Land mar yk An edryman staniding imi a the ck urîn saly 'elie saw-1 a oth about to lite place ~ beind hlmi. - VnI' goinig arosth oa1d t terted the iderly genlemans. "Jdid net buimp you onl the bak, te young 1man tsaid. iust as indýigniaîtly, "Ijust put a cha ik maý-rk oýn yonr coat so- that 1 hol net forgeýt imy place in thle queule.' Great Speech Foi thle first timla b11 is life[le fad bceen asked ta m-ake an a)fter- dinnierspeh and for days before theic aC14tion hereearedhi, ora- lflan hefore bis vife. Finally the great day arrived, ând ce! is return home b'is prouid ,wife enqnliire-d fow thec speech hadâ bqmil receivedý In Style Mrs Style: "I want a biat,ht ià msis e ila the latest style." Shopmian: "Kinidi'y ake a cb.air. ssJdaw, a' nd wait a fewt minuttes. heScoûtsman bad lost a pouind otr adly he etilered theader tisemecnt office of th1e local news- paPer aud handed in the notice b3e ýwaated in-serted ïin the '4Lostý and Telekhad ifficilty ;a re- str;ininig bis mirth wben h le read, Lost, ea cone pouci n oteý. senti- menital vainCe." mast Like That The inventor of a new type aiî Isand enîade says: "You merely press a smaii proctioaý on the *asitng, a dtonýator epodsthei charge, anid there youa are." ùOr tiiere y- re't, a tecae a Ab rev ije iu The private bad beer givea th)e job aùftoicigthe Yg-ests au a party et the mlajOr's bouse. "ÇCaptain JOn1Cs, Ms.Jones and Ulas Jones, lie ca1Iled wben they te1 the sergeanit. "Captai P id family wjuld havecee The aext arrivais wcre Lieut x~~< ennyaad bis ïfamily, 'Vonrpcnice!" anucdtb-i, private. Pat Wins br 0,C, îtranips bad boiled a fchccn and wvere arguinig bow ta <ivide if. One suggcsted theyV ehouild toms,3 a coini. "Head," calicdl Sam. ý"Tail,» called Tamn."' take wba'S Ict,",said Pat.ý Qulck Sale 11a the louange of a large hotelý munch patronizcd by blac maiýrket m"aîtstwa dactars 1 wýere com-j Parilsg inotes. One remarkcd ta tht other, "I've got a grecat manly cases A ismaniseanled acrosa and said. "l'Il take the lot. mi-ister." inexperienced Poli-ce Judge: "cl.Sami, ;about yonir son tealin)g thase cicken., 1VvC dcddta le', hins Off tihis timie, bt*ydoni't yaDu shiow hlm- -g he rigbit way ?" Saim: -Ah donc triecd bard Judge buit goes ald gets hnisself cauight Cheap A doctor was kalockcd up il-,a inmaîl village at abouit 3 a.m. by a mnan wha )askedhim ta colat ininmediately ta, a place ten il ies away. The doctor dresscd quickly and gat out bis caIr. anid ftey dfrove frusyta theiir destin-ation. Upon arivel die man asked: Watis your fee dloctor?" "Hall a gincia," lbe replied,li mOuile Surprise "HFere it is thenI," said thema SLan)ding over the nmoney, '"anl cbcap, too. The garage maa wvanted tbiirty bob tai drivýem Cosfrtabie Miscry It îtiay bLe tue, as some chiees'- liphlosoph)ers telilins, fthat nmoney \... ocs înot bring bappiness. buit i <loes help one ta )i li ms(i1erbl l M'HIR 1M,1OTEERS I -~ utumnSuppers Irate mothers la Tarmey, Calif., are keeping 141 sc boa! children ont "on' strike" and have issued a "No Cap, No 'Kidst" ultimatum ta connty officiais. The mother - sponsored strike was calied because no0 croasing guard had been sent ta Tormey ta escort children -across bazardons higbway. HIGH - AND ALMOST DRY - ON A SAND BAR t( VOICE 0F TUE PRES S Veteransý' Last Chance SneWar Vtrn are askiag with rao:"Hfave I hclýped ta win a war and Iost a, chanlce-- a Chance ta cara a liing and moake a hom-e; ta get 0an ducation aid build uip a buLsinecss? -- Hamîlilton) Spectator. Freci Air The bicycle vwas îinventied by Sctmn100 years ago LUiS sum- me.The carfier tires werc aif solid rnIbe(r, EBut beinlg ZaScot be de- idite nmore eonoicllpeul- atic re, wich is rmerely 2a thin ski n airublier, stuffic( with tlhin air. And teair is free.-Otta-w%ýa Citizeni. Cheerful Thauglit k Evcrytini-g bas k omena tions. Yaui can't -buy soap cýhips, but neither cani you getne shirts taD wash-dontaoural It's Aiways Tomorraw Somie speaiker shioid camie along aaly day t,, tell us what blecamne ai that brighit ncw vtamorrowv we wr told s0 mucb about yesterday. Branidon Sun. Harder Stilll Those wbio say sa iig re Élie bardest hird-s ta c-atch can nv erï have tried their hands on thje (love af peac.-T-oronto Star, REG'LAR FELLERS-The Quiz Kids î'M S~PRJS~.D AIYIVU, PINH~D, AI'1Y~TWO -YEAf~-9LO ~E5TIO~1S~ b Ki4OWSJIIE. AN$Waas "10 T,4OSfj~ __ _fi Re-aiigned Priarity Yo'd nieyer recogniize them n low, buit wve remembi e hn Supp!IY was tbc- big felow la tie aidWme eco- nomnic sketchi, Supply aad I Demnand. Deinition A pedestrian sa ma01'riid w-ho ownls Ganc auto. -- CIbatbamIn News Dan't Even Look Ani American eye-specialist blames lifteen per cent oa iiway accidents on)Ijaitly Vision. And hiow miany ai ftihe rumainder arc imply nM lookig wmeue they are igong?--Peurborough Exainer. Aff eci 'a bar1d day ýs wu rk, vetl er in ii fi d , fa Îictiior y' o ffi ce c ', homIie, appetites "are- usually prc1t-u keen, especiaiy wi couler even- ings ta beI l pt 1an edge on thfim The ,oung fry don'thaxeta àie second c, îta up as a rule e fisedays either. Th 'i re stili mn11y di c i's desserts uising Late fruits suc(h 1ci bbiers or ct9g-puddings maýde by tapping -,friti!with slightljy swc-telled t ea b1is;cità doulgh1, or plain cake býatter-. ba1kinig ;and .serv- ing with a frit s--auice, Bak'id ronBetties 7made w'ith alter- naIte layers af fruil and fine dlry hread crumb'11s, n1ixcd wtba lt mlted fatand sulgar are alwvay! popular favorites. ho ,bime C ofmsts ie o mlÀ iin Depa irtmýent a f A gr-i <-,! ture's consumer Section, ffer r'- cipes todaly wîh i prorie( cithe(r hear-ty ini courses, or, as iun the case ciche Cuicumbel)r Soup. with the addin of a good sal't and dlesserFt, wýii rounid out a ý;u' stantial supper menu. The two ccmber recies aso take advn- tage ai thiose large or partly rýp-_ cucumbers which may bc bard t use np. Carns Potaa Scallop 4 cups slic_ raw potata (cut si-i ýý inch shices) 2 cups carn cnt froin the col' 1tlaw or cookaýi) UR drained canned carn 6 tabAcapoons chapped green em sweet viedlpepper (SE piMwnt ' cup cbopped onlan 2 tablc.spoons flour Sait and pepper ta taste 1 cup nMMi /2cup grated cheese. Place .a layer 'ai s iccd potata laý g reased casserole, add a. layer ü)i co pedppper and kle with, saIt, pepp-r iand flavi- Repeatl' ayers until 'aIl1vectable, arcunsd.pourmilk into casserile and bAke ovred àa a moderate aven 350 (deg. F.. fori- b our. Re- move caver, sprinle tbetop wi grated ebheese, and rtuntaov for I0 inues,.or unifl cheese ~ melted and top biowned slighttv; Stuffed Cucumbers 6 medium cucumnbers Icup sansagcî nueat 3 cup finehv cbaPPed cec -vY ka'ves 1/4 teaspoon sait / teaspoon sage icup soit stale bread crumba Cut cucumbeiLrs in hll leng,,tl Wise, remalve sced s and soit poo1- soan wîth a spoou Cook cucum- beo n àboilig sied water for 5 miue.Drain wvell. Cook sau'sagie aseat, addsaoigsadcub atad mi-x weîlloete.Pile stuf figin ccmbrsheils. Place in a1 greased bakinig di-sh and bake aa hot aven, 400 deg.1F., for 25î min- Utes, -or Iun-til cucumbers are e- der. Sixcsrvns Cucunmotr -Sonp 2 tablespoonis min-ced oniln Few Luxuries .For e"very five shillinigs aifim- ported goods Great Britain today shows four sbhlngs of exports. Ojnly sixpenýce iin every pound o rf limparts is spent for snci luxr les" as ciothes, fiis, and se forth, tne rcn-sinig 19 scilins a"d ix pence beiag expiýended for raw maeral, oodand- indutstrial eqip-" ment.-Galt Reprter. Spare Time job If a persan %eaied e vnames ai 25 necw iniseets each dlay, itlol taehim more thlan 60 yarsta meaîeail oi thjose wbich s'cien- tists bave çdescribed jaad lcataioguýýed. -st. ThomasTie'Jun. 2 talso n nild flavored fat .1 cps diced cucumbers 11/2 cpatomnato /teaspoan sait 9'l' Caps thin cnýreamsauce bwnthe onioriin tbe faît. Adj cuIcumbebrs, itoniatoes '1nd(1 sait. Coo-k gecntly utiilcuicmbe1rs ar-e tender. Then press 1through11 - sieve and adda( to thec bot creami sauice. Serve piin ot wifr' toasted bread cru'mb)s. IT M1EANS A LOT whieu the mneal inclades Maxwell bouse. This mnarvellous coffee is extra delicious Iecatise it contains choke~ Latin-Amierican coffees ... Ille ifiest Ille world pro- duce$. %10u WMI Seaylnlg At The Si. Regis Rotel * 5r toom Withb 9101 ,Sheowes'and Teleffihone *Silngle, $2.50 nu- Double, $3.50 tup * ood V.304 Dîing andSBatte- In& NLhtzly Shes-bous-iene iCarlto[n Tel.H,--. 41U5 PIJNTSED I.5 up By GENE BYRNES N N N 'N .4 N N s $ N 'N 'N N k N k N N j N N N N N N N N i. -k. N N N N s. N '1. -s N -N N - N N N N N N - N N N N N t- 1 gý5e epumvb