LY N ~ TUES Vol. 10.No3 ORONO, ONT., THUU-SDAY, OCT. lth, 1946 Subscription $12 per Year Ail Sections Now Formed In Orono Homemakers' Courses Keen Comapetition Dispflayed At Orono School Field Day Favored by perfect weatherý for -ithe occasion, the Orono Conti nuation School Field Day vins held on Fni- élay afteruloou, September 27th. AIlý thýe events viqre keen-ly contested' -aud the day finiý>hed with the follovi"- ing'wnnrsluin te varlo-us classes. Senio~r girnis, Pauline Rebbins; inter- eitegirls, Kay Gnmalsby; Junior! gïis, Sirley Fintof; Senior boysi J-UI or West, Tterniediate boyýý Ilean West; Junior boys, Ros Pat- Bicycle races - Sr., Helen Wýood, JYce Gornish, Patricia Page; nt, Y-elen Levis, Lorraine MacD)onald, Ka Gmsy; Jr, ShirleyFîuo, WandaMlIey, 41aureen MKna Slow, Bicyýcle Race -- Shïirley Flin- toff, Joye Suttol, MWanda Malley. Oronl olmnakers' Classes Wed1nesday eveinigs, 8, to 10ý, in the school. P1Iog-ram for Wdedy October 1lth:'Nutrition :Souips and lunch box miie als. H omre Mngmn "We're expecting Gompaniy". Han- di.crafts: Knittinig, tatting, crochet- in g, continued. 'Sewing: Mendig and darning. TalIcs and demnonstrations on "The Gare of House PlantLs" svhich, had to be pos;tponed îfromi October 2nd will be given. Meinihers will draiý,w fora container of honey. Please magazines to exchange, and patterns to boan, 'also a notebook and pencil for youar osvn use. Ail homiemakers are urg- ed to attend and join these free Boys' Events lili jum.p - Sr., Mont Richard- son, Junior West, Dîck Wood; Tnit., Dean West, Raymnond Lunin, Henry Leamien; Jr., Raye West, Ross Pat- ton,, Everett Wood,. Pole vauît --- Sr., Junior West, Dick Wood, Mervyn Harness; Tnt., Dean West, Brian OWBoyle, Roniald Page; Jr., Raye West, Ross Patton, George Joiies,. Staningii- broad - Sr., Mont Rich- ardson, Juùnior West, Mervyn Hiar- ness; Lnt., Dean 7vWest, 'Henry Lea- men, Raymnond Lunn; Jr., Ross Pat- ton, Everett Wood, Raye West. RuninI broad - :Sr., Juior 'West, M-ýonti Richardson, Dick W1ýood; Tntl., Dean West, Raymiond, Luna Keith Fee; Jr., Raye _West R )s, Patton, GoreJonecs. Di;scus Throw - Sr., Junior West, M'onit ihrs, Dick Wood; Tnt., Dean West, Bih MofFat, Bill Eouud; Jr., Ross Patton, Everett Wood, FRaye Weïst. Shot put -- Sr%, -Mont Richamrdson, jnior West, Hosva,;rd Goatham; Tunt., Den West, Henry Leamenr, Keith Fee; Jr., Everett Wood, Ross Pat- ton, Raye West. 125 yard dash-Mont Richardson, Mlervyn H1arniess, Junior West. 1100 yard das-jDean West, A.' 1oft HnyLeamnen. 1'75 yard dash-.-Raye West, Ross jPatton, Ross Taylor. Bicycle r-aces-Sr., Junior West. Howard Co)atham-, O rville Chatter- itn; Tut., leniryLeamien, 'Morley TennDeanp West; Jr., Ross Pat- ton, George Jones, Ray West'. Haîlf-mnile race - ,Mervyn Hatr- nessý, Mont Richards;ou, Dean West. q Siow, bicycle race, Ross Pat- ton, Howvard Wood, Bill Foun-d. Relay race was -,on by the Whites. T'his 7vin:s the concluýding eveut of the day and wais the closest -audîbee1t1 relay race run in the last four years.l Crusaders' Cavalcade To Have Special Wowen's Day; N\o, il is neot weekly, il is ne(t ninhli is net iaiuiuliv. Thiis la somainthing unique. TicCrse es (7,valvade cf the Unihed Churci oft Ca4n a ds. The Cr-usaýders' CaivalcaLde le n apictonial peenaio f the Uinited Ghiurch cf ant d(a in ac- ien)i. The Guaee Cavalcade cf iblJ. nited CGburch vilîl hain Osii- awVa from atrdy Oct. 26, te Wednies(day, October 3Othi. Tuesdhly, Oct. 29, %vil ha vom--en' sÏ Day iu the rusadens' Gavalcadep. Thle sessulous wifl ha hld lu St. Ani- ôc-. deçw's United Ghurch in the morrn- g.The aflernon sud eeigses- ajnswMI be held lu King Street TinitadCi Gurch. The ýWoa-rn's Assocýiations of thb, Uutitad Churc-i, -iu co-oparution with th(e]Womala MVission-ary Society cf the Osha-via Presbyterial, vilee at Il a..rlainSt. Andravi's Chun-c. Mn. Gîyton Leea l pesdeat tIbis meeting. jon cmeig at il a.m. lute audi tum ofSt. mandredos Churph u to attend these mnetings ar"e lrqurest- cdl te bngtheir owrn1box lunch -i net fre tin oteir owi vin suganif nuScd. The imen cf St. Adei Chuirch yl be hostesses and vilI serve bot tea. Mr.W. P. Rogers-,, president of Oshiawn Presbytenini, IWomýa's Mis- siou lary Society, vil pres-ide at thle opening service in K in1g Street huchin bbc afternooin.There -%vil! be special intaret lu thPe exhibit in King Street GbYurceh at 2 p. in, Large vinhlmw A D vi1be fitedci it colored bulbesu d electrically vwireci Le convey information by the light- mi)g system.i Posters sud ther cdu- calions1 devices wyul also 'hauseci. These sessions wilha under th e etomhiliued leadership of thie Womann' Assoiatonssulite Wealu's Ms sionary Socity 01 the Unitad Cuc.The w (in f Ibis district areurged te uniite suid imake Wo- mens Day of ticeGnsadars' Caval Dr. 6. W. Miller Addresses Plans Made For Erect;li 'lù. and .S. Clubs oit llealth 0Of iNewtonîville Monument Speaking at armeeting of the COM- bined' Home and Sehool Clubs in Grooked Creek School on Thutrsdaoy eveniing laet, Dr. G. W. Miller of thie Northumbiferllad' - Durham Heal1th Unit, told of some of the r&eent de- velopments in Publicellealth in Gan- ada generally. 11e s'ad that people everywhere were becoming- more health con- scious, and that this trend would eventually muake for more healthful living. 11e reviewed briefly the work accomplished by the iHealth Unit during the past 8S months, which in spite of a very depleted staff, had held 523 imnizatiion clinie. Ln these c.lnis, which had also been held during the soimmer mionths, ai- most 4500O children and aduits had been priotected against smallpox and over 9000 doses of Diphitheria Tox- oidl had been g-iven. In addition, mnany young children had been -pro- tected against Whoopinýg Gough. He stated that it had not boeen the pol- icy of tne Unit to encourage iimmirun- izationi against Scarlet Fever, uniles therce was an epideniic in the cern- munity. This protection envýolves Oive injections, very often gives sore arnis and does not always protect against the dsease. H1ee -ttted that dingil the year, up ta date, there had been two cases of poliomiyelitie, one in Durhamî and oue in Northum- berland, but that nieither casýe had developed paralysis. 11e feit that the disease -vias now receding- but that there wouldl stili he odd cases thr-oug-hoiit thriovince.P Dr. Mliller hoqjed to commnence tlhis year on a programmne of p1hysica examnination of the echool children, and gave -one idea of thlesecope of the wýork unidertakeu fby the Public Hlealt'h Nurse and Sanitary Tnispec- tor in the djistrict, Counly Federation Discontinue The Showing O~f Filmsi The- Durham County vFede rat ior, of Agriculture held its reguflar mn thlly m11eeting in the Bethany Hfall on0h1 sa eveuin.g, October 3rdJ. The peopIle iterested in Fedleration miaters living in andid ear Bethnuy served a splendid' lunch nfter the business had beei n uipetd There vine a grent amnount of business to ba attended tà auc among thie m-auy thinges the foloviing vere the m'ost important: The sho-wiug off thlms this year, but aften n long discussion it n fi-nnly decided riot tc, sponsor the shevinge for the coming season. The Secretnryvins inistruti!ed to virite to thie Coiunty Agricultural Board about caîf vaccinationsThere vas sonie discussion ou this matter, sund it vins fait '»ast to wýork in co- op)eration it the County Commn-it- tee. Thee as no report on the eradi- cation cf theWaiible Fly, aud the mnatter vins left over ta the Novamn- ber mieeting. The 'briaf peae by the commriit- tee on-,Adult lEdcucaltion vWas acceptedl and anising out of hie ithis planned ta bold btwo mieetings lun, c entral place lu euch Townshi.p fter a ciscsý of instruction bas bean held by the gocnmn. Th e eonimittee lu char-ge vss aked îto conitiniueasud armranefor thosenmetigs. Wate uldie rprtd that hiîs commniitte o Fou Viiton wou-ld send thaela to thei Secretary wbo vol notify the Forumns as to speaker and date. JJ.0Meilor vins appoited n dele- gate Vo Camip Raviey for the study of Feder'atio-1 n"ud Forum m"Iatters. This sholwîll be(1held-.fr0omOctoý'ber M7t to the 1Mh The matter of the annueal. m-eeting as to date sud speaker vas lft in the bande of the foHloviing commit- tee to report back at the next meet- ing, -M. 1-I. Staple', Garnet Rickard sud the Secretary. Owiug ta the fact that the busi- niess is inïcreasing, myakcing- it imipos- sible to do justice to it at the mion- thiy 1-meeting,?s, il vmas suggý,,ested t1hat a snmal comite eforned to pie- pare an agenda. This matter le tc corne un agn in1 Novemer, The Federation vas inývi'teci Vo hbold ils Noveniibern meeting a, hebchomce ofM .Stapies. Thiiswns acpe sud the nevt nmeeting WiH! be held ou Novenihen 7%h.1916. ------ 0 -- y, pl N'y wP nro,1 fSvenazes lVlondnjy (veniiing', Sep t,. 23rd, a public mieeting wnývs held to hear and dis cuesý the r-eport off the M' o numiIl e t Colimiittee. As is too oftenl the case djeciins -o 'hich are vital toi the -Vihole comimunity had to be mnacle1by the few,, present. The comimittee made a fuili report of its activities silce appointn in Mar-ýchj, i1944. These covered hours of timie and mnlny m-1iles travelled at personi leqipense. Mr. ýC. M. Jones, Mr. Wilberti, 1ancock ard Mr. Dave1 flenault make up this commiliittee, an-d J we are dleeply indebted to them forL their untiring efforts, on our behalf. A great deal of corresporndence was carefully studied by the mieeting; Mr, Smith, of the Smith Transport Go. Ltd, had donated two hundred dollars toward restoring the mionu- ment. Mr. Wesley Eliott, the own- er of the car involved in the acci- dent, %vith the transport, had do- nated seventy-five dollars. These sums were gifts to the commii-ittees ai-d had nothing to do with any cost arising out of the accident. Also the orig-inal motion in cou1ncil over the signatures of the late Mr. Rickaby, GClerk, and the late Col. John Hug-hes, wac read. This assum-ed ail responi- sibiity for auy dam-.age done ta said mo-1numlentL.1 A letter from-r the Department of Hig-hways vias read, stati-ng a vil1- iugnese to help keep the lot up. Iu this case the ground on wihth e mi-onumentwod stand wouild be takeni over by the Departmient. There vere two questions hefore the mieetin-. First, ithe turingoe of the plot" piurchiased bytecon niittee. As the unicinality is the awnrer of the mo)nume-nt, this was a sim ple one. There iere those vbo would like to sec the Depaartnient of Tighxays assum-e respousilbîity for the care of 'the lot. Hover e motion which w ns passed wssm ple and dlean cut withiout anty re- coniendations attached : " That the plot purclased by the cornsittee fromM. Spencer Burley be turued over to Clarkçe Municipal- ity for the erection of monumi-ent. The second question faced vwas the que-stion of the cash on bud. A motion îwas paqsed that ",where- as the nmoney wvas to be used for the selfsame purpose as was originnlly dlonated fr that the nioney on1 hand, after the purchase of the lnd be also turnied over to Clarke Toîwn-1 ship. The meeting then adjournied. Une Polio Case Reported By Unit I Bowmanville Onle case-,ef poliomiycitis bas becs reported lu a child Ci yaars of ag,,e iu Bowmianville. There are no other childreu of school age lu the family. No funther cases have bemi rapored Iiucludig this particuflar case only .3, cases, of poiomiyelitis hiave beau reported in thne Nrtubrad Durhamn Health Unit arca this year. The out3reak (of poljimiyelitisý in the province le reported to have psssed Aitpak and is on the derclie. solated inidividuial case(s have con- ttiiued teoccrhoviever, at inte- vals lun varOnS communiiesanud1 parents are \varned that thre le stilI a psiiht of ch1ildreu deisvelp ing the disense. The Bible Society To Canivass District For FUndù -Ple Righit Honeunable Ernqeet Beý- vin saicinnly "Granit as the phiy- Sical ugris lu Euirope, T baieve tlint il i.;sasupaýssed by bbc Spiritual bugr.Tha spirituial fainre througbout the avorîcisleasclanion cas! for n more fennlecs andeavour ou Cbnîct' bebaîf. ithout cur aid mauy will' ha edcstitute cf Ihea'Word cf Life The Bibe Soiety g'aeks te cincata the seipturas lu a thousý- and different anuguages sud dialecte %vithout note or commient. Oronio throuigh long yeanrs slip-i ported tie Society lin1on-gb contri- 4-utions. Gauvassere hava eau enap- poinitac sud -viii cal ou yeu iin thel re-an fu-ture. IReceive thaii vieil. Give geuerously. 'Mr. John ýThompeon, Presq Mr.S.ý L. Berrny, Sec. sud Trans. M1r.Jae E. OToB-yle imovecl bis bouse A tbe new lot mi-hp nr1jer Seventy Show Enth-usiasm In Aiduit Education Meeting The inaugural mieeting ofthi I. Iî (L H1omiemakers classes xas held in he[IrfS1treet United Cnurcn echocol on Wedniesdr'y eein Oct. CorE1t197Ofcr 2n'hd, and g-ot away o a flying start hi lc 97Ofcr vith, about seveu-ty ladies present. This meantt that the "sitting r, oomn" At the re-cent annual meeting owf was somewhat crowded, but the in- Par-k Street Choir, Re'v. S. lýittlewo70od coavenience was sufered very ami- presided over the clection of officers. cably. Some commuuiiiiity singing, led The secretary's report was read byf by ýMrs. Pbasey, with Mrs. E'verett the Secretary aud'adopted, alse tthe IBrewaý- at the piano, started the pro- report of the flover fuud by Mrýs. ceedings. Will. Gobblediek, andf the Treasuorer',q ýMrs. J. G. Taniblyn spoke on theý report ýby Mis stella Best. idea bebhind te1atig o h The follewving offilcers were elec4,odk classes, e-aiphasizing that practical- President ! Mr. R. Sutton., ity was tto be the keynote of a.1l the ViePr. Ms.RE.Lgu instructions sud that really down-to-1 Rec. Sec.- Mrs. G. Wood. ethidea-, and teachings would be Treasurer- Miss &Sella Best. eat Sec. Floer Fnd - Mrs. Wî 1 given.Cbleck The classes are joiatly sponisored Lîbrarian - ýMr. Colin Taylor. by the Orono Women's Tstitute ScinLaes and the DurbamFederation of ~Stonades- r.CciJus culture, and Mrs. E. J. Hanrmi-f, presi- Salto - Mrs. eil Goeic. dent of the Tutitute, 1 Aled tuor - r. R. E. ogandc. thoe peset nd aidtha tell- e ass - 'Mr. PDiE. Moton thstiue prvitnsglad tahe 1 such assfrLoanMovedi a hert o t wtiewise projet lu eery "'ay.Ar'han.sLo-gMns.,Br-iove d a lser1yvo tc lito tieste ndti eed short-cu tMand toMrs. Littlwoogd aoficr helpful hints and ideas, for lbime and , forbor snving during Faîleco bouse- clean,üing,ý was given bY mrs. H1-amm--. Mn., J. J. -Mellor, Township Clerk, also vielcomed the ladies and intro- ducedj Mr. O. R. StUter, of the On- tario Adlult Edutiton Bonrd lui Tor-ontÏo. Mn. Stalte-r spoke of what sorie other places are trying to do alon>g the samne hues and said that front the progranm alreadry outlîned to hlm, hle th-oughtý that the Oron-o gru ould be used as an example and patitern for, the others. Mrs. L. MfcGinnis, leader of' the nutrition course, (outlined the plans for thie gronp and gaye a h.-rttallk on1 "Mfis'at tley sb ould bel like:, and hovi to, make th-emi that -wav"'. The lm-uthins used for tlbe de-- ton. i 'poned bI Mrjis. O. W. Rolph, wiho vlllend il 5 S go the Hom-e Mngeetstudyý, asked l6th hin the ladies to decide just wý,hat phaý-ses Each of the sui cect they viould ike to with hier have euhszd nd thien gave a e venin tnlk on the uses of gelae. 3ms rvn RoiphJ a0,ncimade sever&l lovely D y gelatine crentons that were on dis-. witha n play andi gave the recipes for tPemnSMîil b Mr-s. L. Raid, 1Handcraft Leader, ansi éUc nekeci those înterested1 in this work, gah to bring mateninasto the uext i ûeet- couni inwhen lasses lu knitting, cr0- ;to get chettig, tattiug, and a iiy other friendly craf's desired Mii be starte. h sMrs. Bocultbee, iu charge of th(, seviinggri, told of the tentative course naged, sud asked the ladies to xigany patterus hhtey haýve andc to loan tliem for a patterul axcbange. F"or tbe e-uxt meetingl the ladies are asked to výear thaîr favorite apron sud brn,,g its pattenn. Sowers are asked Vo-biug iÏthein ovin' sc-issorsueis, pins, thnecad, tape ----- ONE POLIO CASES NOW JREPORTE» FROM MANVERS One c-ase of poliomlyclitis without any paralysie has been reported in hbis Health Unit ares front Man.- vers Tewýnshi;p. The patient -ýýhc vins an aduit'became 'IlI ou 22nd Sep- teml-er aud vins adlmlttýd ito the Riverd-ale IsOlation lHospital, Tor- ntfor iniveetig1ation and treat- ment. mensure, etc. .Sewivng mîachines will be provided. eof lnck 0 o be given cnes ti aise g on Fi- it le r, Cl',arke Towntship Honours At Pi ThecEEset Dnim Saine ubHoER, Y 1 made a veny credibe exhibit at tie MPoRopei, Pm ortHpi Faix MAlti venty-ene son, MHIibr boys exhibiting their pafirs Of Pure-- plto, ewt bndYorkshire se)vis. MnI. Ga-rnet KloPC RLickard, Bowmnanvill, assisted vithiMle eMsL, thae Ach'vmat Day Programme (12}Ewq M11 sud judgad bbchewie-exhibit. GîCu 5h ple, The first five pairs cf pigs eee(14) Enrl lit showu by the folleving muembars: Gordon Cath (1) Ilaward Goathamp Orono; (2) John Cimea Glenn Stupton, Neiweastie No. 2;RggeWaf (3>RmcssAdame, Newanee No 31 MlolmSyc (4) Alec Martin, INuaetN. 3,1; Wold, Nevi (5) AmanlHutchison-, Mihtbnook No. Hala, Nevite 1, For the total standing, points Sucgnoau F were aise givwAnfr udgbng vitten T~A pnjze answars tb 10 questions, manage-eaeieu meut dubing the season, feaci ne- parîm hent of ponts, sud ateudauce at meetings, inônDe 4mmum- WEE