01RONO WEEKLY TIMERS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 19-16, The Orono Weekly Times EstblibedJanuary, 1937. Pub-ished every PTursday morning at the Times Office Advertising Rantes on re quest Subseription, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Orono, Ontario IHaiavest Thaniýskgivinig W0,hen Harvest Thianksgiving services er eld lnsýt Sundayý et St. Saviour's uc a timre honored custoni a local perietudtin. It does sepenli ia,,PI-rîCpae tMat tansvn&whzfor thebounnes of the land should be carrTiedl into the church sanctuary and exeliied ini a beantiful way. -We recali harvet thânksgivg services of othaer years when ïflowers, fruit, vegetables, shenves of grain and even- bread would ndorn 'the Chulrchi. A happy cuistotiu was the distribution eflthese good thing's among iii and shut-m peope folwimg the spe- tcial Sundaty. Churelhes other than Anglican have reognized the charm of n thanksgiving-, Sunday accompanied by the prodrlcts of the soiL. .Phis fact basý been proven herc ln Orono and Kiiiy, while it las been -et forth in a larger degree 1).y chiIchýes ab)road. Gýoing to churcli then for Mw or three Sundays in the immiedie future will have- an added reminder of the surety of harvest. The faith that went lwt ast sping's sowing CHil be jusOifed as we behold the evidence off harvest uppon n dlay setat for the purpose. 0 0 . Potato Prices Dedline Somnet-hirg of a disýappointm-en-tiniust have been the lot of mrlany potauto growers nvhen t became apparent that potao pices iwYouldl not be in kýeeping lth those of laýst year. It was Our experience a yar ago to pay quitesa fair, price for a winter's supply of potatoes. W didi not feel perturbed eiher be- cause weva ealizedi that the growers :-ere geting only their just dùes. This fall it seems clear thait there s a decided incirease in thýe crop as es~ae to a year ag,:o, This hias occasioned a drop in prices The drop in prices mYay be welco.me enough to the buying ~publie, but ýwe are concerned right no-ve atout the gro*wýer. Mýany (f these men purchased new equipm.ýent xvhich -l not caop ln cost Like tde potatoes have done. Labor costs are as higi as ever too. liere is ani instance vliere hraving a-il the cggs, in O-le basket is goingý to prove PO(or 1policy. In fact it miight bettar be eggs than potatoes Fortuatey there wHil le ever so many grorwers eho -w411 have mouch other produce beside potatoes, and these veuTi help forma a balance of val- ues. Thonr there is the pososlity of wiastaýge through rot.-vei(hl wilmake for shiotage and igher prices. Lfike breadi, potatoes are a staple food wveich vee must have at a-ny price. . e, Old Fashioned Enijoymyent Expense and elaborate ejujpment a re mot paramnount for honest to goodness eniyrinent. These facts were borne out recently when the choir of Park: St. Church held a corir roast at the fr cf lu.andi Us E. R. Rainey. There r-,vas choir praIctice recalliag thie "Setrh Pnrkler" type of singing veth ail1 its hýeartiness and warmth. After the singinte group repaired to a learanice in the adjacent orchlard whercie a lange bonfire vas bouiît and cookedi Corn -on he col served. "liot dogs", coffee andi apples rounded out thre repast. AiCIof these -things -)f courcse-, are factors in the mnaking si a pleasant evening. Eveýn more important was the goodfel- si43pmande possible by a gathering ot this kind. Eqerybody ex- pressed delight at a tîmewxel spent and offenedi suggestions for sEm' an venture-s throughout the W'inter season. Compareid with thii odern tendency to spend ney on som)e of the so-called at- tractions which yield so litte of joy, ive fee l tat the above-mPe- tioneci outing bas; distancpt advantages. 0f co nie, there are- oid fnshionred ieswichL lend the-t sýelves to niew inrtprýovemen . eJustthe sanie, it takes rural frîendSi ressý fora-thought a di ingenuity to make the lbest out pf th-e things at hand for the th tgs a-t ad are frequent'y the best things. A Change of Opinion ? Reversion to standard tine took- place on Sturday niidnight, September 28th. Tlirough some iniscalculation our nw,,n village made thea chnge some three weeks ago and changed back almost as, suddenly to daylight saving time. Ever ince itd inception the change of time has been a snatter for conctention. Somie people wn-re ardent su)pporters of the new idea, others faIt Ot hi assheer ironsense. About the bîtterest opponants of daylight snving thne -veee the agriculturists The hours did not sit the fanum% w xork- Cng condition~s. particuLarl'y in thbe early mrig they said, Rapresentinig as this paper does a rural conanriy, weheart- ly agreedi with the faumer, The interests cof thea tiller Of the sou! came fist we faIt Than came sevarai years of war when dayightL saving was the nation aida rula. Many of us became so accustonid tu the condition that wa wondereded irbether there rwoulha any mention of resumption of standard timie. Iloiwever, thare have fol- lowed two years cfpatilstandard time andi partial dayigrht Eav- ïng timae. Oddly enoughi, there lias been a swing of public senti- unt of dalight saving time, and Mis feeling exists among mrany farmaers. It -vould seauM tat adoption of one thing or the other,. wqIi elimnta a lot of confusion. 1919and1946-AÀ Comrparison Recent rurnoulsa ms ldigstat(Ieents about pniie con- trol have caused consoiarale msnesad and have intensified tCeConceriabaready ftien y cornumers over the rec'ent cost of liv owve,(to"tri (te liute umouns, a tim-ely coman!ison at ha, bappernatr e eFirst and Second GretWnsus ~tnIn Ugus, 94, aayarftert Irle Second Gre the coî of livng inde shoive iht prices a îsa2. e th 's-outofa, T Noenirer, 919, pone ya fe x h idxha bn 5. point aoya itsiîmdtepo higdest ointlu Jly, 920,whenpices hlad aimos(t dubd Whîe irs ines~raceil the cma isonI asogie wnmnig of hat culd hppenl if tira presant inten.lseprs ag inst Hae UStniiAtionpmomme shoudi prove tlm strong resistod. The hast isasier At iese pressuras is restraint This 1h bethe w -hord for every Canadian consumer sud pro- -~ ~ ~l -Re bitin cner demaunds ýfoi.goods in short upy int ipoo demandis for increased irtu-rasý. Getting ha k to tire costcfAlVing, tAe reccntincrasawhîcbl kan lace doos net mena that pica controliras broken down. e conitrnny, it sh s thatCanaians anldithýeir pnice conltrol Y' are oliinlattion rinachack. We imuist continiua to hold it STARK VILLE Mnr, joj-nrStone bhee tnshn this cwe,im in h eigbro Mn ser acklaioinel sentSat- and ~ (1 MsEd WhtElizabethivihhe. Mn. andMrs.Hr-oldi Little and Garýy, cf Ohwspent the -week- end( Witb Mr.amid Mrs. 'Thos. Falîs. Mn i1Mn's. liowand Farrow and famiy atened Mank11ham Fain on Mrs. flarllincock,. Eiheen and Grvant, Osýhawa, are spemdiing a fein dayswih MisNor-ma linllowvell. Misses H2eln Dackeit, -lena IfalowelL, N. Ialvaihad -suppen rMiitb -Mn. anid M-s. Llew Hlallotwehi. Rer. and Mns. Buint, Mn. and Mrs. Lle<ve HnlowuilIami family had Sun- day dinnen witb Miss Norma liallo-. Mrs. Carl Todd a nd Bruce hiaval returnaed i- hoe after spending a inhile with -lber sister, Mrs. Ciaton Far- rowv,, Nevetonville.' Mr. mnd Mrns . Arthur Dobson and faýmily, Mn. -Marshal Dobsýon, Parny Sounrd, spent a faw days with -Mn. nnd Ms. AfredDobsoni. COWANVILLE -Miss Violet Holiingswr'Iot visitad -witb hen sister, Mrs. James Ruthen- ford. Mr. and Mns. Roy Bunley, Newton- ville, visited at Mn. and Mrs. Clan- ence Burley's on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Wes. Stringer visit- ed at Mn. and Mns. Bob. AIldnaad's on Sunday. The ladies ofClanke W. A. met in the chunch on Wedniesday last with a fair attendance. Thay eiectadt Mrs. Clarence Burley as President for the balance of the year. The next meeting ivili be held at Mrs. W. E. Reid'is. Mr. andMrs. Frank Maither aind daughter, of liermon, aindMn Jack Mathier, cd Edmonton, andi Mn. and Yirs. J. Jf. W., Stinger, had tea çvith M.and Mrs. Wes. Stingený on Mfon- day. Jack remainingl for ai viit at -Mn. and Mns. J. J. W. tigns SALE REGIïSTER' Theundei-sigiiedIhas recelIed lx-J struictionjs fo n R. J. MIorton, to sa'i )Y public auction at Lot 10, Cn 6,Cva Townsh-ip. 1,ile west of Whî1itfieldi Schiool, 2 iles nor-th of MillbrooIk, at -1.00 p.m.- on Tuasday, Otober -22, his bneCatle, Feed, Csh. Positively No Ileserve. Jack ,Reid. Auctionleer. C Thi e agu CAPITOLj I ORT7 'HOPEI Mon. and Tues. "Little Mr, Jim"i' Withi Jackie Jenkins, Jamnes Craig and Frances Cifford Wed to Frn. andi John Lundi BIRTHS 1 l4, o M.adMrs. ClfrdTr Ialiril(Al a Louise). the engagquement of 1î-r ýdaughtýer, Margaret Swan, oy fto John lienryý Arnott. The w~fi on October l9th at P,,r], t . UnitedCh lurch, Oýrono. DEATHS E S-nBovemanville 1ilospital, on ThusdyOctober 3d, 19416, Elizabet Epps, aged 85 .yaars. Service was held in Park St. Unit- ad Church, Oronlo, on Saturday, October 5th, at 3.,30 p.m. Inlterm-ent Orono Gemietery. SH'ELETON -- At Toronto Gen- anaIl Hospitl, on 'usdy Octobar Sth, ý146, LooaAithea Bal, beov dwie cf Genald Shacketon, aged '28 years, 9 1,monthis. The fa-1 neral will take place fron-i the fam - illy residence, Lot 24,. Con. 8, Clarke Townrship, on Thýursýday, Otober îOthi, at 2.3,0 p.in. Inter- ment OrQnio Cenmatery. Miss Elizabeth Epps Miss Elizabeth Dpps, Orono, pass- ,ed away at B owman ville liospital on Thunsday, Octobar *3r1d, 194,IC in, ber 85 yeans. Miss Epps was bornn in nlad and wben a, young girl camie to Canada, mnaking lier home with tne late M.and M.Jamnes Brownu on a farn north of Or-ono.i She accompaied thea Brwn fail to,- rono aud iras livedi hera aven since. A few years; ago she m-ade hemr home witb IM. and Musr Reg. Sutton. M i ss E pp s wveas a vary patriotic ivorker througbout thewa yeais. knitting continiualiy for theý Red Cross, th.ougb at tima han ayesl inena beginnring to fail ber, thlis: did not dter han fno-m ber tasir ofý knitting.Sha had a kindi disposition, and( \nilI ha greatly missed lby ber mny ufriends. Service w-as held iný Park St.Unitedi Cliurch oet) ra afeinoon, October 5th, -vhene han minister, Rev. S. Littlewood, apoke1 in kýindy t ernlIS of thea depantedi.lmn tarnnent wst rmade in Orono Camae-I teny.111 A mleting OS thle Orono Hockeyi C lubieldi a vary su7,ceassfiiïl me et-1 inmg, arrangling- for, the coing hockey season. Wih over thirty pLayens in attendanice the future for' thlis season looksý very -pmromsig Thaî Onono colons wv elu6119yng i Junor iH.., idiget OILE.,and Clarke Tonbîdinor H-ockey As- sociattioni. li vyas dcddtd haveala regular meeting every Tuesdaýy whenY- ail bo)ys are requestedi to attend. At these mee-tings the management bas promwisadi to secure special speakers, to educata the boys on the art of, laRying hockey. Ab. NWest WvinI coach the Juniors wvith Percy LunaII lu chiange of the MidIgats-. The boysi are trying to miak.e arranigem-ents nowý to stant wonking out on artifi- ciah ice as soon as. possible. Thea anmounies bias been mankedi out for the piaying of badminton andi as soon as them arhptick-i et~ re rintdit.a w.11 ha sold f£or $1,00 per meuibarship. The tick,-ets wil haraady in n few days.1 SAE EGISTERS M.r. Edi. Youngman ,,,Îl offer for sale at Nýotb liaiIf Lot 7, ýCon. 1, Manvers, 21/z mils south west cf Pontypooi, on Tady Octobei 6h bis'L'1e HnsCtlFeed, iiarn.es, ToHsai Maciney. an '; Tansesh. Slale at 1.00 p.m. Jck Rai 1d, -Auctioneeir,. publc nctio atLot33Co.7 18tiî, nt 00 )o-ciockettre lu e r o is, sbplfi inpemet, ec Can be used as Passengýer Vehicl«"eTruck, Tractor, and as a Stationary PûývTer Unit ce levais arae__________________________________ rtaha amOuat ericueessful !A 1A 1' le- extant. a,,IRSI. AN AS E Classified THANIÇ OFFERING SE ICES MEBICAL Kendal Uite1i1GTaank Serice wii I onuctdiby Rev. Il. A. Buait. Knrb coirat ot se2rvices. YORK' SII11E REP JR Sbeïor repaii-rcaln'0b, left to 1be pickedl up at lfa'ladae Orono, Ont. 1houie 73 r 16 C38-p. FOR SALE About 19-5 Yearling ;L"ghorn flins, stili laying; al1so0eÀ bre'd Clyde 'Mare, 5 years o 1, Grade (Gelding,l 3 years old (wýuld make, a god saddle hjý orse,). A. 1H, Keane, Phnone 51 r,3, orono. c-37-p. FOR SALE Capj-ons for TbanksgFýlivin e (rough d1resýeod); bei,"weenl 7 and $lb)s. 40c. per, pound ,Phionie 7r rono1. FOR SALE One pano, ln~o kt ase, iniond Condition. Ms \<.Lynch, Orno. a-37-p. Court of Revisin COURT 0f" REVISION -AND Y W APEAL COURT 0F REVISION fr the Towniship of Clarýke -yull be' Iwld lu the Town Hall i ii the Village cf, Orono, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER Sth, 1946 at the hour of 2.00 pmto lerand deterine the sevenal ç,4m.plaints a nd omission theAseuen Roil for th;e saedU cpaiyfor- the year 1947. Ai pensonis lavijx business at thle lcourt are reqXLKs4ed to attendn aforasaidi. . m ,LlOz Township Clark. Onono, October 8, 16. C-39-C. FOR SALE BY TENDER REAL ESTATE The pramnisas in the Twshpof iManivars listed babaw are- offenedi for sase by tender te. thea highest bidden but subject to reserve bid. East hWfof Lot Y, 100acre, south 75 acres of the w-st hlf of Lot 2 andi the north 50 acres ; fLot 2111 in thie îst Concession amý comprising ln ahi about 2- y Uac- as d cont-aining aot30 acrescbu fbohar and soft woop Tenders i hA b nieceivadifor the aboya parcelsiasX whole only and must lemeijpit prepaid on dehiv- en'ede tÏe i'e of the undeisignadi On o(SforI Octber 26th, 1946, in a aled e v lope , p aily miarked 'Tendeèr for Walhace MoRobents Es- tata". The tenders CviH be openad at 3 pie., Octohan26th, 1946,nt thaeo We of the undrsigned and those sub-. mittig tendeni auay ha present. Ternis --Marked chaque for 10 par -enit. of tender pnpice to haenr- closed iéwth tender, balance in cash on cclosing Api1st, 1947, when pos- session of preisas Wiil h given. Ploug4ing Possession this fahl. Th endorLs reserve thie ighit ta raject any tender. W. R. STRIKE, K.C. 40 Kinig Street West, Bowmvnan ville, Ont. The undarsignedi bas raceived in- structions rm MVnWnar dani to sell by puIblic actonat is:- reiecMini Str>eet, Oiro o o Saturday, OctoherWLQh, A 100pimn bis ousehlold fuIitn,-hcb s practic lail ni.Tenm)sCah Po jiv O Rsnv.Jck lieid, James E. O'oylek time Picsani rdaBor ING. Geodiwr at fair picas, byO the hfur or the joba ESTIMATES FREE Professional Directory ~ w. F. WARD BARRISSTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PhoneG : - Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMAuNVILLE, OT VETEIINAR-Y DR. W. W. SHIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Offico Main St. Or. Phone 63 y 7, Orono. J. C.GAE INSURAN CE Flire, Casuatty, Automobile and Liability ORONO . ONTARIO LIFE RE PRESENYTATIVE will gladly aýssîiat in plannming financial aecurit4 for yo-,îreii- DAIVR FOUND Phoo e8 ry.ORON The RUTTER G,ýRANIXR COMPANY Phonle 5(0 - P.0. Box 622 Port Hope, O)ntarie Momnenits, Gravemarkers,, Enigraving,Godefn TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator and at reasonrablo rates. Cqammnunicate with hi. azt Port E. Morton, at Orono, for date. JCK .REID. Valuator Specialize in Faxai andý' Furniture Sales Consuit mre fo'r terme- and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke Tlhat, fer a mnaatet-or Tho mpeialLifeAsuacCen pjany will guarantea Is familHy $3,00'1.00 iii event of bisdatpre 3% ofiat amount yeanly.- And if ho lives te age sixty, th"e Compafty wiý'll psy hlm the $,0.0 Why neot consuit your local- FRED LYCET RADIO RPAIR Ido for you? _ ahD 10 RkEs f oe1 R-adies. Aerials linstahled. Work Guaranteed j4 YORK'S TAXI 1 24-hour Service J -~ i - 16,, A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and-SurtGRbEOi Ofice Hours:- 2.00 to 4.00 p6;6.0t .00 pm Sundays and Wednesdays by appoinmllent onily PRONE 47rl ORONO LEGAL Lawrenfce C. Mason, B.Ai Barrister and Solicitor BOWMNANVILLE, ONT. .Phone: Home 553 Office 688 le