Sy Gwendoline 1% CIarke LLA twe~ o eeietad- mitted ho~w iad 1t gos at ïthe high price ot so rau ftinIga ive hav' t à[uy Now I upos thn u ein wili ;e pretîy geiieral ecî:eof flie biglumip ;in l. eprice of-ilk. I, ýis a b'ig jumlp -and will iinidoj edlv bh nany ifamilie,lkea br blow. >3t Ithenil itwas bond con.As long as the goveCrumen(ýt eoniticued the ilk s ýubsidIy the ~price paid Io farmers was ail r-ight', btremiovi l oI-lie subsiy br5ghlt 'teprice of 1mlk toC'a bciow cosýt bais, '4) e bngjuisthad to be 4lonie But edon't )et an-you e the ideca tIa farersIre g<-ti'g sx trisCent'Cvs . qulartfor-thei mulk o auythng he i if uwe wre %voulu!be rolling inwatb Nbe- tweente rice paid to fthe farý-iner end the prîce païd by th e cosîner thee s wie s5pread which îis us- 'Cd ap ;11 Cosi of dstiutonad su on, incudng the profis pid to tu e sarueholerso b!g daies. I{owýever àt is ai! too compilicated for this COlumuII. Thie onlly thing 1 eau ssgeîisfor those wýhO have tie facilitie try keepig a cow,, lu therir bckyard.Bat then the $10or $150 you would haVe 10, pay for a cow wou!d( buy mliik for a good mn1y nionïths ýeen at six- teen ccents ô quart! ndof course thle cow ,!nîght bo up and de Cows lhave a way of doing ithat, They can get indigestion qcker thian aiythjïing 1ever kne-w. -After ail ouie stomiis i s hard eunough 10 keep in order at t imies - 5 just thirkni of thepoor co s i lireel MMElhuee e are back 1tand- ard fiîne agin. Forcver a week É have hentinkiinýg ho-w nice il w-vas going 10te b Iohave that extra Sour in bed fo just one Sunday moring Bu haitwas tocstrong. We ail wo<e u-n got up - oniy a littie later thian usui,iseli co)ws iof course reccgi!edno oLther finIie than that governd býy the 'ris- ing Sun andVwe aiting aIthje bar asusu;t'iseie îkenis 'were cimelgat' tise chicken penI 4Qqrws tuget eUt in tIs openl; Mit- chiu Was mewng plainvely aï tce 4kitchien wjnd sd se 7 nc à,tie day bu- gan. Now il is fur WWlok and ail tisle ivestock arecokn for their supper.ru13n our or tnoit wPli be dark and after dark w won-'t know tlisedifferenc~ etwenast fi-neiend tnad And thuis wiIli enid another d- (ay. Surely t et hernîn must have been u league withthe powý- cr's tisat Were rs jsiior pDay- Megit Sav ing noe At any ratet'ise Kend of summiier weatber cincidjed with the1wterminlation ofsumr lime. Ycsterday the Sun was ter- rific-eighty degrees ii, tie shade. Tfoday il iss cold, wet and wndy.' We k incw il about thie heat yes- tceday hecause thlat ias Cie day of ou fcl fir. I was 50 sorry for tie l vetoc-k, particularly Cie race hoirse.t;,The catledi't seeni to mmd ý i , iti mcb except orioe poor Bossie yho dercdditogive bhit 1a er iglit on tise fair grounds Onle tuaiily woniders wbybe cne ias sowig br al As we struggled througb itise croýv!ilds in themain lbalPate andilJ I wonide'red wibether Cexhib)its would ever nake a commebc. Nowadays 11iber is so litilebang not very !mulcb fruit ordrsd "ouriad a liited d (isplay of fancywork, As far as thbe latter is conicerned iblat is no rqlore thail canl be iiete ince war wrk fo several years hias Ilknlte plaIce o! fanicywork sdsoe aenot yct r;.ot back bio their stidc. There was a display of aniques whichi was very interesting Mi îtwýo ladie-sdesd as Grandinia Iu- RADI-OACTVE AMALS TO PROVIDE VITAL MEDICAL DATA Vital informnation ou diagneosis and early treatusent of radiation sickness is expected to be obtainied from a cargo of 2500 goats, pigs and rats, recently landed from tise USS Burleson at Washington Navy Ylard, Tise animais, survivors of tise 5000 used in thse Bikini Atoll atorn bomb tests, will bc studied by scientists at thse Naval Medical Research Center, Betisesda, Md., for possible effects of raioctviyon mns Sci-"aof'ttse animais dvlpdan aneme cndiionafter beî*ng exncsed 10 thse isonb's rays and were given. blood transfusions to keep up their hlood count, like "Goat No. 2C," pictured above. Exposure to radioactive rays is îlsought to produce sterility, but tise rat pictured above apparently escaped this fate. She is shown wîth ber two-day-ol.d litter of young ones. W E Anvier te revius Pzzle m 7, ETMALç--, HORCIZONTAL 50 Rectify 1 Depicted is 52 Goes insigne of stealthily -- ScoutingW3Harmouy Squudron i2, VERTICAL U .S. naýval i Markets aviaýtion 2 la asceisded 6 Fathler or 3 Payment bnck mother -5 haBone 12 Mlountaîin 6 Eqlual crest 'î Airival (ab.) 13 Suipein- 8SRupees (ab.) tendent 9 Catchers of 15 Chest bDoue cels 16 Mojre facile ' 10 Sewing 18 Sh-eitered a(ide implemiient 19 Czar il Lock of hair 21 Roman ronýd 13 Hops' kiln P2 Sleeping fur- 14 Cofntend3 niture (p1.) P;- ~Lt 5 23 Caterpilla-r hairs-- 25 Ringlets - 27 Onelie 28 Size 0of Shotb cO 29 Any ,t 30 S ory" .,2 As iatic 35 More crippled __ 36 Sla-Ives 3 38 GodI of %var 39 Lnýmprîeys 3 43 rný,bbît- 44 Socity for 3 PhysicaI R- 45 Taire it custodly 47 Expire ;S2. 48 Cuban trogon. 17 Sioth U3 God of love 20 Clatters 40 Make a" 22 PoliýSh miýstake 24 Compounid 41 Lion ether 4 tasi 25 Stop(n) 30 Marine fish 45 NoaFh's bouat 31 Mulci 4iiRon 33 Chapleýt 49O acon 34 Kind o& shleep (b) 35 Endures 5 1 Mauscip 37 Plants (nib.'I Angora goal, victini of radioactivity, iss hoisted heom thse Bunlesou's hoUd For Lc ôugis, olow thinstructions Uscd to Wako Up with a H eadacho Now Fresh and LiveIy Every Morning Here is a mars irio moke uip meat -moruiugs witis a dull head achse. What a dismal way 1 ta Lrt tise day! But Kruîeisen transformed bis life, according te blis letter: - 'lI used 1e make up ln tise morsijugn witi a duil iseadache. A year ago, 1 started takiug Kruscisen Salt-s regularly Today, 1 wake Up fresi and lively mnd c-in do my day's work wisthoun due exerlion. 1 find Kruscbeu SaIs a great help, anid have not been so healtisy for ru long lime. 1 eau recommend Kruscherâ for a.nyone sufferin-g froni headaches and~ consipation. l'Il neyer be witisout Kmruscisen as long as I1ie!EP DuIl iseadacies suds as this suais suffered fromn can often be traced te aý disorderepd stomacis and to constipotioýe because of waste material which remaine iu is-e systeni. A simail dose of Kruschises, taken regularly in ti ornng pro,-,ptly helps 10 remedly Iis condition. And isai la how Kruscbeu acbta terelieve aucb ieadacises, 1 Try Kruscbien for relief of momrniug headaches and siuggish feelings. 25c and 75c at ail drug stoires. Population Growtvh And Food Problem Accordinig 10 World Food Situla- tion 1946, issued by the Unîted( States Depairimenit of Agrkculure, while food sbortage accoun,.ts 11or 5 per cent of fibe food crisýis, in- erease of populationi accounlts fýor 7 per cent. World population îincreased by'à 200,000,000 in tbe 10 yearusim - siately preceding World War J T, and by 550000blen19)00 and 19410. To ke-ep pace wt Iis vasi inicrease f oultinJvt fo'od proCductin ýis a problim oif enormlous mgiue 1t has beenl proposed by tise United aton to reduce the hIigh deatirate tbrougb neronib nient by inlcreasinlg tbie food cpc ity Ot ndaCbiin,anldRssa Evjen if tbie produciing capa)city Of louled hnexn; tseresult;ing iii- creseofpopulation by cutting f tise deatb rate woldmie tbie food " produIctioln')no match for population i increase. F! CeslV yProject Tise totalcoci f Ce atM& pro- ;ecI ,to nAmeicat mas a)ouit $2,- 000,000,000; anptlier jnduIistrial naà- tion sbould be able 1C dupicae tbe resuitfor $500M00,00 or keas be- cýaulse tbey ctri avoid cosýtiy experi- Sci SAui Il C 13try inede trntov ront$ i 7 Up H4-OJJGI{ &COLLINS JSJI'LL~ ti ,l WatOs-car - I1gotta beiter idea. Throw i this package of cri runchy Grape-N~uts Flakes - 'W' if THAT cornes ouf, you better leave town- "Nwyou're taikin', Joe Tihe littie woman inight tossa my hat out again but sbhe'I neyer part with a package cf maity-rich, nut-sweet pots Grape-Nuts Flakes. -Andi while she's fondly caressing 'su 'i neaic up- ztairs te bed." "Sure enougir these Crape-Nuts Flakes are weOnderful susue bait. And they stick-to-your ribs, +00 - with earbohydrates for energy; proteins POP-lu Rare Sp'rits for mu.scle; Phosphorus for teetis and bouies; iron for thse bleod; and other food essentials." "My wvif e knows tisat Grape-Nuts Flakes are doubly gooci because they're made of twe grainz-wiseat and miaited barley-c]everly blended, bakeci and then toasted fer rmatchless flaver, delightftfl crispuess, easy diges- tion. Those- recîpes on thse package for rookies and other good things mil catch ber eye, toc!" By J. MILLAR WATT -r TH1?NK WE'LL PARt N a -a N N N -p i N N N N s. N N N N N s 's,. k 4 1~ f i is * N N N N * N N N N L