef now?" lie plac- cd a 'hanid to1bis forehead luin ain tiode of thought. "R~',cadr B;k?"asked Dick, "I at' it PRocado)r Banik! iHl%\wd ye knlow' it, Mr. Crew? Roslýe 1rnust have b ld ye. No, yte wcu'bfol me-sce to Yse. y z coldut bave guesseda tig 4gint ilu yer ife. Remembeýr wben> ve gu1essced ye was coing down witl! bbc mvessIes?IHa! Ha! That wvas a oeon yeq M e rw" Wie sboped suddenly and gaped 1s t - ugr "Wb1at sbip's that d1ubtr? iüdo't eemto remem-i becr beýr. Hall ber, an,' ask the cap tai abardWeli bave A dramn of mmtogethler. cap'uVs bave to bc friendly wben ilu barbor No," startinig for thelicsde, "'Il bailbe. -No9, faiter" îteýrru-pted Rose. "not 1now. Y'or must go belo'w and eesýt. NMrCew 1 Iwili follow. If You',11 make some bot, c9ffzir we'ill rik twitb you." ' "Coffoee Coffeel Wblatdrn' that for a capt'nA and mi-at-' lie sure."That's for ladÏies 1id hide.We'liibave a sip of thIat ok: Medfocrd, Mr. Crew." Hewink- ed brosdly. "Rose can have tht icoffee». but w'll drink to eacb oth- ,er's bealtb lu goond old jamlaica. Eh?" Dick nodded sud siniled, which seemTied to ,please the captain, for be diescendiýed tLhe stairs, rubbing bis banda 'Saud muimbling gleefully Rose Bedford vvas a cbiild of the, seboru ilu . smaýLl seaport Vil- lage, buit bred sud br-ongbt IP On thec ns unlîder th, tutela-ge of ber father. ber imother b7 aviug died at an age wben daugbters bave ouly the faiu'test conception of leî ned f atrnicare. Captain Bedford wýs on)ely; jealouts ofre laties wbo gav e icild a born wb"u he was away. sud absolutelly buugry for bler cmaiu p auld linch could no longer en,- du14r Cthe Separat.ion beliteall kidriapped bier and carried ber awy to ses witbhiW Wheýn.Dick Joýrdan met lher &aLe was as comn-petent a navigator of a saioigceat aaç» u at aatm, a" ber nolegeof eaan hiph ellaàîed býer in thU1e crsto a Prairie Sokn Is On ayOu Stoigseernas to be on lits way le juin tddo suid thesaaane notes the Wiuniipe'g Tribune. A jaunt thriouigh tle Mntb on tryside vwhlerebrvsigoetos are Iin full swVing d(iscloses th-at compaI)rativeCIyvfcew fields present the chIenille-like appeýarance -uthat orderorIv oof soo give. Mo"t of the fiels Il o \vonly stubble, Or ithe grain b ýinlg inl ong swatbecs. This sem t .stfyth estimlate that fifty per cenit. of thl(' grain biarveýst ini Maniitoba is bandled with comlbire;nesor'wt ers. If a fielId is uniformly ripenedc a combI)ine cau cnt sund thrlesh 3 :5 acres a day without strippinlg too miauy gears. Indeed one t'ai)rmer s reported fto have joined two ;comn- bines behind a snl tractor and la working bis wav 0tbrougb bis fields at tbe rate of 80 a(ccsdsiiv, and tbreshing 5bsest te acre. In cases where grain is sýtill gr-evi in spots the swathevr (uts il, sud spreads it in long rwsil, snc a svay as to allow lhesds to ripen quickly. The combine then cornes along aud finiishes tIe job. Theli Cania-dian sulgar ration wil "definitely" be maintained at its present evei despite 'asharp dmp , in.sugar stock,- ud the price of sugair will be miaiutained de- spibe an increase in4 sugar prices il, thei Unlited States, corigto Prices Board officias. TEnrâA uauM Btyucould jtihîik of a dozen ways to ulse these peacock motifs on1 your liniens!Wel go righit ahead . .resits are sure te, bi beautifni. Emiibro>ideýr ftbern iivvd cock- colora.Patm 664 bias trans- fer of 14 motifs 1¼ x 4 to 6/ 11il ces. Laura \Wheele]r's pwipoe patteu maks ieecIJework so sim- PIe witb i Is ebsets, photos, cocise directions. S,,,iid T WE NT E N TS in, coinls (jsjitampacaunot bc accep)ted>ý for this patteru, to the eelcrf Depit., Roomn 421, 73 AdeIîde St, Weùst, Toronto. Peint plIainly- PATTERN N Ui M BlE R, your, SIZE, N A-ME, A D D .R E S S, thc schioonier aftcr thýe crcw ha'i abandouied lber. Caa«in Bedford biad bec,, ijuircd by a fallingap. sudc for twenty-fouir boums b-; biovered betweeu 11f e sud deatîh Wbeube ecovcred the Iuse of i;- mu11scles, buit Iot of bis m13imd, Le was worse thian useless. Hua w',ild babbling frigbitcncd the auperatii- tioqis crew, sud rednjced tbiem toii a surly disorgai zed, mutinonis rm b Rose suddenly fould that !tIi sea-mansbnip waaS of littiepavaijl Witnout tfli powetcommnand obedience. t upset lber more 1than auy-thiulg that baiid bap .nd-tfia she wss weak suid belpleas l position w,ýhr ' ber fatber-wnc bave triumllpbed tbirougb sheer* physical dominiance Tl'le ce dlisregatrded b ler ordeýrs, asud tooçk mi-' -ees ilu teir ovni bauds. Tbev-, abandonecd the s chooner in the, m-iddle o)f thle stor-Ili (To Be contilucdl ISSUE 40-1946 PaCls Bavckgroun-d and Early Years Acts201:9;22:3, 128; 20:4-; Pillippans 3:5-6 Golden Text: - Remember also thy Creator iu the days of thy yout.-Philippians 3:;5-6, Paul's Citizenship Pul declarehis natioulitand hîs cîtîzenIsbip Îlie w;;s a Jw but borni- in a Romani free ty, Tarsuis and by binig born tbere, Pauil lbim- self was by birth a Romnan citizen. with ail tbe rigbts and priiges ofRoa ctizenlsbipr. Paul uns proud of bis citizen- sbip and forwent no opporbtnty to declare it, There sas ever a fine ~sef-respect about the iman; flot for bis owu .aggrauidisemiei1t, but lui or-der that those wbo o pposed tbe Lord sud the mesa e helct ca'lled to proclsirn abhould realize tbat bie had for-feited noiltingi that folln ig aNazarene. Paul' Religiotis Faith Paul was a Pbsisee, a meumber of a Jws sect wblich bieldrigidly toý the letter of Judale Ilaw. As a Pbarisee Paul biated the followers of, Jeans. Belonging to' the San- hedLrin, the govering group iii ju- dasm e wa a person.. of imipor- tance. IHe tndoubtedly regarded jesus as an imposter snd sought to puit aul end to Huaenfuene t as ile so engaged tbae Paul was arr1ested àIidn iracnlously con- verted. Saur's conversion Sand, beforehisconversion, bad everthig in wbicbi a jew glojried. But bis eyes were oýpened aîîýd ht saw cleary tba thte thmgs that were of sucbigreat value in is eyes were, of no value whiatever in the eyes of God, and bie counited tbemt ail but- lbas "for the excel- lency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lo)rd." Heý gave tbemn all upmadconnteddtnem asnotbing tbat hie migbt find (lChrist aud the priçceess- treasnires thaetutere are lu lm. ~"-~- ~1. 1~ By Aune AabIley venlted by add1ing a aalpeeo snpatc of pbs to theboln syrips or jamls. Q. H c au 1I make use cof ernipty cOffucecana? A. \Wb1ere coffee lapnchseil tin canaý, wlth tit-fittinig lida, lb is wel toSave teecanlsamsd s them a s (containeýrs for ,e rca1s, puross.Iftbey are aitdand labeled, So mu1cb the better. Q. 1How eu I c d en broidery ou1 gooda that will not ab A. Cover witb a tbick paste ofý alcohiol suid powedercd cbialk. Roll sud isy away lu1 a dark place for a1 few das, sd then ibrulsb off tbb, Q. HOW eau I keep ,cheese moliist? A. Wrap ilu ceceseclotbh, wruuig onit of vinegar. R'epeat as ofbeu ais thle Cloth becomiea dr-y. Q. How eau 1I make ,a Egood sharnlpoo? made by griuidinig a litte corrimeal as flne as p)ossil, then addiug aPý smiaîI quan-tity of ri-ot Spiet'his weiliover the scalp. Let it remain s fewminutes aud then brnisb out tbjoroughDy Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1,Wbien a Per-soni does >notbe lieve in tippiugp, is lb proper for hlmii to inore it? 2, Wb'Ien a per-son la maling an introduction, sbonild beý add s wo)rd Is Lair aIl rigbt for' a gill t have imarried -wqmren for brides- 4.Doca a cprsonorý1-W good brecding wben he insista <on de-. scrib),ing at lenigthbbfieprice be (lad wbiic ou, bis Vacation, or details of is travels?ý s:l it proper for a girl to) strike out bbchMse if uising ber persoua'l caýrd wbien aseuing a gift? 6. Are "DeseY Sic" and "Getle- me"correct salutations foi a usi ness letter? ANS WERS iIt is preferable "whulu Eomle [o do as thie Romanis do", t would be far better for hlm wbwlo doca flot lieve ln tipping to patronize those places -were tippIinlg la el¶iusbaed or not expecteci. 2. Yes; if the comment lie nmakea wîill enlable the twVo persouls to beglu al frieudly Coliver-sation ble 5sbould inot miss t'le opportuiby to do0 so. 3. Yes. ht mIayv lot be quIite as aporae but itla sýoften done where a--,i' cIoSesýt 11frýInd are alreuady n1arried. 4. No: a welI-brý e d person il neye-r do this unlIs e ai- ke sPecifi questions, alld partiu'11à: unlea thoe towhom bl talk inig have vîted thesaineples 5. Ye, if the -recipient) is a1 int;IrI- tefrienld.4G. )YeS. WORRIES FADE a4s you Stimulation ofMawl bulse Coif ce. lissu rl blend contains ehoite Latin -American coffees.. 'Yoll cani't beat it for mel- low, full-bodied goodness. TRIAS RU op THE SEA Býy George E. Waksh