The QaiyTea ORANG 0 PRE By George E. Walsh CATRvii: nPick tells Ihe ic rl liýs slory nd ihnluturu gives hiimi ;)u aeutof himaýetf, her te andth sip ?ternaeshe eeas la Roe Reford.'l'ieTherw deeled lu a s1,rmiisuddaIe and hefatheýilir werelefIaton ouboard. For Iiredays saud igbls the s;chooneur had becen btiffeledabu !)Y walad w:nd, a playthiuig of thie ses, Cdriftin-g wîî1Clltia~ o)r direction. The chant!ce of briig- ing ocde:l out of chiaos sceemed :tni insrmontale ask for a wromani. adalmost in despjair Rosýe was about ready 10 toyield t10 île me-el- al we le 1Lgerapsrd ~Bt,-~flglitling Spirit. i) lu site -fil oWbb, bad inoltieye seîdl1iýr.-TJf l~e ggeýr'S crewsu aspic-ious chiýtcer Lad awake- ecd a wrse fcai- ln ier mm nd. A fate eio b le re-7ded than drif t- 1rnghel1plessly arçiun o drl ,ro1sedier. in d;èperatioi-is]i, deteIrined b d4gcfnd thecschiooner agaýiitulie CarIdba, aelljig lier o vru as au 1 don'I diare titist hlm withn tpoil. [le, ijhlt tlufuit nupon Mie of bu swid mus." k nodded, recalinig tbh- ly overtures the captain hadJ 10 bbhe boarding par-ty this dauglir's wis ld'lil ie bcsafer 1r onrfine ýo the caihe as]ked after se. "HIe wouild be safe there, ut of tihe way." s, i tboughl of Ihal." sIc dA "We coud lock Iiir ý If thiugs got desperase w 1retreal 10 the kcabin Thrit ibe our fluaPI stand. I'd like 1with me ton" ab' lhe only hiug ta dO. e is le now?" ziuig beiow. Jle alway' -after taking -a glass, Ili go now, and lock him lun whfle lepu'5 :k paced the decl< restiesAsy sht.e was gone. Thse legger ropped andbor at a safe di from the shoe.Every was quiet aboard lier., it îtion get You down. Do- ret remariraby gentle relief: -tablespoonfuls of Phillilp.' with water. you'U wvake of thc wrd-refreshexd Idilion, Phillips' Milk cf no eideunce thbat another plan af aack was brewiug. lie musiicd. i"Tlieuuder cover 0f nigljtitli'il tlack from several quarilter-s. Thal-i's blis lanýi,." Wlieu iRose ialpesred again bý old ilir]is beilesd she agrced "Yu aveni'lnc a liug as a seadhugll aoar.1 suppose?" lie cN," 1aIe smiied. "schooners arctl usuily quipped witb sucli "Weil." glauci)upat tbe sky, "i'sgo-Ing 10 be mooniglit until oeor tîwo ococ.Afler 'that ià Nwill lie bakas ilk. UnilIlen I vTen ci e'd lctr take turne, resing." slie repl'ed practicailiy. '111take the irati ea l Ibs ong vigil began the mo(- meui.t île sunt seîlisud the sliadax';s of ight be gaîlcrepngacross tic occeau. Tiligl s scceedcd [)Y intense drns.which brouight iatsl2d for 1liaif an liour unliil te miroon camle up aud dipeledtb glo,l ca ý,st 'abroad patli a white liglit Iliat revealed every ai- jeci airiost as cte-ar!y as; il! tlie (1da 1lme. 1The lnggeir lay direclly, l thiF broad slreak of migil eabiug& tliem t10 sec ail ai took pflace searlýi-igîl. - ial if il woulld ouly las uimllmiori-. vln< ,Dickiruakd w ol noct have mmticbfear ilu liewvayocf illing haý[ppenintg.Th")e irlaik w&£ %w tllna cloudà drîfled across tfiface of île ,moon, sud tensprar.ily dar. kcne e e s, Twý hey ,sarted LUp wilh s jump. Dasî1'if il were a sighi of troltýe. Dick iuhdafethe firsi shoc-k. le said. 4"Il's oniy mi &igian we baUve t witb us; a couple ae "Look at th-ôý, Alod. A cli5dy niglit j3almnost as dar a. noa "Som0oudsx arie't they?" She nd~.and, IlOoked wofrred, "Another storm stow, sii ur- mlured', "woulçld abutfinish US.' Thse fearofanoîherstmo- eewas secondary 10 îlet dange VvWe mustn't keep toge 'the PHLUI PS' Eggs For U. Aýustralia this yecar wiII ship -u Britain alone nearly, one million dozen eggs in sheil, four limes ,tlie quautiitv of last year, lu addition, slie will export large car-goes of egg pulp sud sîilî retain sufiICICnï supplies for the local markect, Oh, motber, vhat winming ways flis pretly and preciouis oulfil lisal Onie yard makecsîe jacket plus thie jumper for a tiny tykýe sized 2. Cul blouse lu ONE pi!ce wonderful! Patterui 4647 sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 6, 8, 10. Size 2, jumper aud jacket, 1 yd. 39-lu.; blouse, 3/4 yd. 35--.. Send TWENTY CENTS (20c) lu coins (stamps cannol lie ac- cepled) for Ihis pattern 10 room 421, 73, Adelaide St. West, To- ronto. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADD)RESS,- STYLE NUMBER. Your chu 'idren wiil be smnitten wilt tliese mniltens;AdIiohr you kuit thiem on tw-o needles in aý str-,aiglit p ece .. hat's So ceasyl Usega-ooe bits of left- Over wooi; use differeut colors foDr eacli child, Pattern 579 bas direc- tions mn ize 4, 6; , . 0. Send TWENTY CENTS ini coiîns >stsmps cannot beccpe> wor tbis pattern tp iroosn 42.1, 73 Adeïaide SIWsTxot.'rn pIainl PATER umiE four NA,'ME and ADDRESS. 'Rosewhispered filtaly. "Xf maste ~Ivide the lwatcb. Vl teete tei Aurd you theiý ow'. We ran nme~t eoý our 1*CIrîds an;drprt' It was the oniy sensible tbing ito do, but Dick hated tcbcb eert from bher in the darkness. Bç-sidci misng Liert, mpuinsbp.l was afraid smlig ilthap. peu 1ý eýr 7when he ws' rsn to lenldis ssstnc. Suppoe* the Carilis cbose the teu ortlsc slt*ack ,and oewemdbrle forelie kewof 'berz age, H-e mwade bihS circuit of the or wsddeck a îîtIl hstiîly sud rcecli lessly 'And found ihimseif aitth mneetingîà place long biefore shie had Cc-(petd er run.When lie .aw b!er flnally enierge ïfrog ie gonLie dre'w asgl of relef. "AlweilP" lie asked. She nodded, and afte-r a few m>- ments of pause sble turued t e î- new ber b est. (Tu lbe continued) ISSUE 41-1946 By Aune Ashley Q.l-ow canI Tmleud a leak lu thie A. First ,-ut a iÏce of men dciing tissue a *biIllelarger !than thdeIliole. Then Icul a ieeof 0ksior cambric a littie larger tathii le piece of tissue. Place tissue over thle hole On undler side of cover, Theni place tlie siik or cambric over th is, (ýsue;1 tuckýiug Itle edgeuder Ithe tissuei. Paeawet CIll over ail su1d press wlth a hlot iron. 0,.IHow canI 1m1ake a good silver A. M ieul parts o f wii ammiouiis, and alcoliol. Apply witbl a flanniei, allow ilt to dry, iaid thenl polish with i1ctîssuepaper. Q. Hw cn I asl ohpainti- AWsht1iem iwith wý,arm mikI and water'. Ruib veryv geilly Theni dryvîhem ilhi!oul trilnîlg. Q. Hwcan 1 I makeboys' pntis A . Whu miakýing paints for the boysz, try cuing i-,thie back of the parts double. \Vhen a hle(,appeýars, turu ii lu the orn ed'(ges alnd heml dowu to the-tuuder goods. The twoe piees wi11 be faded aie Q. lHow can 1 keep pies frm b- cominig too illicy-v? A. Roli a soda -cake 1p inito finec piceos aud sprinikle il on the iower crust before fillig with the fruit. In The First Watch By William McFee Wiliaml7ce Ihere teiýsrof Ibis 11f e in British t ramp1 steamers as third, seconid and cduel en-ginleer until lie left Enigianld for tlie tUuitedj States and a differet way ýf 1f e. M\cF7--ee-wasia marineenrginieer by profession! and choice. Th;e sea was biis life. Il -'as whlie anv d t do. Iluis iýwalcli below lie liad lm to read, tink ilanid to wvrite. There were iappy slipls anid bard cases. We hlear of days auld niglits ashorej-, of skippers and chiefs, of frienidships macle and lost, of storrms -aud quiet harbors, of tle enlecss problemis cof coal, of break- donaud ieaky bolIers. Thiere 15 the slory o-f the mtate an-d thle downy- faýced younlg sailor, withil ;s fmindenouemrient; of the first assitan Brwu;of the girl ini Rou1en;: of thie lady journialsi lu Fleet Streeli; of Mme. Vaýer-ie',S dress.mlak'ing establiiment in; Prncs-PakLiverpool, and wVIla t hapndthere whîen lthie hip camne back afler a fourtee-motls' oy a g. In The First Watch ..,By William MeFee . .,.Random House ..price $37 Pauil's ConversioCn to Christ Acîs 26: 9-18; .1 Cor. 15: 8-10. GoIlden TxI.- Fllflis Ihe Sayiuig, aud worilhy of alilaccepla,- lion, iliat Chist jesus came imb,- Ilie wori 1save suer.lTimro- thy 1: 15. SasulIlePersecutor A iuew batmarked tihe con- versuinof Saull, tihe pharisce.Per- Secutilng eeyCrsinlie could reaci, Saul"mde a Oc f lie churcli" luJeuiaem H[e desired and uneîokulelyt urot sud deslroy Chislianity Heaing of oihe vigorous dhurcl at Duamsus Saulswcured f om jle iijgli priesL aI Jerujsalem aýulbority t10pc go bDamlascus and arr-esl tlie Chitasin iuat cîty and b)rinig them tn1t1ruslem for trial. T'le Lord alwdSa-ul to go far ni is mad career-, ]but aIthe rop er tillimeHeput forth is b- laud sud saved" Ilie 11111e flo)ck al D,1aacus. Saul, the PFenitent Th"Ie "lighit out of LeaveL"ta snduyshonle around Saull was ilie liglit of( hratsresurrcili -iy l'Sas aout nooi, Ibut tlie (ioy f Ieliglil that surudi(ed orrsnLord was ab)ove tlie brghues f ihe sun,. Whaît a moment of awful aud ovrwcmîgshiamil musýt bave been i11 saur's lfe wlien ilfully broke upon hlm lPaI blieglous One w-ho soo bfoehlî wsn deed jeus, wlom lie had so bit- terly liaîed sud -0 releuLIesýsly per- s;ecuîeOd. utwitlhie vision came IlgreaIt dsie-Lodwal will tliu ave mne t1 0-do" Wîth that, queslion*Saui's great dedicalion 10 the polmto of e Gospel of tue biseu Lord began. Paul, the APOWt1 A new Cà e Mrkeduecnsecr- lio1 ofPul thie aoti.Paul !-Iad a epsense Of liSow uwrl- Princess Leads Dancing Revival ncssbfore God and or God's woss- drots grace to,%vard hinm.110[leeveý fogtthaît lie hadpeeuld tilt Churiich of ])Id,,utas ever grate. fi forithepriviiege(-of recogniiziig jeaesus his Saviur and Lord. Patil, the onice bitter euemny G! Cistialis, v;waS so changed Iin cliaracter audnd uc tI1hat ierose to, a position of) first imlportance "P. The Grace of' God bestowed up1- oni him vwas flot in ivain ;but stimiu- iaing and efectuai. By grace aban, bce surpassed il] amnt and qualiy of work acmpiised ail ohers whno had seen anld served Cthe liy.- igChirisýt. Thtxs auda labor was -rug t1throgh abundant grace. MAKETiJS WY a Brrr, 016e51101t.p BrErim i/Fil i Pr il]eýs Elizsbeîlis ceuîbusiasma l'or Higlilanid andScottisel couuttry dlancinlg lias Ied 10 a vwýiespread revix al of tradlitionaýi danilces tbiroughlol Scotian-d. Selias spelit mucli of lier spare, limestudiugaud prsctisinlg thie odrdances sud jwben sbe at- Y tendeil an all-Scotlisli recil-sli surprised ceperL- wilh lier special-. ized kuowiedige. Sie requested "Mrs.Sewr' Strtlipe , noid danc1(e,> oniy re- cetydiscovered -and littie kuown. Squnday Sehool Lesson iiied," pi CI