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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1946, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd,. 1946.___________ UIZE WINNERS FOR FIRST DAY vegetables la water color, Hùel OF DURHIA'M CENTRAL FAIR H1oy, Marvin Lun, aur'a Beast "ed; ______gradoes 7 ad8, apre'y of foesin (Continnued froïm paene) watr oo, Pats Meat Viigincia ecials: H!omemede breedMrs .D.coocletin f 4 pieces of art,. Hope; om-emad spngeeae, mutd togetheýýr, Patsy Moff at. 's . G oft oeid pl ai 'Fee, Helen Bistead; public 1)Mr. . G. H1oop)erý; hm-ad oo'ot o foo, lst, Starkville, cooies Mr. eg.Suton;hoe- ndPatsyMofiat, 3rd, 'Hamilton ~de ea iscits Mr. Rg. uttn; oyd poteradvrtiingOroîio Fair, urist anýd Traveil BIuuhad- a' Ioffat!, illy Wýade, Elma iCry- LftSpeia, Ms.Ricardon Mr.Ierman;m: otto, pinýted on- wood Loe rD. G. Hoo(mper. 1pl)aquei(, flnihed, rd B ob Goode; JunriOr eatetladcp nwee oolst, June ~crpt ritng n Pnci, Gade1. ardn; llutraednotebiook in one vi& Inilaocli, Cetivin MrryEdith coo ubecPatsy Moffat, June ýx; grade - la, ir Che, pm' Luý- Nisn enMfa collection 10 e Lynli, Kit Rgrsn;Gade orage pants sitable for feeding Mariy Ann11AnIstrongRE.oPlani famj a ias, '-st, Francis Cowan; nngKeith Aduams;grsi-de 4, Au- col, lio o 15 1deiduons trees lea- ey Maýrtiif. uhPanlGilberýtv-s ad thir woods, Helen Hoy, ldrea; cusive wriýit in g fin inik. Starkile Sakville; public school nde 5. jJanne Cornishý" Kenneth irl's crapblooký, lst and 2nd, Stark- iis, E--sie Bottrell; Grde 6 ville, 3rd, JuLi iec Gordon; Public ce aserGrace GC sls,,Sehool boy's crpiok Bob Martin, 1iiel Austin; Gr-ade 7, Kay M<... schooql boys of No. 15; juvenile open mna, Reta Oilson, Velma 1Cocli-srabo "cookery and household ne; Gr'ade 8, Carýole Cornijshj, Betty hntlst, Ster1kville, 2nd, Reta Gili- ade, Madl(inie O rn.Juvenlile, son r,] trk.ll;half dozen bran an, Carole Coirnitýh, Reta Gibson. mnuffins, Audrey Moffat, June Neil- 't-Gratdes- 1 and 2, cryo, i soni, Betty Cooper; haîýf duozeii tea n~~~~~ drwn, edll Brar.bscis Patsy Moffat, Helen IHoy, rry esiitt Doeen hit; gadeTJue Gordon; half dozen cup cakes, an ,bird inc C rynFane Lti-' Lj Audc re y Martini, Keithic-ora-it ed,«lst,n lame, 2nd, Patsy lams;grde 5 nd6,grup'f) ofat juvTeiiile open, supper tray WHILE THEY LAST FURNACE SCOOPS Long ý and D Handies ... .......69e. S31ALL FIRE SIIOVELS 3sizes .... 15c., , and 25c. For ....... $1.25 and $,1.69 Coleman& Philp Electric Phone 89 r 1 CO LTD). Orono About THE NEW PRICE 0F MILK 0 The n-ewv prie. increaises announced by or- der No. 46-9 of the Ontario Milk Control. Bo3ardl, effective October lst, 1946, were brought about dlue to the following circum- stà n 1 . Canel,ýtion of the Federai Suib- sidy Of",, approximately 1/c quart to ïiroducers. 2. Approval '»y the ' Ontailrio Milk Control Boa d of lani additionai 15sa quart o rovide f or in- creased cos-ts, iiyfarmi pro- duction. This increase i the retail price of milk to, the consunmer applies in ail miarkets throughouï-t Ontario, to ail. kindfs of iik inclinîig special m ilkchcolateilIk, but,- tlermnilk, etc. Incr-eases for the various unmits of milk Wil11 be alt the rate of 9 cents per quart. Cr-eami prices have been in- creased at the rate ofaprx ael3 cnsper hbaîf pint. MilikTic'kets purchased at the price in effeet prior to October lst wilI havé a vaue 3 Cents Iess per quart than the October lst pricre; cream i fckets will have a value 3 Cents less per haif pint. This means that it wil be ngecessary for Consumers using old tickiets to pay an 'Adi- flouai amSunt in cash aiong witlh each ticket, in re.der to bring the payment upý, to the new,, prices i effeet on October lst. JTORS Lm Mr. nd rs.Greville Ft(:t, of f iteeorF' ssenMun-.a e Mr. andMr.Rbr 1h1 spn Sundeay with Mr. ed Mrs. E. -Bar- r-owclough. Mr. and Mrs. 5S(iney Lancaster spent Sunday et lier mother's rs William Nichelîs. 'Mr. ýGeorge Martin spenit Sunday afternoon with .Mri, and Mrs,'ý Williaml Maison. Miss Geraldinie Rowdlen, of Port Hope, spent the week-end wthRuth Payne. Mrs. John Paeden, of Newtoiiville. visited 'with hler soli, Mi-. Herliert Paleden, on Sundailýy. Mr. and -Mrs. liert Jarvie aind son. of Mapfle Grove, were Sunday visitors witb -Mr. Lnd Mrs. Willam Payne. Mrs. Stanley MWIs ilîsadneeMs Wvinona sniell, Port lHope, visitedi wvith 1Mr. and Ms SimonBar- clouI.b Congratulationls te-Mr,Cari Nihsw1ho aa aridon Satiur- dlay to Miss JuneSbild0, of MounIlt Pleasant. Mr. nd rs. ionl Huhesand r.Clarenice Nichiols tede Shieds~Ncho1s wedingon atur- day. MWr. and Ms l'snBeebec, of irisnd Y .Pttro f ew- castfle, bad lSundiay dinnier wt m and Mlrs .C.aye D)espite irather iunfavor-able wab er oC hu-cltrcli Aniniver-sary services were mellliTe Reverend( PateronofNewvcasýtle, favored uis with two very fine sermons and 'we cemrt1ila-e ouricoi ,vli ncld- ed(1 a u ole f junior elp AN'NOU1NCING THE OPENING 0F 1THE NEW ENTERPRISE SERVICE STATIN IV on ighwýýay No. 35 uleanizing; Ofl and Gas (lst and 2nd grade). New Batteries SERVICE AT ALL HOUES Geo. Forbes, Proýv Deau-*The CAPITOL Ke danyann and"re MRA E$Tte ",Claudia and Davîid" WihDorothy McGuire and RobertYug also "TIIE SPIDER" Wed. and Thuirs. "Lover, Cornde Back", WYith LucUlle Bal] and George Brentdit) "Deadllne For MNurder" fr c onvales-et chi d, Valena Cop- ping; grîades i anid 2, plaisticine idlof anLimaýiitl,Maiy Qa- tril, Edwr r ewsBruceCar S- cdde; aes113 end 4, plastý1 1 iine 7 and 8, corner waïIl shaî madée of vo od, . Gordo n Cone lar d. Dai ee, Bill Starchuk; grades 7 ad8 hl' wrork apron, combination of baud and machine serving, June eilonJeain Moffat, Vîlenla Copping; paIir of' pot holders, qultdVelma Cohae Audrey anid Joan; three 'kait blocks, lst, Inez Cr o oe sample o-, cop- ping saw uorLaura 1 Bistad. Denny Lyncli,., Billy Fisher; bird bouse made oýf coed, Bunny Lynch, Lionel Tennanit, Keith West; saiiple of any cref, odo CwarLeo Parnell, Billy Fisher,;cotm jewel- lery oal ahcrSh-irley Quit n- tril, "Bob Goode; cilId's tfedty washble, st, Va-Iln Cpin;ac- cessory madle of uised mtreMr ilyn Quan-! tr' il Shirley Quntil faney.aproni, Vpeln opig m broidered atclJunle Nion al- ena Cop4iing; tetLed d(ily or1 ed'-',g on hnkrheJyeBeg ru project, 1:,,t. Orono Gulides, WESLEYVILLE (Tee late for leIst week) M-r. 1Ro)bert Aeane pelt thre wee(k-end at homie. Mr. Nonmii Therteli spenýt the weelk-end wltli Mr. Roey Sleep. 'Mr. Aylîwa1rd Little Visited ici miothepr, Mr's. N. Little. Mrs. L. Thornie has retuirned h'fome after spendling a moSýçt ejoyelle week with lier daugliter, Mru XAva Reughiley î la swa. We were very sorry to hear' of the accident Mite David Mercer had the other day when a 11mb of the ap- pIe tre(e on wheIhlhewaas ,itting brok an DaidTel tw'elve feet te tlIe ground be Ili-;lef tarm i h two laces WndMs érglit leg near He2 kne. vid is at present in Peteiliborouigh hospital. Wýe lhope he w111ge ajlng ni1rigIn l-i d that it we(n't lie' very lonIg before Ilie is abla STARK VILLE Mr. and Ms Thos. Fals hiad Suni- dayin dneat Ormle Fells'. mre and Mas. Fred Todd and Ros visited witli fiends et Cartwright. Mr.en !Ms. Orville Forrester, ofi Wsprspent Sundalýy with -Mr. and MLrs. A. Dohson. MYiss pHelenla 1allowell and i 'ss Helen Deehe t, spent the wveek-end in Toronto, Miss H-elenl Dechiert and M is s Normn-a Hlewl ad dinner Tues- k~ynig-lit w ithM.and11 rs.W. A. ' T ~ r a n d M r s . W r r n C a r s o n a n-i d ~auyvisited with Mr. and -Mrs. Dave Almstrong Mr.C. Reid and fHazel,' Toronto, spent Sunday witli M"iss Norrma Ui Choir prac-tice was hleld Wvednes- day nig't wiban attendaceof if teen. Mn.anssur Ho-wamd Farrow viitedat MWalter Frrw ?,Nwcas- tle. < ltr.andMis. Lloew Hallowvell and i# lId dinnier witb Mr. and Mrs, FasKendal. Gtui Cb l-ch erv1ce was -well attended Siunday afternoon at 2.30 p.m., Rev.ý Bunt gave a sfplendidd message and -Mary Lou obsnandMr Hle Well favored with a du et. Want Ads convert "Dust Gather- ers" into cash1-. Phone 9r1 Orono. FOIR SALE BY TENDER REAL ESTATE i The,, In, theTowniship of Manvers i isted blelow :are offered for sale by tene to the bighiest bidder but s!ibJect to resecrve bld. Eathif of Lo t 1 100 ars souith 75 acres oftHe sÏt haif o o 2 ad theinortb50acesof Lot 2al lii the lst 1Concessionan c pisn iin Il abut'225 Ëacrepanid containing-à abu 0 csof bch lof botlih bardi and Soft 11-o Tendiers be received for the above prelss iwbîo.le oly andC must be sent os1 prepaid or dlv ered to thie offe oif the undersignedi on or before tober 26th, 1946,1 in a, sealeýL env obpe, pajjil are 'Tender for Wallace MuR[coberta Es-i tate*'. i Thie tendi(ers will le open-ed lat 3 p.ii.,Cctob)er 2cth, 1946, at the offilce of the( undielsigned la nd th, e uh- mittng tndes niy le present. Ternis -Mre cheQue for, 10 per ecent. of tender prie to lie en- cloed ih ender, 'balance iii cashi on0o1 n April lst, 1947, whenl pos- session Of premlises wI le givenl. Plouglring :possession this fali. Tihe vendors reserve, the right to rejeet any tender. W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Classified KENDAL Mis«ýs Anale Thonvmps on spent thre wee-en athomfe. iVir. ad Mrs. lake . lexder 7 jn thawek-ed i1Peerbor ,Mrs. T.Hidth hsrtne homne' from anvisit wlith friends ini Toronto for ia['feW.des MVr. Arthiur Tompston enijoy,,ed a trip te heTou1dislnsh latter part of 1last week. Tbe to'),co-ckigwIlh a bar wok vwbile iÈ lastei 1s)now over fori, ls year. The colorf iulw indo !, w ispLey In Jnsnsstore xidwis a reilmi- ed tht helegiin isn-flt faýr Mfr. and. Mrsý. G. R. Sope)Cr, OF Wrsingen D,.,Mrs. Her..H1urd anlddagtr Stella anld frienld visit- ed iwith'Il Mr. land Jr acsSoper over itheweknd Mr. and MrsBeIlland cildr1-en and Lenýi ard Misýs Beýtv ty Jobs1onof Oawwer-e visýitors wt r n Mi.Vern Johnison overth wek Wek indgests wvith Ms.N. Lit- t1te were : Mis d an i, D.R. S. oudb rgofChii(ýcg, andMr. andl M'rsý. AyIwalrd 1-ittle anld Alec. of Toronito. udaOctob)er 54, tl,eing World CwounýinDayv, the Sceetof thle Lord's Su111per\wil] lie osre et themeringservýicin Kendal ces ï wilbe held on unda , Ocobr 2Ot'h, wenthe pjaster, Rev.H.A Bunit vnl cndut tHe service oa ing and eveing1,ý FOR SALE 1~~o.Re. Yrksi eSows, 2nd lit- teijLj deoct. 15thl; also nurnber of Reg. Gilts. Appl'y Leslie Coome,r-z' R. Rl. No. 4, Bowmanville, Telephione JOST SSaturday, Septemb-1-er 25thi, Blad Spanjjiel, 1 zLIyears oCI. An 1S- vvermto Bl Lie.1»wheilp. Chlds pet.,m Gildbert. F11hone â2 r 10, ~ FOR SALE W -ntr oatnavy bhue Chil C l a, Size 12 $0,0. rs EveAy lyn all, Ma:i'nSt. S.,"oo FOR SA ýE pen o hngivn rog FOR SALE 4 ew Hm'pS'lhire Pullets and Roa ters,4 m ths old. Apply Stanley -Martin,' Phone 65 r 12, Oron.o. a-36--p. FOR SALIE Nu 1 ler oGf Pullets. Phione Don. Duncdn, 7"9 r16, oronio. a-6p SALd1E REGISTERS S. Evertn white 'wll offer for sale ait Lot 74, Con. 5, Dïaringiitoni, 1st road ~ wes,t of Ha-ppy Valley, on Oct. 71Ll, 1946, at 1 o'clocký, 3 farm ho- ses'ý'; number of Springers'; about 70 h-ead o, Stockers, consisting- of 45 1~/2ea-lid 'nd25 S'rin1g Calves; 15 hots,2 Sows with pigs, and 3 Sowcs due tin-ie oùl ue. Air, D. Vanato ill offer for* salec at Lot 10. Coni. 6, Clarke Town- ship, a1tKend lo Wednesday, Oct. 9ilh, bis Cattie, Sheep, Fec-ed, and nno ri, serv ýe. Saýle a,7t one o'clock. Jack, eiAuctioneerý. IM1r. ÈE o u mngnmn çwllloffer for sale at N-1orth1 Haîf Lot 7, 'Con. -1, Man,'-vers, 21/21 miles southi west of Pontpool on uesay,ý, Otober 15th, bi HrssCattie, Feed, Hiarnless, T'ools alid Macinery. Far-m sold. Terms Cash'. Sl at 1.00 p.m. Jack Reid, Auctionleer. 1 haive been utuhorized to SC"! by pubic1ucton t o t 33, Con. 7, ClîeTownsh1ip, on idayOctober 18tb at).00o'clock, thie p-operty of Jams .Bal.1', bishorses,, catle, Terms Cash. Jac eid, Auetioneer. James E. Oî'Boyle iPhone 7-16 - Orono Business Lýicencse No. 1304970: War- tîie Prices and Tradê2 Board BUILIN~,CARPENTERING, AL- TERATION-S, RPIRNPAINT- ING. Go;üod werk at fair prices, by the heur or the job ESTý-IMVATES FREE RADIMO REPAIR To ail makes of HomeL and Car 'Radios. Aerials Instnlled, Work Guaranteed Reasonable Rates W1.DLJVALL Phwie54rîl Professilonal Directory A. F. MKNIM.D. PHjYSICIA2ýN and SURGEON Office Hours 2.00 to 4.00 p.. ; 6.30 to 8.00 P.Mf Sundays and Wdesasby appoJiiment onlly PIIJONE J'711 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mfason,ý B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWlVMANVILLEF, ONT. Phone TANIV G liVt" E llavest ThanIksgi n ser>vices_ on Sudy co t.Hly ComI- vicýe at 7'pn. The RV.. L. Sea- byorne, PRectbr of St. Peter-s Churchl, Cobourg, w e especial preach- er. Plaermnbrthe dtàe. THNKOFERNGSEÏRPVICES Kendal ýIUnitedC'h ch flnk- ~0th, a 11,00 . . nd7.30pm H. A. Bunt. Kibýy choir at both YORK'S SHIOE RePAIR Shoes for rep-air chan lie left to be(, piek'ed up at- 1n 'S Hardwar,. Or4sno, Onit. Phioie 73 r 163 P c38-p WANýTED m ~at 5 per cent, forfrs iiIo.Lýýne 10ci acre farm. Appl to BxNo. 17,zrnOtro FOR SALE « Ab)ouýt j125 Yali Le-h11nies stiill lyi -;ai1s q vwel-1 bred (Clyde Mr,5 years otd;~rd Gelding, 3 yeas ol (w4~/ mke a goodI sadl orse >- 1.Keane, Phione 5 f1 r 3 Oono. c-37-1). Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones: Offce 825 Residence 409 BOWM3ANVILLE, ONT. VETER IN ARZY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Main st., r phone 63r 7. ron. J. C GAMIEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automnobile and Liability ORONO - ONTAIUO YOUR, MAN UFACTURERS LIFE REPRESENTATIVE ,will gladly assist in planning financial security for yourself and your family, DANE FOUND Phone 891 ORONQ Monuent Th UTT G COMPANY P1hone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontatrie Monumients, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Gcldleaffing AUCTIOINEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Coniduets Auction 'Sales of al &4m and at reasonable rates. Comamunicate wlth hém at Part Ferry, Ontario, or se. bis Clerk, A E. Molrton, at Orono, fer date. J A CKEI Licensed Autitoneer and Valuator Specialize in Farmn and Furniture Sailes Conisuit me for tera and dates DioYou Know" Thiat, for al man age 'twenty-four, The Imperial Life Aýssurance Conm- pany wvill guiarantiee his ftaiiy $5,000.00 in evýen.t of bis death prier to, age sixty, for between 2% and 3% of that amiount yearly. .And if ho lives to age sixty, the Comipany wil pay Ibim Ithe $5,009.00. Why not consuit your local FRED LYCET'1 te see ;wilat a~ plan sucli as this vil do for you?, IYORKIS " '24-hour Service Trips to Torionto every T.hursay_ Returiiat at nIht. Phone 73 r 16, ORONU Office 688 b un.

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