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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1946, p. 7

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CLA SSIFIED ADVER'ýTISING Ilm sira, hite Leg,->1 ..rnel, 12 w es t o iyn.A1 ,,l ,l ody nd cick. A FEWSTARED CI(KSON hiand forlm, iaedlvey o PUJLLETS; ALL AGES'; l12 WEEhSý> to laing. Aise Eau achdchcs ~t'wddl Chik Iatchies Limited, FegsOtrlo.. l , ,0I your (,!idGold JwllrGold tee,,1 ia odSterling Slver, ectc.' !(Io P(àr cenit premilm onl gold cis reundprepa-ir. KryComlpnl JcewJefs, 3Que Es, oone ACCOUNTING BY MAIL TO 11AL ETAILERS ANDBU- ~ nss en ho aupot afford týo hire A regular hookkeeper wec otter th--e eretb0ookkeepinJg and ta1x ser- ic.Write for, details MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING k(oosu 100, 2t Kilig St. E., TIovonto. A E -X CE 1TIO N ALYIA ATTR ACf-. tive comission lespooiinis aalable to ail bread, mill, auid otheri 1deiverysa"lesnlen, uetaain ists and othiers desiring part, or fulif Ptrne employmenJt. PleaHse frwr riame. address and tpelione rnsm- ber to Box 101, 73Aead St. W., e'ornnt, ont. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE VOIT AIVNYTHING NIEDs dyeing or Cieanngs Wist t us for informtion. e ariG -lad tean Swer yonr cqnastlonsý. Departanaut,. H. PakraDeWrsLiiteId, 91Yoiige Street, TorontOo, On-arfe. ELECTRICALEQUIEN NEW "CYCLOUIM" LIGHITINGU 19lantis powered by Brlggs trt ton gas aengines. A. C. or D. C.350 te 2500 watt. ritisb a and Diýýee angines fren 1-I, te 200 h.p. ua tionary or 'Marcoe .type. Air, ank, radlàtor or houper coiad, Largeý atcce r ethmbeaphase mora. Proii esock AMC or DUC Weing mach- -inas, electrodes and a c ceass crlaes. New gas angine6 driven portýabie vejf-prnring Centritusal nunlosi ali -tax- VILGQUE. 'S -4 AND ACCESSORIES Priýce Liait 5on r~ett for aIl meoters at pre- )cpt. W,, Caniadienl Auto seen St. W,., 'Toronto. OD 'IPROOF BARN> la' uiew.Ms.HHa- avilIe, Ont. ITTIOARD OTOS arts service; Ship ny une Outboard Motos workimship (GuaranI- Sales Ce., Box 852, Qi- io, IRISH TERRIER, F1- Sire imported ifron Ira'- F10 Box282,Kinigstnnl, Thcsa, pullats all ralsed on dlean, freearnge witb pIanty of space aud tender grýeen fead. nuder thre mot ideall conditions. Seanld for Ptlaa Llsl aInd full particulars. Prompt delivery or bonlt for later, L ,A KERV17,W POULTRY E A PR%. WXEIN P;OS.. Exaer. Ontaýrle-. PEDl)(ýiGMEED INVE W ZF411A N 1 \'Iite Ribijts Junior triios$7. Seirbred Dees$5 10eachl. Reit Femer oute 3 etOnt. REGITEIID IIOWN SWISS PHaerd ci10r sala . 51 head. ouae bull twe yas21milk (ows. 8 tW" yenir old heifer's. bred, il yearling, -) halfar cal v e S, 5 bull c a 1ve s. Sun1i-O- ýVail Favrm, 20]57ý8 LkSoeRoad'. Baie d'Urfe, Quea. Eijghle ila frmMontreail. Melahans ad soeepr n 11enid W.P.T.Bl.Licnce nmer for 011r, FrceaWhoiesala aalge Bld., ontrýesi 18, Que. WELL1. BRED. 1WALKER .4bX - Ilnuunds, ,'montha. IHave pove e- St. CeetOtre FAWMS FOR SALEU ONE ltHUDRE-1) ACRE(S . SOUm c f l. Elzabe".th VrlWighW PARU 230ACRES.,230TILIAIIIE. iings>, good 'wall s. S, hool eau, te PCo-loparativn11,1Cheerai illur lu(m s otietOtt:iwaApaN.Co Iluli.Ont ISSUE 40-19,16 buildigs. wl drined. nydrol- stalled. gond -l n icffy with orniv'wihout stck nsudlfpla'- iantis. Apyt neaOualetta. acesIoatdin tIlCo, tyofOx fr 1-iles rho h ilg 0f rumbo.Farm aIl nr cultiva stel bnkho ith . camt stalle sud stee- ()l stau cnu cmentsil a.tone ous in gnood state- of repair Farn aqiped it lhhydre'I. EMlY possession. Fr furtham ptivýCuoa, LEARN HIDESIG TH E Rober tson method. Inoratono raqluest regardiLilng case.lobert- son's Hirresig cadaxny. 137 EPW-ANTED HOU1sE T'IO flOUSE SALESMTAN FOIR pasýte sahmnd cleaner,hoehl canngand pTurify'ing prdacta. rite Llhty P'roduicts, Cthnr Ont. CAPAIILE ýCOUNTRV GMIl.. 130 wages, gnd heur. 1efemn-es.Ap- ply Mrs. IR. A.Crn,25Pcdly DLISTI'I TORS WANTEL51 4F quajity linao sei- s anmd othe household a;, lrles .SnayPo- ucs,435Ganiranald Avenue, MOI- JITs E-XCELLENT. REAL RtESIJLTS after taqkîing Dxoa emedy for Rbeumatic Pains and pNui t is. oum's Drug St ore, 35 Elg9*in RHEUMAATISMA [NTODUINGA NE-W AAIN Rheuati-pan Slvete ýsuffrers eo Ref ais Arthriisý - Sciaitica --Neuritis. This "Amieic-an hema ticý Pain SaLlve-" developad esp)ealal- l1'ad a'tr cosistent reýserch is available te you 00w. This spaclal' Nnroucom rial offer Ls inex- peýnsive but the relief obtalnedl '1 p)ri'eiess. Takie advantage or thiv special trial offer- at a savln.- te yen. Avilable now in Canda Qe ounce cnanrfor only' $1,00. I you suffer from: Remts-rb rits-ciaic - euiti -cold com- plaints and refaIiy want effective' relief-'Amierican Rbeumatlc Pain, Sailve" is .wbat yen) need. Prove lb t0 Yolrself ias caistests ýhave proved.Wrtedirect to Am-lericani De),ug & Chemïical 0o..,33 lo st., NWest, TOrOnto, ntrlCan- ada. Send moniey order or P081cal not. N ...sor stampa plaýase. A TRIALE RYSFERR0 Rbuai ains or Neuritis 'sbonuld tra fxos edy. Muîinm's Du ,Store, 33FEgin. Ottawa. PosýIpaîd BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADINC SCIHOOL Great Opo rtuntty. Learn 14m r dressI ng Pleasa1nt dignified profession, good wage-s, thousandte sucessful Marraiz graduates. Anierica's greatestat s'- tam. Ilstrated c at alo guePfree, Write orca. MiARVEL RIIESSING SCHOOLS 368 lf3loor St. W., Toronto Bra nches: 44 King St., Hmlo & 74 iideau Strî,eet. Otawa. Pat ent solIcîbors. siabllebetd 18111; t4 King West. Toronto. Bollet or informat1on onn requeet PLAY -THE PIANO BY EAU;, WITIM newmehd you can p iy n onie IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST 'OUR NEA)t ROUND FAST SERV- Iceandfine ait'work wlll11 plaeyen. [For satiaf1ctlo]1 try Im1- pariaI. 6 or 8 expos3uratfilmns, tde- vaoan d pr;inte, 30" IMl4PERIA PHAOTrOSEVC Sýtation 1, Toronto. XMAS CARDS FROMI "SNAPS"-12 FOR 79c 1ou1ng :t)e mkefthe, mo(sî orgn l an Pleasýingl Ch1ristia Cards yen can get -- crs that frien1da tr(aasure--and He cost Imll'11. Selec(, ýtoyur favoritena- tives and send tbem te us. We'l] retLu rn1,2 atftractiJve g reet Ëi ng Crdcis w i th Lynurpictures prin ted o- anid avlpsfor miig~alfor 79.Order ery (Photos on Calendlars 25C.) DEPT. M.Ni STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Bo'ç)x PoiOfie ,Toronto' (PrintN n d Adress Plnl) print Oc. ad ffi«ient guaýranlteed work.C~ystl PotLo Service. 1500 Dunds WstToronito. CAXý1, 1AN A ND13F 4O R E 1I N stamp, min andus,cron'Ilappreval We buy stam -slCladeLnges 1A AbetVctoriaville. Que Blom,537 e, noue, Can- VREVt AR STAMPS AT LOW01U 1111E TRAPPING WOLF - FOX - MINK TU APPERS ulse- thse hasýt tra1)pping,, systeým and glan scnts money canbur.Wrt for, particulars to A' . E iseBox 42,Calgary,, Aiberta.. WVANTEI) QU A vT T-0F, LARGE WIL1,LO 0w KigStreet WsToronto. Onjt. )NRITE SHORT 4TOMIES, '>R. humeri for pleasure and profit. De- tall Litram MosirGuelph, Ol]t. WVANTEIA OUTNI.SINGING ,CANA- Jries, yoong Love 3ids(BudgiaS) smallbeed puppies. Top prices pd.Wite fulilatiuar.Doug- las Pet Shop. 2, 79 Danforth Aveýnuý. Consumer Prices In 1920 and Now Prices Now Compared With What Consumner Paid Af tel, World War I Wllile l ÎStruc that icertain priCCa have increased in thiï country and thaât they may increase tn even a greater extent, we are ai! ni a most fortunate position in co0in- parison wioîh the people who were living iin Canada durinig the periodl after the Great W/ar, says thie Brockville J Recorder and Tms Onie of the con n Oi t1920j is able to recall, by meausý of exam- inling Ilis records, that at thait tueltc she plýaid S.Sc er pou111d for Ibutter along Mwith 15sc per quart of riilk anid $1 per dozen of eggs, Larïd was 42c a pound, suýgar 25c a p)oundý ,mn- potatees sold at a W0-11 bag for$40 Farmers' Prices Farmers' prices aise sky-rockatcd at that tiima. -The e-eriemar wiho wcnt on thle land had te pay fremn $500 te $700 for- a tcsm i f herses, fromi $80 te $100 for an ordinary grade cew and $2l apie fer lbans. Ifliteha ad tn bniy hay, it ceat îbui $25.00 a bonl. Thiere erec fanitaxtic prices for cilotbinig at bbcsamll tbima. We- mieu' suis soared te as mnch as $125and mcn'sss$7M and $100. Silk stockings coswoen 5,0 pair, plain serge skirts advanced te $31 sud shees Ae $18. In the case of mce, shees weme from $12 te $18 a pair, sweaters teuchadl $1350 apieceansd razor bladas, te mention ainother ordinlary conamiod- ity, wrre $1 a dozen. Anthracite ceai in Nevembar, 1920, was $21130 a tniaud Ibituinonil)1,s ceai cern- mlaliudd$5.. Price Control Effective Se far dnlring this peat war period wa bave fared radier weli iiicmprso.Prîces are bigcher in aciea bie number of îin- stance.Tbeymay riCe Ahbighar. Buît becansýe elrain a systean of price coubrol thiat stihi fuictions quita well in spita et ail the pres- suirs against elich it is coempelled te figbt WC have se far kept Our prices witbini reason sund ne miseý at ail comparable teý that wbichn eulsued in 19.20 bas bak0en place.. If we c an ,manage lte ding te thase controls fer a bit ioîîger, wec wili probably ecaeauy mepition ef thea disastrouis simp wbicb oc'- cuirred aftar tbc Great \Var, sud bsîsspeople, in particuilar, oughb te be mloat grateful te tIhe Kgevaru ment if tbis should prove te ha OibCcase. SPOTS 0F SPORTS By FRANK MANIN hARRIS ____ ____ ____ ___ ("A Six Bit Critic") Quie of tlîa greý,at charinas ofwh w'c m1ighiý cail take-a-cbanlce or hahazard radio isening is iA un- cxlpcctdness. If you listen sys- temlatcically ean1d Illote iforin chamt - we mean the pnblished progmam lfistinigs .- yen know that, at a certain timie, and ont a certan. station, yen will:ge. for eapa Mister Siniatra -- anid yen caol have inii. Buit Jnst take a1 stab ata rand(om nd (iyen neyer kniow what yen are hlable e 0bumllp mb cein- inig across the air-wavas. Justthebcothier day. f or instance. wev got quite a surprisýe. )Idly tisting bbc dials of ourt- ", set -its tubes have sýean batter d-ays - we happcnecd te cnit in on thlt' mniddle Df a speech. And, frein theý camnieiot sroscsof flbcspcak- er's touie, aid 1thesolemu m ialuner in which ha wa%,s adjnmiug bis hiear- crs te gond habits, self-discipline anîd lgeîcrl moral conduct wotby of thair gh clng hin lfe, wc euld hav e batmoey thatble % as sm r1ileral(ýlgd getlemn adu- dfmcsing a gmonp of titeolegical students budfrforcigu mission Se, imagïnine h ock wbeen Swe discovcred, aL mom-ent or se latcr, that it was an officiai of the Mapke Leaf HokeyCluCb givug a hunch of A the rd elp a publc pm epak at -the start of a neýw seasýon.W regret te report thatwc idt stay tuned hn long eanouigbtc- el", Who the speaker was, bult cias sîîre buii that -bis talk - what We cangbt of it - was higly impres- siv-e and iwll calculated tehinspire bhe ladsinto giv-ing their al for the dear oldsarodrs Likewise ave chrancad - ina somewblat similar maniner -- te brutin on an nnidanifid sports commantator whio was taiking about Joc Loulis hina styl h tichî was, te put lb nidly, a trifle flow- cry. One of bis commaints, in par- tîcuar, strck un. h mas bo tde affect that Louris, by comning i at 211 pouinds againat Maurriahlo, was "dcmionstrating te bbic world just how big and powemfui hie could be if ha rmalywantcd te." Now ,ve, in our- innocence, wouild have bhoutip that Joe, ap- pearhig at sncb a iveight, wa3 iniercly sl-uwing tha wor1d that hc' hid Tamii se clicaply that he hadn'Ct aen ibotbercd te train down te propar fIgbtng poundage. But then, ne donbit thecre are lots and lots Mf tbe finer and More subtie tingo în sport that go way oer our obtulse baad. Tbhe case of that samne Jeaý Lous, and tbe seeming imposi- bility or.fufiding -an oppo(-nent that can caven im-ake lm rbreak iaito a mild swcat. somljebow or othier re- mlinds us eof ani agadi couple namclnd Mubrof Hibamn-iani extraction. 1b00lived hinToronto's Cabbage- tewn muany yaars age. 0Over a Ilngthy pariod thlis couple had been egagdin a series e[ law.- sîits regaàrdinga certain piecaet pmepety, iwith a imanby bbc naine of Caeow was lee et1,bbc Qucen(ilCty's wathetinha,-bi- Mattars had btcadily aîîd con3- sis;tanly genle againast 010111 Time1 aifter ime the varItionls Coutis oet La-w ha d ecidad lu)fao ebîir adve(rssry, buit stili tbaey kept on) tryiig. At last ena atemno nju- 1CIarn camle bernle and broke bbth îwste biis spous1ce thiat bbc latesi of their 1long lisî ef ajppeals bad goîîa tbc way ot ail others. "Buîi cmcnet b'rough Iwid lmyt. e added dcflanlly. "If it takasbc ' And rigbit 10w it iookî as ar-ailengtbs ton good for ordinary mlortls. 0f course Biliy Conn, rio mueI ha a real glUton for pnuismeutis Offleing te stick blis neck ont for yet a thIlird tmand alrad tey are stamhing te mk up a îîcxtycrs lmatch wýith iBruce WVoodcock, whicb sounda like a natumaiEBrce baving Ibeauknock- cd eut !y oMurieowo lastad a wblole J19 Seconds agin t Je. Buit ,lieg bcsituation witlî an titiprcudiccd aye, il w-onld appear that tlie Lbea.t chance Of avc cach illg ip witb Mr. Loulis wOnid be ten Ielave bb woi iatter te Soule hligher pwrposbythat (,of ol FahrTimle. 'Mayba, if we wi long enugb. soeaîatjoe wi bop lilmecifovu hbisown long wbitew-iskonars nsd bca teeue- mlabic te arise before ccent c Tan.' Green Lumber, The necw vapor-dryving ime-thiod of scasoniug lme rmvsas maich moisture from green oca k crossties oengtas wllevapor- iin 15 monithab'y air seasonling. poulices cf Meeca <.1eve puin, baing out cores, heals quickly, no $ce. 2 5c, 35e, 50c' S1.00. Il Rupturod Try This Out 9 q'-fort amiHo bgSeonda" WITHOUT TORTUROUS TRUSS WEARING An "ye-oeu~g' rvelaionin âsnil nd copinfortablc e raducihe rupture ro- io nam a eurfor th', askissg, withoit cost or)obliga - t'iont. Sim1ply sýen1d ,name anod a(ddres te1 William S. riepi ' nce -Co. 'tdI., 5 Was t Adea1ý4i de ýSt..Dep1)t. 121-BTor ionto, 0Ont. ,and fil detil1s et the inew and 1;11different 1Rice Me- thod w 1illbe sentcenFree. %Without bar-d flaýsh-gnujging padaor torment- iing pesuebees Support that ba.s bimught ina anid cofor t thou,,sanids-by rlasnlhem from Trusses with ,prings and straps, tbat lbind msud cnt. 1Designad te s cnrely ida rupture up sud ilu wheor, it balongs and yat giv;e fr'ea- dem etofbndy suid gl1ennc frt fe uili Inormation-wite todaa I The Amierican and British occupa- tion zones ini Germany have beexi merged for econemic purposes, with Gen. joseph T. McNarney, top, U.S. commander, and Air Mar- shal Sir Shoito Douglas, botomn, British commander, in _joint contral as military governors. They set iii a committee of six Gernians te take charge, work toward ending, econio- mîic chaos and returu ot self-cule., 'Soviet EvarýPige1ists Active In Canlada "eCultural", Delegation of Visit- ing Russians to Appear i Ev-ery City in Canada Rcenlt ar-ticles; in Tbie Finlanciai Post bv poiuitcd ont ihlat C-anada i's înevitably goiuig te abc b arget of a vigorouis Ruissian eitffort to softnis uid oialyas part Ge tlbc Klrcmiiili's offen1siveaanacb demton craciacs ion comals iinItle entrant"eaîei istie camipaigu" be ingsageýdby 1a entitura-,l" daLega_,tion of vsbn Rulssianl editors ani stagle artisîs, nujdar tbbc spouisorsip , e bbc1- aïgadhl ocal Ussophilas, graci tie delegaâtionl whel!Creer goa.s. A feýstiva ltlu their ho 'r tEroun drecw 15,).O pieCanaâdas tirid largeat raciaî gronp, after Brt qïiudF( nc o~t f h I ii tl tgryI dalegatiouid rs mderstood te lc ap peamug n evry itv auid tis acr oas Cnd hr ivi cluister axiats. W/c sawt(bis eeato rrxcat Toronito's Uniion Stationwatie bbce fcrveîît crowd ot several_ lioni- tIl molie gtc) bid bbc vý,ýisitr re,C saw bbc clccd fh Cern-. munisb salues la CCîopn whaqt wold bae apcnd f ao ada trc sning anîtil ce NoGNaiornWa nt Thh'd orl lior1ldar." liresenare oiltt asuo eady te tfigt ,ict tat tilerc is; no fond iin E111upe for auls sud ithýa thbbcfuiturbi rbcnss war 15 aSCtiOg a sdt-i ef --( i1ew N. N 'N N j N N N a N 'N N N N N N a. N -N N ~N. N N N N N N N 'N N k t k N 'N N N S N N N i. -N N 's N IMUTT AND JEFF- Well, Anyway jeff's Speech at the Peace Conference Kept Things Peaceful By BUD FISHER ME NT LIK i/ T? ILl-V 1^7 MDE t b AND SO, OENTLEMEN, YF OEWt TS 'od UNMRSTÊNI -~TPE,,l MCET.AdNTUAre AÇAOR 'lU L K E NNESCL AETA EYiA I~UIE YiýC- NEATiVE AND SHUT U)P! Vm MD Êe""T ELIMIATE HE ~EEC!tT'Sîi N ! AblE SPE C TNATiONS O N E M EAT 1A Ls I~ TS A W U . Co N FE EN E! ' CO PEN E L -RÊNTE!

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