ARS 'MES of Fine precision-machined parts, onï- ginally used in bonxb sights and GeJer iitary devices, have been mnwade inte jewelery. Buffed down and gold.plated, brass sprocket ebains becorme chokers and brace- lets, as do alumninu.m and bronze bushings. Earrings are made froi fine coiled springs, gear wheels and bushings. At top,. Ellen Brooks modeiis earrings made cf alumim sector gears, shown in close-up belOw, Farm Incomes Greatly Exceed Oper-ating Costs The latest figuires iýssuied by thefý Dominion Bureau of Statistics po výide a rougli nmeasujrement b, IetwVeen file prescrnt incomne ot Canadiari farmers a-nd thieir costs of opera- fion, reports thie Winaiipeg Free Press. Tlhe inew statistics refleet the large gain1s of Caniadian agri- euiture since the be eginining of thie war -gan in price wliichi fan ey- ceed ýincreased operating casts. The average cost of operatian on the Canadianr farmi, as estimated Ly the BuIreau of Statistics is à8.6 Per cent bigfier now tbani it w,,as on thet average betwveen 1935 aud 1939. These costs take into consideration !ari implemients, bilding mate- laims, gasolinie, oil and grease, jfeed, fetlie, nsder twine, seed, harýd- wrtax rates, interest rate,3 and Asj againist an increased perzt- i'g cs of 38,6 Per Cent, the in- case in tlthe price of farn pro- ducts on the average throughout Canada is reckoned at 92.î per Beware Dangers 0f unting Season Apprachof te fl i hutinig sEason lecads us onice more to thet melnchlyexpectattrinof seeinig daily tonesin Ithe oppers hae 'kilied in Huntiurg Accident" conInientslthe ChathlaniNews. Every faîl the story is the same; of thle men wh-o go blithiely out to get a fittie r-ecation in field anmd weoodlauid, a certain numnber wil die berause of t hcr ir wu r othier'scressss Presbably theýre is nat imttch 0hat canr be douc e taremedy mat- tens. The nýuntiing grounids avaiil- able to ordiniary Cty flsare musually 50 crowdecd that accidents are, as yop igh say, fairly beg- o I l happen. IThe iigh inci- dence of rlssesamloug bu mian binsmakes it pretty cer- tain thatth accidenits will in due eau be donce is ta ter tlat lie carnes wich a mome -,;in' Stranige how aone Cani sometimes, be liinte yworld but nat of it; how there eau be so (igs f this and thlat and one flot be aware of it- not uni! one requires somnethng that cannaiit be bougb:t for love or Hlere .was 1 Canning everything that could be canned - with, or withoeut suigar - afterwards seek- ing at few m-ords of commendation from mriy menfolk, for my indus- trionis frugality, For which they did inanage ta give ont a f ew gýrunts, wich ngt with imag j tlation, be interpreted as verbjal siglus of aprcato ut which were followed by Partuer askinIg --"Wbat abýout peaches? ae' you doue any?ý" "A few jars,"> I rcplie'l. 'lir are zalso somne in the lockcr., A litte later Bob looked over the -fruit" of my lablouir and said, 'Is that ail Me peaches yon'xe got ReluIctantly LI1admittîd(I was at the samie timle Ifelt sonîetilhing shonld be doule about ilCt o I1ol be forever after dsrcd Sa tes ext dy Ibugtana- ther batsket of peaches - sînIce a bvOuntiftil ration bardliad I v -ed us extra sugar - bui when il cornes ta sealers, that Pa',, ome- thîng else again. Sure there \vce a few empty )7jarIs ou nmy SIhejveS but thene was a ehip out of isý One anld a nlick ont af that wbýich redultced the numliber afi!usab)le secal- urs ta exactly twa. It Pas thenl Ifouund seaIls in storess imiply idun't exist. And lwhiy? BCcauIse tdemanufacture of glass ad been PratctÏcally s ýtoppemd for iack oaI;a chemnical comnpouuid uscd in t marnufacture. TJhis checiial is 11a lonIger proculrableý because the anle and onlîiY plant tbrjt h length aud 1breadtb ao .I Cnada wibprodujcC, it. is ont on strike -and bas ]been foriuerly hre Sa itok as ifyoadIan Mrm, Johin Public canlnot fool aur- selves into tinkinig that idsra stiks reno clcm of ours> Thyar e definiteIY the coceu f everyane - u ht %ve can do 1o help this de qrbesaea affairs, dea nonly kos l-Towever, tno Situation is enItirely bad, 1We leamu sEomeitIling good, even Fronstike.WeCfin! otCihe liad way what goes inothe nma inIg ofinîany every da, aricles. TILe cnunection between the textile stieand s'hortatge of certain nc essaLry garmients is obvions 1but 110P, many. of uis stopped ta consjýi- der wfiat weut inta thie making aiý glass? But we learu in a hurry wbeu fruEnit sol for lack of seal- crs; orwhn ilk isn't delivercei unïlerssa au ( empty 1milk botle is letontdm Step. Wefind Cthen fthat IneceSsityis *lot only the 1moCther I ofinveýntion, it is aIlso the fostermhr a_ O ile- foDrced ecoriomy. Whenp seale Crs can lt e bough w e forage thagh out-oI-the-waýy SlhlvS and cporsand bingforth) Many forgotten ,j a r S usedfor Somethingothertman tpei rrea pujrposýe. Ye-s, it, iFstsurpris;lng what Ne C anÎ, d o ithoutI Whea we bu ave ta - or when wie get m2ad enlougi, Honestly, the priceOf sane thins makes me s, -ad 1 jut sec red.For instane ttheherday Ij otîcda sal te-eteinïa store - te knd whic, before Qthe war, WeChuh indispensabýle for' qUick boiliug and whicb used ta sdI for about a quarter. This oewas moiire than Mcre ims that amount and was as tAas paper. I Put it back On the shelf and said, "Bilng waten in an open kettle is stffl good e nough12for ml'e," But evVen a2t that Iwo, d thave mined heprice sa0 much .fif the tinl and the workmýîanship hýad bern of good quaUity.1Ifeel Sie wear- i n 0ldclthL.esntil Ithey drap off, ml-y back fior dthe sanie rleason. We were jut as Weil off wher, wageE were lawer and good MORiZONTAL 12 Operatic solo 14 Singing voice 15 Barren 16 Editor (ab.) 17N-,ear 18 Negative 20 Jumbled -type 21 Laughter sounid 2Anger 23 Age, 25 Erbium (symbol> 27 Higli card 28 Make a 30 Domnesticated 2 32 Story 34 Him 35 Accamplish 36 Kitchen I utensils 38 Tropical fruits 40OLair 42 Also I 43 Concerning 45 Mojat 47 Ro0ney imaker 48 Pint (ab.) 49 Rhoede Island (ab.) 51 Ttrngsten I 52 Electri;cal en- gineer (ab.) 5Egyptian sun god 54 Vend 56 Scarce Pl) Italian 1nioney 61 She is the author of' several VERTICAL 1 MWother 2 Space 3 Disencumbér 4 Georgia (ab.) 5 Scale of pay 6 Mensure of cloth 7Size of shot 8Sharpen 9 Pounid (ab.) 10 Tree fiuid 11 Great Lake 12 Biblical Ë ranoun 17 xîst 19 Native metal 21 Torrid iii and w %anted ta bnty the fari ilhey had been woriii sm kind (1of a Pl ant, toghtin aver atn(ldcdcided that thegocr menclt just about gave every1tIl111:' ta the farmiers on a s!iepatr 22 .Frozen wnta'er 46 Swerve, 24 Skill 47 Has existed 26 Fish eggs 48 Recreation 27 Change arUea 29 Wireless 50 Sick 31 Exclamation 53 River (Sp.) of laughter 54 ComI,,paspa 33 Timber 55 Lord Lieu- 36 For tenant (ab.) 37 Stitch 57 Accouint of 38 Eneiny (ab.) 39 Was seated 58 Right W'orth3 41 Seine (ab,) 42 Golf device 59 Behold! 44 At liberty 60 Like lu which case I1 wondekr whiy the farmers ont WVest are ont an a de- livcry strike and wvby aIl t]is a ýgi- tation for cantinuance 'aI the ilk subLsidy. This weksbould bingi' Prewear White Bread Loozms For Britons The first step) toward a returp to prewar white bread for thie people, of Great Britaini was tak1en rcently when )the Ministry of Food an2- nucda reduiction in thice etr<qC, dion rate of flouir f reim 0 per cett to 85 per cent, it wsland Th'le reslt f tis easing of re- strictions, beclieved in aulthoritative circles to be aipreliiniary to tue end(J of Briîta iin's two -m11onith1- l .Ibread rationing, will be feliit almost imimediate ly in baker shops throughout the country where the 1oaf bas beCnlcme arkeQr since the "nd of the car Painting WalIs dency to darken and reduce the sire of a room, most nottoo~ge mlodemr: rooms> require lighit paint shadesc> on walls and cuilings. The warm col'or ,aed (oniiyello, -,are reCommejnnded for roomis cwith nürth- erni exposures wilie the cooler c olo(jrs, gýreecn is and bin111e -g r eensi UsUally are tie mat effective in romïaciuig towcards the- south. The w ývetern meadow lark ic<ore of the mllost lusefl of ilsect-eat.i - birdsinAeca WIN AJ'PROVAL by serv- ing delicious Max-well House... the cafféee that is "Radlianti-Rcoasted". This special procss cap- tures every atomi of goo)d- gless lu the supremiely finle Mýaxwell IlOUSe blend. 'Plan-,es Fly Almocst AsFast As Souý,nd Only 40 years ago the specd p)er- mnitted miotor cars on thie Streets oF iis townls and villalges in- On- tario was 10 mliles [per hour - 15 iles i the counitry. Butý vehicles were already7 tra-vellingý at higli speed in special trias as The Tronjito Star, A railway trai had mnade a short distance record of 120 miles an bloumr in 1901, and a motor car was to attafin the same speed duriug a trial iu 1908. But men took to the air and flat speeds bihet unnown. A Gloser Meteor bas just established a word record of 617 miles an hour That is bette than 10 miles a inute. It is better than 900 feet per second, and sound (inakr) travels only1,000 feet per second. Mail is traveling in thec air al- niosta s fast as soinnd, and no one can teil uhat furter speed the Future holds. 'j =mm=