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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1946, p. 5

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WEEKLY TIMES inl budnýe. ThJie weethe'-r v; CHOEU ENT'ERTAINEiD AT HOME ielfr h 1aio.A ua 0F 1k AiND Mas, RAINEY mosVote o',hnk a given M:j and AMs. Einey, Jean nd Gari On WedaecSdaye ia1 Spt f2, frtei id optaiy adn the- meib!ers oef Park St. Choinc hns otoewo laa on a varly ejybeparty cat the home mdeiri 'lsbte, a- ec u c)f Ms- nN-. Evn Riey rdti- ueta Mi'. Sto P-s c-k _ nion. Saeanteen of the dnq-d M,,. oa,Vce-Pras:z mabers and their huandés and de ,fyu-PlanIncg the veiy happ wives wvei-O Plesent. îg Mis, ranat tlaiane odutd thle regular chir 1pi-actica, attier 1HORTICULTURAL MEETING Vhicb alunge bonffire\Vas -lited ieOoo otclurlSce seeted ai ejyd hie o-l iday Otbe 8ba .00 . wesners snd raIlscoffea ýand apples at th homicle of Mrs . C. Dunc"(an DUCKWRTonOeEI HZEREFORD.- S ALEË At theLEzard Farm of Mîilton W. Cornish, 7 miles _North of No, 2 Highwy. Tuaet Nawýcastle to OrooOn.,T huis; (O'ct. 109 Thiis atitractice offering comprises, 9 i-ad co/, sarnie of thon due at tMme of sale; S bred 'heifer; 5 yearhling befe; eifer ca1es, 11bu5, Etisof l'G. A. O'NJkIL, DNIL, Taesiagid(eep, thick cattie show,-ing good Heriefard( chia ter. They are sired by suclh well-bred bull- as WN. S. D"omino 2 bRepea(t Dom1ino C. F. l8th, Rea i orno id C. F, Cli4ýnDamon1 285th aaýld WnsrDom- ina 5Lh thet sired the grand ch Npion Amaie atiChicago and later sold il' the United Stat1es fori,8 'l't aL'ho rdfnae ar servce tu the imlported bummC1nýÏnDjmina 285àt. Savereof the femnalas ai-e cf ciiutbreaing iga PiL-inca Domiiino lOt dauglter XwI ha straight, t ibll (ctsiu) Y pat Donmn C.F. ]th by the nnotedb 1ed 1nbu An oInoinot'het pae such a longand prominent parthiinte Crapo 1herd in Michign.O af the heifar caives ià haofsstes ta the( junionr and rasa-vo grand champon female at Brando and $askatoon this yeur. Must 0f thiese ceittle wil recorud in thec United Statas. 1 Entries of Ronald DntckworthUdg, Ont., incld, Vista Belle, hi-ad by George Radanz and sihad by a son-,af Windsor Domuino thi (Seeahabve); a 2-year-old hifer hi-ad by Misses WVhiton and sired by a son af HazfocdTone MAi; a yerin eifa re-d by Mic W. Corh nis d ssii-d by Ringwood Orono Doino, show son cf VWHR Ideel Domnina; and tWva heifer calves by Monty Domino by Ringwaod Orono Domcino, fi-arn females of Rodanz breeding. They show gond type. For a Catalogue Address:- Auctioneer : W. iS. O'Neil, Denfield, Onit. Rand Crafts, Glassware/ China, Nov- elties, Children's Iternýý etc. A new assortrnent of Aeronsý WE INVITE INSPECTION MRS. L. REID ORONO - - ONTARIO RED& WHITE STORESJ WEEK-END SPECIALS Friday -and Saturday Bulk MACARONI.........2 lbs, 14c. Large CORN FLAKES......2 boxes 2C. l Coarse or Fine ROLLED OATS------ 5 lbs. 25c. Shredded COCOANU7----------1-4 lb. Johnston's PA,,STE WiAX 1b. tin KLIMr Jiffy POPPING CORN, gaanedto. POP..............tin ORANGES, 344i's......., Large LEMONS, Iehburg HIEAD LETTUCE......each W axed TABLE TURN IPS ........b 27'c" 6 3C. 2.5c. 29c. 17C. 15C. GRAPES, set.........6q.5c ISHOULD)ER, Bonesza and oî1edi b.25 I lb 49c A %,. & th0ýýe 1Utd LStates o Moday si en cek. Mr. nd is aryAutno Tornto spnt undy wth r.and ýY iVis. Ed.Den 1 Mr-. "i"Gay~etthc-etek- q end andj t;tefoîepatt ',of le wekat -, ioen Ctene, Wity Dr. . W Shrwi reurnied to ihome onSalU;daLY lat, uaftera Mi . dMis. IHaroid Sm11ith, of Nigra~aisvisýited Mrs. - Fr_ýed the dte. ol. an Mrs.E. YoungiadMr. ýýjut l'of the (Cdatham ifariies on Mr. . T, So'me ville addu oer Marly wrein Toronito on Satur- yanding thie mariage of Ms iir. nd is. Georîge Fa eof Kîrb, mved on Sadlturda i4tto ,oeir ew zhomea nepie by Dr. and Mr, .Franik Hndro Calar, lt.,aie isýiing Mrs:. Honderson' brother, r. JTA Pt eronan rs.Patersoni. Mr.Plilobe Grdnreturned to ber home in Saginaw Mich,, on Mon- day lstnafer 1eing ea couple of waakýs' viit wth Ms. W, Sey- BawanvlleBranch of the C- Sdiani Legion miet in the Town Haýll, ýOronoon cul ursday evening of last week, whe,_n the Orono bos_,ev edc lunich. Atithe meetinig of the Life Under- ýriters' Ascainof Cana-jLda, held at the Genosha Hotel, Oshawa, Mr. Dane Found was îmade a niemnber of that Association. 1Conigraitilations to Howviard Cou- thamr, CGlenn1 Stapleton, and Ros S Adfamî-s, mernbers ofHe IEýast Dur- ham SinaClub, On Wfinnling priz oni their p)igs at Port H-olpe Fair. iCoinratuilations ta the 1boy ýs cf clai-ke Tonshp wo took prîlýzas in the Calrf Club at Oronlo Eau-.Among themi Tommuy Coatham took fi-st p1rize onis caîf lathne bOef c-las. Mlr. and Mm.- Stuart Taylor, of Cadair Brue; M\11. anid Mr's. irvinig Leask, of Leaaskdale anid Mrs. W. H.ý Barker, Zepyrwee viors Sun- day with Alr1%anild cMrS. Halstad Coathami. There apardapicture inlTde Toronto Telegam of Tlrursday-, Septemtiber 26thof cis Mary ,Sis- sýo n, R. N,5 a former Orono girl, bi)d- ding farewell to the ni-st Canadiain soidier leiaving Chisýtî Streat Hos- p-it i for, admuittancie to the new IHosp)ital, where hie yaS eWhy the Governor-General as tire rot amtate to this nerlw building. /]le Autuma Thanks<ýgiving mjeet- *g, of the ,,;I.wîl býe hed on uasday, Octoher 8th, at 2.5pm. A pecalinvitation is extanded to ai ong wamaa ý,,ento attend. Mrs. Clarnca ln, ofNeate, il b ri n essages ifrom lSchfooi foi-, 1Leaýders at 'WhitlbyT. A young w,,o - mienis trio and othier pruogram1. Mus1ýi- ca lnuiibers wil miake an inlterest- ing pProgramn. A cup of tea will be -serXe . -. ttypton : Ai l bosund 2 yeaîs .;cfaf ge whio vwis'h to trýy out lie a geerl eeting ,of ail fhockey pro)spectLs alt thearouiesi rn on 11.Tuesday eveaing, Ocohr th, at 7 p.m.Make it a dao tead be sure to attemidIt is ,very iipran hat your do. There will be a Junior O. H. A. teari m",nd wo Miidg4ettem representing Ormna in hockey; so every, boy wishhing to pa will get a chance. This is your chance fei- lows, coma on 1-,I( get bebind thlis maovenient WEN NERPxS IN THE T. FZýATON BACON IHOCSPECIAL The entrées lhithe TYEaton Bacon Hog Special Îheld at Oîýono E au- were judgad on the cacassr basis, and pýIacad asfolw lstý l, Jes Bra1,wni, Newcstle; 2nld. Normnan Ades roo ,Ceciu L'ockwood, Oroino; 4tbi,FakRi- ard, Newcastle; thl,Fed Yo Orn;601, Galrnet ickrd New- casti 1e. Champjion arasFan LESKARD in thea The sumimer poople of the viage haye nearly ail retuined ta thair cty iomes. MsMai-y Col eft atur la y te0stay thle itnrlaToronýto. Waathier h.,ý ike eday bas mdeus il intar cncasverysddny Diu vilage ne doubt wïï bha loking Mt far starm sass ami stae pipas Femishav'e looked ithwode ýt new wys ta in-crease egproduei- iobut if tbley h ave ta take thei- ½eghorns mut for car ridas ta induce ayîng, somre Wll bject. Is produc- ion Upi, sam 2 The HarvastHmeTakgvg ervice ut St. SvorsAgia rab in 01,110o a should "be cf ii kard. Aýi! l chu ted to the Con ;ri the mori friesels ut theý nday, Octý,obr t ta many in aAima+ re THIE INDUSTRY 0F TIFE FUTURE FU FR MING mnit0and1Fox iBuy a Trio - We Ranch TIsem C. R. K NO0X ORONO. PHONE 4? à ROYAL THEATRE Bowmnvile -Phone 589 TOPS, EN ENTERTrAiNMENT Thurs. and Frn. OCTOBER 3-1 Ann S4futhern and Georg-, 'Murphly (Its ilF ) Thiat LaktR>t! "UP G0E's"~AS plus March of T'ime- Cartoon Short Saturday Onfly OCTOBER th "HII BEAUTIFUL" Martha O'Driscoll and Nonh Beery Jr. andI W"ild Bill El1ioot as "Red Rider and Littie Beaver"' iii i "VIGILANTES 0F DODGE- CITY" Cartooýn in Coelor Mon,, Tues., Wed. OCTOBER 7-8-9 Paramlount presents "KITTY" Starriîig Paule tte Goddard and Ray Milland À Mitchlel Leisent Production Adit Entertainment Cartoonl in Color Fox Late News PARK ST. UNITED CHU RCH Revereind "HorlyConiîlion Sunday 2.30pW .-I'eChui/eh SehI-ool. 7.00 pm-SerîeWithdrawn. in favor of St/t Savýiour's Hlarvest T~kiigSer- vice. "Whiosoever hie be of you thatn reonehnot ail that 'lie hathi, he cnnot bho1My disciple. O0rono Tinshop- Work R. DEATITS G HN-- Li Oroo, on Tusday, Outoha'r 1, 14,Wiliam Gaham beoaiusbantld of EttaMa Sl- thMorris Fural CaaBw Tbusda, Otoer rdat1.3 o'clck. I Iemet St. Joh BIRTUS BOWMAN Wilfîid and Bila Boximon aie happy ta annaunce the birtb of thair oiaughte~-, Leuin Em- byin at Bownî uvule IHospital on Thur-day, Sept. l2th, 1946, a si~ter for Bruce. otBion icturesÀI Conreeig nSat-urday, Octob;er 12, i1946 I will be s 1gpitrsin O~0N0 OWN ALL elery cit4a y eenýu ing ,%i h up-to-dat e films Do uBLE1 FEI R O OCTOBER 1211h The East SidLX iOs in "oreOut Fgiig and a Western Pict-ure, "heCisco Kif! Returns" ADMISSION: Aduits, 5e;Childresi, 18e. Clarence Bell, Mvgrý. Can be use( as Po(sseng-er Veicle, Truck, Tr-actor, and as 9Stationary Power Unit Cali us fora tato under your ovn operating cniin SI.LANCASTER PHONE CLARKE 2703 R. -R. 2, NEWCASTLE AR MSTRONG'S SKIRTS ,Al Wool, Plaini, Boxeê. Pllea ts and Pleated, al around sizes 14 to 20, priced frotn- $4,25 to $8.00 CURTAIN DAMASK We have a nwsuippiy of Curtain Damask, ian iice coloring, 36 iniches wide, ut--------$1.25 to $1.50 SWEATERS Ail Wool, in Pulliover anmd Car- - dian~ pried.$2.95 to $4.50 SODA BISCUITS FOR SAT[UDAY SALT pkg. SODA pkg.ý- lOc. AFROXON FLY COILS dozen 2 5 C, WVýASIED CARROTS 3 lbs. 10e SOAP and SOAP FLAKES FOR SATURDAY RUBBE4 4 dozen CHICKEN HA:-ýDDIE tini 33c HANDY 7c. FIGS Nusubher of Meni's Suits have arrived ini stock. COAS ND DRESSES Ladies' and Misses' Fail nd Wiinte-r Coats just arrived; alsoi Wool and Crepe Dresses, smart Styles, n1ewest shades, sizes 14t 2. BLOUSES Tu ShersCotton, Feathier Flaninel, sizes 14 to 41. M4en's Coýveralîs, in Khaki .Drili, sizes 42, 44, and $3-.25 TOWELS each SARINES tin BUCKEYE ROLLED 5 lb. pkg GILLETTVS LYE. _,,ins 46, priced...........---- ASSORTED SUNSE T-DYES Each - 1

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