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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1946, p. 8

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NO WEI Morisvisited Miss hlere attced eiPort, pvilgn eter boro, at s.-as Dýynnrd m!tor- er to visýit thir, son! Reid ;and IaeTor- aughlter's, Ms.Wiifredi Mir's. Enrie McWC n. w\-ith hlerprnsM. 3upley. 'S. SidneyLancste IlaiS. -Mor'ris n ugh 'motorýed to isit Mr-s. Morri', Filayward. eetin,,, of Ithe w. A.was hield Wdedyeveniiigng t at Laneson Mbilon the home of Ms George KinIbail. Ernlest Saniders, Plort 11ope, wsl The President, Ms. J. T. PeaIrce hiAdtevlaeoStuay charteh(- the business perilod. Plis weelaid for, the bazaac to-,be- heid r.E.JWiasad Nov.2&t. Luch was served by the Junle, Pr oe tGog tpe Thepa-stor preachied his fourth Mrýjj. Duncan Seyinmurwas in the das't sen ini the seriesOfSt villagje on hiis way throuigh toO.C, Pau', payr or the Church atGepon*ody liohsusEpheians3-1 to 21. Next fil~ te Worid('s (ComImunion ser- M. Bruce Lockharlt and Aliet 1;0es ci b osered. As, we un- Hlarvey, Niagara FUN.Y., Mr- hrsUad itthisi ot thýe table of and Mirs. Chas. Weihndchlden he nied huchof andabut Bowmanrville, RmyMunday, 'Maie 'I' Lo 1spal. Wbether you are Grove, fwith Mr-s. John Lnatr i ebrof nnot'her denomination, Mrs. Waliter ýMoase and son lenn, -t a membeýr of any church, ail are TPoronto, 'with ýMrs. G. W oe 'veoono Snda sven1iflg it 7 p.m. Glenn, who spent soine time o)n thie Lt us as a conmunity meet.there. continent, corlied on, Mrs. arec Gilmer. (Toolat fo iat wek)Congratuiationks to Keith Stapleton' MisJean Mirligan, Peterborough, upon 'winining first prize oniihis pure- at homne. bred Hereford caif in the 13eef Class Mis.SamSmih i wih rlatvesin the Caif Club at Orono Fair, also at Lndsn andFeneon Fils. first prize on the sanie caif in the Mrs1 hs. Reid and Hazel is with open class. he auher Mrs. Wifrid Woods. On Sunday morning Raliy Day- is.Cuala is visiing ber sister, service was heid. ýMiss Olive'Brown y Mrs. WiILis Jones. read the story. The scripture les- 'Mýyr. and M1rs. Chas. Bâbee, Orono, sons were read by Dorothy Stapleton adBudc Jonces. A biackboard t 11' gienb the ie castahr W. 1.Metn W ensInstitute wa- held lathe avt tetyoepresent.- A2fter the b)usines.s period whlich was ý in cag Of Mr", FankGîIlmer, preSid!eItua fine pr-ogrýammie was prceted. Th-e1 motto, "It is ecasier to fiighit for one's principies tanlie p tothm ws discussed by Ms lde oe.Ms Arthur Duni sang a solo,acop- led by Mrs.Gine.A enoal as weli as eniighiteingtaikxwa S given by Miç. Cecil Ferguison, "My 1', visit to Government buse'. Th roll cil was "name aLcab netimin- ister and wli eree nt."Tis was a real eýye openler on b!ow1li t tie even intelligent womnen kniîow of hlow and by îwhom the bsnesof ourI vwn ounryis un.A social 'hour, and ilunchwais then en)joy:ed. Roth parties w,;in 'wshen you use Want A ds. Don't wýorry about bilis-~cash in your "D)oni't Wants." The Minister of ýFinance n noauni61ce s ANEBODIl FOR PEACETIME SAVII GS Canadians are thrifty people. Their record in war financing wilI stand for inany years to corne. Through six years, millions saved and in- vested in Victory Bonds and War Savings Cert-ificates in a way no one thought possi- ble. Many thousands learned thie con- venience of regular, systemnatie saving, whether in small monthly amounts or by larger cash investment. As a resuit they ,have accumulated substantial personal reserves with ail that means in increased future security and satisfaction. Because suggestions and requests have corne to mie from ail parts of the country,, that facilities for this kind of saving be continued in peac-etigme, the Canada Sav- ings Bond bas been created. The issue of War Savings Certificates and Stamps to the general public will be dis- continued on September 3th, and finalý instalments on the last Victory Bond issue wl have been completed in the ne-ar future. Canada Savings Bonds, therefore, wil provide anD opportune means for ci*tizens to carry on the-Ir regular savings habits without interruption. The general publicr should note that this time there will be fewer saiesmien than in the case of Victory Bonds. Although the new Canada Savings Bonds will be sold through banks, autlhorized investmnent dealerk stock brokp'rs and trust or boan compaikes, these agencies will not be able to appr4ach every, individual Canadian. This meâns that for the inost part it will be left t-o 'Canadians to, assume the respon- sibiity for téir own purchases of Canada- Savings Bonds. If they wish to grasp this opportunity, they should act for themnselves withlout delay. Canada Savings Bonds are designed to be the finest investment available to the public today. 1 recommend themr to you as a safe, profitable and convenient in- vestment for personal savings. 1 now announce t-he tCerms of the new Canada Savings Bonds, will be offered commnencing October l5th. a .Features of the n ew C6anada $a»ii.q' Bonds Interest 2¾%/ by annual Scoupon. Por-c-base price 100%. Accrued initerest w il be charged if pay- k " ment is mode afe Nov'. ember 15th. ssued in, denamrinoitions of $50, $100, $500, and $11000. Dated Novermber 1, 1946, maturing in ten yeors. Nn calloble by the Government, but redeemable by the owuler at'ar.y time at full face value plus nt,-est et coupon rate af oeny branch in Canada of any chartered bank. Non-trans- feroble andi non-assignable. Holdings by any ac person llirnited ta $2000.ý Regiiiered as i0 prin.. cipal, providing pro. ection cgainst Ioss. AvailaÀble for CaISh, on~ the Monthily 5S1ovin9s0 Plan or by persona! arrangement with ti bank. F0OR WINTER HEALTHT TAKE Vitadiet Capsules NOW Ail the vitamins required for good healt-h for as little as 3c. per day Bottle of DDD 90 Capsules. ... Trial size (30 capsules). .... .~$2.70 j Kepler Extract of ,Malt and COd Liver Oil, for . .... ..............7âc. and $1.25 Wamnpole's Extract of Cod Liver 011 _......- $1.00 Scott's Emulsion . ....... ........ 59c. and 98c. Multiple Vitamin Capsules, 100 for.....$1.85 Frosst's Neo Chemical ^ood ...$1.15, $2.1-5, $145 Certified ABD Capsulesi 50 for,,.....$1.25 100 for ...................$2.25 Lowecst Prices in t Water Botties Ask to see tlhem Agent for Jackman Flowers Charls B. yrreli D R UGS Phone 68 :_1 Orono, ont. Orono) 5c. to $1,00 Store News Childiren's Celanese Dr-esses, sizes 1 and 2, each 55c. Skytone Mercerized Crochet Cotton,ý colored, 250 yard halls.............30c. Canvas Work Gloves, pair ......... *........ 19C. Mendling Wool, Colored, slein ........ ...... 5c. Oven Glass Deep Pie Plates, two size s., 20c. and 25c English 'White Porcelain Ciips and Sýiucers, set 2,ý Glass Cups without Saucers, 2 for........ 01li English Scratch Cover Polish, a poliîsh to cover scratches, bottle ...........25e. Mouse Traps, 3 ,for ...... ............0. V Eveready Pent-Lights, ideal spotlight for pocket or purse, complete ,with batteries ..1. ý...75c. Evérsharp Schick Injector Razors, com-plete with 20 blades ... ý... ..........$100 Wooden Penicil Boxes, proteet pencils.....15c. IRubber Donuts, chocolate flavored, fur, for "OUr' pets .......................25c. GROCERY FEATIJRES ,In the Grocery Department serve yourself and save time Coupons becoming valid Oct. 3d utr B27; Meat315 Quaker Cornt Flakes, 8 oz. ,pkgs.,,/ for....25c. Vita B. WhIeat Germ Cereal, 31. pkg. ....23c. Benson's Choice Quality Punin, 2 tins....27c. Polo Brand Cut Green Beansystandlard quality, tin ........ ........................15C. Select Chieken Stewi, 15 oz. tinis ........... 25c. Pineapple Juice, unsweetened, Igiant 105 oz. titns ......................$1.00 Blue Ribbon Black Tea, 1-2 lb. pkg......37c. Daly's Coffee, aIl-purpose grind, 1 lb.....47c. ORONO 5c. TO $100 STORE YOUR POPULAR,! SHOPPING CENTRE Northcutt 'and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers KI1 ND N ESS COURTESY SERVICE Equimpped to ta-ke care of the modest funeral at the maost réasonable charge as we]l a-s the largest and moast exactiflg

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